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单词 Eyesight
1 Eagles have very keen eyesight.
2 You should allow for her poor eyesight.
3 Her eyesight is very good.
4 His bad eyesight exempted him from military service.
5 I have good eyesight.
6 Failing eyesight finally forced her into an old people's home.
7 My grandfather's eyesight is going.
8 Some eyesight problems are relatively easy to correct.
9 His eyesight is getting dim.
10 A person with good eyesight can distinguish distant object.
11 My grandmother's sight/eyesight is still good.
12 Failing eyesight forced him to retire early.
13 My eyesight has got progressively worse over the years.
14 His eyesight is still good.
15 I was advised to have a full eyesight examination.
16 His eyesight is becoming progressively worse.
17 You'd better wear glasses to remedy bad eyesight.
18 Dad's eyesight is starting to go.
19 He had a problem with his eyesight.
20 Their eyesight is poor in low light.
21 My grandmother's sight/eyesight is still good.WHICH WORD?
22 She lost her eyesight at 19 months.
23 His eyesight may have suffered irreparable damage .
24 My eyesight is better than his.
25 Poor eyesight incapacitated him for the army.
26 In recent years I've been cursed with worsening eyesight.
27 Poor eyesight is a handicap to a student.
28 You need to have your eyesight tested.
29 Your eyesight rights itself very quickly.
30 Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service.
1 Eagles have very keen eyesight.
2 You should allow for her poor eyesight.
3 Her eyesight is very good.
4 His bad eyesight exempted him from military service.
5 I have good eyesight.
6 Failing eyesight finally forced her into an old people's home.
7 The brilliance of truth cannot be dimmed ; the eyesight of the mountain eagle cannot be blocked by dense fog.
31 Eyesight doesn't get any better at my time of life.
32 The animal's good sense of smell compensates for its poor eyesight.
33 His paintings had become more impressionistic as his eyesight dimmed.
34 Owls have good eyesight.
35 Good eyesight is a quality which is extremely valuable for a hunting animal.
36 In class, a child with poor eyesight can soon get left behind.
37 Until the beating, Cantanco's eyesight had been weak, but adequate.
38 His eyesight is failing.
39 Deafness and failing eyesight are among the infirmities of old age.
40 He was not a particularly good shot because of his eyesight.
41 His ambition to become a pilot was thwarted by poor eyesight.
42 The myth that eating carrots improves your eyesight was exploded years ago.
43 If my eyesight fails, I'll have to stop doing this job.
44 Her eyesight grew so bad that she could hardly see.
45 He found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to fail.
46 He suffered from poor eyesight and could no longer read properly.
47 Her poor eyesight is bound to tell against her applying for a job.
48 Her eyesight is failing.
49 The brilliance of truth cannot be dimmed ; the eyesight of the mountain eagle cannot be blocked by dense fog.
50 Contrary to popular belief , eating carrots does not improve your eyesight.
51 This novel is available in large print for readers with poor eyesight.
52 Spectacles correct faulty eyesight.
53 His reluctance to help could, in part, be explained by his poor eyesight.
54 Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few minutes by the use of a laser.
55 My eyesight must be getting worse.
56 Her eyesight, of course, was 20/20 straight arrow.
57 Santa Clara was good for eyesight.
58 There was nothing wrong with my eyesight.
59 Failing eyesight was forcing him to retire.
60 His poor eyesight prohibited him from becoming a pilot.
61 Furthermore, the practice of good dermatology does not depend solely on adequate eyesight and clinical expertise.
62 The car accident has caused permanent damage to her eyesight.
63 In recent times, anthropologists have noted that Inuit had almost universally perfect eyesight until significant numbers of them became literate.
64 They cite numbers and percentages of casualties, they give names of comrades who lost eyesight and limbs.
65 Another poem of this period, addressed to the Duke of York, complains of his poor eyesight.
66 Fagg fitted in: his eyesight was very poor and he had flat feet.
67 The plaintiff suffered from deteriorating eyesight and became almost blind.
68 Gedanken thought there must be something wrong with her eyesight - the strain of looking down the microscope.
69 Rather, poor eyesight uncorrected by glasses and harshly taxed by use may produce symptoms of strain,(http://) including headaches.
70 A military career had fascinated the young Makarenko, though he disliked it and had to be discharged on account of poor eyesight.
71 That is why smell is so important to quadrupeds; erect animals with good eyesight can detect danger from far off.
72 She had discovered that he possessed the eyesight of a cat.
73 In Washington, for example, a teacher was discharged from his contractual obligation because of his deteriorating eyesight.
74 You will need to be able to work for long periods with a high degree of accuracy, and have really good eyesight.
75 Life begins at 40 - but so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times. Helen Rowland 
76 Frank was working for a large nursery and wanted to get into management when his eyesight started to fail.
77 You must have good eyesight. I can't even make it out from here.
78 But diligently studying by day and by night Seriously impair his tender eyesight.
79 Her eyesight was vague and muzzy, her mouth felt like the bottom of a sandpit.
80 I assume you all know what raw ammonia does to the eyesight?
81 Encourage residents to wash and iron their clothes where their eyesight and co-ordination are good.
82 Reality itself is a little out of focus when you stare with eyesight sufficiently keen.
83 Her own body of work was complete five years ago, when failing eyesight and less mobile hands forced her to retire.
84 Ian was rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.
85 Of course it's just possible that she has poor eyesight - a woman like that would be too vain to wear spectacles.
86 A quadriplegic who is nearly deaf and has failing eyesight, the 61-year-old sheik would seem to be powerless.
87 This depends on the patient's eyesight, manual dexterity and willingness.
88 The story is that slightly better eyesight will enable animals to avoid death and find food slightly more effectively.
89 This apparently involves sending patients an eyesight test card and then running through the test itself over the telephone.
90 For Hazel Rodgers, a 78-year-old glaucoma sufferer who credits marijuana with helping to save her eyesight.
91 Her eyesight was her strong point, and yet also her worry.
92 His educational problems were aggravated by his refusal to wear glasses, without which his eyesight was very poor.
93 Only the very old people remembered Albert Porter, and their eyesight was no better than their memory.
94 These latter were nearly all middle-aged or C3 with bad eyesight, so the outlook was not exactly exhilarating.
95 Her small Honda was found smashed against a concrete culvert within eyesight of the plant.
96 Poor eyesight had prevented Thomas from qualifying as a pilot; but he was not content to be a backroom boy.
97 She jumped to her death, and he lost his eyesight as the house fell in.
97 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
98 Potter was excluded from military service due to his poor eyesight.
99 Everyone should pay attention to preserving his own eyesight.
100 Does sunglass radian damage eyesight greatly too?
101 Methods Eyesight survey, eyeground check and questionnaire.
102 The disease is affecting his eyesight.
103 His poor eyesight results from keratitis.
104 Eyes: including color differentiation, trachoma, eyesight etc.
105 Can improve eyesight, the disintoxicating, to dispel wet.
106 She lost her teeth, hearing, eyesight and mobility.
107 Perhaps at green for long to conduce to eyesight?
108 To view a woman with only erotic eyesight approximates impudicity.
109 Bloodstones: Helps heal all blood disorders, lungs, eyesight, and heart.1 st chakra.
110 The hyperacuity eye model is critical for making human eyesight like an eagle.
111 My eye myopic! How to raise eyesight, protect an eye?
112 Therese reported that her eyesight was fully restored on April 29, 1923 — the day Therese of Lisieux was beatified (the first step to sainthood) in Rome.
113 Acuteness of sight is difficult to define but if we were endowed with the eyesight of a kestrel it is estimated that we could read a newspaper at a range of 25 yards.
114 Barbary Wolfberry Fruit : Relieve fatigue, regulate immune function, lower blood sugar, and improve eyesight.
115 Good team spirited, be able to night shifts, eyesight over 1.0, not a colorblind .
116 Genetic diagnosis could be applied for genetic counseling, and close follow-up of carriers might allow early detection of the tumor to preserve eyesight.
117 Disclosed is an eyesight protective writing board, which is in particular suitable for the use of the pupil.
118 Milton probably around this time, around the time that he was writing and finishing the regicide treatises, began to lose his eyesight.
119 Cough, diarrhoea, spirit does depressed, eyesight drop, what reason is unripe gum?
120 Her ambition to become an artist was thwarted by failing eyesight.
121 Does pupil greaten bring about eyesight to drop can need how long return to normal?
122 Fish trotter up milk, liver goat liver good eyesight. Yishenqiangxin waist eating walnuts, dates Jianshen eat spleen.
123 When he went for his medical exam, he pretended that his eyesight was very bad.
124 Efficacy: 1. Reducing blood-fat, suppressing thrombotic disease, preventing myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction. 2. Lowering hypertension. 3. Highly protecting eyesight, etc.
125 Besides, mosaic still can be applied at room of TV wall, children, protect eyesight, open eye shot to increase life interest again already.
126 If forehead and eyebrow bend ministry are contused to want to note the eyesight case of seasonable self-check eye, preliminary judgement has injure secondhand without optic nerve.
127 The eyesight that plays computer to eyeball of cross-eye of how many time play has protection?
128 Also, the borrower cannot trade the eyesight of the god of death.
129 His lost eyesight was more than made up for by his ever sharpening sense of hearing.
130 The eye is scratchy, can you cause eyesight to drop?
131 If I fired back that playing video games wrecked one's eyesight, he'd trot out a study proving that they improved a person's field of vision.
132 She is a oculist, wearing a cap with a cross on it and conducting an eyesight test for the patient in front of the counter.
133 Until the ball is about 20 feet from the plate, they focused on the ball with their central vision, then handed off the ball to their peripheral eyesight.
134 Lizards and mice can lose their eyesight in a blink ( so to speak ) inhabiting lightless caves.
135 At this time, all the people directed their eyesight to the factory manager.
136 Little imagine, the lamplight of multicoloured divides pair of person eyesight the harm is very great outside, still can disturb brain center advanced nerval function.
137 The orbital blowout fracture didn't weaken the eyesight of injured eye significantly, but diplopia of the patient should be considered in the medicolegal expertise of orbital blowout fracture.
138 Vaccinium Myrtillus Anthocyanins are extracted from the fruits of Vaccinium Myillus. The primary functional activities of such anthocyanins are improving the eyesight and protecting the blood vessels.
139 I had a test of my eyesight yesterday and I have got more near-sighted.
140 Methods Far sight was examined through E Standard Logarithm Eyesight Table.
141 There are corneal edema , iritis and soon . posterior capsular opacification is themajor cause of eyesight reduction.
142 Mercurialism eye ministry appears mercurialism sex crystalline lens changes, inspect a function to damage drop for central eyesight, view is narrow.
143 As they grow they become less long-sighted so that by the time children stop growing their eyesight should be perfect.
144 Good eyesight. Preferably familiar with First - In - First - Out rule and Product Identification and Trace ability.
145 The apply-named Wolf spider skulks on the forest floor, relying on its sharp eyesight to pursue, capture and kill its insect prey.
146 I was so tired that my eyesight grew dim [ hazy ] .
147 METHODS: A total of 243 cases (408 eyes) of developmental amblyopia underwent comprehensive therapy including glasses, eye-shade, red light glitter, photogene and eyesight exercise.
148 Do vomiting and the eyesight that can diarrhoea cause abrupt sex drop?
149 Eyesight bad to be wearing the right glasses, so as to avoid commonly used in Caecus, glandular secretions have been gradually opening blocked.
150 Current, have better curative effect to the cure of acute neuritis, if can be treated in time to the hospital, eyesight can get resumptive more.
151 Researchers at Tokyo University Hospital have succeeded in using a cornea cell to grow cornea epithelial tissue, needed for treating declining eyesight caused by the side effects of medicine or drugs.
152 Even though I just have a window, I can still embrace sunshine, fresh air, beauteous landscapes. Though the eyesight might be somewhat narrow, it is my world after all.
153 In my eyesight jumped into the Marktkirche in baroque style. I thought it was a beauteous exist beyond religious belief and its pulchritude stopped me from pondering any more.
154 Early in his life Degas began to have problems with eyesight.
155 He is illiterate, with failing eyesight, and had worked as an oysterman before Katrina and its accompanying oil spills.
156 The 61 percent of undiagnosed diabetics face higher risks of suffering eyesight or kidney problems and risk having strokes, the report said.
157 The mantis shrimp also has the best eyesight in the animal world with 16 different photoreceptor types (compared to four in humans).
158 Toxic eye ministry behaves phosphor eyesight drops, miotic, convulsion of cilia shape flesh, eye ground inspects faintness of dish of anaemia, brim, retinal arterial stricture,(http:///eyesight.html) haemorrhage and oozy .
159 The result of creation is renascence after exhausting, the fall of eyesight and beam is like jumping of every silent note, and it is sublimation and taste.
160 He also gave me terrible eyesight. If I mistake you for a bedpost, please don’t take it personally.
161 Poor eyesight will incapacitate you for a job in the library.
162 Team spirited , healthy, be able to night shifts, eyesight over 1.0, not a colorblind .
163 This study using metaphysics analyzed what the "literature Position Journal" had tried to fight the formulism on writing, thus widened our eyesight today and could help us to enrich our inditement.
164 All it takes to get started as a birder is good eyesight, a simple field guide (even from a used book store) and an interest in watching birds.
165 A known reading table or desk is not provided with a magnifying glass(), so that the reading is very inconvenient and laborsome for a person with poor eyesight.
166 The program trains about 75 Pacific bottlenose dolphins, with natural biosonar that tracks better than any manmade device; and 35 California sea lions, with superb underwater eyesight.
167 Common light source because its instability, aglimmer light causes the child's eyesight extremely easily to drop.
168 After multiple rounds of elimination through contest, finally, censorious eyesight has to face Royal Garden where it was sentenced to death.
169 The Supreme Court ruled the Americans with Disabilities Act does not extend to people with poor eyesight or other correctable conditions.
170 I see the sightseer ' eyesight seems not good for sightseeing .
171 Conclusion: It has curative effects in promoting absorption of eyeground hemorrhage and improving eyesight in treating eyeground hemorrhage by syndrome differentiation.
172 Take the eye with radiation - proof zero dioptre to have harm to eyesight every day excuse me?
173 Blind eyesight; visible wavelength are logically flawed arrangement; it should be "blind people", "visible radiation" instead.
174 It has the functions of clearing away heat and toxic material, dispersing mass, strengthening eyesight, regulating vital energy, etc. and has high hyperthyroidosis treating effect and no side effect.
175 In the course of eye development, the melanin lacking causes a series of abnormal manifestation, such as severe eyesight decrease, photophobia , nystagmus, etc.
176 Methods 107 cases of one - amblyopia were dilated pupil and examine eyesight, treatment and cover also performed.
177 How does know to make myope restores the method of eyesight?
178 Good eyesight. Preferably familiar with first-in-first-out rule and Product Identification and Trace ability.
179 A dog's good sense of smell compensates for its poor eyesight.
180 Proptosis, restrictive movement of the involved eye, eyelid or conjunctive congestion, decreased eyesight and palpable orbital masses were the main clinical findings.
181 Having an outstanding sense of smell but poor eyesight, Kodiak Bears can stand up to three meters tall and weigh approximately 780kilograms.




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