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单词 Rapid
1, The 1990s were a period of rapid change/growth.
2, The gunman fired three times in rapid succession.
3, The patient made a rapid recovery.
4, He made such rapid progress.
5, There was a rapid increase in the internal trade.
6, They asked their questions in rapid succession.
7, He walked at a rapid pace along Charles Street.
8, His rise to power was very rapid.
9, There has been a rapid acceleration in the growth of industry.
10, The rapid movement of an object towards the eye triggers the blink reflex.
11, The rapid expansion of cities can cause social and economic problems.
12, Dee looked at the bill and made some rapid calculations.
13, His skin was dry and hot, his breathing rapid and jerky.
14, His arm was a rapid blur of movement as he struck.
15, Immersion in cold water resulted in rapid loss of heat.
16, Technological progress has been so rapid over the last few years.
17, Leonard made a rapid calculation: he'd never make it in time.
18, Childhood is a period of rapid growth.
19, By working hard he gained rapid promotion.
20, His rapid ascent in the social scale was surprising.
21, She did a rapid calculation in her head.
22, We heard the rapid crackle of automatic gunfire.
23, We live in an age of rapid technological advance.
24, His response to the accusation was rapid.
25, Her outstanding abilities were attested by her rapid promotion.
26, She had her first three children in rapid succession.
27, A cultural and social evolution now becomes rapid.
28, They pride themselves upon their child's rapid progress.
29, Liberty, when it begins to take root,(http:///rapid.html) is a plant of rapid growth. 
30, The time has come for the firm to consolidate after several years of rapid expansion.
1, The 1990s were a period of rapid change/growth.
2, The gunman fired three times in rapid succession.
3, The patient made a rapid recovery.
4, He made such rapid progress.
5, There was a rapid increase in the internal trade.
6, He walked at a rapid pace along Charles Street.
7, There has been a rapid acceleration in the growth of industry.
8, The rapid movement of an object towards the eye triggers the blink reflex.
9, The rapid expansion of cities can cause social and economic problems.
10, Dee looked at the bill and made some rapid calculations.
11, His skin was dry and hot, his breathing rapid and jerky.
12, His arm was a rapid blur of movement as he struck.
13, Immersion in cold water resulted in rapid loss of heat.
14, Technological progress has been so rapid over the last few years.
15, Leonard made a rapid calculation: he'd never make it in time.
16, His rapid ascent in the social scale was surprising.
17, She did a rapid calculation in her head.
18, We heard the rapid crackle of automatic gunfire.
19, A cultural and social evolution now becomes rapid.
20, A rapid rise in price soon eventuated in mass unemployment.
21, He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.
22, Rapid industrial growth makes new demands on science and technology.
23, Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
24, Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.
31, We had a rapid coffee.
32, The man's ability was attested by his rapid promotion.
33, The report notes a rapid decline in manufactured goods.
34, He was a fluent and rapid prose writer.
35, He fired three times in rapid succession .
36, The guard fired four shots in rapid succession.
37, His ascent to power was rapid and unexpected.
38, His descent into crime was rapid.
39, The inner city has a rapid population turnover.
40, Rapid eye movements frequently accompany dreaming.
41, Her climb to power has been very rapid.
42, It seems reasonable to expect rapid urban growth.
43, A rapid manoeuvre by the driver prevented an accident.
44, The area has seen a rapid population growth.
45, The pound's rapid appreciation is creating problems for exporters.
46, We were absolutely amazed at his rapid recovery.
47, Their reading skills were developing at a rapid pace.
48, The currency has devalued at a rapid rate.
49, It is difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change.
49, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
50, Sales have levelled off after a period of rapid growth.
51, In rural areas, the corollary of increased car ownership has been a rapid decline in the provision of public transport.
52, Her progression through the grades of the civil service had been rapid.
53, 2001 saw the beginning of a period of rapid growth.
54, The old order in Europe saw rapid change in the late 1980s.
55, Eastern Europe has been a testing ground for rapid economic reform.
56, He made a rapid gear change as he approached the bend.
57, A rapid rise in price soon eventuated in mass unemployment.
58, He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.
59, The new digital technology would allow a rapid expansion in the number of TV channels.
60, Multiplication of cells leads to rapid growth of the organism.
61, The rapid promotion of the director's son has itself fuelled resentment within the company.
62, His rapid promotion caused much bad feeling among his colleagues.
63, Cats have rapid reflexes.
64, Cable technology will make it possible for people to interchange information on a rapid two-way basis.
65, Her friendly manner is an important factor in her rapid success.
66, The present director has presided over a rapid decline in the firm's profitability.
67, Our agenda underwent a rapid change after the chairman's resignation.
68, Rapid industrial growth makes new demands on science and technology.
69, My heart struck rapid as I heard someone come in.
70, The current was rapid.
71, Police pulled him over doing 120km/h, making rapid changes and tailgating.
72, Once the railways had proved their viability expansion was rapid.
73, Her rapid rise to the top has been one of the film industry's most remarkable success stories.
74, The rapid development of technology means that she is now far behind, and will need retraining.
75, The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth.
76, Her rapid rise to fame/power/popularity/etc. meant that she made many enemies.
77, Wind gusts at 80 m.p.h. were clocked at Rapid City.
78, I was startled by a rapid movement to my left.
79, The rapid growth of population led to an acute shortage of housing.http:///rapid.html
80, Besides , rapid progress was made in the divestiture of radio paging assets from the P & T sectors and the restructuring on a nationwide basis.
81, There was a rapid growth in the numbers of private cars.
82, After a period of rapid inflation, prices have now reached a plateau.
83, The industry has just undergone a period of rapid expansion .
84, Such rapid alternations of mood are a feature of her writing.
85, He walked at a rapid pace with his back straight and his head held erect.
86, Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.
87, The rapid growth of opposition to the plan has surprised the council.
88, The condition results in weight loss, rapid heart beat and protrusion of the eyes.
89, The new arrival was befuddled by the rapid - fire conversation.
90, The prosecutor shot a series of rapid questions at Hendrickson.
91, Why does your company have such a rapid turnover of staff?
92, Spurred by her early success, she went on to write four more novels in rapid succession.
93, The company's rapid success means it's definitely on the right lines .
94, In a world of rapid change they never change.
95, Most regions are enjoying rapid economic expansion.
96, Mechanical weathering is rapid in cold desert regions.
97, Rapid clouds of starlings flew over the seven bridges.
98, Then they began their mysterious and rapid decline.
99, Competition among capitalist entrepreneurs fostered these rapid advances.
100, His career developed as a series of rapid advances.
101, The other is rapid technological advance.
102, This is an important and relatively rapid change.
103, It forces real interest rates into the stratosphere and makes rapid growth extremely difficult.
104, They come into existence after relatively brief periods of rapid change in a small sub-population of a pre-existing species.
105, A number of new technologies will enable much more rapid development than was previously possible.
106, The rapid expansion of enrolments(), teacher numbers and the volume of materials and support services meant that budgets grew very rapidly.
107, In hot summer weather this frequently happens and, when drying is rapid, hair cracks appear.
108, A rapid acceleration took place in the implementation of the agrarian reform.
109, Rapid movement in cephalopods is achieved by expulsion of water from a muscular funnel beneath the head.
109, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
110, Get rapid responses to queries people raise in their staff meetings. Feed back through supervisors.
111, Rambush was appointed chief engineer and his boundless energy and leadership earned him rapid promotion with ever greater responsibilities.
112, The problems are often more difficult but the learning curve is rapid.
113, Where fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals with high added value can be produced by biotechnology there will be rapid developments.
114, Rapid production of such large amounts of material clearly has profound effects on the land round the volcano.
115, Rapid treatment with antibiotics is necessary to cure the disease, officials say.
116, Lactate concentrations in whole blood are extremely unstable because of the rapid production and release of lactate by erythrocytes due to glycolysis.
117, Video showing rapid and intensive change, for example, will need frequent reference frames to maintain an intelligible motion sequence.
118, There has been alarm at the growing congestion and pollution caused by the rapid growth in car use.
119, Whatever the fortunes of the major political parties, it is likely that managers will be coping with rapid change.
120, Her husband was told to expect that she would have a fairly rapid decline and would probably die within eighteen months.
121, Accurate, efficient data transfer with rapid notification of key partners and constituents is critical to effectively addressing emerging infectious disease threats.
122, But a rapid overview is in order, to make the detailed account easier to follow.
123, With this experimental design both rapid repair of non-haemorrhagical lesions and any repair of haemorrhagical erosions could be studied.
124, The principal clinical signs in heavy infections are rapid weight loss and diarrhoea.
125, An alternative source of nitrogen will be required to ensure a rapid buildup of bacteria and the complete breakdown of cellulose.
126, Progress is often alarmingly rapid as their enthusiasm and natural abilities adapt to the new environment.
127, But the issue was fascinating because of other things, heralding the rapid development of technology in the next century.
128, The design resulted from an Air Ministry requirement for the rapid, accurate delivery of specialist troops and agents behind enemy lines.
129, Computers for history teaching Computer technology is experiencing rapid change.
130, Where there is a high population density and a rapid population turnover, the church must achieve visibility.
131, The rapid change in temperature can lead to chilblains and dry skin.
132, She felt sick as she made a brief speech which was delivered in a rapid monotone.
133, Rapid advancements in technology have reduced the effective lifespans of computers.
134, A rapid increase in population would be a natural corollary of any such changes in the birth control program.
135, The effect of adversary politics in Britain is intensified by the rapid turnover of government personnel.
136, The rapid fire of questions was deliberate, she knew, designed to scare her into blurting out the truth.
137, As you get closer the beeping will get more rapid.
138, A Women's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. Jane Austen 
139, The 1972-3 mini-boom 1972 and early 1973 was a period of very rapid growth throughout the world capitalist system.
139, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
140, This is an area of rapid development with little or no environmental considerations.
141, This rapid expansion, combined with a large teacher training programme, was a mammoth task.
142, We took four hits, and immediately, we went into a rapid descent to elude the machine guns.
143, Fast productivity growth in the sectors producing means of production ensured a rapid reduction in the real cost of capital goods.
144, In Phoenix the community development block grant was implemented within this context of rapid development.
145, The standardization of recording methods allows rapid and highly accurate comparisons to be made between different artifact types.
146, A future with just one screen for all functions would result in rapid family breakdown.
147, Inevitably with the rapid expansion of the past few years the University is experiencing difficulties in providing sufficient academic as well as residential accommodation.
148, The rapid spread of small arms and light weapons facilitate the recruitment of child soldiers.
149, Mammalian cell receptors can have high solute binding affinity, but also allow for rapid on/off binding kinetics.
150, The problem is not a function of demographics but of rapid development coupled with a lagging education system.
151, Kiyonga said that declining terms of trade and heavy debt service payments continued to prevent rapid economic rehabilitation.
152, But a serious lag in the development of infrastructure has followed rapid annexation, and many annexed areas still lack basic services.
153, Aimed at the dedicated games player with crisp graphics and rapid scaling, it's let down by short battery life.
154, The superiority of the capitalist mode of production led to a rapid transformation of the structure of society.
155, The very rapid expansion of the education system has left support systems running to catch up.
156, This in turn has led to rapid evolution to fill the vacant or new ecological niches.
157, Infusion of sodium bicarbonate causes raPid movement of potassium into cells.
158, The speed of her rise to fame has been astonishingly rapid.
159, The advent of the transistor brought rapid expansion in set ownership.
160, Unless this is noticed quickly(), rapid deterioration of water conditions can occur.
161, Change, in industry, commerce, and agriculture, was most evident and most rapid in the periphery.
162, Produces a quick rush of euphoria followed by a rapid depression of mood.
163, Thermalling Rapid progress across country is largely a matter of finding and using effectively only the very strongest of thermals.
164, So the snake makes its deft, rapid lunge and then immediately withdraws to await results.
165, Younger age groups are experiencing a rapid increase in the proportion of minorities among their ranks.
166, Modern art is directed at a public largely untutored in the fine arts amidst a rapid expansion of the means of communication.
167, The ganja farms increased in rapid frequency, with hastily erected tents dotting the hillsides.
168, But that movement itself, despite rapid expansion, was also a child of the Victorians and of Liberal radicalism.
169, Commercial journals, particularly the weeklies and monthlies, can take rapid decisions, and have a faster turn-round time.
169, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
170, Without industry and rapid social development, the eastern lands were simply too unattractive and severe to Germanise with any ease.
171, Rapid market growth and sector under-capacity encouraged Pilkingtons to expand and attracted new entrants to the marketplace without adverse effects on profits.
172, Duty and intake systems to detect incipient problems early and to provide a rapid response. 3.
173, Rapid descent With increasing speed, the difficulties associated with descent and translation back to hovering flight become more acute.
174, Any abortive treatment must have a very rapid action because of the pain crescendo characteristic of these headaches.
175, We scramble over the boulders to inspect the rapid below.
176, Another favorable characteristic is that there is a rapid build-up of serum levels, even when starting at low doses.
177, Its layout reflects the mechanical limitations of early typewriters and as such hardly constitutes an intuitive ordering that would facilitate rapid learning.
178, For example, online techniques are being increasingly used for the rapid transmission of confidential non-publicly available information.
179, The growth of towns alone produced a rapid worsening of their human and material condition.
180, In a short period of rapid theoretical development the emergent core of regional planning principles and practices strengthened considerably.
181, When a user browses the Web, objects are retrieved in rapid succession from often widely dispersed servers.
182, Additionally, rapid repetition of the experiment allows the production of abdominal movies without any harmful effects to the subjects.
183, Initially, the rapid run-down of agriculture allowed employment to rise in line with the capital stock.
184, These findings are consistent with decreased transit in the proximal and rapid transit through the sigmoid colon in patients with active colitis.
185, Anticipated entry must be probable, rapid, and sufficient to counteract these effects.
186, Mr Sammler seen seeing was still in rapid currents with his heart. like an escaping creature racing away from him.
187, Following the Civil War came the period of rapid railroad develop-ment that changed the face of Kansas for ever.
188, The rapid expansion of the domestic market helped to fuel inflation, which reached 13.4 percent in 1990.
189, It is also open-ended, in the sense of being always subject to rapid change due to innovation and importation.
190, With the exception of western humanitarian aid, none of their hopes of an rapid improvement in the economy was fulfilled.
191, As the volume of Treasury bills declined in the 1970s the discount houses facilitated the rapid growth in the commercial bill market.
192, They are looking for rapid fluctuations of usually neglected minor steroids during the build-up to ovulation.
193, This stage is characterized by the development of language and other forms of representation and rapid conceptual development.
194, Rapid knock-down by the Wittering emergency services had the blaze out in seconds.
195, This might be a typical presentation of acute hyperventilation caused by rapid shallow breathing during moments of high anxiety.
196, Objective I-C.. Improve surveillance and rapid laboratory identification to ensure early detection of antimicrobial resistance.
197, Upjohn Inc. and Philip Morris Cos. whose profits are seen as less dependent on rapid growth.
198, Growth is rapid, on a diet of tiny larvae, worms and relatives.
199, Or will the growth, rapid so far,(http:///rapid.html) falter on public apathy or distrust?
200, The report speaks of extensive environmental degradation caused by high population growth, rapid urbanization and fast industrialization.
201, But the rapid leapfrogging residential development of Phoenix has resulted in benefits for some.
202, Institutions took the hint, and began their current binge of rapid expansion.
203, But with the pipeline capable of handling 750m cubic feet of gas a day there is scope for a rapid expansion.
204, I could hear the rapid beat of his heart and him breathing all funny.
205, She raised temperatures in chilly Glasgow with six rapid costume changes.
206, What is needed, therefore, is a way of collecting together all the processor registers to allow rapid process switches.
207, Continued rapid advancement in technology will make further belt-tightening possible.
208, But prospects for rapid progress are dim, because of internal disagreements.
209, This inpart reflects the recent very rapid rise in interest-bearing sterling deposits, due to high real interest rates.
210, If there is severe difficulty in breathing - shortness of breath, wheezing, laboured, rapid or shallow breathing.
211, Rapid social change sweeps away centuries-old ways of doing things, creating stress and insecurity.
212, Rapid cooling between 22 and 20Myr reflects both uplift during ductile phases of extensional deformation and ambient cooling of the granitic intrusions.
213, Almost at once a rapid shrinkage of the arable area began.
214, As winds sweep these chemical pockets into middle latitudes they encounter sunlight and trigger rapid ozone destruction.
215, In particular, there has been a rapid erosion of Britain's manufacturing base.
216, Communications are short and publication is rapid, providing information on new avenues of research in the shortest possible time.
217, Then competition with Mission Valley shopping centers and suburban residential growth prompted a rapid decline.
218, Both the computer and financial services industries were undergoing rapid change.
219, Other vultures observe these rapid flying actions in the distance and then move in themselves.
220, The system efficiently delivered the rapid reaction force it was designed to produce.
221, The move represents the latest step in Starbucks' rapid expansion plans.
222, Furthermore, the competitive market system would seem to provide an environment conducive to the rapid diffusion of a technological advance.
223, A supervised exercise programme helps moderate this behaviour as well as relieve the abdominal discomfort associated with rapid weight gain.
224, Hopefully increased competition will stimulate a more rapid rate of innovation.
225, But more critically, Sega failed to anticipate the rapid drop in demand for its less powerful 16-bit game player.
226, Coun Hughes urged Mr Threlfall to consider a rapid response unit to deal with emergencies.
227, A further important consequence was the more rapid implementation of planned petrochemical projects in response to sharp rises in oil production and oil prices.
228, The effectiveness of rapid amphibious and air-transported intervention as a deterrent to predator states had been clearly demonstrated.
229, What was supposedly impossible, rapid large swings in currency values, became an almost everyday event.
229, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
230, However, rapid changes are sweeping the sector and trends remain flexible.
231, The earliest possible leaving of cards, the earliest possible formal call, the most rapid advance of intimacy was called for.
232, Through their research the class know that no railway will mean rapid decline.
233, However, shortage of physiotherapy and other services, together with rapid hospital discharge, militates against such results being achieved.
234, In acute care there will be pressure from rapid bed turnover, which emphasises the importance of early preparation for discharge.
235, The rotation of the colour changer can be adjusted to give slow or rapid colour change.
236, Near facilitates the rapid transfer of information about attacks on academics and academic freedom on a global basis.
237, Shortening product life cycles and rapid product proliferation mean that investment in innovation is critical in global competition.
238, The only other period of such rapid development is adolescence.
239, The real job growth and opportunities for rapid advancement will be found in three types of small, entrepreneurial companies.
240, I came to the rapid conclusion that anyone tackling it must be either incredibly brave, extremely stupid - or both!
241, The recession, inflation, and high food costs caused rapid growth in the number of food co-ops.
242, Another contributing factor to the flourishing trade is the rapid destruction of the animal's habitat by mining and logging companies.
243, Monkeys have a minor version of our tendency to use the left brain for listening carefully to rapid sound sequences.
244, Well, not too radical actually, since trades unionists are not noted for their enthusiasm for rapid change.
245, He came to regard Fisher as distant, but forceful and rapid and efficient, and later as friendly.
246, During this period of rapid territorial expansion the empire was almost continually at war.
247, The latest addition is International Blue Shield, aiming to provide rapid reaction teams when an unexpected threat emerges.
248, Her rapid rise to the top is well deserved and she does not suffer from having political labels stuck on her.
249, Still another factor contributing to rapid dissemination was widespread travel and mobility.
250, This differential impact has worsened with the rapid rise in unemployment.
251, The key point of contention is how much change is prudent in the military, and how rapid that change should be.
252, Beacons, semaphore, morse code were all in their day rapid methods of sending information.
253, When approached underwater they give an alarm or warning signal consisting of a series of quite rapid and quite audible grunts.
254, Her rapid pulse, high blood pressure, irregular breathing, and bluish discoloration of the skin all called for life-saving measures.
255, Tony Mitchell made a rapid second ascent to keep his reputation as the man who has done everything.
256, Venture capital is investment money pooled together and poured into firms with the potential for rapid, explosive growth.
257, Once they grew above the level of the snow, they too would be vulnerable to rapid freezing and death.
258, In some consonant clusters, sounds are apt to be elided, ie omitted, in rapid speech.
259, Howard did some rapid calculations on the back of an envelope.
260, The rapid acceleration of prices was the result of the interaction of a number of developments.
261, Industrialization in rural areas has increased,(http:///rapid.html) and has been more rapid than in metropolitan areas.
262, The force of the water coming over the day and pounding through the debris is what creates the rapid.
263, Many software and hardware companies enjoyed rapid expansion before the bubble burst and market growth slowed.
264, Rapid and accurate diagnostic testing capabilities for agents such as Mycoplasma are lacking in the United States.
265, On a rapid return journey he took the catch of the series so far in his right glove while airborne.
266, We may be undergoing a rapid rate of change in our knowledge base now, and that may be hard to assimilate.
267, Rapid changes in the occupational structure, facilitated by educational expansion, have increased the overall chances of entering higher-ranking occupations.
268, Agriculture has also been the beneficiary of rapid industrial growth and urban development, which have created expanding market opportunities.
269, But the juxtaposition of the two buildings speaks volumes about the rapid disappearance of regional, vernacular, even weirdo architecture.
270, This computerised derivatives market guarantees a high level of market transparency and a rapid handling of clients' transactions.
271, A new church with a rapid initial growth rate should beware of an over-optimistic future projection.
272, I stood fearfully against a board as in rapid succession the knives flashed through the air and encircled my body.
273, But these were receding and soon ceased altogether, after a burst of three in rapid succession.
274, Contemplating his career on a prestigious but uncharismatic magazine, Marchbank made a rapid and fateful decision.
275, But over the last decade there has been a rapid acceleration in this type of transaction.
276, The Third Assessment Report will report extensively on the issue of rapid climate change.
277, This results, even in steady state, in a rapid decline in serum concentrations.
278, The tail, or caudal fin, is large and sickle-shaped, to give short, rapid bursts of speed.
279, As a consequence, almost every economy benefited from rapid growth and high employment.
280, The most highly skilled soldiers advocated rapid maneuver and quick assault when contact was made.
281, It has been suggested that such a speculative bubble may have been responsible for the rapid rise in equity prices in 1987.
282, Dolphins emit rapid trains of high-pitched clicks, some audible to us, some ultrasonic.
283, Andrei Krestyaninov, a commander of an elite rapid reaction force leading the attack, the Itar-Tass news agency reported.
284, He was the chief architect in charge of the then-burgeoning rapid transit system - and it turns out he was also a painter.
285, But in a time of rapid change it is difficult always to separate the two.
286, Other factors besides family planning account for such rapid declines.
287, The latter part of this propulsive phase employs rapid extension at the elbow while adduction ceases.
288, Arterial gas embolism occurs in dysbaric pressure workers undergoing rapid decompression.
289, In hemangiomas the endothelial cells multiply at an abnormally rapid rate.
290, Nicotine initially causes a rapid release of adrenaline,[sentence dictionary] the " fight or flight " hormone.
291, Rapid prototyping manufacturing in the ice pattern is actualized through FDM and separate ejection.
292, Like many acquisitive conglomerates, it experienced a rapid ascent and sharp fall.
293, According to the Boyles'Low, lung volumes expand during rapid decompression.
294, This process is endothermic with rapid carbon deposition and deactivation of the catalyst.
295, Stub acme thread on stem provides rapid open - close operation.
296, The geodimeter measurements executed in April also disclosed very rapid and complicated horizontal crustal movements.
297, His Bianconeri teammate Jonathan Zebina was also celebrating the rapid comeback following last summer's demotion.
298, Even in these days of rapid technological change, the abruptness of this transition was unusual.
299, The good character expression of Peng lustre crucian carp is in: 1. Grow rate is rapid.




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