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单词 Confrontation
1. The government were dragged willy-nilly into the confrontation.
2. Her angry face forbode a confrontation.
3. There was a head-on confrontation between management and unions.
4. Their demands could lead to a serious confrontation with management.
5. The King made major concessions to end the confrontation with his people.
6. She wanted to avoid another confrontation with her father.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. Confrontation is not always the best tactic.
8. He was unwittingly caught up in the confrontation.
9. She finds the continual confrontation very wearing.
10. We can't risk another confrontation with the union.
11. Direct confrontation was not his way.
12. It could have sparked a major confrontation.
13. The protest stopped short of a violent confrontation.
14. Japan seemed unlikely to risk military confrontation with Russia.
15. His actions brought him into direct confrontation with the authorities.
16. She had a series of heated confrontation with her parents over homework.
17. You should not have risked the confrontation with the government.
18. There was a violent clash/confrontation between rival supporters after the match.
19. There are signs that the confrontation is beginning to de-escalate.
20. She actually enjoys confrontation, whereas I prefer a quiet life.
21. They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
22. Today the city government has taken measures to prevent a repetition of last year's confrontation.
23. She had stayed in her room to avoid another confrontation.
24. Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
25. The commission remains so weak that it will continue to avoid confrontation with govern-ments.
26. The opposition appear to have chosen the path of cooperation rather than confrontation.
27. Some members feared Germany might raise its interest rates on Thursday. That could have set the scene for a confrontation with the US.
28. Police in the city have been cleaning up the debris left by a day of violent confrontation.
29. Britain is likely to stitch together some sort of political deal to avoid a confrontation.
30. We made it clear to them that we would not shrink from confrontation.
1. The government were dragged willy-nilly into the confrontation.
2. There was a head-on confrontation between management and unions.
3. They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.
4. Their demands could lead to a serious confrontation with management.
5. Today the city government has taken measures to prevent a repetition of last year's confrontation.
6. The King made major concessions to end the confrontation with his people.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. She had stayed in her room to avoid another confrontation.
8. We can't risk another confrontation with the union.
31. The fear is that these minor clashes may develop into all-out confrontation.
32. By midsummer both police and protesters were girding for confrontation.
33. This could pitch the government into confrontation with the work-force.
34. The point is to avoid outright confrontation.
35. The Maggot was growling to himself, relishing the confrontation.
36. The advance forces feared a major confrontation with militiamen.Sentence dictionary
37. Following the violent confrontation the dump was closed.
38. It would lead to deepening confrontation in the peninsula..
39. Pupils and staff meet in direct physical confrontation.
40. Confrontation with the two envoys is very eye-opening.
41. That brief confrontation with Luke Calder had unsettled her far more than the incident in the garage, if she was honest.
42. He is not interested in them sexually, so there is no direct confrontation between him and the newcomer.
43. Should I try to split Mark and Kevin up and risk the confrontation that might result?
44. They therefore had no wish to be forced into a fresh confrontation with him if nothing was done about Karadzic.
45. The Patten plan, detailed in a Government draft circular, risks further heightening confrontation with teachers already boycotting national curriculum tests.
46. By agreeing to the staged confrontation, Barnett would save face while permitting Meredith to register.
47. That will involve significant change from the separation, suspicion, and even outright confrontation that have existed for decades.
48. The time is ripe for a show-down or a major confrontation over money matters.
49. After the hearing, the differences between Thresher and Thomas spilled over into a confrontation in a courthouse hallway.
50. They resist school procedures and rules but not to the point of risking outright confrontation with teachers.
51. He is not bothered in the slightest by the dark or confrontation.
52. In the resulting confrontation several hundred Mohawks armed with clubs and guns fought running battles with police.
53. Whatever the reason, Sullivan was convinced that he would now witness the final confrontation between the two men.
54. In a face-to-face confrontation angry demonstrators threw bricks and bottles at the police.
55. The existence of competing bodies claiming to exercise jurisdiction in the town inevitably provoked violent confrontation.
56. A confrontation is really going to be counterproductive for everyone.
57. The confrontation ended April 19 with a fire that consumed the compound and killed Koresh and about 80 of his followers.
58. The way confrontation is handled should not be destructive to the counsellee.
59. This merely leads to confrontation and transforms the negotiation into a contest.
60. Batty was having a serious confrontation with Alan Byrne in midfield Byrne won the first half.
61. Certain of the variables included in this model augment the flashpoints approach to industrial confrontation.
62. But won't it lead to confrontation between drivers and pedestrians?
63. The imaginary war consisted of a real military confrontation, with real soldiers, real weapons and using real resources.
64. The worst of it was that Charlotte had intended to emphasize how she had come in search of information, not confrontation.
65. In some of these, initial confrontation is now leading to constructive dialogue with local authority officials.
66. The language and procedures for dealing with that alienation encompass conflict and confrontation at the expense of planned purposeful strategies.
67. He might also calculate that he can continue economic reform without a terminal confrontation with parliament.
68. Move to the Left, encourage mass protest, and they risked being marginalized in a revolutionary confrontation.
69. Peter knew that his enemy was assured, he remembered that from the confrontation at the phonebox.
70. She had drawn back from a direct confrontation again, Guy realised.
71. The bitterness of repeated daily confrontation with left-wing majorities has given them a steeliness entirely absent from the old-fashioned candidates.
72. Here she is assessing the likely outcome of a confrontation with her local council.
73. Meeting the coach competition necessitated a more risky strategy: head-on confrontation at the low-price end of the market.
74. They placed a shrew into a social confrontation with another shrew.
75. Every encounter with the world was already confrontation enough without the extra burden of blame and guilt.
76. Traditionally it is a peaceful event, without confrontation between police and what they describe as the hippy convoy.
77. Anxious to avoid confrontation with pacifists, the authorities made life relatively easy for the objectors.
78. They had a long, sober, serious meeting, without any conflict or confrontation.
79. The preacher is involved in a titanic confrontation, in which he is a tiny Lilliputian.
80. It was a confrontation between him and Gabrielle, in which her boyfriend shot him.
81. The military confrontation which represented this world order has to be viewed not as deterrence but as imaginary war.
82. It became a major confrontation because of disorganisation and lack of coherence within the protest itself.
83. And Gibbs says a confrontation between protesters and politicians over the Stamp Act took place on the front porch.
84. Maybe the fraught confrontation earlier had defused some of the tension building up between them.
85. Hers was a brave demonstration against those whose doctrinaire divisions have caused so much confrontation, pain and death through the ages.
86. The immediate result is a confrontation between an angry and bewildered Pharaoh and Abraham.
87. A full frontal approach was certain to come, and Carla did her best to be girded against such a confrontation.
88. But all this must be done without going into confrontation.
89. When he does that, the confrontation between the generations could provide us with a memorable battle of perspectives.
90. With students and riot police headed for a major confrontation, Seoul was once again a boiling cauldron.
91. There was no final confrontation with pastor or parishioners, simply a quiet parting.
92. An angry Jones was involved in an ugly confrontation with the Middlesbrough bench after Wimbledon conceded a controversial first goal on Saturday.
93. Here again he is adopting a course of confrontation, a course of deliberate challenge to established authority.
94. Through mounting intervention to sustain a profitable economy, capitalist states are haphazardly establishing a wholly new arena of political confrontation.
95. The incident pushed the two countries closer towards a serious diplomatic confrontation.
96. What we are witnessing in the Middle East is not only a religious confrontation.
97. The back avoids eye contact and confrontation,[http:///confrontation.html] but it may invite the surreptitious gaze.
98. Continuing Pictish-Northumbrian military confrontation was a part of the background, therefore, of Osred's reign.
99. The history of many colleges can be seen as periods of conflict and confrontation alternating with periods of consolidation and relative calm.
100. This willingness by police and pickets to engage in violent confrontation was dramatically revealed during the 1984-5 coal dispute.
101. It was clearly patronage that they were seeking, rather than a confrontation with another class.
102. The Paris summit formally ended four decades of military confrontation between East and West.
103. It was a bad time to have chosen for confrontation.
104. Unexpected, it was like a surprise confrontation, and for a moment she could only stare blindly at the familiar name.
105. The point is not to seek confrontation for its own sake.
106. In all this he managed to avoid a direct confrontation with the security forces.
107. MarcelIa shares her feelings about speaking out in this way: I hate confrontation!
108. The malaise about a shared intellectual and literary culture was short-lived, the product of passing confrontation.
109. Eventually Wayne's patience ran out and in a violent confrontation, Wayne finally threw the smaller Widmark against a wall.
110. But the fundamental explanation for the absence of political confrontation between Crown and nobility remained the community of interest between them.
111. In involves confrontation because the cross was a confrontation with evil.
112. You're hardly going to change the world by what you do, so why risk another confrontation like that last one?
113. There was a long silence, such as falls over a saloon bar in a Western at moments of confrontation.
114. The government was determined to avoid confrontation with any Great Power over peripheral areas where significant economic development was out of the question.
115. Even outside these types of confrontation, the very differences in language and traditions can lead to a breakdown in communication.
116. Lots of confrontation between liberated psyches, lots of free associating.
117. Pickets turned up at Hadfields on 12 March seeking a confrontation.
118. Both are held under chivalric conventions of a formal confrontation between champions.
119. This caused an angry confrontation and Minton apologised for his deceit.
120. The last thing she felt like coping with was a confrontation.
121. Two people were killed and several wounded in the confrontation.
122. Community and confrontation don't go together, which is fair enough but a bit cosy.
123. The arrival of a bailiff can easily lead to confrontation, and most people don't know their rights.
124. The amicable resolution suggested the reformist president and hard-line parliament may be trying to break their cycle of confrontation and deadlock.
125. The era of class confrontation in Britain's coalfields had been confined mainly to the short period 1910-26.
126. Even if one gets different results, they are still publishable without necessarily running into head-on confrontation with the earlier claims.
126. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
127. There were no details about any possible confrontation at the ticket counter.
128. All the way home, pedalling furiously, she had been nerving herself for this confrontation.
129. The enemy cunningly avoided direct confrontation and concentrated on guerrilla warfare.
130. They then backed off from a confrontation but stopped talking.
131. The authorities and assailants exchanged fire in a violent confrontation in which Cuenca and police officer Santiago Esparza Astorga were killed.
132. Atkins and the other man who had been with him during the doorstep confrontation on Boxing Night were waiting.
133. He was still too confused for any sort of confrontation with the old man.
134. The best ideas often come from a friendly confrontation with employees.
135. The police were obviously anticipating a confrontation, as they were heavily armed.
136. They sense this could develop into a confrontation between teachers.
137. Julia had stayed in her room to avoid any more confrontation.
138. The whole of alternative society had been galvanized by the confrontation between Mrs Thatcher and the miners.
139. Behaviour was subject to the decrees of custom and this led to a strong emphasis on pragmatism and the averting of any confrontation.
140. A scheme which would, if implemented, bring the Seven into direct confrontation with the House.
141. The final week of the election campaign saw long debates over the proposals into a traditional left-right confrontation.
142. Held on 12 April 1931 the contest turned into a more-or-less direct confrontation between monarchists and an alliance of republicans and socialists.
143. This was not, however, the scene of the major confrontation.
144. The confrontation turned ugly.
145. Since the province was a hotbed of gentry resistance to the emancipation, confrontation looked a real possibility.
146. The last of the five periods identified by Geary is the 1980s, when industrial confrontation reverted to a more violent form.
147. The joint declarations precipitated several days of military confrontation between the federal army and republican forces.
148. He suffered from post-traumatic stress because of a lone confrontation with eight youths two years earlier.
149. What looks like a zero sum confrontation can, with a little goodwill, be transformed into a mutually beneficial nonzero sum game.
150. He fought council demolition moves for 18 months before his fatal confrontation.
151. A confrontation developed and the aggrieved boy decided to take the matter to the headmaster.
152. A younger man, or a more aggressive one, might have accepted the need for confrontation.
153. No confrontation occurred because no attempt was made to enforce the law.
154. In the face of mounting political and industrial unrest, Asquith may have been anxious to head-off further confrontation with feminists.
155. The role chosen by the teacher here is as neutral as possible, to avoid confrontation, effectively a messenger.
156. But poor countries fear confrontation will upset relations with the West.
156. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
157. There was a tense confrontation between Allen and the other commissioners.
158. Traditional binary confrontation of "practice-cognition" is metaphysical and self-contradictory.
159. D Indonesian confrontation over the Singapore Indonesia barter trade.
160. We play out an imaginary confrontation in our mind.
161. Confrontation might be a foregone conclusion, milord.
162. It wasn't until I began writing this account that I realized that in my confrontation with the NRA lobbyist, I had acknowledged that I was considering running for President.
163. Some experts said Mr. Wen may have just toned down his language as a face-saving way out of the confrontation.
164. The confrontation is a geopolitical law of history, also is the longest topic that pierces through the world history. It bases on the sea power theory of Mahan and the land power theory of Mackinder.
165. But Mr Abhisit knows that in the calculus of Thailand's political demonstrations, his government would be likely to take the rap for a bloody confrontation, were anyone to overreact.
166. I can see more confrontation if Dadis [Camara] does not acknowledge that neither he nor members of his junta will stand in the election.
167. IBF and WBC is a confrontation between the organizations, the organization set up by the United States aimed at seizing control of the presentation right.
168. They'd stayed silent during his confrontation with the seneschal, but each member had listened with an intensity that signaled comprehension.
169. Oil prices briefly rose on the news about the confrontation as dealers weighed the threat to shipments along the key shipping route.
170. At this session we have had confrontation , thus attaining clarity and thoroughness in our thinking.
171. In the Marvel Comics adaptation of Star Wars, the confrontation remains intact, but Jabba is a tall humanoid with a walrus-like face, a scraggly topknot, and a bright uniform.
172. The Scepter of Authority may only be used in Dogs of War, and cannot be assigned to any fighters in standard Confrontation play.
173. A remarkable confrontation was captured by photographer Alfonso Paz at Lisbon Zoo, Portugal when a meerkat gave a giraffe a kiss (see photo), the Daily Mail reported.
174. Though many of the situations we face may seem more important at the time than a confrontation with a temperamental two-year-old, we can learn some valuable lessons from this woman's experience.
175. During the confrontation, political commissar of that excitement that he suddenly saw that German and stood up.
176. Being a member of NATO and in the front of the western-eastern face-off, the FRG was deeply involved in this confrontation.
177. But maybe an abused substance abuser can"t be cured through therapy and methadone but instead through confrontation and forgiveness."
178. Then obtains the goal in the league tournament to Blackburn, as well as has led west last weekend confrontation Brome Weiqi win, his 1 scores point 2 secondary attacks.
179. Only the South's pusillanimous response avoided a potentially violent confrontation this time.
180. From both horizontal and vertical analysis of the modern face of China's modern art tradition and modernity, local and external conflicts arising from struggles, conflict and confrontation.
181. The sonar array was deployed at the time of the confrontation, and a U.
182. Life, we are accustomed to either-or confrontation, in fact, a lot of things not only contradictory, but complementary.
183. Sukarno, Indonesia's first president, had declared a "Confrontation" against Malaysia in 1964, which then included Singapore along with the Borneo states of Sabah and Sarawak.
184. We had to conduct this confrontation for high stakes in the midest of a Watergate crisis.
185. Bill Walker and Mr. Frye also picked up double-technicals during a minor confrontation in the first quarter.
186. The biggest characteristic of deconstructionism is the theory of reversing the center, reversing the authority, reversing the dual confrontation,[http:///confrontation.html] reversing black or white.
187. Most Christians would agree that the immediate event that led to Christ's arrest under the charge of sedition was his confrontation at the Temple.
188. D·H·Lawrence gradually formulated his unique eschatological thought in confrontation with the human calamity in the process of development in the 20th century.
189. From these glimpses, the notion of a lightsaber duel against a volcanic backdrop became part of the Star Wars mythos, and fans longed to see the cinematic depiction of this epic confrontation.
190. As long as they avoid neighbourly confrontation and keep their congregations below a certain size (usually about 25), the Protestant ones are mostly tolerated, grudgingly.
191. It is necessary to reform and perfect the present public prosecution system so as to effectively accusing crime and realizing the egality confrontation between the prosecution and defendant.
192. The prisoner faked insanity to avoid confrontation with the jailhouse bully.
193. The hard-line confrontation between the United States and Russia, the United States rentier horn mounted on the reunification of the war.
194. Cross-examination is the important devices to implement and to protect the defendant's right to confrontation, the characteristic lawsuit system in the adversary model.
195. Unmeant: we should inadvertence and confrontation laugh to her .
196. As the confrontation escalated, Taboh began breaking the windows of Mujerm's car with a steering wheel lock, police said.
197. Although tough in some way, the policy's base point is not confrontation but cooperation.
198. After year of confrontation, they finally have achieve a modus vivendi .
199. United States and China are nuclear powers, nuclear deterrence forces in a confrontation Heng balance.
200. Because there was so much conciliation, as well as some meaty confrontation, the applause interruptions, more than ninety of them, took the speech to eighty-one minutes.
201. The Bacchae, a play by the Greek tragedian Euripides , shows a dramatic view of the confrontation between instincts and institutions.
202. In the domestic appliance retail market, "(Gome and Suning) hegemony confrontation for many years."
203. Perhaps Spain should remain a part of Hapsburg domains, but this might lead to confrontation with France.
204. This means, for example, not allowing a dangerous, historical Sino-Japanese confrontation to re-emerge.
205. Castro has lived through everything from the Cuban revolution to the fall of the USSR, and decades of confrontation with the US.
206. This cold war confrontation point even inspired an eponymous board game called Fulda Gap: The First Battle of the Next War, in which opponents plotted the invasion, and defense, of Western Europe.
207. In addition to the watchtowers, the cold war confrontation point includes, on the Thuringia (eastern) side, a small museum called the House on the Border.
208. In the ensuing confrontation, the kids smash the rear window of Palmer's car and run away.
209. This continual confrontation with your limits stimulates intense internal and transpersonal knowledge and awareness.
210. The mounting antagonism between the two Koreas unnerved investors, worried the confrontation could erupt into conflict.
211. The paper mainly expounds the application of autotracking technique to modern communication and electronic confrontation , makes a concrete analysis of enforcement scheme and working principle.
212. "The South Korean impertinent allegations are only aimed at provoking fratricidal confrontation and inciting hatred," said Choi.
213. Is the Kremlin turning dovish in its most recent confrontation with the West?
214. All the year round confrontation, can make an eye movement sensitivity, to cataract and pannus, and correction of myopia, hyperopia.
215. The findings revealed that pre-exam emotionality and pre-exam worry directly increased confrontation anxiety.
216. However, such confrontation is not the only way to innovate. Archaism can become a means of innovation too.
217. Inadequate ventilation can lead to respiratory acidosis increased, and respirator confrontation occurred, and further exacerbate hypoventilation.
218. Mr. Fowler will face six months in prison for the fatal shooting of Jimmie Lee Jackson, a 26-year-old civil rights marcher who died after a confrontation with the police in Marion, Ala.
219. During the confrontation, the teacher apparently overacted by pushing the students and acting impolitely.
220. Asked about the cold war era of hair-trigger confrontation. Putin said.
221. Cooperation is better than containment, dialogue is better than confrontation, and partnership is better than rivalship.
222. HIS FIRST CONFRONTATION WITH the seneschal had been a resounding victory.
222. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
223. But he could also be steely, as in his confrontation with the air traffic controllers who were on strike, or in hitting Lybia's Qaddaffi hard in the Gulf of Sidra affair.
224. Civil execution reconciliation system is used to achieve the privacy autonomy, lower costs, as well as to ease the confrontation between the parties and "the difficulty in enforcement procedure".
225. The Pentagon earlier played down the confrontation, striking a more low-key tone than during the incident two months ago.




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更新时间:2025/3/3 18:54:08