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单词 Inherit
1. He stood to inherit property worth £5 million.
2. Blessed are the meek:for they shall inherit the earth.
3. He has no son to inherit his land.
4. Who will inherit the house when he dies?
5. She will soon inherit her father's mantle.
6. He will inherit the title on the death of his uncle.
7. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors; we borrow it from our Children.
8. All her children will inherit equally.
9. The chief's son would inherit all his dominions.
10. The eldest son will inherit the title.
11. He intended that his son should inherit his business.
12. They are to inherit 100,000 US dollars.
13. We must inherit in a critical way.
14. Some people may inherit a tendency to alcoholism.
15. He'll inherit the money when he comes of age.
16. Sheila will inherit everything in the event of his death.
17. We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics.
18. She will inherit her father's estate when she reaches her majority.
19. In the event of his death Sheila will inherit the money.
20. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" is one of the Beatitudes.
21. Nineteen-year-olds seldom inherit country mansions, after all.
22. Sons were able to inherit their father's private property.
23. It is the general rule, that all superior men inherit the elements ofsuperiority from their mother. 
24. If he dies without making a will, his closest relative will inherit.
25. The will has to be proved before we can inherit.
26. In the normal course of events, a son would inherit from his father.
27. Her favorite Beatitude is " Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth ".
28. In the event of his death, his daughter will inherit the money.
29. The deceased's immediate relatives, her mother and father, will inherit her estate.
30. If you die without a will, only a husband, wife, children and blood relatives are entitled to inherit your property.
1. Blessed are the meek:for they shall inherit the earth.
2. He has no son to inherit his land.
3. Who will inherit the house when he dies?
4. She will soon inherit her father's mantle.
5. He will inherit the title on the death of his uncle.
6. If he dies without making a will, his closest relative will inherit.
7. He intended that his son should inherit his business.
8. We must inherit in a critical way.
9. Her favorite Beatitude is " Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth ".
10. In the event of his death, his daughter will inherit the money.
31. In that case, would his children inherit it?
32. You know Cathy won't inherit anything from her father.
33. Doug Jones stands to inherit the Myers' closer role.
34. They lost their right to inherit property.Sentencedict
35. The most likely to inherit the earth.
36. Nizan did not inherit a family tradition.
37. The first is biological - what we inherit through our genes.
38. It is not a holy status that living entities inherit by some mystical means.
39. It was her express wish that you inherit her house.
40. Like a lot of people who inherit or marry wealth, Straus viewed money abstractly.
41. It has been Labour's good fortune to inherit this benign state of affairs.
42. Frequent feeding is the key to producing good offspring, assuming they inherit the potential from their parents.
43. Conversely, many younger people will be the first generation in their family who can expect to inherit substantial amounts.
44. Tristan expected to inherit the kingdom of his uncle, King Mark, in Cornwall.
45. To put it simply, the family metaphor is: there are fathers and sons and one day the sons will inherit.
46. The ability to inherit wealth or status from a parent is not unique to man.
47. Emma will inherit a fortune when she comes of age.
48. This remains the situation that social service departments will inherit in April 1993, when social services assume responsibility for private care.
49. A few weeks later Patrick Ashby came back from the dead and went home to inherit the family house and fortune.
50. Accordingly the will specifies that the eldest such relative should inherit.
51. Those who inherit one gene have an increased chance of acquiring cancers later in life.
52. A woman could inherit the throne in default of male heirs.
53. Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
54. He joked to her that he would like to solve the mystery, marry a princess, and inherit the kingdom.
55. She was expecting a baby, and we all hoped she would have a son, who would inherit the Linton fortune.
56. But experts now believe that the genes we inherit also play a vital part.
57. He was bitter because he couldn't inherit the glory they unwittingly advertised.
58. Your children will inherit a world in which Basil's influence has made a great contribution.
59. He did inherit the assets of the Company post war, but took the projects no further.
60. Generalisation and abstraction, which reflect real-world relationships where objects can inherit properties from their parents, are supported.
61. He felt that to have any chance of preserving the family tradition, a single individual must inherit.
62. My son Linton will inherit all the Linton fortune when Edgar dies.
63. They're young and poor and the patriarchal culture they inherit and the conspicuous consumption of their contemporaries sanctions their irresponsibility.
64. He believes that he is entitled by right to inherit from his father, despite his father's will./inherit.html
65. In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists. Eric Hoffer 
66. In any case they did not inherit the doctrinaire restrictions of their elders.
67. Only a king could inherit what Cromwell had defended, albeit a king under much closer restrictions than ever before.
68. By contrast, he did inherit a destructive family situation which weighed heavily on him for the rest of his life.
69. Catherine will inherit a large sum of money on her father's death.
70. So Simon was now an only son, an eldest son, and he stood to inherit in Somerset as well.
71. He knew that if he and Catherine had no sons, Isabella would inherit the considerable Linton fortune.
72. At that age the law considers them to be dead, so their children inherit their houses and money.
73. Kate decides that he must court her, so that he may inherit her money.
74. First, they want to eliminate taxes entirely for people fortunate enough to inherit estates of $ 1 million.
75. One hopes that only the first group will inherit the earth.
76. The son who has the greatest success will inherit the lot.
77. He did not in fact inherit the title until 1705, but a love of hunting he certainly did.
78. When she married Glyn she would inherit this odd man too in a way.
79. By accepting whatever property he may inherit from his father.
80. Most important, children tend to inherit their parents' partisan preferences.
81. Thus a gene for chromosomal fratricide will spread as surely as a murderer will inherit the Earth.
82. She perhaps wanted me to inherit the dark old house and to marry Estella.
83. The wise will inherit honor, But fools display dishonor.
84. Whoever wins will inherit an unenviable legacy.
85. Heir apparent to inherit housing, land deed tax levy.
86. Do children inherit left - handedness from their parents?
87. The meek shall inherit the earth.
88. The newly - formed variety would probably inherit from its progenitor some characteristic.
89. Princess Alexandra was to inherit the title of Duchess of Fife.
90. I inherit your resoluteness and diligence, also your impatience and roughness.
91. There is only a little recite on testament execution in Inherit Law, but has not essential prescript about it.
92. Also, because transactions can be named, undoable actions inherit their names from current transaction.
93. Unable to find a parent web from which to inherit authoring permissions.
94. In addition, many children inherit "hand-me-down" computers from their older siblings or adults in the house (Hudson, 2004).
95. "If I inherit a lot of money, I may feel a fiduciary obligation to preserve the corpus," says Patrick Rooney, director of research at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.
96. Certainly the glory prestige family's blood relationship with thoroughly has also not gotten rid of sufficiently, for example with the heteromorphous head lamp headlamp which 750 inherit.
97. Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.
98. It lets you ensure that cousin Julie gets Aunt Gussie's Blue Willow china or that your three children inherit the proceeds of your estate equally.
99. The specificity immunity has the specificity, can resist the identical kind of microorganism the superinfection, cannot inherit.
100. It seems that we prefer self-gratification than the quality of life which our children will inherit.
101. This paper introduces the fundamentality of maize stalk strength determining in maize inherit breeding, it put forwards the design principle of maize stalk strength determining.
102. Cubans will also now be allowed to inherit property from relatives without having to live in it first, and they will be able to take title to property of relatives or others who emigrate.
103. The milli- has no knowledge of she became this small only legal scepter in the nation to inherit a person.
104. You can inherit this real property, it's within your rights.
105. You hope to inherit your aunt's fortune! Well, remember there's many a slip between cup and lip; she may marry again.
106. In 21th century, we should inherit such consciousness and make new contributions to the cause of anti-pollution, protection of ecology and peacekeeping activity.
107. Major histocompatibility Complex(MHC) is an important immunity molecule which can inherit steadily and has obvious relativity with disease.
108. The right to inherit the large estate became the apple of discord among the three brothers.
109. Our country practices tail system , and takes direct mode of inherit . It is very disbennifit to protect debtee because there is not efficiency supervision to haeres .
110. The approach Rorty wants to inherit and critically develop John Dewey's philosophy is always disputed in American philosophy.
111. For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.
112. But the one most people remember is the 1925 Scopes trial, in Dayton, Tennessee, partly because Spencer Tracy played Darrow in a 1960 film about it, "Inherit the Wind."
113. When John come of age, he will inherit a of money.
114. Slogan: Inherit tradition; show our talent; pyrography welcomes the Olympics.
115. And if a new admin were to inherit our craftily configured server, it would take quite a bit of detective work in order to even begin to understand how we configured everything.
116. Outsider offspring inherit a position outside of the morph - line between Mommy and Daddy.
117. But some new problems appear in the AIMM, such as how to select the structure of the adaptive model set, how to inherit the different data from the filters based on the old model set.
118. Even dear Mr. Godfrey partakes of the fallen nature which we all inherit from Adam.
119. The aim of teaching classical poems at college is to inherit and bequeath the cultural heritage, to foster students' taste and interest in literature, to develop students' poetic connoisseurship.
120. Introducing the idea about finely granular access control through Inherit attributes of object, decomposes the access privilege from menu to atom control.
121. By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land.
122. Then it compares the overseas law and ours in issue of inherit of stock right.
123. How else can our students inherit the knowledge that mankind has gained through the ages?
124. In the interior display design realm, it's our social duty to inherit and develop the traditional culture, and it is also the further request to the living quantity.
124. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
125. Stop talking about who's going to inherit my money! I've no intention to pop off yet!
126. The reason of the advance of the Japanese modern-architecture in the world is that, they inherit the form and the spirit of the traditional architecture excellently, especially the unlogical factors.
127. "Extends" allows an extending element to inherit characteristics of the base element.
128. An interface cannot inherit from another interface with a more restrictive access level.
129. Can a first cousin at one remove inherit the property?
130. You only get malaria protection. It's only when you inherit the mutation from both parents that you get sickle-cell anemia.
131. Presents the obvious history as the ideology and the overtop structure culture to inherit the nature and blends the nature with other cultures.
132. Document definitions can inherit information from other document definitions allowing you to define a complex mapping of XML content to RDF metadata information.
133. He said, " You son of a servant girl! Where would you inherit a treasure from? "
134. Small treasure, for the sake of this son the small matter cry of the dying live, do you return henceforth how to inherit your daddy's family possessions and return how to mix above the course?
135. An idiot can inherit millions, and a trust fund can keep his estate intact.
136. The LORD will inherit Judah as his portion the holy land and will again choose Jerusalem.
137. Accordingly, the French court accepted this renvoi, the court held that this property was no one to inherit property according to French civil law, it should be reverted to the Treasury.
138. The piano sonatas of Prokofiev are considered as the masterpieces that inherit the classical piano art tradition and begin the new style of the twentieth century.
139. A Parameter or Object element defined directly within the Application element has a global scope; its specified name does not inherit any prefix qualification from the container element.
140. If you specify the cell or node level, the information contained in it must be accessible and applicable to all servers that inherit the specification from that cell or node.
141. There is hope, however, for on an appointed day in the future, God will arise to judge the earth, and the great King, our Lord Jesus, will inherit all nations and rule righteously (82:8).
142. Children who are illegitimate can nevertheless inherit from their parents.
143. Toxicity tastes toxicity originally extremely low , milk does not resist , there is no deliver irregular , cancerogenic , inherit toxicity and immune toxicity.
144. The moral education should fit the life practice, improve the morality heteronomy environment, inherit and innovation.
145. It's only when you inherit the mutation from both parents that you get sickle-cell anemia.
146. French civil law considers priority as a incumbrance, when it inherit Roma law.
147. Both syllable construction and phrasing function inherit and develop onomatopoeic of Yuanqu, and showed clear age special features of live.
148. His yippee style makes him unwilling to inherit the business from his father, he chooses to stay in Shanghai. Though Kou likes Fishy, but Fishy is confused, as she cannot understand man at all...
149. Night white dispassion retreat, the left hand flips, ruddy of the burn immediately inherit to poison corpse, then rapidly blaze.
150. Set up the socialism diapason society are notonlythe traditionharmonize thought of inherit and develop but also the regulation of mankind society development which is cognitive to turn deeply.
151. Nor thieves , nor covetous , nor drunkards , nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
152. Finally, this paper explains what is the spirit of Marxism which Derrida always asks us to inherit, and what is the relationship between his deconstructionism and Marxism.
153. Widows have the right to dispose of property they inherit, without interference from anyone.
154. In China, because traditional culture's development does not inherit interrupted,[http:///inherit.html] foundational mainstream cultural thought enormous influence design value connotation.
155. The state protects by law the right of citizens to inherit private property.
156. Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one.
157. This paper discusses the meaning and explores the form and development of Chinese traditional lighting culture, and gives some simple but cogitative opinions for how we inherit it.
158. The new mulberry varieties bred by The Sericultural Research Institute of Shandong, which originated from the endemic mulberry varieties of Shandong, inherit the good points of the parent.
159. His father often asked him to inherit the glorious revolutionary tradition.
160. Today's Egyptian dancing art yet inherit traditional dancing style although experienced a long time evolution, unlike the black Africa style, but characterized in straight line and Arab custom.
161. The proposed new method not only has the better global learning abilities but also can inherit the virtues of the original visual TSK fuzzy system modeling method.
162. American geneticist Calvin Bridges discovered copy number variation in 1936, when he noticed that flies that inherit a duplicate copy of a gene called Bar develop very small eyes.
163. The strong, the strong they tell us will inherit the land.
164. Thus saith the Lord GOD; This shall be the border, whereby ye shall inherit the land according to the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph shall have two portions.
165. To inherit and develop the middlebrow that is important for construct the Harmonious society and economy and science.
166. So, from both perspectives of the multiplicity and the ecology of the culture, it is urgent and necessary for us to protect and inherit the birchbark boat of Orochen.
167. Meanwhile, they should universalize traditional Wushu through a variety of effective approaches and methods, to inherit and develop it.
168. They have previously shown that the genes we inherit help determine whether we have a cool head or a short fuse.
169. An is the nobility marquis to inherit a person, laying claim to kindness to fellowmen.
170. Despite all these virtues he did not have that personal magnetism, that animal force, so necessary for a leader of men, and he too was not expected to inherit the family business.
171. If Elizabeth failed to produce an heir, then her cousin Mary Queen of Scots, also Catholic, would inherit the throne.
172. Usufruct stem from Rome law, continent law department country inherit and innovate to this legislation.
173. Checked exceptions inherit from Exception class and are used to handle recoverable errors such as business error scenarios.
174. Localization of the management science of China is to inherit and develop the fine traditional Chinese management culture, and promote the practice of management science in China.
175. However, baldness is another X - linked recessive trait; you inherit it from your mother.
176. It should be noted that the option object itself is an abstract object and is only used to define properties for other objects to inherit.
177. The way to disposal the road network in big cities is rised by the traffic unit divide method, and is optimized by the inherit method based on the unblocked reliability.
178. An old custom in certain English boroughs whereby the right to inherit an estate intestate went to the youngest son or, in default of issue, to the youngest brother.
179. Vitamin B 5 can increase the inherit tenacity of the hair and fully reactivate the exanimate hair.
180. The calligraphic research center of Beijing University will carry his banner, inherit his spirit and make new contributions to the research of calligraphic culture.
181. Typically, the page adapter class that you write must also inherit from the appropriate control adapter class.
182. Implement a superclass Person . Make two classes, Student and Instructor , that inherit from Person.
183. Conclusion The foreign gene (human Cathepsin K gene) has already integrated into mouse chromosome, and it can inherit in accordance with Mendelian inheritance.
184. How to inherit Chinese medicine innovatively and develop it so that it will not fall behind in medicine competition?
185. Who could inherit the title, put the youth in hysterics.
186. These different views make discus of inherit of stock right more complicated.
187. Whenever a Slayer died, his descendant would inherit the title.
188. The infinite regulation of cosmos has the characteristics of source, ego restriction, criticized inherit and infinite equilibrium of objective self-contradiction.
189. It did not surprise her when Fanny said, "Now, Sophie dear, it seems only right and just that you should inherit the hat shop when I retire, being the eldest as you are."
190. As for its property inherit law, not only the degree of its rigor and maturity is far above the past, but also it brings a profound influence to the afterworld because of its various innovation.
191. Because it is carried by a dominant gene(), an affected individual can expect about half of his or her children to inherit the illness.
192. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
193. We inherit the tradition of Christian morality which makes self-renunciation the condition for salvation.
194. Culture means many things in this context, but at heart it is a suite of traits we inherit and also choose to disavow or to stress.
195. Nancy Old money means that you don't make the money, you inherit it.
196. Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child, the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation.
197. Brought up by peasants, "she has no opportunity to inherit the tradition of free-thinking, spirituality and creativity that her father embodied." How will she turn out?
198. If omitted,[Sentencedict] the bind and the prep options inherit their default value from the FEDERATED_ASYNC database manager configuration parameter.
199. A named policy can also be applied to a template, causing any place created from the template to inherit that policy by default.
200. The People-Oriented inherit and develop the fundamental of the Marxism, and make the concept of CCP developing the country leap. It is the polestar to construct the socialism harmonious society.
201. As previously seen, widgets must inherit from the dijit._Widget class, which defines and provides the basic behavior for a Dojo widget.
202. For example, you could define a offer template followed by two business items, initial offer and counter offer, that inherit their common attributes from the offer template.




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