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单词 beguile
释义  be·guile /bɪˈɡaɪl/ verb [transitive]  1  to interest and attract someone 吸引,使感兴趣 She was beguiled by his smooth talk. 她被他的花言巧语吸引住了。2  TRICK/DECEIVEto persuade or trick someone into doing something 说服;欺骗,哄骗〔某人做某事〕beguile somebody into doing something He was beguiled into buying another copy of her book. 他经劝诱又买了她的一本书。3. literaryDL to do something that makes the time pass in an enjoyable way 轻松地消磨〔时间〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbeguile• Therefore you can happily build word pictures with which to beguile and captivate an audience.• All her life she had been beguiled by physical beauty in men and in women.• That does not suggest the outrage that a perusal of Hansard might beguile readers into expecting.• They beguiled the hours away on a rowboat.• The sea had been blue and calm, beguiling the unwary.• a slick salesman who beguiles unwary investorsbe·guile verbChineseSyllable  attract to someone and interest Corpus




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