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单词 Limitation
1. The meeting was merely an exercise in damage limitation.
2. Any limitation to the king's power could be permanent.
3. Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.
4. Disability is a physical limitation on your life.
5. They would resist any limitation of their powers.
6. All the talk had been about the limitation of nuclear weapons.
7. The government is involved in a damage limitation exercise to minimize the effects of the scandal.
8. There is to be no limitation on the number of opposition parties.
9. This drug has one important limitation. Its effects only last six hours.
10. I am willing to accept certain limitation on my freedom.
11. A non-elastic limitation is the available disk storage capacity.
12. This limitation is elastic to a degree.
13. Its policy is damage limitation, not prevention.
14. The most fundamental limitation concerned jurisdiction over private serfs.
15. The most obvious limitation on migration was geographical.
16. It will not impose time limitation.
17. How much does this particular limitation matter?
18. It was to be an ugly demonstration; damage limitation was not on the agenda.
19. A further important human limitation is that the intellect works discursively.
20. But even with this limitation, there is sufficient evidence of the conductor's authority.
21. Their interests will best be served by damage limitation, but Zhu may yet regret siding with them so quickly.
22. The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of government power. 
23. The government was forced into an exercise in damage limitation / a damage limitation exercise.
24. In truth Gene probably believes that the forces of darkness are gathering, but he also believes in damage limitation.
25. But all the work so far has one obvious limitation.
26. Three orientations by size of the collectivity may be sufficient to overcome this limitation.
27. On this basis, the hypothesis would be that religious beliefs tend to cluster around particular compounds of limitation.
28. The Basic Law strongly reflects the liberal principles of the limitation of state activity and the autonomy of the economy.
29. Most recently, the Cadbury Committee said that it was not persuaded by those who called for such a limitation.
30. The Qur'an does recognise a right to private property but it is subject to important limitation, as indicated in the next extract.
1. The meeting was merely an exercise in damage limitation.
2. Any limitation to the king's power could be permanent.
3. Disability is a physical limitation on your life.
4. I am willing to accept certain limitation on my freedom.
31. Although possibly more relevant in connection with reinstatement the tenant should attempt to place some limitation on the persons who could void the policy.
32. The falsificationist, by contrast, recognizes the limitation of induction and the subservience of observation to theory.
33. Commercial people lagged behind, but they were ahead of the textile workers, the first working-class group to show strong limitation.
34. The greenfly, another live-bearer, has evolved a way of overcoming even this limitation.
35. By accepting such a limitation in application domain it is possible to achieve much more detailed analysis of the text.
36. Above all, it imposed norms of order and limitation to conceal the Dionysiac revelation of contradiction and excess as ultimate realities.
37. Another limitation on pole field strength arises from the heating effect of the winding currents.
38. The judge had to consider a preliminary point concerning the application of the Limitation Act 1980 to the local authority's claim.
39. According to liberalism, no principle justifies the limitation of individual freedom.
40. There was only one unspoken agenda: damage assessment. Damage limitation, if any was possible, would come later.
41. This reality is beyond time and space and every limitation,() and therefore beyond human thought itself.
42. The most important limitation of presently available systems is the lack of a reliable deglutitive signal.
43. In that single photograph, Buckingham Palace's damage limitation exercise comes unstuck.
44. However, a possible limitation of this approach is that industrial relations variables are themselves frequently clustered into national contexts.
45. Compounds of limitation are derived at three different levels, from limitations which are continuous, contextual, and contingent.
46. Similarly, there are no restrictions on referrals to secondary care, although long waiting times act as a limitation in practice.
47. The first was due process in procedure, and the general limitation of official discretion within the criminal justice system.
48. The system produces daily action sheets and reminders such as limitation reminders.
49. The emphasis on councillors, officers and pressure groups proved to be a great limitation.
50. The major limitation of this algorithm is the quality of the simulation in the planning stage.
51. That may make negotiation of East-West arms limitation agreements much more complicated.
52. If limitation of inputs is of primary importance, then the birth of calves to coincide with grazing peaks will determine dates.
53. But what is constituted by consciousness is the at least partial discernment of limitation.
54. Where the decision has been obtained by fraud the limitation period may be extended by s32 of the Limitation Act 1980.
55. Limitation on liability is placed at £800 per tonne which should be monitored and adjusted in the case of higher value consignments.
56. But the insects have, in another way, transcended even the limitation of scale.
57. The basic limitation on the obligation to obey the state arose from the fundamental purpose of the state.
58. Franks was busily engaged in a damage limitation exercise in Washington.
59. The achievement of skills we expect of the physically or mentally limited learner will vary with the severity of the limitation.
60. These limitation terms were incorporated in all contracts between seedsmen and farmers and had been for many years.
61. This size limitation means that harvester ant assemblages are not good indicators of the local mammalian fauna.
62. There must also be a causal connection between disability and a substantial limitation on a major life activity.
63. It is probably very rare for consciousness to scan every component of a particular compound of limitation.
64. The joints should be carefully examined for effusion, limitation of motion, or deformities.
65. There is another slightly more subtle limitation imposed by the fact that oxygen attacks most metals severely at high temperatures.
66. Every democratic constitution is based on the limitation of power.
67. Alec Stewart's 102-ball 55 never smacked of more than damage limitation.
68. Leaving aside these qualifications, however, many choice theories introduce a further general limitation upon legal enforceability.
69. Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding. Richard Bach 
70. Sometimes this restricted approach seems to emerge from a conscious limitation of political interests.
71. The rationale of the distinction between summary and other proceedings probably lies in the respective limitation periods.
72. The limitation period varies from three to ten years depending on the country.
73. The effort to win quick approval of the so-called supermajority tax limitation amendment has raised a furor among some Democrats.
74. The limitation period is for six years from the date on which the dwelling was completed.
75. In fact, they wanted an even more severe limitation on politicians(Sentencedict), but Willie Brown had the only guillotine.
76. Not withstanding this limitation, the powers contained in the section do not restrict any other express or implied rights of action.
77. Yet this limitation is very often ignored sometimes deliberately, sometimes out of sheer ignorance in muddling speech and writing.
78. Limitation for plaintiffs under a disability is three years from the end of their disability or death, whichever is first.
79. They spent small amounts of money on load limitation experiments, but decided to do nothing.
80. Here I thought Tan at his best in transcending any hint of limitation in the instrument's expressive range.
81. With the rise of family limitation, it would also remove the need to delay children within marriage.
82. The magnitude of the early railway works was enhanced by the severe limitation the engineers placed upon themselves as regards gradients.
83. But by taking Chapman on board he accepted the limitation of his own authority.
84. This is of course a somewhat arbitrary limitation from a fire protection point of view.
85. Mr. Wallace Is the availability of donor organs more of a limitation on the transplant programme than the availability of resources?
86. If international law can place no limitation on Parliament's powers, can time do so?
87. Limitation on employment, property ownership and the right to vote were a surefire recipe for disaster in Northern Ireland.
88. Thus an expert's decision obtained after the limitation period will not be enforceable by court action: see Chapter 12.
89. The others were blown up in 1982, following strategic-arms limitation talks conducted by Ronald Reagan and a succession of Soviet leaders.
90. The city dropped the age limitation just before a law enforcement exemption to federal age discrimination laws expired in 1993.
91. This is important for limitation purposes so that time runs from the sale of the goods.
92. Instead, by the mid-nineteenth century family limitation within marriage first appeared.
93. He sees the range of legal and bureaucratic constraints upon them as being the main limitation on their developing into self-sustaining businesses.
94. Variable gearing changes aileron and elevator forces with airspeed Yaw damper is standard item but not flight limitation without.
95. The single greatest limitation to effective performance is that many of the rewards organizations offer are ineffective.
96. The original owner can always recover subject to a six-year limitation period.
97. It allows them the monopoly to exploit their invention for a period without unauthorised limitation or competition.
98. He started on a kind of-well - what Mum and I used to call one of his damage limitation exercises.
99. However, the biggest single barrier remains the memory limitation inherent in chip storage.
100. Clearly, the existing technologies are a limitation and multimedia must temporarily be constrained by the platforms currently available to deliver it.
101. In interpreting the clause, their lordships observed that this was a limitation of liability clause and not a complete exclusion clause.
102. A limitation of this study is that we had no information on the type of hysterectomy - abdominal or vaginal.
103. There is a certain dishonesty, or at least a limitation of truth, in presenting only historical facts.
104. This applies particularly to routines and repetitive work where the main operator limitation is not capacity or skill but stamina.
105. But damage limitation is not perhaps the best way to manage an election campaign when you are in opposition.
106. There is no statutory limitation period for criminal proceedings such as those in the instant case.
107. Such constraints include the need to adhere to certain standards or a limitation upon their ability to make excessive profits.
108. He continued to regret the limitation on his career development imposed by what he saw as his confinement to Art teaching.
109. Free composition as an exercise has its limitation.
110. The first electronic calculations were plagued by storage limitation.
111. Damage limitation measures have been introduced.
112. It is'must have'product category and shareware without time limitation.
113. Glucose or glutamine limitation decreased specific growth rate.
114. Submergence stress result in oxygen limitation in maize roots.
115. It is likewise a severe limitation.
116. Objective To discuss the limitation of ultrasonic detection on prevenception utensil.
117. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) is a disease of the airflow limitation and incompletely reversibility.
118. Toleration is not a virtue any more beyond a certain limitation.
119. Limitation: Methodological features and quality aried substantially and often were incompletely reported.
120. To cheat, rob, or defraud another brings lack, loss, and limitation to yourself.
121. At last, the limitation of the ultrasonic - CT ( Computerized Tomography ) and its development direction are discussed.
122. The measuringaccuracy may be improved through the density input value error analysis and thc error limitation.
123. The chief limitation of the harvester is its inability to separate seed from debris.
124. Sterilization by filtration is subject to one major theoretical limitation.
125. We hereby disclaim all warranties express, implied or statutory including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use.
126. Very important. It allows me to keep trying on something new. Breaking the limitation.
127. One big limitation of PostScript in that era was in image manipulation.
128. Q 2 : What's the limitation in trial version of AoA DVD Ripper?
129. There is no limitation for the collective thought . It's an anarchic journey no one could stop.
130. Because of space limitation, generally only jump, jump, pole vault , and shot put are held indoors.
131. Is there any quantity limitation for the import of cotton cloth from China?
132. When relative soil water is below 75 % (/limitation.html), the cause of photosynthesis rate drop is non - stomatal limitation.
133. Democracy enables multitudinous citizen enlisted, which benefit for conquering the limitation of a few experts.
134. Then, the article considers the possible obstacles, about the limitation in archival theory and technology.
135. The three mechanisms are adapted by officials for the immanence limitation of present system.
136. The individual freedom without rational limitation appears uncontrollable and rootless.
137. We shall continue to work for the limitation of nuclear arms.
138. Conclusion CT scan can find focus of cerebellar hemorrhage earlier than MRI. But it has limitation.
139. When relative soil water is below 75 %, the cause of rate drop is non - stomatal limitation.
140. Country of a few members expresses to be mixed amazedly to this limitation malcontent.
141. It is both her incomparable strength and her ultimate limitation.
142. Other transactions including, without limitation, online purchases, mail and telephone orders, other transactions without sales slip and any unauthorized transaction are not eligible for the offers.
143. This article a brief introduction major types, the current application and limitation of biochip.
144. Notice concerning time limitation of providing foreign exchange settlement document for export business by export enterprises.
145. Limitation in ascension has to do with one's genealogical inheritance.
146. Because studies the essence is precisely: Overcomes the limitation, unceasingly self - renewal.
147. OR limitation of liability of carrier shall apply to and be fOR the benefit of agents, staff members and representatives of cartier.
148. Under a presupposition of that its frog wasn't worn, a simple formula for calculating the abrasion limitation of DZ(DSZ)35 plowshare was brought forward in the paper.
149. At the same time, the said limitation can also reduce trade expenses institution.
150. Therefore, his subjectivity is the dialectical unity of purpose, activeness and limitation.
151. The common findings of these two patients are unilateral proptosis , limitation of ocular movement and slow progressive course.
152. With the limitation of traditional intelligence test, three new ideas of intelligence emotional intelligence, were constructed.
153. From the spectrum equalization point of view, this work explains the principle of the range super-resolution algorithms based on deconvolution and gives the limitation of the algorithms.
154. RESULTS: High sensitivity, detectable limitation of 1.5 ng per ml , good precision , and easy operations.
155. It relies on experience for analyzing equipment failure and precession limitation in actual relay protection maintenance.
156. There was no paresthesia, infection, or limitation of mouth opening after surgery.
157. The physical interpretation and limitation of the topological criteria are also given.
158. The China's Law of Contract does not provide the limitation of actions concerning in- valid contract, and there are disputes over the question of limitation in theory and practice.
159. Eye movement revealed limitation of superior rectus, lateral rectus, and inferior oblique muscles of left eye.
160. In addition , it does not impose any limitation on the sloped angle of the trapezoid.
161. The maximal limitation for noise outburst at night should not exceed 15 db.
161. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
162. Conclude the speech prat make a reservation and limitation of the technical trade.
163. Thus the results showed limitation in term of prospective ability , randomization, comparability and creditability.
164. By measuring in transmission, rather than in reflection, it overcomes the limitation imposed by cable loss on the use of the switched reflectometer.
165. A restrict limitation for expected precision of equivalence principle test of extended rotating bodies with a torsion balance was set.
166. There is certain limitation in Special Relativity ( SR ) .
167. It is difficult to realize the natural and realistic plant simulation only by use of the traditional L system or iteration function system (IFS) separately owing to the limitation of each method.
168. According to the logistic regression, the important predictors of skin tears were age, mobility limitation, ADLs independence, and abnormal skin presence.
169. The distance limitation and delay problems encountered in local area networks are eliminated by the use of broadband technology and a hybrid token-CSMA/CD protocol.
170. Record phone call conversations without beep sound and time limitation.
171. Mortality is most closely associated with male gender, right ventricular hemodynamic function, and exercise limitation.
172. Democacy enables multitudinous citizen enlist, which benefit for conquering the limitation of a few experts.
173. It expounds the essential earmark of garbage and the limitation of garbage function transformation: garbage classification.
174. With the rapidly development of stockbreeding in the whole world, law system of the veterinary drugs gradually emerges its limitation, and it obviously drops behind the developed countries.
175. The installation software is protected by SN and warns for unregistered copy useful time limitation.
176. Through line operates business like umbilical cord, sometimes special inconvenience and have limitation.
177. However the fairness and the cell relay capability are rarely analyzed, which will introduce the problem of networks in-stable and limitation of the system performance enhancement.
178. Objective To assess the limitation of computed tomography ( CT ) in the diagnosis of cervical disc herniation.
179. Objective To assess the clinical application and limitation of 3 - D spiral CT of the ossicular chain.
180. Like desktop, mobile computer want to access the same network and share the same resource and service, and that not limitation to some fixed area.
181. So the controlling factor of photosynthetic rate was non - stomatal limitation.
182. Part Two: Significance, limitation and issue field of humanism research paradigm.
183. When designing the 8080, the lack of pins became a major limitation.
184. Within the limitation of quantity you are free to do as you choose.
185. By using soil nutrient state system study method, balancing soil fertilization have been adopted after the soil nutrient limitation factors had been made clear.
186. This claim language adds a functional limitation to the claim, which may be acceptable to PTO.
187. Never the less, the limitation and superiority of digitalization coexist.
188. The limitation of far region Fresnel - Kirchhoff formula in transient problem is dis - eussed.
189. Its advantages include low analytic limitation, high accuracy and excellent stability.
190. Method of De of account limitation check and ratify is differ send.
191. Objective To report clinical features of coronoid process hyperplasia related mouth opening limitation.
191. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
192. Chapter IX Procedures for Constituting a Limitation Fund for Maritime Claims Liability.
193. The requisition of personal guarantees from corporate officers as a condition of supplying credit has negative influence on the limitation of liability.
194. Take the arch rib material strength as the prior condition, the paper studies limitation span of arch bridge withparabola and catenary as rational arch axis curve under dead load.
195. A error limitation of angle and chordal highness method is used to filtrate clouding point.
196. Hereinto, the limitation of the information disclosure system leads improving the quality of accounting information difficultly, and restricts the development of the security market healthy.
197. IV. The limitation of monk cursive script makes its influence brevity.
198. Owing to the limitation of our knowledge,() there must be mistakes and errors in the book.
199. On migrated sections migration noise can become the equivalent limitation.
200. In this paper, the author introduced the fixed value setting of underexcited limitation in ABB excitation system. And also analyzed the condensive operation of No. 1 generating unit.
201. In ASP , reentrant forms are a common way to work around such a system limitation.
202. Introduced the principle and type of network address translator(NAT), it also summarizes the several applications of NAT and analyzes the limitation when using NAT.
203. Age is no limitation to the feasibility of practicing law.
204. The chief limitation of the harvester has been its inability to separate seed from debris.
205. The limitation of the system lead to the difficulty and the costliness in seeing a doctor and the bad medical morality.
206. There was no limitation of range of motion and loosening the screw.
207. However, it had some limitation in partial deformity of surficial not better than the 2 - D images.
208. Within the limitation you are free to do as you choose.
209. Objective: To study the acceptable limitation of acute normovolemic hemodilution(ANHD) and its compensatory mechanisms in non-cardiac surgery.
210. The limitation period shall be counted anew from the time of discontinuance.
211. Both the centralization and the self - determination , have some avoidless limitation in the process of practice.
212. Another limitation is the lack of availability of accurate equilibrium constants.
213. The traditional Tempera painting techniques is the expression the religious and spiritual historical limitation.
214. Their main limitation is that they are incapable of rising to the ionosphere.
215. Moreover, the implementation of the limitation of liability for maritime liens and bankruptcy institution will affected realization of maritime lien.
216. Eery act of will is an act of self - limitation.
217. Imaging advantage, practical value and limitation of transesophageal Doppler echocardiography were discussed.




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