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单词 Organizational
1 The company has a complex organizational structure.
2 With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.
3 The company has set itself some long-term organizational goals.
4 She has good organizational skills.
5 This organizational structure was now outmoded.
6 Organizational ability is not one of the most obvious parts of his make-up.
7 Organizational ability is an essential attribute for a good manager.
8 Organizational fears are emotional responses to core beliefs.
9 These are the human dramas behind the organizational buzzwords.
10 Numerous companies also have reshuffled their corporate organizational charts.
11 Politics is essential to organizational survival.
12 Additionally, the traditional organizational structure is drastically altered.
13 Collective entrepreneurship also entails a different organizational structure.
14 An extreme case of organizational self-defeat and its consequences?
15 When leaders manage cash flow they manage organizational vitality.
16 Travel agents are an important component in the organizational structure of United Kingdom overseas travel.
17 They found themselves, often unwillingly. outside the organizational boundary(), and they capitalized upon that fact.
18 Organizational structure... varies considerably from industry to industry and from small firms to big ones.
19 In terms of our organizational behavior model, costs bring the fear of low performance immediately to bear.
20 This problem needs to be dealt with at an organizational level.
21 She is looking for a personal assistant with good organizational skills.
22 In so doing, it distracts its members from the drudgery and privation of daily organizational life.
23 Reactive techniques like reorganization, retrenchment, and restriction are the natural enemies of organizational innovation.
24 After the closing of its distribution centers led to organizational disaster, the firm did its best to minimize these consequences.
25 Finally, a steering committee was formed late last year and, within two months, the organizational meeting was held.
26 But it also diminishes individual responsibilities and all but guarantees that organizational performance will remain consistently low.
27 But such objections are based on a distorted notion of organizational success and how it is achieved.
28 But such an approach is a classic example of treating symptoms of organizational dysfunction, rather than its root causes.
29 We therefore became aberrant policemen simply because what we were now living was not programmed by previous organizational knowledge and habit.
30 This impressive list could be quite intimidating to any executive managers faced with planning and implementing an organizational transformation.
1 The company has a complex organizational structure.
31 Retroactive cost justification also fails because it disproportionately distributes benefits and costs among organizational constituencies.
32 Here again, the analogy between individual and organizational attitudes and behavior patterns is revealing.
33 Leadership provides organizational values which can serve as a basis for the development of mutual trust and commitment.
34 They had money, they had organizational skills, and they had long ago lost the girlish need to please.
35 What is likely to be the major impact of organizational size on the information needs of managers?
36 To provide information useful for evaluating managerial and organizational performance.
37 A further organizational trend under way in the tourist industry concerns an aspect of the internal organization of travel firms themselves.
38 The traditional organizational chart with divisions, departments,(http:///organizational.html) and sections drawn along functional lines may cease to exist.
39 Predictable starting up a corporate hierarchy grows increasingly uncommon, and frequent movement around the webs of organizational activity is increasing.
40 Military intelligence maintained its surveillance of black organizational activity to determine the extent of black radicalism.
41 His reputation was founded on his organizational abilities and his acknowledged brilliance as a leader of men.
42 At decision-making time these consequences are simply left unmentioned, allowing organizational leaders to feign surprise when qualitative costs finally assert themselves.
43 The records of local Labour parties reveal that Labour's feverish organizational activities were not confined to the national party alone.
44 Of course, these strivings to realize organizational goals may become crystallized in standard operational procedures.
45 There was little benefit from carping about the organizational source of the disciplinary impedimenta.
46 His requirements were crystallized into a list of specific organizational demands, twenty-two in all, each one of them hard fought.
47 People seem confused, tensions run high, and constant crisis is a fact of organizational life.
48 Each of the organizational parts was working on its specific concerns, and no one analyzed the domino effect.
49 The model suggests that organizational effectiveness depends on all seven of these elements being in alignment.
50 Climbing the organizational hierarchy is no longer like climbing stairs in a stable structure.
51 To begin, we must realize that our assumptions about time may need to change in the new organizational climate.
52 Amid all the organizational changes of the past few years we be-came intrigued by the human aftermath of this turmoil.
53 Electronic networks can support this organizational structure by providing the primary means of connection.
54 They take the initiative, come up with technological and organizational innovations, devise new solutions to old problems.
55 Organizational defensive routines One of the most powerful ways people deal with potential embarrassment is to create organisational defensive routines.
56 Database systems which process and store information, which can be drawn upon as a kind of organizational memory-bank. 3.
57 The constitutional and organizational arrangements filter the interests of state personnel towards the long-run interests of the capitalists.
58 There is no inherent conflict between self-actualization and effective organizational performance.
59 The belief that hierarchical organizational structure makes for good business is a difficult one to give up.
60 Yet this considerable variation in organizational model appears to arouse remarkably little interest in its consequences.
61 New and more stringent financial constraints and other commercial pressures on management required appropriate organizational channels through which to take effect.
62 They upset the delicate balance of interests on which high organizational performance is so often based.
63 Note how in each case, the belief statement establishes both an organizational identity and the general criteria for measuring effectiveness.
64 The organizational theorists who have championed the matrixing approach candidly label it an organizational overlay.
65 Mr Bernick began his makeover with a major organizational restructuring.
66 Take for example, the matrix structure, what it does is establish an adversary system,(http:///organizational.html) thereby institutionalizing organizational conflict.
67 In the context of e-commerce, information search can be classified into two categories: organizational and consumer search.
68 This older, more diverse workforce will pose difficult organizational problems.
69 In this regard, fundamental changes are required in organizational patterns of scientific and technological activities in the region.
70 It can take full credit for the success it has achieved, establishing a clear connection between results and core organizational beliefs.
71 Core Beliefs and Fears Virtually all significant organizational decisions are the result of a delicate interplay between core beliefs and fears.
72 Although the word reengineering dominates business jargon, as a metaphor for organizational change, it has become wildly imprecise.
73 In this sense, the high-performance loop turns the self-defeating organizational behavior pattern on its head.
74 In order to be effective, the level of intervention to regulate corporate crime has to be organizational rather than individual.
75 Institutions have regulations, codified systems of behavior, organizational flow charts, and job descriptions.
76 As long as the problems being addressed were limited, the degree of acceptable organizational change was limited.
77 Norms are influenced by organizational factors such as policies, management style of superiors, and rules and procedures.
78 To begin with, it treats hard-working organizational members as chil-dren who are best instructed by punitive example.
79 As an organizational system, managerial hierarchy has never been adequately described and has just as certainly never been adequately used.
80 Organizational and ideological affinities may also lead state elites to incorporate and protect certain interests.
81 But there was no mistaking the damage that had been done and no convenient means of dismissing its root organizational causes.
82 Another way is organizational, which would get utilities to share more information about where their electricity is flowing.
83 The pyramids of corporate strength have flattened into a web of organizational ambiguity.
84 The paper examines different models of case management in terms of organizational structure, content, and outcome assessment.
85 A smaller structure makes it easier to make the transition to a new organizational paradigm.
86 The company dealt with uncertainty through a flexible organizational style, aided by a rapidly evolving information network.
87 Finally, retroactive cost justification fails because it never takes into account the qualitative costs that self-defeating actions inflict on organizational performance.
88 I regard organizational climate as an intervening variable which affects the results of the operations of the organization.
89 Unfortunately, that process committee overlay adds even more complexity to organizational relationships that are already too complex.
90 However, any observer will note that the energy people are prepared to expend in pursuing organizational goals varies greatly.
91 On surveying the organizational ranks, they see only low morale, divisiveness, cynicism, and dulled thinking.
92 The emerging organizational territory has neither guidebooks nor guideposts to help employees acquire or regain a sense of balance with their environment.
93 Control of the beat officer through formal organizational sanctions had both negative and positive attributes.
94 Concepts of strategy introduce consideration of market forces, environmental pressures, and organizational imperatives which form the backdrop for visionary initiatives.
95 Organizational environments are always uncertain, so departments that can cope effectively with uncertainty can increase their power within the organization.http:///organizational.html
96 The townsmen developed no organizational bases comparable to those of Western cities, no craft guilds or town councils.
97 But these will be accompanied by organizational arrangements, systems of administration and working conventions which will also help to define policy.
98 In the meantime, the number of suicide attempters referred to hospitals has continued to present an organizational challenge.
99 The ongoing practice of self-defeating organizational behavior patterns leads ineluctably to the formation of what we call a self-defeating organizational character.
100 Developers of organizational electronic commerce applications must address these questions if they are to be successful.
101 It usually will not work as a means of improving product quality, increasing organizational revenues, or bolstering morale.
102 In the face of a self-defeating organizational behavior pattern, a person of this sort has little choice other than to fight.
103 What is inside and what is outside the organizational boundary(), anyway?
104 Though the literature on organizational politics has emphasized one-on-one relationship building, my research moves the emphasis to the coalition.
105 That, in the final analysis, is what organizational control is all about.
106 That produced greater commitment, which in turn produced significant improvement in every organizational element.
107 This, in a nutshell, is how closed organizational systems become self-defeating.
108 Institutionally cultivated individual career strategies for organizational dominance contribute to organizational decline.
109 The picture of an agency which dispassionately administers scientifically-designed standards is blurred further by organizational practices.
110 However, its efficiency advantages in these circumstances should not be used to infer that it is a panacea of organizational design.
111 The intended effect seems to be to insulate organizational members from the untidy exigencies of the larger world.
112 The old organizational paradigm encouraged employees to view themselves as the occupants of a box called a job.
113 Organizational commitment would not appear to be left to chance in many cases.
114 They must also be able to rally support and achieve results in the midst of almost constant organizational change.
115 What does this show about my ability to show initiative and organizational skills?
116 This residue gradually eats away at the healthy beliefs at the core of organizational life.
117 New organizational charts often look like wiring diagrams for networks.
118 And such conditions, as noted previously, are an ideal medium for the cultivation of skewed or corrosive organizational beliefs.
119 Organizational structure was driven by the necessity of having skilled negotiators in close proximity.
120 The dimensions of further work which would fill out these early findings and explore further organizational effects are sketched.
121 At the same time, the culpable faction is viewed as exempt from organizational control.
122 Forum participants agreed that organizational and funding issues must be resolved so that new high-speed communications services can be developed.
123 One obvious source of data is the organizational chart, since it shows the design of position power.
124 If not countermanded by personal courage or other organizational forces, this tendency becomes habitual and self-perpetuating.
125 Considering the views of those proven achievers helps drive an even greater wedge between centralization and decentralization as a guiding organizational principle.
125 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
126 These external agents are beyond organizational control and, hence, ostensibly immune to corrective action.
127 Whatever the organizational changes few people in Bonn expect any fundamental shifts in science policy.
128 High organizational performance can not be sustained if one or two constituent groups are perpetually rewarded or afflicted.
129 Covering is the response of officials enjoying substantial autonomy to efforts at organizational control.
130 Fighting Organizational Behavior Patterns Strong, healthy individuals have firm convictions and beliefs.
131 Just as thought should precede action, reflection should follow it, on the Organizational as well as the personal level.
132 If we hire pyramid builders, mechanics, or road builders to create an organizational fishnet, the results will be disappointing.
133 Let me take one example of mismatch between individual goals and organizational objectives.
134 As a result of diminishing confidence and conflicting internal impulses, the organization inevitably falls into patterns of self-defeating organizational behavior.
135 The impact of lost opportunity on organizational performance will always be problematic.
136 Few such blemishes, given the secrecy of organizational practice, came to light.
137 The Guidance concentrates on the organizational status of internal audit and the objectivity of internal auditors in achieving the requisite independence.
138 What is significant is that vast organizational conglomerates suddenly found themselves saddled with the consequences of years of exclusionary and inbred policies.
139 Most occupational and organizational groups recognize that the decisions of the political system sometimes have major impacts on their own interests.
140 Statements like this confirmed our suspicions about self-defeating organizational behavior patterns.
141 In the organizational hierarchy of the past, middle managers were the people who remembered things, who passed on corporate culture.
142 Good managers know that fear can not be allowed to dictate organizational policy.
143 The organizational complexity of such a state necessarily complicates the implementation process.
144 And he singled out the abundant evidence he has found that the organizational approach is of overriding importance.
145 The company had fallen into the habit of using George to administer a sort of organizational shock therapy.
146 In each case, performance inevitably improves, with each small improvement restoring a measure of organizational credibility and self-respect.
147 In nearly every way, false open-mindedness conforms to the pattern of a self-defeating organizational behavior.
148 These prerogatives are what differentiate organizational owners from the members of other constituent groups.
149 Through analyzing these competencies, businesses can discover the most important principles that should guide organizational change and development through uncertain periods.
150 But while cynics often serve as acute commentators, they seldom make for effective organizational leaders.
151 She also will play an important role in organizational and leadership development and in developing Verio's business strategy.
152 They needed to improve organizational performance with the equipment and the people at hand.
153 Finally, the state is fragmented, both in terms of political authority and the organizational form and logic of its component parts.
154 When low performance leads to an organizational crisis, rumors of executive malfeasance spread like wildfire among rank-and-file members.
155 Statistics of process, such as arrests and clearance rates are accustomed indices of organizational success in a sanctioning system.
155 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
156 Forcing that constituency or group to absorb the costs of failed initiatives is a slow form of organizational suicide.
157 It is from this tradition that he would see organizational commitment and permanent employment deriving.
158 And still others suggest enterprises should start with initiatives that cut across existing organizational boundaries.
159 The rest were added to the hard-working ranks of our third organizational constituency: staff / line management.
160 Sound organizational training is designed to remedy a specific performance problem or knowledge discrepancy.
161 Fear is an integral part of individual and organizational life.
162 Organizational leaders who are committed to performance improvement are well aware of this pitfall and take stern measures to avoid it.
163 These limited techniques were applied with limited success to limited organizational problems.
164 Yet a few rare instances provide us with at least a general sense of the magnitude of this particular organizational cost.
165 But ali of these organizational initiatives stopped well short of full-blooded state intervention.
166 In some systems, users can add their own links to form new organizational structures, creating new documents from old.
167 It starts when organizational leaders, planners, and consultants are contemplating the alternatives available to them at a strategic moment.
168 Thus, the ambiguity in the split authority flow creates organizational confusion, and Homeric breakdowns in communication.
169 Why, they wonder, does the one perpetuate low-performance patterns, while the other improves the chances for organizational success?
170 Each has set the archivist and potential historian technical, organizational, and intellectual problems of increasing complexity.
171 Nor will they instruct you about specific strategic, organizational, or operational choices peculiar to your own organization.
172 Banished from the official organizational history, the memory of these unpleasant side effects lingers in the form of unhealthy core beliefs.
173 This may sound unduly harsh, but most attempts at clarifying organizational values produce numbingly similar results.
174 Organizational goals are clearly specified to direct efforts of employees toward greater efficiency.
175 This implies that their organizational strategy commences by considering the needs and wants of the customers.
176 Organizational performance inevitably suffers, and when this decline is no longer deniable, blame is apportioned among a few unfortunate scapegoats.
177 Organizational costs have a way of bringing the scenario back into focus.
178 The tighter political hold was in part a reaction to the worsening economic and organizational situation in cultural affairs.
179 Through the actions and attitudes of struggling individuals, the true costs of self-defeating organizational behavior are made manifest.
180 Students practiced simple organizational skills and were able to feel good as they checked off on their lists the assignments completed.
181 Improving processing facilities, not new organizational forms, was the way to end food shortages, he claimed.
182 Managing organizational resource demand, capacity, and capability.
183 The organizational structure of a system.
184 In doing so, I have witnessed no more than limited success when the industry standard is used as the process for the company, line of business, department, program, or some other organizational unit.
185 Theperformance management played the key role in the developing the coordination ability and enforcing the organizational managerial control.
186 Such organizations should be ready all the time to make life-or-death choices and have the organizational capability of self-sacrifice.
187 In this study,(http:///organizational.html) we examine how intercommunity relationships affect the growth of organizational communities.
188 Top Management must be actively involved in the development, implementation, and review of QRM systems, because Quality lays the foundation for the organizational and individual success.
189 There is a huge impedance mismatch as you cross an organizational boundary, particularly the boundary between the business and IT organizations.
190 On 1960 Jan 13 the American Standards Association convened an organizational meeting in New York City to discuss and approve the formation of Committee X3, Computers and Information Processing.
191 Projects establish their defined processes by tailoring the organization's set of standard processes according to tailoring guidelines to suit a particular project or organizational unit.
192 Assess and identify relevant macro - economic, fiscal and market factors and key external influences on organizational performance.
193 We should tighten organizational and democratic supervision and give play to the supervisory function of the media.
194 The company has its name, and its organizational structure conforms to the requirements for a company limited by shares; and.
195 Costing more reasonable use of the standard distribution cost, not only be more accurate costing, cost management has also brought innovation and organizational optimization.
196 The contingency approach isolates situational variables that affect managerial actions and organizational performance.
197 Create a logon script in a Group Policy object (GPO), linking the GPO to the organizational unit (OU) where your servers live.
198 The limited partnership is the main organizational form for overseas private funding.
199 The primary organizational elements are two "L" shaped brick walls connected by a glass enclosed bridge.
200 I got a big financial and organizational boost when the AFL-CIO, at its meeting in Hot Springs, endorsed me.
201 Enhancing the organizational adaptability by building and maintaining effective management systems.
202 The results of correlation and regression analysis indicated the perception of organizational politics had significant positive effect on promoting justice.
203 The viewer has two panels: one contains the tree view of ou (organizational unit) and the other has tabs for Attributes, Search and Connect Info.
204 In order to adapt to the development of globalization, human society needs a system of rules and organizational structure.
205 The virtual corporation is a new thing in the network economy and an effective organizational form for enterprises to practice their win - win strategy.
206 Membranes allow for the compartmentalization of many different processes in the cell, thus allowing for organizational complexity.
207 Draft organizational articles, annual work plan and work out annual revenue, expenditure targets.
208 The heterogeneity of human capital is the foundation and the organizational economics is the gravitation of human capital value integration in high-tech enterprises.
209 It's important in building our organizational machines not to exclude the dissenter, the"Outsider", the non-conformist.
210 Therefore, it is useful to measure and evaluate individual tacit knowledge stock reasonably, considering that it conduces to employee motivation and improving organizational innovation competence.
211 Article from the factors that affect the reliability start from a detailed organizational measures and technical measures to talk about two ways to improve power supply reliability.
212 The technique of item-gain and item-loss was effective in discriminating elaborative processing from organizational processing.
213 What's the optimal way of working together - Social aspects of software dev teams, organizational alignment, compensation,self-organization, decision making, vision.
214 If we predefine the organizational structure of a machine, we predefine what problems it can solve.
215 Business processes seldom involve a single organizational unit,(http:///organizational.html) or a single individual company.
216 These results provide some academic instructions for personnel selection, staff value instruction and building organizational culture of human resource management.
217 Is this arrangement still efficient?Through a dynamic game model with uncomplete information, this paper proves that this kind of transfer is an efficient form of organizational evolution.
218 In addition, it is helpful for knowledge sharing contexture by building up a trustful organizational culture and adopting proper managerial system.
219 The need is to implement strong organizational support which would help create a structured approach to performing social collaboration and minimize risks.
220 Company system is an efficient organizational form for modern enterprise system. While management structure of company's legal body is the core of the company system.
221 Obviously companies must strike a balance between achieving organizational objectives and satisfying customers.
222 In this case, a TreeItem widget is used as either a tree node or a tree leaf to represent an organizational unit and an employee, respectively.
223 Instead of enterprise, they describe another organizational unit, such as corporate, department, or government.
224 We find strong support for the claim that the legitimation process has a relational foundation that involves ties between organizational entities and the external others with whom they interact.
225 The system of parent-subsidiary Corporation has already become the most important organizational form of corporate groups.
226 For this purpose, we adopt a critical discursive perspective that allows us to discover how specific conceptions of strategy work are reproduced and legitimized in organizational strategizing.
227 Incremental model Model of organizational decision making in which major solutions arise through a series of smaller decisions.
228 Organizational culture and organizational identity are both hotspots in management psychology research area in last thirty years.
229 Job satisfaction is one of the most popular concept in management psychology. It is commonly regarded as an important measurement indicator and organizational goal.
230 In our Main diagram we create a dependency relationship between the Specifications and Candidate Services Packages as a matter of good organizational form. See Figure 13.
231 Dr Kugelmass: That or they had the capacity to telefax it in, which wasn't as efficient. Really it is changing the way we do things through organizational management.
232 From an organizational standpoint, the storm and subsequent move to the Sooner State led to immediate upheaval.
233 Higher in the organizational framework is the product line level.
234 The organizational goal must always be to integrate and engrain accessible design principles into existing development team process and practices.
235 The method will call the processEmployees method to process the data for the employees within the organizational unit, and calls processSubOrgs to process the data for its sub-organizations.
236 On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts, Venn diagrams, or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray.
237 The US General Services Administration initiated a new programme that aims to understand better the linkages between the workplace and organizational effectiveness.
238 The discovery of a somatosensory fovea in the star-nosed mole suggests that this organizational scheme is a general evolutionary solution to constructing a high-resolution sensory system.
239 Because of the varieties of its organizational patterns and form of expression, it is nature to provide teacher a space to guarantee the quality of teaching and promote the completer...
240 Emphasizes use of behavioral science research Methods: To test hypotheses concerning organizational behavior.
241 It requires leaders who are technically sophisticated but not necessarily committed to the hurly-burly of organizational activities.
242 Dr. Niblett also briefed the Ambassador on the organizational structure, research staff and latest research results of the Institute.
243 What this boils down to is creating a organizational change management plan with a communication strategy being the most critical component.
244 Organization Climate is a hot issue in the western organizations field , while administrational organizational climate is a significant in administrational organizational research .
245 Organizational Commitment is an attitude or behavioral intention shaped tardily via a long term experiences of the employee.
245 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
246 The study also shows that some of the individual characteristics have a cushiony effect on the relationships between perception of justice in performance appraisal and organizational commitment.
247 Methods To investigate the party and governmental cadres by questionnaire of job burnout and organizational citizenship behavior, t-test, ANOVA, correlation, regression were used to compute data.
248 What proportion of the value added can be attributed to a particular organizational unit?
249 In this study the authors propose that norms of fairness are salient to top decision makers and show that over- or underpayment of the CEO cascades down to lower organizational levels.
250 The private service agency decided in 1985 to make polio immunization an organizational priority.
251 There are three microscopic organizational modes of cyclic economy in the perspective of supply chain, i. e. , green supply chain, endo-symbiosis supply chain and exogen-symbiosis supply chain.
252 The present status for the principal leadership, features of organizational development and school effectiveness display is passably . There is still space for further achievement.
253 The natural evolution is from a page as an organizational unit to a multipage application as a unit.
254 Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition.
255 Through case study, the relations of these bundles with both knowledge delivery mechanism and organizational innovation were judged primarily, offering basis for research hypothesis.
256 Agile Organisational patterns - What's the optimal way of working together - Social aspects of software dev teams, organizational alignment, compensation,self-organization, decision making, vision.
257 In the organizational structure, Cunkou belongs to the middling artery, is the neurohumoral regulation target position compact district.
258 RE must begin with an organizational and contextual analysis to determine the objectives and boundary of the target system.
259 A a global company can use the analysis orchestrator to update information on assets -- people, technology and facility -- from all of its organizational units in different SOAs.
260 Support library templates such as basic flowcharts, organizational charts, business charts, hr diagram, work flowchart, programming flowchart and network design diagrams .
261 Main organizational structures of company are Limited Liability Company and a joint stock limited company incorporated.
262 Under the dynamic competition environment, neither strategic choice theory nor organizational adaptation theory are fully applicable when analyzing the sustainable growth of companies.
263 In the second chapter, it is the review of literatures which is the researches on resources and organizational slack.
264 Currently, the change of management has been acknowledged as a trend of organizational development.
265 It can do more harm than good to the accomplishment of organizational goals.
266 Ltd from the view of the scales of business operating, organizational structure and staff size and the status of HR management and so define SW as medium-sized and small software enterprise.
267 Organizational culture and job satisfaction are the hotspots in management psychology research area.
268 The organizational slack is not only the cost of enterprises, but also the unique and potential advantages of enterprises.
269 What's more, this thesis probe into the springhead of the problem of the state-owned commercial bank organizational structure.
270 Organizational identification is a kind of social identification which is the perception of oneness with or belongingness to an organization.
271 The responses at one company are typical: More than 75 percent of managers said the company was lousy, pretty bad, or just so-so at working across organizational boundaries.
272 While core competence remains vital — differentiation offers a competitive advantage — firms must examine their organizational ambidexterity.




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