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单词 Psychologist
1. He passed himself off as a senior psychologist.
2. An assessment by an independent educational psychologist was essential.
3. He practises as a clinical psychologist.
4. He has enlisted the help of a sports psychologist for the team.
5. He is now a consultant psychologist with a major London hospital.
6. I think you ought to see a psychologist.
7. Her psychologist turned out to be a fake.
8. Skinner was the psychologist who popularized behavior modification.
9. He's a psychologist - or rather, a psychoanalyst.
10. Last night a top criminal psychologist cast doubt on the theory.
11. They called in a psychologist to give an independent opinion.
12. She spent 15 years as a clinical psychologist with the Northumberland Health Authority.
13. Peter Miller was an independent psychologist.
14. Psychologist Donald Norman told delegates about his recurring nightmare.
15. The educational psychologist would prepare notes on Balbinder.
16. Every psychologist is an object of psychological discourse, as well as an agent of it.
17. UC-Berkeley psychologist Robert MacCoun may be the only person on earth as clear-eyed on this subject as I am.
18. Of this argument Max Hammerton, an experimental psychologist, is a good recent example.
19. Mr Yanase is a football coach, a psychologist, and a college president.
20. But the psychologist was never confident that he had obtained the best possible scores from Nelson.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. Social psychologist Rowland S.. Miller, however, has corralled eight reasons by drawing on years of research in psychology.
22. Judy Dunn, a Cambridge psychologist, recommends the preparation of your child for the new arrival.
23. Nicholas Humphrey, a Cambridge psychologist, was the first to see clearly the solution to this puzzle.
24. It consisted of the advisory teacher, an educational psychologist and sixteen of the teachers who had been at the course.
25. Seitz asks readers if they could imagine Ben Hogan or Arnold Palmer ever going to a sports psychologist.
26. Ninety percent of all applicants are interviewed by a clinical psychologist.
27. The evaluation I am looking at was prepared by a licensed psychologist, based on a referral from his school.
28. Nelson was engaging, pleasant, and nicely conversant with the psychologist.
29. One turns here to child guidance and the role of the educational psychologist.
30. There are, however, many situations in which you may find a hospital psychiatrist or psychologist very useful.
1. He passed himself off as a senior psychologist.
2. An assessment by an independent educational psychologist was essential.
3. He practises as a clinical psychologist.
4. He has enlisted the help of a sports psychologist for the team.
5. He is now a consultant psychologist with a major London hospital.
31. He is counseled by a sports psychologist who helps him interpret and banish negative, self-defeating feelings.
32. The boys were accompanied by a psychologist at all times.
33. He admitted to his psychologist that he had been too shy to talk to women.
34. Even the attendant social psychologist was urged to give talks on psychology.
35. Perhaps because a psychologist might have caught on to what this was all about-and too soon to suit Hari Seldon.
36. The head had asked the educational psychologist to come and assess him with a view to producing a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs.
37. While the psychologist expected Nelson to do reasonably well, he was impressed with his superior reasoning skills.
38. If Atlanta were a person, a psychologist might well render a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder.
39. The educational psychologist spent some time explaining the legal side of Statementing, which is complex.
40. Only W. P. Alexander, no longer practising as a psychologist in 1945, believed tests could identify it.
41. A series of meetings were held where the principal, counselor, school psychologist, and teachers met with the parents.
42. Psychologist Lenore Walker argued for eliminating personality disorders altogether because of bias.
43. Dr Jamieson is the consultant psychologist at St Andrew's hospital.
44. Attention was given to planning, diet, fitness and mental attitude, the latter under the guidance of a sports psychologist.
45. After a short while, Nelson reluctantly entered the testing room with the psychologist.
46. The psychologist had said he was good with his hands.
47. Kier wanted to be a go-go dancer, then a psychologist, then a textile designer.
48. During the Second World War, when Sherif became a psychologist, women were much more numerous among psychological testers than experimenters.
49. He told them that the educational psychologist was very good and really knew the children.
50. But a court-appointed psychologist and psychiatrist each arrived at the same conclusions,[ ] Fuller said.
51. According to the psychologist Ernest Hilgard of Stanford University, hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness.
52. This was Edmund Gordon, a distinguished black psychologist and educational reformer who briefly replaced Jeffries as department chairman.
53. A psychologist will keep tabs on teams of youngsters and will stop the operation if they show signs of stress.
54. Gordon was an educational psychologist who had devoted his career to the issues surrounding the teaching of disadvantaged youth.
55. Edwards, a master psychologist of religion, represented his town as corrupt.
56. Spring is a Westport, Conn., clinical psychologist who specializes in treating issues of infidelity.
57. In 1936 a survey of Jarrow elementary school children was undertaken by an educational psychologist ....
58. But there are seven male to every one female tenured academic psychologist, and women heads of department are in single figures.
59. The pediatrician, the child psychologist, and the local organizers all exist.
60. Her next appointment in 1942 was as the first educational psychologist employed by the education committee of the city of Edinburgh.
61. He's a kind of amateur psychologist, and amateur is the operative word here.
62. As a salesman, I have to be part politician and part psychologist.
63. Every psychologist does exactly the same thing himself, and sees nothing wrong in it.
64. She was counselled by an educational psychologist and her condition rapidly improved.
65. And a report this week from a psychologist confirms what many especially women - have always suspected.
66. No, says psychologist Lenore Walker, one of the foremost authorities in wife abuse research.
67. The studies of Nelson conducted by the psychologist were designed to help the Davenports understand their son as a unique individual.
68. The group was made up of an educational psychologist, a psychiatric social worker, an educational welfare worker and myself.
69. After she had left, the head and educational psychologist explained the Statementing procedure in more detail.
70. They were advised by a psychologist to set aside a certain portion of time each evening for home-work.
71. At the very least, a psychologist and social worker would pounce.
72. He had to be diplomat, psychologist, hard man, soft man, entrepreneur, spiritual leader, general and peacekeeper.
73. Even when I was a kid,() I wanted to become a psychologist.
74. The first approach concerned a stress management clinic advertising a consultant psychologist.
75. I arrived at Albany accompanied by two senior police officers and a psychologist.
76. She told me that she had been present when Balbinder was tested by the educational psychologist.
77. She told us she worked as an educational psychologist in Athens.
78. The psychologist explained my problem in homely terms.
79. The psychologist always assigns work to each researcher.
80. He fancies himself a bit of a psychologist.
81. Dr. Sinclair is a child psychologist.
82. "There is an age old hypothesis in psychology that a person's wishes, hopes and desires can influence what they see," said David Dunning, Cornell University psychologist and co-author of the study.
83. What was the last known address and phone number of the practice of this psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.
84. To overcome the hoarder inside screaming "I may need this, " Smith College psychologist Randy O.
85. They thwart dastardly supervillains and have saved the world countless times over but macho superheroes now face a determined new foe in the guise of a mild-mannered child psychologist.
86. Thorndike was the first psychologist in western nations, who attested adult learning.
87. The shift is even more exaggerated when they're not happy with their current partners, said Kristina Durante, a social psychologist at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.
88. In a classic experiment carried out in the 1950s the psychologist Solomon Asch asked subjects to compare two sets of lines with each other and identify which lines were the same length.
89. A Frenchman , the psychologist Alfred Binet , published the first standardized test of human intelligence in 1905.
90. In 1894 French psychologist Alfred Binet, the co-inventor of the first intelligence test, asked chess masters to describe how they played such games.
91. Children thrive or struggle in school for a host of reasons apart from IQ, according to psychologist Franz M?nks of the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands.
92. Her husband is a better psychologist than he is a pathologist.
93. Only the person who has faith in himself is able to be faithful to others---Erich Fromm, German-American Jewish social psychologist.
94. According to psychologist and social scientist Dacher Keltner the rich are usually self-obsessed and only worried about their own well being.
95. "We think that humans build relationships precisely for this reason, to distribute problem solving across brains," said James A. Coan, a a psychologist at the University of Virginia.
96. As the famous psychologist Carl Jung said, every human being have their shadow.
97. "These are the most exciting data I've ever collected, " Carnegie Mellon psychologist Jennifer Lerner told a gathering of science writers here last month.
98. The chimp sat quietly in a corner, watching the psychologist arrange the crates.
99. Ryan, a motivational psychologist at the University and lead investigator the four new studies about gaming.
100. Take Jeffrey Goldstein , a psychologist at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
101. Expect discomfort, says Kathleen Gurney a psychologist and chief executive of Financial Psychology Corp.
102. In the last 19th century, the French psychologist Alfred Binet tested seven graphologists . He asked them to distinguish writing samples of average man.
103. Psychologist Jack Canfield has a good suggestion. Says to the complainer, "Suppose I were to say, 'Joe, you have green hair."
104. A close look at the work of Swiss psychologist jean Piaget illustrates how a cognitive psychologist views the mental processes individuals use in responding to their environment.
105. Pioneering psychologist B. F. Skinner wrote: "Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten."
106. Psychologist Nico Frijda made a very similar point when he said, "Grief often does not emerge when one is notified of death or departure; such notification consists only of words.
107. "We have found gene signals associated with cognitive abilities," researcher Ian Deary, a psychologist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, told LiveScience.
108. He shot and killed a clinical psychologist who were entering the abortion clinic.
109. Frantz Fanon, a psychiatrist, psychologist, and an actor who disguised compromise and dastardliness, had argued the opinions of western world by reflecting his self-contradiction.
110. Psychologist Dorothea Boehm, from Munich, Germany, advises people | to avoid idealizing the ex - partner.
111. She contacted Professor Joan Freeman, a specialist educational psychologist, for advice.
112. "It's a non-conscious process, " said Tom Cash, a psychologist at Old Dominion University. "They assume that more attractive people have an array of valued characteristics."
113. Operant conditional response is a core concept of the famous American psychologist Skinner's Neo-behaviorism theory.
114. Maybe because men enjoy so much power and prestige in society, there is a tendency to see boys as shoo-ins for success, " says child psychologist Michael Thompson."
115. And that's where some older people falter, said Dr. Brian Zamboni, a clinical psychologist at the University of Minnesota's Center for Sexual Health.
116. He shot and killed a clinical psychologist who was entering the abortion clinic.
117. Illusion discovers this classics first from black forest of 19 centuries Germany psychologist Aiwode ·.
118. The 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to psychologist Daniel Kahneman.
119. Famous Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget thought that children couldn't properly grasp this concept until they were at least 12 months of age.
120. The cognitive psychologist is like the tinker who wants to know how a clock works.
121. An article in Time describes new research from Chris Boyce, a psychologist at the University of Warwick, and Simon Moore, a psychologist at Cardiff University.
122. In the late 1970's the psychologist Harry J. Jerison developed an alternative measure that he called the Encephalization Quotien t or EQ.
123. Out of firing range of Yare's cellblocks, Lugo introduced me to Virginia, the secretary of the prison psychologist.
124. Schmidt is a clinical psychologist at the Outpatient Veterans Affairs Mental Health Clinic in Oakland, California.
125. Or, what Stanford University psychologist Claude M. Steele, who is black, refers to as'stereotype vulnerability.
126. Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram wanted to test willingness of subjects to obey an authority figure.
127. One day, the psychologist saw a young couple in a small coffeehouse.
128. The Great Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung coined word Shadow and Shadow Work.
129. Some time ago, the Portland Oregonian printed a story about a well-known clinical psychologist who killed himself.
130. Thomas Kitwood, a British psychologist who was a pioneer in the field of dementia care, died in 1998, but his books, which emphasize personhood instead of debilitation, remain influential.
131. German physiologist and psychologist who studied sensory response and is considered a founder of experimental psychology.
132. We must go beyond what psychologist Abraham Maslow called 'self actualization " to " us - actualization ".
133. Frenchman, the psychologist Alfred Binet, published the first standardized test of human intelligence in 1905.
134. According to cross-cultural studies by social psychologist Paul Ekman, the facial expressions are able to read your emotional expressions clearly.
135. When the psychologist attempts to employ statistical methods her encounters the usual obscurantist notion that you can prver anything with statistics.
136. According to psychologist Martin Lloyd-Elliott, 90 per cent of communication between people is non-verbal.
137. University of Michigan psychologist Robert Zajonc conducted an experiment to test this phenomenon.
138. This positive interaction is therapeutic , and much less expensive than visits to a psychologist.
139. Love is the active concern for the life and the growth of that which we love---Erich Fromm, German-American Jewish social psychologist.
140. "I misdiagnosed male depression for years and years, " says psychologist Archibald Hart[http:///psychologist.html], author of "Unmasking Male Depression.
141. The psychologist Carl Rogers laments the fact that "we tend to turn out conformists, stereotypes, individuals whose education is 'completed, ' rather than freely creative and original thinkers."
142. Sydney-based sexual health psychologist Professor Jane Ussher said the trend was concerning because Jolie's looks were statistically abnormal.
143. "Archetype" which is used to refer to the collective unconscious is a concept put forward by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.
144. While being interviewed by a start-up, 'you could say, 'My weakness is I get bored by routine,'' says Ben Dattner, a New York industrial psychologist.
145. Reflecting on the survey's findings, clinical psychologist Ron Bracey agreed.
146. A great psychologist said that most men are " old fogies at twenty - five . ".
147. Its lead author, psychologist Joshua Davis, hasn't seen the new study but says the finding "would suggest that facial expression is an integral component of what we consider our emotional experience.
148. The backdrop to today's research on kids and advertising is the cognitive theory put forward over 70 years ago by the famous Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget.
149. Psychologist Richard Allen, co - director of the Johns Hopkins Center, considers insomnia a 24 - hour disorder.
150. Interviewee: Don't tell me you want a psychologist, do you?
151. "When these things do happen we sort of smile and look the other way," said Daniel Wegner, a psychologist at Harvard University.
152. A gifted American psychologist has said, " Worry is a spasm of emotion … ".
153. Ask your doctor for a referral to a clinical psychologist.
154. But these may do more harm than good, suggests Neil Stewart[sentencedict .com], a psychologist at Warwick University.
155. Max Dessoir (1867-1947) was a famous Germany psychologist and esthetician . He was a chief representative of the trends of thought in the art science during the early years of 20 century.
156. "We're seeing it with epidemic proportions now, particularly with regards to cybersex, " said Mark Schwartz, psychologist and former director of the Masters and Johnson Institute in St.
157. Pamela Stephenson Connolly is a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist who specialises in treating sexual disorders.
158. As a psychologist, I'm interested in the techniques we use to get at these questions: Can other creatures share, cooperate, punish cheaters, show empathy, and act altruistically?
159. Long before the invention of the first microprocessor, the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget identified four stages of cognitive development by watching his own children.
160. Gesell ( 1880 - 1961 ) was a famous child psychologist and doctor in American.
161. Put another way, what one psychologist called the "feeling of nowness" tends to last 3 seconds.
162. “It makes evolutionary sense that the immune system would respond aggressively only when it’s really needed, ” says Mark Schaller, a psychologist and co-author of the study.
163. That was left to a French psychologist Binet, and his student, Victor Henri.
164. "He definitely needs services," the psychologist, a red-faced man with round glasses and a penchant for mumbling in jargon, decided. "We just don't know what.
165. In one famous case, the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget had vivid memories of being kidnapped at age 2 in Paris, complete with the kidnappers scratching his nurse's face.




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