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单词 Preference
1 Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.
2 It's a matter of personal preference .
3 Do you have a colour preference ?
4 What is your preference, French food or Chinese food?
5 Parents can express a preference for the school their child attends.
6 It's entirely a matter of preference.
7 She was chosen in preference to her sister.
8 He studied chemistry in preference to physics at university.
9 I choose motorways when driving, for preference.
10 I can't say that I have any particular preference.
11 Please indicate your preference on the booking form.
12 Choosing furniture is largely a matter of personal preference.
13 They bought French planes in preference to British ones.
14 Do you have any particular preference?
15 Local voters gave Harry West first preference.
16 Preference will be given to graduates of this university.
17 I have a preference for sweet food over spicy.
18 Use clear English in preference to technical language.
19 She has a preference for blue.
20 List the candidates in order of preference.
21 He has not expressed a preference as to which school he wants to go to.
22 A teacher should not show preference for any one of his pupils.
23 Parents may be able to express a preference as to the school their child will attend.
24 Many people expressed a strong preference for the original plan.
25 Many elderly people expressed a strong preference to live in their own homes.
26 The Pentagon will give preference to companies which do business electronically.
27 My preference is that we ( should ) challenge the other groups to a friendly competition.
28 There is milk and cream do you have a preference?
29 Let's make a list of possible speakers, in order of preference.
30 Employees who have worked here for many years will be given preference over newcomers.
1 Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.
2 It's a matter of personal preference .
3 Do you have a colour preference ?
4 What is your preference, French food or Chinese food?
5 Parents can express a preference for the school their child attends.
6 My preference is that we ( should ) challenge the other groups to a friendly competition.
31 Preference is given to students who have passed maths and chemistry.
32 In allocating housing, preference is given to families with young children.
33 Many of these products were bought in preference to their own.
34 He has demonstrated a strong preference for being shod in running shoes.
35 My preference is that we challenge the other groups to a friendly competition.
36 She tried not to show preference in her treatment of the children in her care.
37 The amount of sugar you add will depend on personal preference .
38 The continentals have never understood our preference for warm beer.
39 We give preference to those who have worked with us for a long time.
40 She chose to learn the violin in preference to the piano.
41 Personal preference naturally varies.
42 You list candidates in order of preference.
43 It also has a slight preference for brackish water.
44 Moreover, in stating a preference, she chooses her career.
45 The preference is, however, for the discount houses.
46 List three choices in order of preference.
47 Be prepared to express your preference to your attendants.
48 Republicans Abroad and Democrats Abroad have been allocated 200 tickets each - preference given to those who make a £25 donation.
49 Their preference for cleanliness extends to a marked dislike of the chemicals that we may choose to chuck in.
50 For some ticket prices there will be a choice of two areas in the auditorium - please state your preference when booking.
51 Transaction costs have encouraged firms to expand their own internal capacity in preference to extensive reliance on outside suppliers.
52 We have made it clear that bids involving a substantial degree of employee participation will receive a preference.
53 The alleged deficiency is compensated for by a neurologically based preference for Chomskian grammars.
54 The grammatical system of each language will itself encourage the use of certain devices in preference to others.
55 Workers standing by were not always enjoying a leisure preference; they were sometimes enduring an enforced and hungry idleness.
56 Using whole chicken or bones is a matter of personal preference.
57 Whatever your holiday preference,() the fact that you live alone need not inhibit your ability to have great leisure breaks.
58 Preference shares, particularly redeemable preference shares, are sometimes considered to be more akin to loan stock than share capital.
59 Flaggers will direct traffic, giving preference to northbound traffic in the morning and southbound in the evening.
60 It was the fourth consecutive rise for the Nasdaq, as investors continued to exhibit a preference for downtrodden tech stocks.
61 She broke this news to me gently, casting her clear gaze towards the window in preference to seeing my hurt.
62 Anyway, since those days I've had a marked preference for small frail soft-spoken dentists like Mr Grover.
63 First, they decided to hold preference meetings to gain front-line collaboration on the choice between casual and declared overtime.
64 When possible, lifting should be avoided and appropriate equipment, such as a hoist, used in preference.
65 Some one who, for preference, was a big strapping lad but short on brains.
66 Another line of research linking alcohol and serotonin involves rats bred for their avid preference for alcohol.
67 Demand management had been given priority in preference to profitable or productive work.
68 In aromatherapy,(http:///preference.html) the axiom is: always be guided by your aroma preference.
69 The best known ones are the Kuder Preference test and the Strong-Campbell interest inventory.
70 The Conservative leaders expressed their preference for contributory pensions but did not restrain many of their backbenchers from voting for it.
71 The amount of the increase or decrease is a matter of preference.
72 Encourage children to talk about their preference for a particular toy.
73 When considering bids, preference will be given to bids involving significant employee participation.
74 And if voters have voted for an excluded candidate, why should they be permitted to switch their preference?
75 That none of this is within the competence of animals would seem to influence a preference for them as laboratory subjects.
76 Lawrence, whose preference for more temperate seas brings it perilously close to the environs of civilization.
77 Formal venture capitalists are also likely to want loan capital or preference shares; they may want these to be convertible.
78 Peregrines were investigated less intensively than kestrels because of their known preference for birds as opposed to mammalian prey.
79 Ask for tickets in order of preference, mine is always Kop first.
80 Aroma preference is also largely influenced by our body odour.
81 His concept of prayer, however, requires analysis and clarification in view of his expressed preference for an impersonal and formless Absolute.
82 The preference shown by the C57BLVCrgI mice was internally generated.
83 It fit his personal preference to use humor at work and to have warm, informal relationships with his people.
84 Equity Capital is available in amounts from £100,000 and normally consists of a mix of preference share capital and ordinary equity.
85 Preferred stock is next in order of preference in liquidation.
86 Her preference is for small charities where she feels she can do some good, and where she has some natural interest.
87 My recommendations are no more than guide-lines based on my own judgment and personal preference.
88 When they're old enough for a preference, he's the preference.
89 The dividends are usually paid in priority to dividends on all other shares except for preference shares.
90 A rising yield curve can be explained by liquidity preference theory.
91 When he provided nests on two tiers, hens showed a strong preference for the lower level.
92 A third of the delegates were not sure about their preference for a vice presidential nominee or declined to answer the question.
93 This preference could not of course be satisfied for all members of the troop at once since baboons groom in couples.
94 The net effect of superimposing habituation on imprinting would be to displace the preference away from the familiar.
95 The preference was for something resembling either a low-pitched voice or the sound of a voice echoing inside a cavern.
96 What is the main reason for local companies' preference for cooperation or partnership with those major companies in the pipeline development?
97 But by failing to register in time you will have lost the chance of being given preference in allocation.
98 Regardless of your preference you should try to establish a pattern.
99 Almost random; there seemed to be a preference for early morning.
100 She develops a typology according to the different parts of speech,(sentence dictionary) and her analyses reveal a marked preference for the verb metaphor.
101 Nor does it follow that this second meaning should be given pedagogic preference over the first.
102 Because of his professed preference for isolation, it would take considerable time before Ewan was missed by other personnel on the base.
103 The remaining 275 hereditary peers state no preference, though they would mostly vote Tory if pushed.
104 Does he withdraw his front foot, indicating his preference to give ground?
105 He plays both but his preference, and by a long way, is for gaelic football.
106 My effective vote could be my first preference vote, in which case all my other preferences are null and void.
107 That celebrated interlude is associated with the strong preference for peace of Sir Robert Walpole.
108 They suggest instead, however(), that preference should be given to the development of small nuclear energy complexes.
109 My own preference has always been for the rough-coated variety since these can withstand weather and rough going very much better.
110 No preference was stated; recent personal knowledge was given as the criterion.
111 It is with no disrespect to her that I give him preference.
112 That is, a global preference for boy babies became overt and unapologetic.
113 Venture capitalists will usually want ordinary shares as well as loan capital or preference shares in return for their investment.
114 Views may differ as to whether the religious leaning of the school or parental preference should prevail.
115 Pope had determined his text from the various readings in the Quartos and Folios by an arbitrary application of personal preference.
116 Owing to its high alkaline requirement it should only be grown with those plants with the same preference.
117 In Britain there is a preference for a tactical step-by-step approach against a background of traditional consensus.
118 Therefore, everybody is descended from men who preferred fertile women, and every person inherits from those ancestors the same preference.
119 He spent some time expressing his preference, for tactical reasons, for smaller neutron bombs before developing his argument.
120 These factors also influence the demand for one sort of drink in preference to another.
121 Price powered home on the first count with 465 first preference votes, but Beth mustered only 11.
122 As it was Britain's shift to protectionism and Imperial Preference provoked much criticism from Washington.
123 There are often pragmatic reasons for the preference of certain types of conjunction and the frequency with which conjunctions are used in general.
124 As the foragers grow older they move from a juvenile taste for sweet nectar to a more refined preference for pollen.
125 Hanson skilfully exploited the system of proportional representation, which asks voters to list candidates in order of preference.
126 Different criteria of mate preference develop in different cultures at different times.
127 Last year the court narrowed the scope of affirmative action programs that give minorities preference in such matters as employment and education.
128 It is now a matter of personal preference as to whether you use loose tea of speciality tea-bags.
129 Peter Brabeck, Nestle chief executive, has shown a preference for pet food over people food.
130 Consumer Research and Electronic Commerce Evaluating customer preference is the main uncertainty facing application designers.
131 However, the 1980 Act requires parental preference to be granted unless one of the exceptions applies.
132 Nevertheless, in terms of the rights which attach, redeemable preference shares are more akin to debt than shares.
133 Wherever possible non-destructive approaches outlined earlier should be used to meet research objectives in preference to excavation.
134 Preference will be given to those presenting papers at the congress.
135 I do not now allude to preference though of course that comes first.
136 His mother - whose preference for himself, devotion to himself, he had always taken for granted.
137 A preference for long walks and tennis over jogging or weight training.
138 Bourdieu implies the same Romantic preference for the work ethic and antipathy towards abstraction as Veblen.
139 The phenomenon of liquidity preference can find no place in a model that admits of only one asset, fiat money.
140 He found the animals to have a marked preference for woodland borders where they would build their communal nests.
141 It is widely expected that bondholders will then be asked to convert some of their holdings into a new convertible preference share.
142 In this way they may indicate a preference as to which particular difficulty will be addressed first.
143 The continuing, and heated, judicial debate on racial preference indicates that the ultimate outcome of this controversy remains in doubt.
144 This is simply the result of a downward sloping liquidity preference curve.
145 The more elastic the liquidity preference curve, the more idle balances will fall.
146 However, most national politicians and local councillors share the civil service preference for the functional and centralized system based on Whitehall.
147 Both are effective and it's really a matter of personal preference which you choose.
148 The bias means that the favoured areas is given preference.
149 Choose him in preference to her own work once again?
150 The preference for directives as opposed to regulations for environmental matters has also been repeatedly expressed.
151 So the female preference for Clinton was 5 percentage points higher than the male preference.
152 The kind to use for preference is any variety which is labelled as polyunsaturated or as high in polyunsaturates.
153 The tenants of Coniston Hall were to have the preference for carting ore.
154 The recent well publicised survey of public opinion showed a clear preference for treatment in centres of excellence.
155 A preference for country living is clear, and in some remoter rural districts there was even a significant growth in population.
156 To some extent, this may indicate a lessening preference for the institutions of marriage.
157 Once again, the best way to determine whether a title is appropriate is to find out your readers' preference.
158 Other observers of the international situation did not share Franco's preference for inaction.
159 This was solved by the nuclear genes enforcing their preference for peace through unilateral disarmament.
160 They contend that the commissioner is required by law to enforce the anti-redlining regulation, regardless of personal preference.
161 Contrary to popular belief a preference for boys over girls is not universal.
162 Users in the past have shown a preference for the direct shelf approach.
163 The liquidity preference curve will tend to be less elastic.
164 Are shoppers somehow at fault if they have no concept of liquidity preference?
165 Subordinated loan stock will rank behind all unsecured creditors but ahead of preference shareholders and ordinary shareholders.
166 Most of us arrange our bedrooms based purely on personal preference.
167 After that I could never see the point of toiling up a steep incline in preference to riding comfortably on a ski-lift!
168 Sometimes this seems almost to rebuke me, to be a heavy price to pay for a simple preference of male anatomy.
169 His preference for very measured speeds in slow movements leads him to at least one serious miscalculation.
170 In neither case is there any need to invite the driver to express his preference for giving blood or urine.
171 However, companies generally show a preference for equity finance if it is possible.
172 Intuitive A gut feeling based on superficial understanding and emotional preference.
173 You can put me down for fifty Preference shares.
174 A polar bear has a preference for cold weather.
175 Last, unions warm to KPS's preference for traditional manufacturing.
176 I never exhibited the smallest preference for anyone else.
177 The primary end point was patient preference.
178 A window seat is my preference.
179 Ordinary shareholders receive dividend from profit after deducting the preference shares dividend.
180 Is there a culture of collaboration and a preference to avoid bruising takeover battles?
181 Failed to initialize news servers . Perhaps your Newsgroup Directory preference is invalid.
182 His preference for Fitzgerald and Moy's Adams Street place was another yard off the same cloth.
183 The shares are usually of two kinds: preference shares and ordinary shares.
184 The preference is evident in the gargantuan New World Department Store in Shanghai's commercial heart.
185 Under an international pact, the preference for leap seconds is December 31 or June 30.
186 Our preference would be to have a steel company that is allied to a construction company.
187 With the rising of public awareness for environment protection, consumers increasing preference towards natural fiber textiles.
187 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
188 My heart invariably cleaved to the master's, in preference to Catherine's side.
189 Promoting the use of aluminum containers in preference to others might actually conserve resources.
190 Lewis also said that to accept the Government's preference shares and pre - investment, our volume increased significantly.
191 Her brother , who loved her tenderly, was appalled at this fantastic preference.
192 Taxation preference is a kind of supplement to the unity and relative fixity of the taxation.
193 I must say I have a strong preference for classical architecture.
194 He expressed his preference for the quarantine over the strike.
195 Our preference is for a cereal rather than rape , except perhaps on upland reseeds.
196 Community voting showed a clear preference for a single - pylon design.
197 The transferable preference shares refer to those convertible into ordinary shares.
198 Style - preference gamers tend to be more female, and appear along a wider age bracket.
199 Men have a natural preference for women with youthfully narrow waists and full hips.
200 Tianjin pairs of halal food has also shown great preference.
201 That answer on several things, not the least of which is angler preference.
202 The study on the sex preference address the origin of the sex ratio disequilibrium.
203 Self - directed Learning ability has direct and indirect effect on Constructivist Internet - based Learning Environment Preference.
204 It requires no complicated theories of a preference for authoritarians or personal seduction.
205 If yes, --- which taste is preference of hakka food?
206 One way to carve up a market is to identify preference segments.
207 I love to drive a stick shift, but my wife's preference is automatic.
208 Mr Roberts has a strong preference for making " narrow " decisions that have limited value as precedents.
209 And black, brown and gray bugs didn't have a preference - they ate indiscriminately.
210 Had not the Peers too overwhelmingly expressed their preference for no change?
211 In allocating housing, preference is given to those who have young children.
212 Objective: To reveal the extinction character of ketamine induced conditioned place preference ( CPP ) in rats.
213 The tool preference was FPS - R 48.1 %, NRS 24.4 % , YDS 23.1 % and VAS 3.8 %, respectively.
214 Pan sear the steak with oil to own preference, set aside and cut into thin slices.
215 Therefore, individual - preference curves should be substituted for statistical probabilities in decision trees.
216 The color black, the preference of ecclesiastical leaders, was a symbol of authority.
217 Alternate dictionary order, case - insensitive, uppercase preference, for use with the 850 ( Multilingual ) Character Set.
218 Icelandic dictionary order, case - insensitive, uppercase preference, for use with 1252 Character Set.
219 Majority rule voting is one way for citizens to voice their preference for public goods.
220 The antibiosis, tolerance and non preference of hybrid wheat varieties and its series were tested.
221 Dictionary order, case - insensitive, uppercase preference, for use with 1252 Character Set.
222 Since so many of us give in to despondency, when faced with an unfit preference.
223 Different types of preference information need to have different aggregated approaches.
224 Queen Barbie doll is almost all girls,() and even the adult female dolls preference.
225 His preference for Fitzgerald and Moy was another yard off the same cloth.
226 Note that this is higly dependant on playstyle and personal preference.
227 According to the Constitution, their vote amounts to a mere expression of preference, a public - opinion poll.
228 The demographic characteristics of age and education wererelated to managerial risk preference.
229 Parents should not show preference for any one of their children.
230 Steersman is assigned by the organizer special preference of any particular steersman will not be entertained.
231 Bayern Munich or Milan lie in wait and Ronaldo has no preference over their last - four opponent.
232 In general Preference sauerkraut, pickles, vegetable cellar and just dish.




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