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单词 Abrupt
1) The bus came to an abrupt halt.
2) The accident brought his career to an abrupt end.
3) Excuse me for my abrupt question.
4) I don't know the cause of his abrupt leave.
5) Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room.
6) Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up.
7) How could he explain his abrupt disappearance from the party?
8) The bus came to an abrupt halt outside the school.
9) Sorry,(http:///abrupt.html) I didn't mean to be so abrupt.
10) The thought brought her to an abrupt halt.
11) He was abrupt to the point of rudeness.
12) He is sometimes very abrupt with clients.
13) His abrupt reply hurt our feelings.
14) She brought the car to an abrupt stop.
15) His manner was abrupt to the point of rudeness.
16) An abrupt descent suddenly appeared before him.
17) Her tone of voice became abrupt and petulant.
18) She was very abrupt with me in our meeting.
19) An abrupt change of location can be disorienting.
20) There were abrupt weather changes.
21) She always sounds abrupt on the telephone.
22) It's very unlike him to be so abrupt.
23) I was surprised by the abrupt ending to the conversation.
24) Mullins knocked me off-balance with his abrupt change of subject.
25) Cross was a little taken aback by her abrupt manner.
26) Then in a tone of abrupt harshness, he added, "Open these trunks!".
27) He is liable to abrupt mood swings / swings of mood .
28) After the election our funding came to an abrupt halt.
29) These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive.
30) Buyers have withdrawn from the market in view of the abrupt turn of the trend of prices.
1) The bus came to an abrupt halt.
2) The accident brought his career to an abrupt end.
3) I don't know the cause of his abrupt leave.
4) Our conversation came to an abrupt end when George burst into the room.
5) Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up.
6) How could he explain his abrupt disappearance from the party?
7) The bus came to an abrupt halt outside the school.
8) These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive.
9) His abrupt reply hurt our feelings.
10) An abrupt descent suddenly appeared before him.
11) There were abrupt weather changes.
12) She always sounds abrupt on the telephone.
31) But his dismissal was too abrupt for young boys.
32) His departure was abrupt and completely unexpected.
33) "Change it," he says in his abrupt, no-nonsense style.
34) There may be an abrupt change in weather patterns.
35) The police brought the demonstration to an abrupt end.
36) He is used to abrupt changes.
37) We come to an abrupt halt.
38) His abrupt departure left her close to collapse.
39) His manner was abrupt and imperious.
39) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
40) She rushed after him, almost bumping into him as he came to an abrupt halt in the kitchen doorway.
41) After the meeting he was very abrupt with me and made a comment about getting more timely information from the field.
42) He had an authority, an abrupt decisiveness, that caught me off balance.
43) You may remember that Ted was a little abrupt at the end of the meeting.
44) He also meets a leader who, after Mr Mandela's abrupt departure, can't help returning to the basic question.
45) Rather than write: We are terribly sorry that our representative was abrupt on the telephone last Tuesday.
46) The abrupt change from legacy to trust is very striking.
47) The shelves come to an abrupt stop as the protruding land masses plunge into the depths.
48) There were no drainage ditches here, the shoulders too abrupt, the slope too precipitous, to collect water.
49) As all the alarming possibilities ran through her head, she gave a loud gulp and came to an abrupt halt.
50) Does the evidence therefore suggest that the slowdown so far is much too abrupt?
51) Horsley just smiled, his large relaxed frame and confident bonhomie contrasting sharply with the abrupt style of the little self-made Geordie.
52) Sudden and abrupt changes in stance and orientation are off-putting for the opponent so work out some routines to achieve this.
53) As she caught sight of the house, Breeze came to an abrupt standstill, nearly falling over her own feet.
54) Severe risk was involved in any abrupt change in the way in which we dealt with journalists.
55) His death in a 1956 car crash brought his career to an abrupt halt when he was just 26.
56) His abrupt style seems to represent a deliberate technique for saving time and avoiding confusion.
57) The chase came to an abrupt halt when nine Mexicali police cars stopped the Jetta and its occupants.
58) Nutty arrived on time, thudding out of the dusk and pulling to an abrupt halt.
59) This represents the very abrupt onset of a period of sustained high productivity and diatom mat flux.
60) "It won't work," Mitchell says in his abrupt, no-nonsense style.
61) But she suffered a setback when a bout of glandular fever looked like bringing her season to an abrupt halt.
62) But there was no abrupt re-orientation of government spending towards the urban cores from 1977 to 1979.
63) In the past the yaw damper has occasionally moved sharply, causing abrupt plane movements.
64) Nothing could be more abrupt than the transition from childhood to school.
65) However, this great satirical onslaught on the Royal Family came to an abrupt end.
66) All this came to an abrupt end following an explosion on one of his sites.
67) Messner describes abrupt recurrences, rapid shifts of symptoms, and hallucinations in relatively untroubled personalities as supportive of complex partial seizures.
68) We reached the border gate at half past four and when we did, the bus came to an abrupt stop.
69) His new boss was abrupt and didn't seem interested in his proposals.
69) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
70) I wanted everything to advance at its own pace-no abrupt moves, no premature gestures.
71) The fourth day dawned, and wore through its hours of abrupt rain and mild, blustering wind.
72) There has been an abrupt shift in the government thinking regarding these issues.
73) And then she realised that the hoof beats of his horse had come to an abrupt stop.
74) Such beliefs, coinciding with the growing phenomenon of abrupt cessation of full-time employment, encouraged the growth of the preparation-for-retirement movement.
75) It was, however, an apt symbol for the abrupt end of her government's honeymoon.
76) The transition was so abrupt that it took her by surprise.
77) David filled her dreams; the ecstasy of their lovemaking, and the pain and bewilderment of his abrupt departure.
78) Policy analysis needs to be concerned with a flow of interrelated policies, with abrupt changes of direction a comparatively rare occurrence.
79) It comes to an abrupt end at a field of dirt, bulldozed to make room for a subdivision.
80) With a little grunt, he returned to his cooking and she regretted her abrupt refusal.
81) One of his more excessive claims was that the abrupt ending of a relationship could be more damaging than bereavement.
82) We chatted about Guantanamo, me with the long questions and he with the short, abrupt answers.
83) Instead, he picked up the questionnaire and made an abrupt exit with-out saying a word.
84) In the finale the abrupt changes of pace were contrasted to always good musical effect.
85) The Romantic plays increase the interrogations, apostrophes, abrupt interruptions, exclamations and leaders that were so evident in sentimental comedy.
86) There may be a gradual or prolonged build-up of the episode rather than the abrupt onset typical of an epileptic seizure.
87) Undaunted, she added more track to make the incline less steep and the ending less abrupt.
88) Then, with an abrupt crash and spray and a strong beating of wings, the bird broke from cover.
89) It has a shorter, more abrupt mould-board, which breaks the furrow but does not bury rubbish so cleanly.
90) With the abrupt economic slowdown, credit card companies expect more delinquencies and bankruptcies.
91) Despite the three-hour length, the descent of Kathy Bates's character into madness is so abrupt as to be risible.
92) To avoid this looking too plain and the break-off rows being very abrupt try using a small pattern to divide the colours.
93) Where the soil is different there are abrupt changes in the use which people have made of the land.
94) Meanwhile Friday's retail sales figures allayed some concerns about the prospect of an abrupt economic landing.
95) He believed that abrupt changes on the earth's surface were responsible for killing off all the species over a wide area.
96) But the increasingly nasty dispute came to an abrupt end as the government announced a settlement.
97) The most plausible explanation of this observation is an abrupt, massive, global acidification of rainwater.
98) But the dream came to an abrupt end when Peter Mott came down with polio.
99) Everybody was so abrupt, as if they didn't believe him.
100) In view of the Duchess of York's abrupt departure from the royal family in March this year it was a prudent decision.
101) The platoon commanders barked their orders to dismount and the vehicles came to an abrupt standstill amongst the enemy.
102) Braun even passed that test, although the transition was so abrupt that he left some of us leaning the wrong way.
103) But all their exploits and explorations suddenly came to an abrupt end.
104) Chapter 31 Nora's abrupt departure had, at first, the desired effect upon John.
105) Such a relatively abrupt change in the rate of increase of population size has become known as demographic transition.
106) For a. brief moment he regretted having been so abrupt with the caller.
107) The transformation from the latter part of preoperational thought to early concrete operational thought is not an abrupt one.
108) The contrast for the eleven-year-old with the more informal and less specialist work of the primary school was sharp and abrupt.
109) Discussing it afterwards, many people said it was too abrupt, but Mrs Travers and Mrs Patel defended it.
110) A border is a dividing line marking an abrupt shift between two separate, sometimes antagonistic, entities.
111) It was the abrupt way he pulled up running out a ball in Game 2 that alerted everyone there was a problem.
112) There are very few, if any, abrupt breaks in climate, only steeper and less steep climatic gradients.
113) Her abrupt removal from the campus sparked student sit-ins and early morning pickets in front of the school.
114) How does abrupt sex amenorrhoea do the friend?
115) His manner of speaking was quite abrupt.
116) Is he always so changeful and abrupt?
117) Abrupt and curt in manner or speech; discourteously blunt.
118) Fukuda's abrupt resignation sent shockwaves across the nation.
119) Such aneurismal bleeding usually has abrupt onset and high risk of rebleeding.
120) His attitude underwent an abrupt transition , ie changed suddenly.
121) A sudden abrupt motion , such as a yank or twist.
122) In final one instant, the driver stops plane firm quietly on an abrupt and open brae.
123) Discontinuous shot-peening can lead to crack initiation at the tensile surface stresses adjacent to edges of abrupt compressive layer run outs (no fadeout).
124) Her voice was so abrupt and hoarse that the two women thought they heard the voice of a man; they wheeled round in affright.
125) Moreover, the study improves the mathematical treatment of abrupt slope and adverse slope in watercourse and adds the automatic detection of original data.
126) The sharp national economic development has propelled the course of urbanization and motorization, in addition the construction of roads cannot catch up with the abrupt increase of vehicle amounts.
127) Then in a tone of abrupt harshness, he added, " open these trunks ! "
128) His lips tugged into an amused smile, his mind telling him her head had probably made abrupt contact with their hard bedpost once again.
129) Simulation results show that targets can be found more easily in cumulus or stratus than in undulance cloud, because undulance cloud is more abrupt change in its intensity.
130) Why abrupt between is the meeting allergic to ultraviolet ray?
131) He found himself indicted for arson and attempted murder, his career an abrupt ignominious end.
132) He found himself indicted for arson and attempted murder, his career an abrupt and ignominious end.
133) Telogen Effluvium is characterized by abrupt hair loss caused by an interruption in the normal hair growth cycle.
134) Feb 2, the fourth day of the Spring Festival travel season, all road and railway traffics are moving normally, not yet abrupt by the real challenge of the peak time lying ahead.
135) Andre Lemieux's appointment had followed the abrupt departure of his predecessor.
136) Mitterrand's abrupt volte-face on the question of command and control.
137) A day of night, I am sleeping mistily , abrupt, the feeling has one both hands is touching me.
138) Against the belief in such abrupt changes, embryology enters a strong protest.
139) Abrupt fluid a permeable reservoir; gradational ones indicate a low permeability with a high capillary pressure.
140) I remember better, because, despite the abrupt caesura in my academic career that occurred in 1959, I have gone on teaching the humanities almost continually to students of all kinds and ages.
141) QQ is abrupt drop a line , remount is not ascended went up.
142) Abrupt gastralgia when what thing is there temporarily can acetanilide?
143) All mercenary infantry and escort are to mate clothes but nap, this is the accustomed that develops for long period. Hear interjection, they abrupt took weapon to hurtle out.
144) The positive aspects include respect for diversity and an emphasis on consensus-building over conflict, practical solutions over lofty principles, and gradualism over abrupt change.
145) See only among them a piece, a Cang Ying towers aloft on abrupt rock, volant be about to fly.
146) This exclamation was abrupt , but it was also perfectly calculated.
147) A lost cluster usually represents debris resulting from incomplete data "housekeeping, "as might result from the ungraceful exit (messy or abrupt termination) of an application program.
148) Terry admitted he had exchanged words with Mourinho prior to the Portuguese's abrupt departure from Stamford Bridge but insisted there was no ill-feeling between him and his former boss.
149) The jump in the rupee reflects an abrupt change in policy by the RBI.
150) Some people because this can abrupt temporary amenorrhoea, also exist.
151) Abrupt, jump robber of an unconscious face from wayside brushwood.
152) Captain9 see joke : A captain guides a batch of landlubber to sail on the sea , abrupt , a corsair sails to them come .
153) For many big American companies, the day of reckoning came two months ago when the deepening financial crisis brought about the abrupt closure of the overnight commercial-paper market.
154) Yet at times through changeful season and scene, abrupt, alone, or.
155) I am abrupt me a few told husband crankily , I say, we can walk out of a room, change our sex environment.
156) Instead he just sat down quickly with an abrupt, half-defiant movement, lit his cigarette, and spoke to one of the men quickly and diffidently, saying.
157) Without rash of apparently augural and abrupt hair, arrive for syringe needle gram size is papula of compressed and contented sex, dark red, amaranthine or ecru.
158) But, after more than a thousand years of dominance, the Minoan culture came to an abrupt end, circa 1470 BC.
159) Her manner was short and abrupt,(Sentence dictionary) yet faltering and timid.
160) These are other such abrupt and unanticipated reasons lead to SQL corruption.
161) These adjectives mean abrupt and sometimes discourteous in manner or speech.
162) Rather, it was "an abrupt correction of financial excesses" that had overwhelmed the self-correcting mechanisms of markets" and could only be ended by "extraordinary policy responses".
163) Mr Lee has only himself to blame for his abrupt fall from grace.
164) The methods of shot change include abrupt change and gradual change, this thesis researches shot abrupt change detection and fade-in and fade-out of gradual change detection.
165) Of the development type of abrupt change gradual advance, and leap over, the development type of gradual advance is the best choice.
166) Do vomiting and the eyesight that can diarrhoea cause abrupt sex drop?
167) Revolution: in politics, an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.
168) However , the mode with most formal prior is tongueless on the origin that progresses about the technology or abrupt .
169) The abrupt stillness seemed alien and artificial, a little insidious.
170) Abrupt feel oneself are very tired, be fed up with oneself, how should I do?
171) Abrupt insulation changes cause very large concentrated electrical stresses. These stresses can be eliminated by terminating the cable above ground in an expensive device known as a "pothead".
172) Abrupt an idea that had a kind of dreariness how to do?
173) Applying the sequence stratigraphy theory established the sequence stratus frame in the abrupt slope belt to meet the demands of high revolution exploration in Jiyang Depression.
174) Weighty evidence can be opposed to the admission of great and abrupt modifications.
175) That means that "an abrupt move in the currency market is still likely to trigger hedge selling orders from dealers which manage options, and accelerate swings in the spot," said Tsuboi.
176) Abrupt changes in sections, holes, and sharp-cornered keyways should be avoided.
177) Clara moved her lips to recall remarks introductory to so abrupt and strange plunge.
178) After winning with such ease and effortlessness, the abrupt shift to emotional pain can be quite shocking - not shocking enough, however, to quit trading.
179) Abrupt chain was broken, pocket watch is dropped go up, frosting broke!
180) Abrupt termination of Indian Ocean dipole events in response to intraseasonal disturbances.
181) But for business-critical functions, abrupt abandonment for non-performance is untenable.
182) Why to ache a bit when the leg is abrupt and errant recently, be old Mo?
183) Then you make known your desire, with abrupt and sudden avowal.
184) When they across a the Alps, 3 engine the plane are abrupt flameout.
185) For a man who agonised over choices, it was the most abrupt decision of the 72-year-old’s political career (he did not even tell his wife).




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