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单词 Nasty
1) You can get a nasty sting from a jellyfish.
2) The press have been very nasty about him.
3) This coffee has a nasty taste.
4) That burn will leave a nasty scar.
5) The news gave me a nasty shock.
6) I felt quite deflated by your nasty remark.
7) He copped a nasty whack on the head.
8) There's a nasty streak in her character.
9) He had a temper and could be nasty.
10) He made it all sound very nasty.
11) Life has a nasty habit of repeating itself.
12) She's got a nasty bruise on her shin.
13) Try to get rid of your nasty cold.
14) A nasty flu bug's going round at the moment.
15) Don't buy that coat-it looks cheap and nasty.
16) The rodent's sharp teeth can inflict a nasty bite.
17) She got a nasty gash on the head.
18) He was a nasty little blighter.
19) There's a nasty smell in here.
20) He had a nasty moment when he thought he'd lost his passport.
21) I don't like Kevin — he's got a nasty vindictive streak in him.
22) She played a really nasty trick on me - she put syrup in my shampoo bottle!
23) She fell and got a nasty bang on the knee.
24) I had a nasty feeling that he would follow me.
25) He needed an operation to close a nasty gash in his arm.
26) Harry was a nasty foul-mouthed old devil.
27) When I refused to pay[],[http:///nasty.html] he turned nasty.
28) What a nasty thing to say!
29) Local economists have looked into their crystal balls and seen something rather nasty.
30) I don't like the colour they've chosen for their new carpet it looks really nasty.
1) The press have been very nasty about him.
2) This coffee has a nasty taste.
3) That burn will leave a nasty scar.
4) The news gave me a nasty shock.
5) There's a nasty streak in her character.
6) He had a temper and could be nasty.
7) He made it all sound very nasty.
8) Life has a nasty habit of repeating itself.
9) She's got a nasty bruise on her shin.
10) A nasty flu bug's going round at the moment.
11) Don't buy that coat-it looks cheap and nasty.
12) The rodent's sharp teeth can inflict a nasty bite.
13) She got a nasty gash on the head.
14) He was a nasty little blighter.
15) There's a nasty smell in here.
16) Local economists have looked into their crystal balls and seen something rather nasty.
17) He had a nasty moment when he thought he'd lost his passport.
18) I don't like Kevin — he's got a nasty vindictive streak in him.
19) She played a really nasty trick on me - she put syrup in my shampoo bottle!
20) I had a nasty feeling that he would follow me.
21) He needed an operation to close a nasty gash in his arm.
22) He got a nasty bump on the head.
23) This divorce could turn nasty.
24) It's a tacky, nasty little movie, frankly.
25) He screwed up his face at the nasty smell.
31) Don't be so nasty to your mum .
32) The joke is a nasty hit at him.
33) She landed a nasty blow on his nose.
34) You've had a nasty knock on the head.
35) He got a nasty bump on the head.
36) Kevin seems to enjoy being nasty to his sisters.
37) The weather turned nasty towards the evening.
38) He is down with a nasty bout of flu.
39) He had/took a nasty fall and hurt his back.
40) She's had a nasty dose of flu.
41) He has a nasty temper.
42) There's a nasty bug going round .
42) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
43) You're a nasty little brute!
44) Don't be nasty to your little brother.
45) I had a nasty pain in my leg.
46) Things could turn nasty if we're not careful.
47) Prepare yourself for a nasty shock!
48) A nasty surprise awaited them in Rosemary Lane.
49) We only just missed having a nasty accident.
50) She said some quite nasty things about him.
51) The weather is too nasty for sailing.
52) The fall gave him a nasty jar.
53) What a nasty little man!
54) He hit himself a nasty blow on the head.
55) He got a nasty bump on his head.
56) The doctor says she's had a very nasty fall.
57) He's a nasty little sucker, isn't he?
58) That was a nasty little trick.
59) She had a nasty rash on her arm.
60) That bee gave me a nasty sting.
61) He's a nasty little creep!
62) What nasty little snobs you all are.
63) I had a nasty feeling that we were lost.
64) This divorce could turn nasty.
65) These stocks looked cheap and nasty to me.
66) It's a tacky, nasty little movie, frankly.
67) Some ants can give you a nasty nip.
68) She's got a nasty dose of flu.
69) Ticks can carry a nasty disease which affects humans.
70) There's a nasty infection going round, so I hear.
71) He is a nasty proposition.
72) Don't be so nasty to your brother.
72) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
73) He got a nasty knock on the head.
74) That was a nasty fall.
75) They say nasty things about him behind his back.
76) Some fish can give you a nasty bite.
77) It was a nasty business all round.
78) He had a nasty look in his eye.
79) He screwed up his face at the nasty smell.
80) He got a nasty bang on the head.
81) It gave me a nasty shock.
82) Lili had a nasty chest infection.
83) She has a nasty temper.
84) She bridled at his nasty remark.
85) She was nasty about everyone.
86) He's in for a nasty shock/surprise!
87) I've got some nasty scratches on my legs.
88) She had a nasty skiing accident.
89) The guards looked really nasty.
90) She had a nasty tongue, but I liked her.
91) He had a nasty cut above the eye.
92) Don't trust him; he's a nasty piece of work.
93) The furniture looked cheap and nasty .
94) A nasty rumour about her is floating around town.
95) He's a nasty little man.
96) That nasty pin stopped me from moving my knight.
97) That's a nasty cut-come on, we'll get it all taped up.
98) The wound left a nasty mark on his face, so he grew beard over it to hide it.
99) There's a nasty mark on the tablecloth, and I don't think the usual washing powder will take it out.
100) She had a nasty tumble on her way to work and grazed her arm.
101) She got a nasty knock on the head when she fell.
102) He gave his back a nasty jar when he fell.
102) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
103) I can smell something nasty in the bottom of the fridge.
104) He fell and got a nasty bang on the head.
105) You told Mrs Cooper that it was me who tipped the paint over, didn't you - you nasty little sneak!
106) You've had a nasty crack on the head and you need to rest.
107) Where did the leader grub up that nasty bunch of soldier?
108) I went to school with him - he was nasty then and he's nasty now.
109) A nasty incident was prevented by the timely arrival of the police.
110) They'd be laughing making nasty remarks, and make passes at her.
111) I had a strong coffee to take away the nasty taste of the food.
112) The dog gave me a nasty nip on the leg.
113) With a nasty grin on his face he took out a knife.
114) In an editorial, The Independent suggests the victory could turn nasty.
115) When you feel you've been cheated, it always leaves a nasty taste in the mouth .
116) She fell over and got a nasty crack on the head.
117) I got a nasty crack on the head when I went through that low door.
118) When this material burns, it flings off a nasty smell.
119) I have my limits. You will not use that kind of nasty language in class.
120) When Harry refused, Don turned nasty and went for him with both fists.
121) I was glad to be let out of that nasty affair, and have someone more experienced handle the trouble.
122) I have a nasty suspicion he's organized a surprise party for me.
123) Though he had a temper and could be nasty, it never lasted.
124) The machinists only pay lip service to the safety regulations and one day soon there is going to be a nasty accident.
125) Phew! That was a nasty moment -- that car nearly hit us.
126) I received a nasty surprise in the shape of a letter from the taxman.
127) It is apparent from scientific studies that the drug has some fairly nasty side effects.
128) What a nasty man!
129) There are a lot of nasty bugs going around the school.
130) This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very shocked.
131) I caught a nasty chill after my swim last week.
132) You'd better do what he says or he'll turn nasty.
132) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
133) The jockey took a nasty tumble at the third fence.
134) I hope he's not going to spring any nasty surprises on us at the meeting this morning.
135) The nasty thing about a blackmailer is that his starting point is usually the truth.
136) If the bailiff thinks that things could turn nasty he will enlist the help of the police.
137) That damned Farrel made some nasty jokes here about Mr. Lane.
138) A spokesman said this firm action had defused a very nasty situation.
139) She had a nasty brush with her boss this morning.
140) You can get very nasty skin diseases from bathing in dirty water.
141) It looks as though the weather is going to turn nasty again.
142) It is a deliberate, nasty and vicious attack on a young man's character.
143) Tim had a nasty bump on his head from when he'd fallen over.
144) That's quite a nasty cut - you ought to get it seen to by a doctor.
145) He had a nasty accident while riding in the forest.
146) After the game, things turned nasty and there were fights in the streets.
147) What's that nasty smell?
148) You could get a nasty shock from that water heater if it isn't earthed properly.
149) The area got a bad name after a series of nasty murders.
150) That dog will give you a nasty bite, given half a chance.
151) I had a nasty feeling that a tragedy was going to happen.
152) Drivers often have a nasty habit of driving too close to cyclists.
153) Life for our early ancestors was nasty, brutish and short, according to the evidence.
154) That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness for ever.
155) She fell off her bike and got a nasty knock.
156) There's a nasty sort of rumour going around about it.
157) Mummy is so nasty to me when Daddy isn't here.
158) He turned nasty when we refused to give him the money.
159) She has a nasty habit of picking on people in meetings.
160) I know the medicine tastes nasty, but drink it down.
161) The boss has a nasty habit of baiting defenceless subordinates.
162) In an emergency you could get out through a window, but it would be a nasty drop.
163) The situation took a nasty turn and the police were called.
164) He received a nasty knock on the head from a falling slate.
165) He was carried off the field with a nasty injury.
166) Don't be so nasty to your brother - he's four years younger than you!
167) They were cheap and nasty watches, the kind you see on special offer in petrol stations.
168) They've picked up a really nasty infection from something they've eaten.
169) You can narrow the odds of a nasty accident happening in your home by being more safety-conscious.
170) The whole business left a nasty taste in my mouth.
171) She broke her ankle when she had a nasty trip on the stairs.
172) Anyone who swims in the river could end up with a nasty stomach upset.
173) I've got a nasty feeling that I forgot to tell Joe I couldn't come.
174) It was a lovely/nasty, etc. surprise to get home and find the letter.
175) The way he spoke to those children left a nasty taste in my mouth .
176) We are attracted by nice smells and recoil from nasty ones.
177) Cormorants can be pretty nasty with their beaks.
178) The others had nasty accounts of their interviews.
179) They can give a nasty bite.
180) What further nasty surprises awaited me that day?
181) Police say it was a particularly nasty attack.
182) Something she'd suffered, like chickenpox: nasty, but with few if any lasting effects.
183) What Amis has also acknowledged as a writer is that nice things aren't necessarily as funny as nasty things.
184) Both men are running nasty television advertisements in California against illegal immigration.
185) In the front door, with their nasty trunks probing into everything[sentence dictionary], and I shoo them out the back.
186) But nobody had the right to be that nasty; not even if his backside was black and blue.
187) Since the birth of her baby brother she had turned really nasty.
188) When I was a teen-ager, a group of friends and I made a nasty little sport out of belittling one another.
189) If you talk loudly, it can be very nasty on a hearing aid.
190) Disappointing; sweet, rubbery bouquet and a dominating, coarse, fiery spirit with a nasty aftertaste to it.
191) Don't try to pet the parrot - he could give you a really nasty bite.
192) But small or not, it appears to have left a nasty bite mark on her arm.
193) As usual, the fog and icy roads had led to several very nasty accidents.
194) This is unfortunate because wasps are nasty little critters whose sole aim in life is to ruin picnics and barbecues.
195) This nasty creature never talks and is always spinning around.
196) This is a peculiarly nasty technique of persuasion, causing great psychological anguish throughout the middle ages and even today.
197) It had a nasty, disfiguring stain running along the whole of the top edge.
198) But beware playing this with Really Nasty addicts - they will probably take advantage of your Christmas hangover to win huge bets.
199) But the increasingly nasty dispute came to an abrupt end as the government announced a settlement.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:41:50