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单词 Drown
(1) The loud cheers drown out his shouts.
(2) She tried to drown herself.
(3) A child can drown in only a few inches of water.
(4) Animals get tangled in fishing nets and drown.
(5) Depressed, Peter tried to drown himself.
(6) Tom beat about in the sea,trying not to drown.
(7) She was afraid lest he might drown.
(8) It is cruel to drown the cat in the river.
(9) He plugged his ears with tissue paper to drown out the music.
(10) He tried to recollect things and drown himself in them.
(11) At the end of the movie we drown in a sea of schmaltz.
(12) She turned up the radio to drown the noise of the traffic.
(13) She turned up the radio to drown out the noise from next door.
(14) Should I drown myself in the Vistula?
(15) I learned in case she tried to drown me.
(16) She must not drown herself(Sentencedict), it said.
(17) Eyes her soul could drown in.
(18) How do water-babies drown?-With some difficulty, Nora says grimly.
(19) Will we drown or be blown to bits?
(20) Who couldn't drink, drown her sorrows.
(21) We had to learn to swim or drown.
(22) Three times he seen his men drown.
(23) Unless we swerve soon, we will drown.
(24) But nothing could drown out the other incessant thrumming.
(25) He accused his brother of trying to drown him.
(26) I could drown in here for all you care!
(27) Don't play by the river in case you fall in and drown!
(28) Warrior stroke Jingtao hack flow without sinking, coward in be in smooth water will drown.
(29) Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of other's opinion drown your own inner voice.
(30) I know that my father was required by his parents to drown the kittens that the family cat would periodically deliver.
(1) The loud cheers drown out his shouts.
(2) She tried to drown herself.
(3) A child can drown in only a few inches of water.
(4) Don't play by the river in case you fall in and drown!
(5) It is cruel to drown the cat in the river.
(6) He tried to recollect things and drown himself in them.
(31) There were dry gingers and tonics prepared for the whiskies and gins which everyone hoped would drown the star's sorrows.
(32) She imagined Nettie, held up by her collar, the water backing up to drown her.
(33) And above the flames of burning houses rose up to drown out the moonlight and rush hot air into their streaming faces.
(34) He saw friends drown in rivers and get shot by bandits.
(35) Within the hour the show is cancelled and everyone returns to the hotel to drown their sorrows.
(36) If you knock yourself out you could slip under the water and drown.
(37) Only in her anger could she drown out the dark shadow that pity and guilt had cast over her.
(38) They will do so ever more loudly as the organ attempts to drown their noise.
(39) One afternoon we became so depressed that we decided to drown our sorrows in drink.
(40) She let him drown her in the deep water, too weak even to raise her hands to cling to him.
(41) Dockers and warehousemen were trying to drown the fire with what were effectively thimble-fulls of water.
(42) Whatever it is(), it's melting the ice caps and we're all going to drown.
(43) Lachian rows the boat to the middle of the loch and then he jumps in the water and starts pretending to drown.
(44) The fans go nuts, stomping so loudly that they drown out the announcer.
(45) That was before we installed the eight thousand gallon water storage tank, which Health and Safety thought could drown a child.
(46) He wanted to drown himself in her, to bury deep into the cells of her skin and to forget himself there.
(47) Like a bucket of cold water the harsh realities of life drown your sunny optimism leaving you feeling despondent.
(48) On the other hand, if I were just too fascinating the gallant gentlemen might be loath to drown me.
(49) The fishermen will have to use turtle excluder devices in their nets, which allow turtles to escape before they drown.
(50) Relatives could sue, they tell me, if one of the boys fell in and drown while he was on board.
(51) The bell did nothing to drown the sound of anxious hens and ducks.
(52) Overseas runners drown by the lure of the pound will inevitably confuse the equation of who eventually comes out on top.
(53) Everyday there will be an opportunity to smile or to frown, to dance or to drown, to be glad or sad. It's a choice! RVM 
(54) It fought a terrifying battle, only perhaps to drown on the sea floor.
(55) This supposedly protected subspecies continues to die in the tuna nets - Sam LaBudde witnessed 200 drown in a single net.
(56) Diplomats are useful only in fair weather. As soon as it rains they drown in every drop. Charles de Gaulle 
(57) Drinking on your own or to drown your sorrows can get out of hand.
(58) Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. Steve Jobs 
(59) If a comrade paused to lend a hand, it often meant that two would drown instead of one.
(60) It came screeching out of the darkness, and not even the thunder could drown the scream of its menace.
(61) He can drown all conversations out.
(62) The latter drown in their self-made paradoxical logic.
(63) Her words was drown out by the wind.
(64) Roderigo . I will incontinently drown myself.
(65) He brought drown the axe with a thud.
(66) Let blood drown the weak!
(67) Are you trying to drown someone, Ortega?
(68) It is so overpoweringly painful, human victims have been known to go into shock and drown or die of heart failure before even reaching shore.
(69) Avoid adding peat moss to clay soils since it may retain so much water that the roots drown or rot.
(70) If one hears bad music it is one's duty to drown it in conversation.
(71) One can withstand a river in flood (/drown.html), the other can drown in a dew drop.
(72) Really it doesn't matter what the belief system is, so long as you repeat it and drown out the opposition.
(73) If earplugs have failed drown out noise from the flat above, a new study offers hope.
(74) Theoretical development and of the blank and simulation of drown and restrike, we need to see the green color in the simulation drow before building the die. It's very important.
(75) Don't let the noise of others'opinions drown out your own inner voice , heart and intuition.
(76) Don't drown my whisky.
(77) Every bamboo blind was drown to keep out the relentless sun.
(78) The tumour cells were drown from the plural fluid by centrifugalization and they were cultivated the original generations.
(79) 1 f the enemy overtook them , they would drown themselves in the river.
(80) And by no means should you try to go against the tide and swim back to shore. You'll tire yourself out and probably drown.
(81) But when you hold me near,() you drown out the crowd ( the crowd ).
(82) Without this logical information review process, creativity will drown in misdirection.
(83) A: No. The poor souls drown horribly and the sharks feed with gusto!
(84) Let many aqua also incapability dousing, flood also the incapability drown!
(85) Many times tinny happiness can easily drown us, but we ate so insensitive to neglect them.
(86) If love were liquid it would drown me in a placeless place refine me.
(87) The small home that creates to oneself has to remember for several cents, the words of blade is not contradictorily either to drown, float forward quietly.
(88) Probably you not that love of apprehensibility drown I already, can't let me get away to love again the other people from the in the interval.
(89) Mony times tinny happiness can easily drown us, but we are so insensitive to neglect them.
(90) To put love on top of career and family. There is no mission granter than looking for the other half of your life. "If my wife, my mom and my kid are drown, save my wife first."
(91) The rich had not become so conspicuously rich as to drown all moderate incomes in obscurity.
(92) In the last few years, the tripodal ligands bearing nitrogen atoms have drown much attention because of their polydentate, flexility and ease to synthesize.
(93) If it ever burst through its loose wall of moraine, it would drown the Sherpa villages in the valley below.
(94) Import: settlement of accounts payable, negotiation and collection of documentary bills drown on foreign investment enterprises.
(95) I can't bear to see the pretty babes drown before my eyes.
(96) It merely occurred to him that if he should drown it would be a shame.
(97) The bite from the bottle was equally painful and now, asking for "the hair of the dog that bit me" means to drown your hangover in more booze.
(98) Ever hibernate a box turtle in an area where there is ANY chance of flooding. They can and do drown!
(99) I can drown a drink of water and kill a dead tree-wait till you see Mohammed Ali"."
(100) A baddie-turned-goodie, she tries to drown Bond, then slowly surrenders to his generic star power.
(101) He tried insanely to drown himself in a two - foot pool of water.
(102) All he could do for the moment was to drown his sorrows in his brandy.
(103) He was afraid, because of his great weakness, that he might fall in and drown.
(104) But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
(105) Such love will drown him in suffocation, pain and despair.
(106) The old drummer wanted to make a drum out of the donkey's skin. So he threw Pinocchio into the sea to drown him.
(107) She was shouting(/drown.html), hoping to drown out the thundering of the river.
(108) Loyalist cries of "U. S. A. " tried to drown out the dissent. -Please, please don't be diverted by the ground noise and the static.
(109) As brave as a lion, Mr. A jumped into the river to save the drown boy.
(110) Cut-rate journalists and underground marketing campaigns now drown out the authentic voices of amateur wordsmiths.
(111) Let him hang or drown - starve - go to the devil.
(112) Attempting to drown herself in inanity, she marries Peter Keating, only to leave him for newspaper tycoon Gail Wynand, publisher of the Banner, where Toohey's column appears.
(113) Apparently Jason, born on Friday the 13th, chooses that date to take revenge on oversexed campers much like the ones who allowed him to drown in Crystal Lake.
(114) It'shall be forbidden to drown or desert infants or commit any kind of infanticide.
(115) " No, " returned Minnie softly, and rattling the dishes to drown the conversation.
(116) Obama's financial advantage is making it possible for him to drown McCain's message in a flood of TV, web and radio ads. Obama is even advertising in video games.
(117) Vegetation is most affected by the lack of light, and secondarily by being drown.
(118) Deadly beauty, the pitcher plant traps insects in its fluid-filled cup, where they drown.




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