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单词 Jet stream
1. You almost feel guilty paying attention to the jet stream of consciousness.
2. El Nino also diverts the paths of the jet stream and storms.
3. The aircraft would have crossed this jet stream at a shallow angle which would have resulted in considerably reduced ground speed.
4. Recently the jet stream has retreated northward, meteorologists say, leaving the field undefended against those intrusive southern storms.
5. Sandstorms and high level jet stream always occurred together.
6. The southwest jet stream often locates at the top of the inversion layer A northward strong wind speed belt ...
7. The jet stream will retreat poleward, and rain-bearing storms that travel along the jet will have more moisture to precipitate out, since more water vapor can evaporate into a warmer atmosphere.
8. In response, the jet stream, instead of flowing predominantly west to east as usual, meanders more north and south.
9. This buckling of the jet stream dragged with it a wave of low pressure from the west, a system PMD calls the "westerly wave."
10. At the beginning of a cycle the jet stream is found, like sunspots, in mid-latitudes.
11. If you have decided to make use of the integrated bidet/jet stream technology, then many washlets even include an integrated blow drier which will dry you off.
12. South of the mean position of the jet stream, top-ten warmest springs were recorded in Texas, New Mexico, and Louisiana. Image credit: NOAA/NCDC.
13. "The jet stream remained locked in place for weeks, bringing an unprecedented two-month heat wave to Russia and contributing to devastating floods in Pakistan at the end of July, " it said.
14. Indeed, globally the jet stream retreated 270 miles poleward and weakened during the period 1970 - 2001, in line with climate model expectations.
15. The signs include a missing jet stream, fading spots, and slower activity near the poles, said experts from the National Solar Observatory and Air Force Research Laboratory.
16. She watched a jet stream grow wider and blur as its thin end rose higher into the blue sky.
16. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
17. Up near the jet stream above New York, the wind power density can reach 16 kilowatts per square meter.
18. The forecast issued at Keflavik did not mention this jet stream.
19. In the crossing site of the gravity wave along the low jet stream and that of forward sector of backflow, the impulsive force might be very strong, and a squall line just appeared there.
20. A mass of high pressure is sitting over Greenland like a rock in a river, deflecting the cold air of the jet stream farther to the south than usual.
21. The analysis also tracked weather changes that contributed to massive floods in Pakistan and a heat wave in Russia, saying an "unusually strong jet stream" from June to August was to blame.
22. Observational analysis is conducted of the effects of winter Pacific SSTA on the storm track and jet stream.
23. Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island suggest a warm polar vortex - a large-scale weather pattern likened to a jet stream on Earth that occurs in the upper atmosphere.
24. Ever since Planet X came into the neighborhood in 2003 and started pushing the Earth into a daily wobble, the jet stream over the continental US has been whacky.
25. The result was strident and mystical, yanking my mind into a placeless jet stream of abstract associations.
26. They also placed a small ring inside the water tank that whirled more rapidly than the cylinder and created a miniature lab version of the jet stream.
27. The Saturn hexagon seems to represent the strange rigid path of a jet stream, with each of the six sides being one Earth diameter in length.
28. This poleward expansion could significantly alter such crucial elements as jet stream flow patterns and the course of storm tracks.
29. "One thing that brings those things together is a strong jet stream, " says Brooks, "especially if it comes from the west or south-west, over the Rockies."
30. This occurs because La Ni?a alters the path of the jet stream, making the predominant storm track in winter traverse the Midwest and avoid the South.
31. The atmosphere is energized, Douglas said, and jet stream winds are stronger than any other April he can remember. That means that volatility is guaranteed for the next 60 days.
32. The oscillation also brings changes in the location of the cold and warm water masses that also alter the path of the jet stream, which moves storms around the world.
33. It is emphasized that the direct feed-back effect of heavy rain on the jet stream is to increase the isallobaric wind.
34. The jet stream is disturbed, and can force a high pressure area to remain longer than it would under normal circumstances.
35. Back in 1996, Haigh showed that the temperature of the stratosphere influences the passage of the jet stream, the high-altitude river of air passing from west to east across Europe.
36. in the first stage the jet stream lies well to the north and it takes a general west-east direction.




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