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单词 Dole
1 Another 29,100 people have joined the dole queue.
2 Too many young people are still on the dole.
3 She lost her job and had to claim dole.
4 Dole is a doer, not a talker.
5 It's not easy living on the dole.
6 The number claiming dole went up by 3,[]500.
7 He's been on the dole for a year.
8 School leavers were joining the dole queue every day.
9 I had to sign on the dole on Monday.
10 I go back on the dole when the shooting season's finished.
11 Dole has been twinned in the history books with his old rival Bush.
12 She was on the dole for three years before she got a job.
13 Mr. Dole can see you now. Will you come through?
14 Meanwhile, dole queues lengthened.
15 Many families are living on the dole since the strike.
16 If you work without signing off the dole you are breaking the law.
17 I got out my wallet and began to dole out the money.
18 Many had come off the dole and set up their own small businesses.
19 I had a lot of aggro at the dole office.
20 It is not a good idea to dole out concession tickets automatically.
21 More unemployed people are joining the dole queue each week.
22 We could all be in the dole queue on Monday .
23 The Red Cross flew to the area of the earthquake,ready to dole out supplies of food,water and medicine.
24 Two years later he is flat broke and on the dole.
25 Most governments simply leave the long-term jobless to rot on the dole.
26 As soon as he was made redundant, he signed on the dole.
27 If I can't find any work within a month, I'll have to go on the dole.
28 The factory closure will mean another few hundred people drawing the dole.
29 It is feared the government might change the rules for claiming dole.
30 As two factories closed today, 500 people joined the dole queue .
1 Another 29,100 people have joined the dole queue.
2 Too many young people are still on the dole.
3 She lost her job and had to claim dole.
4 The Red Cross flew to the area of the earthquake,ready to dole out supplies of food,water and medicine.
5 Many families are living on the dole since the strike.
31 Dole portrayed the president in campaign speeches as a 'closet liberal'.
32 Dole possesses excellent credentials for the presidency.
33 Dole also faces a challenge winning over the fence-sitters.
34 Dole also offered his assistance, the sources said.
35 Whereupon Mrs Dole sang the praises of private charity.
36 Dole aides began to dismantle the camera riser.
37 The second, the Bob Dole bond,[http:///dole.html] has no interest.
38 But, however painfully, the Dole campaign is taking shape.
39 The Dole campaign plan is, in fact, Dole himself.
40 But Dole countered with a heavily negative response.
41 Ugly, yes, but nothing Bob Dole would complain about.
42 The people of New Hampshire know Bob Dole.
43 Where was Bob Dole this week?
44 The leading candidate to replace Dole is Sen.
45 Dole is a wise and experienced debater.
46 Fifth, Dole is fully aware of the fact that presidents can not control judges once they have been confirmed.
47 Thompson discounted the possibility that Dole would give him the nod.
48 And Bob Dole, he's trying to get him to answer and this Clinton he just keeps on smiling.
49 Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole supports it, though he has ranked it below other foreign-policy priorities.
50 Dole has pledged to balance the federal budget and cut taxes.
51 Henry Hyde, R-Ill., a longtime abortion opponent tapped by Dole to chair the committee crafting the official party platform.
52 Dole also switched his position on affirmative action, saying he wanted to dismantle a program he previously supported.
53 Finally, a reason to vote for Bob Dole: He will call off the war on drugs.
54 Besides, the biggest disincentive to spend is fear of the dole, and Mr Lamont raised little cheer in that regard.
55 Dole, with farmers and agribusiness at the core of his Kansas constituency, has strongly supported tax credits for ethanol.
56 With his comfortable lead, Dole has pulled back on some of his campaign plans for the state.
57 Dole and other lawmakers as the budget impasse has dragged on.
58 If the Government accepts this ridiculous advice, half of us will be put on the dole.
59 Dole spoke directly about his age, saying 73 years of life are not a liability.
60 Tories say it is essential to win the battle against inflation if they are to reduce the dole queues.
61 Clinton remains far ahead of Republican rival Bob Dole, according to the latest public opinion surveys.
62 The Dole campaign did not respond to requests for interviews.
63 It is in their region, plus California, that Dole and Clinton probably will stage their fiercest battle for electoral votes.
64 Karin Johanson, communications director for the group, said Clinton leads Dole overall by 53 percent to 42 percent.
65 Dole accused Clinton of improperly claiming credit for a number of measures of national economic health.
66 Both Dole and Kemp will be officially nominated Wednesday night and will deliver their acceptance speeches Thursday night.
67 Dole campaigns vigorously against federal mandates that require states to provide stipulated social benefits or meet a variety of federal guidelines.
68 Bartlett sells his idea as a lifesaving tonic for the Dole campaign.
69 Prominent Republicans, including Bob Dole,[http:///dole.html] advised the President publicly to cancel the trip.
70 An appropriate time for Dole to speak his mind; and, at one level, an obviously sensible thing to do.
71 A former Thompson campaign worker, Mary Crutchfield, 30, is directing the Dole effort in that state.
72 While Dole has been campaigning more aggressively lately, so has the Clinton camp.
73 While Clinton has a comfortable lead over Dole in recent national surveys, the Kansas senator is expected to win Texas.
74 Dole has a record of working with diverse groups to get things done.
75 Dole has promised to seek a balanced budget by 2002, but he also realizes that the government must continue to function.
76 The only risk Dole takes, of course, is that he could be dead wrong.
77 Thus far, Dole has shown no signs of adopting such a strategy.
78 In his last two campaigns for president, Bob Dole rarely mentioned his disability.
79 But he does stand a good chance of profoundly damaging the candidacy of Bob Dole.
80 Dole himself did not expect to lay claim to the title of presumptive nominee until after the March 26 primary in California.
81 Dole believes in making government function by cooperating, compromising and working out the inevitable disagreements of a diverse society.
82 Dole appeared to be drawing a lesson from the last four presidential candidates who ousted the opposition party from the White House.
83 Dole appeared relaxed and confident during the two campaign appearances on Sunday, bantering with crowds with ease.
84 You have to give Dole credit for his one stumble.
85 Dole aides have said the candidate may propose broader income tax cuts later this year as part of his long-range economic strategy.
86 Also, as the Senate leader, Dole can contrast himself with Clinton with a legislative agenda that reinforces his campaign message.
87 Remorse about Dole, reflected in the opinion-poll chasm between him and Bill Clinton, swept the nation.
88 Former rival Steve Forbes has urged Dole to adopt the flat tax idea that was central to Forbes' presidential campaign.
89 On Saturday, Dole piled on, using Napolitano to blast Clinton judicial appointees as soft on crime.
90 Some Republicans believe Dole can draw a clear enough distinction with Clinton to make foreign policy a telling issue in the campaign.
91 A Dole presidency would probably maintain the current balance or add to the Congress-limiting majority.
92 Mack, a solid conservative who opposes abortion, could help Dole in electoral vote-rich Florida.
93 By contrast, Dole and his wife, Elizabeth, rarely display affection in public.
94 In the 30-second spot, the first attack ad of his campaign, Buchanan accuses competitors Dole, Sen.
95 A single bold stroke can not resolve political difficulties as fundamental as those Mondale faced and Dole now confronts.
96 Dole also supported an amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress[/dole.html], despite his own 35 years in that body.
97 Clinton currently enjoys a wide lead over Dole in a hypothetical two-way race, according to the latest nationwide public opinion surveys.
98 It is not the safe strategy that some Dole aides preferred.
99 But Dole had little choice but to roll the dice in a way that surprised even the most astute political observers.
100 Dole voted against the bill on the ground that it contained $ 5 billion in wasteful social spending.
101 Dole and Gramm, to be sure, enjoy fund-raising advantages of their own, as powerful long-serving senators.
102 In a secret ballot of reporters who have covered both, Dole would probably defeat President Clinton.
103 In a school gymnasium full of caucus-goers in Des Moines, Dole inadvertently coined the best phrase of this perplexing campaign.
104 Phil Gramm finished in a dead heat with front-runner Bob Dole.
105 It has nothing to do with Bob Dole, the vice-presidential nomination, or abortion.
106 A new poll makes drought-stricken Texas look like an oasis for the support-thirsty presidential campaign of presumptive Republican nominee Bob Dole.
107 The response of Bob Dole was not really adequate to the task, to put it mildly.
108 The final version endorsed current Pentagon policy allowing women in combat in certain circumstances, a position endorsed by Dole.
109 The bipartisan Concord Coalition, a Washington-based interest group on budget balancing issues, has run newspaper ads against the Dole plan.
110 Dole, the hardest of men to manage, has moved with glacial slowness to define his own position.
111 In 1986, for instance, Dole supported an inheritance tax code that greatly benefited the Gallos.
112 Dole can opt for some one out of the blue, making a bold stroke and hoping to demonstrate a spirit of adventure.
113 Dole himself voted for tax hikes in 1982 and 1990 to reduce the deficit.
114 Dole wants those sections of the airwaves to be auctioned instead.
115 They would not even contend that Dole maintained the lead he has enjoyed in the Granite State for months.
116 Dole survived with a tactic that haunts him to this day: He used the abortion issue to defeat his opponent.
117 In Iowa Friday, Forbes challenged the ad as untrue and demanded an apology from the Dole campaign.
118 As majority leader in the Senate, Eland said, Dole was partly to blame for the gridlock in Washington.
119 It would mean cutting discretionary domestic programs by one-third, but Dole does not specify how he would do this.
120 Dole got her law degree from Harvard, while Clinton took hers at Yale.
121 Aides to Republican Bob Dole had no immediate comment on whether the cash-strapped presidential candidate would campaign by bus.
122 In his speech, Dole specifically endorsed only one of them, an amendment mandating a balanced budget.
123 By most calculations, Dole had clinched the nomination a week ago, when he swept four Midwest primaries.
124 Dole is considered to be the man to beat in the Republican presidential contest.
125 But in 1989, when the minimum wage was last raised, Dole joined the strong bipartisan support for the action.
126 Dole has been more adept at seizing photo opportunities in his out-of-town forays.
127 However, Dole refused to confirm the choice during a lunch stop en route to Russell.
128 This year, for example, Dole was instrumental in delaying consideration of a bipartisan campaign finance bill.
129 Dole was clearly trying to avoid the trap in which former President Bush found himself after violating the tax vow.
130 Dole may receive some help from the national Republican Party, which is already planning to run ads criticizing Clinton administration policies.
131 Critics say the Dole team did not pay enough attention to ways to pay for the big tax cuts.
132 Dole thinks perhaps it should be auctioned to the highest bidder.
133 Before this week, there had been great concern that Dole would take a similar approach.
134 Dole passed on participating in a televised debate last Friday in Dallas.
135 Until recently, Dole was openly contemptuous of the supply side economics espoused by Kemp and other conservatives.
136 Others are banking on the budget crisis in Washington to increase voter dissatisfaction with Dole.
137 Dole himself, his voice cracking, can barely get through his words: This is a great honor for Bob Dole.
138 And underlying everything is the desperate desire of both Dole and President Clinton to carry California this fall.
139 Dole had visited the Battle Creek Federal Center in 1994 while campaigning for a local congressional candidate.
140 That gap had not changed since a poll was conducted shortly before Dole announced he was quitting the Senate.
141 But Kemp has differed with Dole on other controversial issues.
142 Dole was largely supported by older and wealthier voters, who said the federal budget deficit was their top concern.
143 Dole is now expected to tap a new source of campaign financing: the Republican National Committee.
144 As a senator, Dole has worried more about budget deficits and debt than most of his Republican colleagues.
145 The Dole campaign proposed last Thursday that the pair conduct four one-hour debates.
146 Beyond the quipping, Dole presented sharp contrasts in style with Clinton.
147 For instance, why is showing an unflattering picture of Bob Dole in a television commercial such a terrible crime?
148 Perot deservedly got no popularity bounce from his nomination, as both Dole and Clinton did after their conventions.
149 The Bob Dole who approaches the convention may now undergo a bruising few weeks as conservatives rage around him.
150 Spiegel said Elizabeth Dole bought the apartment more than 10 years ago for $ 150, 000.
151 A Dole candidacy would be buoyed by, as noted, another midwesterner.
152 Dole has yet to make major inroads there, with some polls showing Clinton with a commanding lead of about 20 points.
153 Dole and his retinue of campaign aides and national reporters journeyed to former Sen.
154 When Dole arrived in Wisconsin three days later to give his speech, newspaper articles were quoting Clinton on welfare.
155 He has a record to defend, just as Dole does.
156 Both the Clinton and Dole campaigns had assumed the presidential contest in Ohio would go down the wire.
156 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
157 Highlighting class differences to emphasize his own down-to-earth roots is nothing new to Dole.
158 Six months ago, Pete Wilson wanted to beat the daylights out of Bob Dole on the campaign trail.
159 Bob Dole is the most terrible of the candidates for the Republican nomination, until you consider all the others.
160 Phil Gramm of Texas, who lost a presidential primary bid against Dole.
161 Last week, it seemed Dole was coming precariously close to falling off that tightrope.
162 Dole spent Wednesday in Washington acting in his official capacity as Senate majority leader.
163 And his political resurrection offers campaign salvation to Bob Dole, whose presidential candidacy Atwater helped to destroy in 1988.
164 Dole lost the use of his right hand and arm from grievous battlefield injuries in the war.
165 Dole visited Iowa 27 times, where he came in first, and New Hampshire 25 times.
166 Instead Dole will attend various events in Tennessee and campaign with former Gov.
167 Patrick Buchanan has criticized Dole for not taking a stronger stance against abortion.
168 Dole, who needs conservative activists' support for his presidential bid.
169 Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole appears to have two minds when it comes to taxes.
170 Following a burst of publicity for Forbes, Dole has continued to receive negative press coverage.
171 Before returning to Washington to await the returns, Dole cast his vote in his hometown of Russell, Kan.
172 Only two groups of women who make up the Republican base gave Dole strong support: devout evangelical women and homemakers.
173 Now, perhaps, the bombshell that blasted Dole and his campaign out of the doldrums will blast the Republicans into unity.
174 Dole was the big winner, with 36 percent of the 21, 239 ballots cast by state Republicans.
175 John Buckley, once a Kemp press secretary, is director of communications for the Dole campaign.
176 Similarly, when Dole asserts that Clinton reduced the office of drug czar by 83 percent, he is on solid ground.
177 Dole, by contrast, did best among voters who listed the federal deficit as their chief concern.
178 Dole lags considerably among women voters in the fall contest with President Clinton, according to recent surveys.
179 The political discourse instead centered on when and whether the two Republicans chasing Dole might withdraw.
180 More generally, the logistical strengths that the Dole campaign had counted on began to come good.
181 Dole, campaigning in Columbus, Ohio, Friday, was buoyed by the California result.
182 Bob Dole, the presidential candidate in search of a vision, may have found one.
183 However, the reaction against the criticism could influence how the Dole team structures its campaign in coming days.
184 Dole repeated his support for the development of a national anti-missile defense system by 2003.
185 Dole flew on to Los Angeles for a dinner anticipated to raise a similar amount.
186 I shall bluff it out at least until my next dole cheque.
187 The problem was, Dole also included a GOP-backed labor measure that Democrats oppose.
188 But Dole has, in his long Senate career, led the charge for the second -, third-and fourth-largest.
189 Under no circumstances, however, should the Dole campaign let Buchanan speak during prime time at the Republican Convention.
190 He could live comfortably without a job for the rest of his life, though that is not the Dole way.
191 Dole already has used legislative issues such as gun control and strategic missile defense to score political points.
192 Polls show Clinton is winning comfortably over poor, frozen Dole.
193 But by any measure, the Republican presidential campaign right now boils down to Dole and Forbes.
194 By election day, many observers will question why Bill Clinton and Bob Dole were nominated and why they are running.
195 Elizabeth Dole, on the other hand, tends to keep her own moderate views bottled up inside.
196 The need to target moderate independents has put Dole in a difficult position.
197 Dole faces an uphill battle in the state-by-state electoral vote battle.
198 Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole could not leave it dangling as a rebuke to his legislative skills during his presidential campaign.
199 As a consequence, Bob Dole is not somebody that they have followed in his career.
200 The Gallo family is the largest single lifetime contributor to Bob Dole, who is certain to be the Republican presidential nominee.
201 He has promised to campaign with Dole occasionally, according to aides.
202 If the Dole jibe rings true now, Dole himself must share the blame.
203 Dole is no fresh breeze blowing in from the hinterland to shake things up.
204 Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole drew criticism Thursday, when he blamed the welfare system for increases in domestic violence.
205 Bob Dole, the expected Republican presidential nominee, came out against the proposition Tuesday.
206 Dole said the assault weapons ban did not work, because many of the weapons were altered to make them legal.
207 But Woods said he bowed out this week after discussing the issue with Dole.
208 Dole had one of those governors at his side during every campaign stop in the Midwest.
209 Dole has been highly critical of organized labor this year, especially an expensive union ad campaign waged against Republicans.
210 While Dole tried to keep his focus on crime, other issues, particularly abortion, cropped up.
211 Bob Dole, the indisputable Republican front-runner, had an even bigger day.
212 And not unexpectedly, the draft comes down hard on Dole and the tobacco industry.
213 But the survey suggests little evidence that Dole could cut into those who now say they will vote for Clinton.
214 And now we have the unlikely and not altogether pretty sight of Bob Dole tearing up in public like a road-company Pagliacci.
215 Dole and Kemp both oppose abortion, and the new Republican platform retains a strong anti-abortion plank.
216 Dole spoke directly about his age, saying it was not a liability.
217 Buchanan successfully tapped the economic insecurity of blue-collar workers by slamming trade agreements embraced by most Republican leaders, including Dole.
218 As with other age groups, the president currently enjoys a lead over Dole in his own generation.
219 But once again, Dole did not soar in the polls and did not achieve a breakthrough.
220 And Dole backed a constitutional amendment proposed by Reagan to create a line-item budget veto for presidents.
221 After the Super Tuesday contests, Dole expects to have about 700 convention delegates.
222 Instead, Dole proposed a 15 percent cut in income tax rates.
223 Dole has brought some of the battering on himself with foolish comments and an often unfocused campaign.
224 Moreover, the report questions the Dole campaign for taking on Mark Goodin as a senior adviser.
225 Although Dole is bumping up against the federal spending ceiling, he could opt to ignore it altogether.
226 Dole, who owns a condominium in the Miami Beach area, intends to make a stand in Florida.
227 Dole has repeatedly tried to avoid giving Democrats the opportunity for a straight vote on the wage.
228 Clinton hammered away at campaign themes tailor-made to appeal to predominantly white swing voters who might otherwise vote for Republican Bob Dole.
229 The Department of Transportation, once headed by Mrs Dole(), has commissioned a study.
230 Dole aides believe they can paint the president as soft on crime by hammering his judicial nominees.
231 Has a share of the anti-abortion forces, but concedes Iowa to Dole.
232 Dole called Clinton around noon, shortly before the afternoon announcement.
233 Dole then could blame its failure on Clinton and Senate Democrats.
234 Dole will argue that he is the one candidate who may bridge the differences among Republican conservatives.
235 Dole repeated his opposition during his losing campaign for the presidency last year.
236 Dole, who is scheduled to speak last, decided to skip a presidential debate Saturday in South Carolina.
237 Unlike Dole, Clinton would preserve the thrust of programs designed to assure that women and minorities are not left out.
238 Campaigns seem to bring out the worst in Bob Dole.
239 Exit polls also found that one in four voters had at one time supported Dole but changed their minds.
240 Although trained as a baker, Hilprecht had been on the dole since doing his military service.
241 That feeling could carry them straight to the San Diego convention in August if Dole quickly shows some momentum.
242 Dole often seemed frustrated and unsure of himself as Democrats blocked many of the bills he tried to move through Congress.
243 Dole also should give serious consideration to former Tennessee Gov.
244 Republican Bob Dole is viewed favorably by 41 percent and unfavorably by 32 percent.
245 The publishing magnate is challenging front-runner Dole by attracting largely middle-class suburban voters seemingly alienated from the political process.
246 The number of jobless Britons claiming the dole is now about 960[sentencedict .com], 000.
247 Many issuers even dole out extra rewards for such transactions.
248 The Government cannot expect graduates to twiddle their thumbs on the dole.
249 Other benefits such as dole money could be frozen and there will be a huge push to weed out fiddlers.
250 "They wanted to stop my dole money for those days." — "Charming!".
251 T-shirts are a nice little earner and it's better than the dole.
252 Instead, the nomination went to Senator Robert Dole of Kansas.
253 Louis Pasteur, French chemist and bacteriologist, was born at Dole.
254 Bob Dole seemed less than enthusiastic about the proposed move.
255 God does not actively dole out divorce, criminal assault, AIDS or heartaches.
256 I spent years on the dole trying to get bands together and I never worried about money then.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 19:11:40