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单词 romantic
释义 Word family  noun romance romantic romanticism adjective romantic ≠ unromantic romanticized verb romance romanticize adverb romantically  ro·man·tic1 /rəʊˈmæntɪk, rə- $ roʊ, rə-/ ●●○ adjective  1  showing love 表现爱情的LOVE showing strong feelings of love 多情的,浪漫的 ‘Tom always sends me red roses on my birthday.’ ‘How romantic!’ “我过生日时汤姆总是给我送红玫瑰。”“多浪漫啊!”2  relating to love 与爱情有关的LOVERELATIONSHIP relating to feelings of love or a loving relationship 浪漫的;风流的 After dinner, they took a romantic stroll by the sea. 晚饭后,他们浪漫地沿着海边散步。 real old-fashioned romantic love 真正老派的浪漫爱情 I’m not ready for a romantic relationship. 我还没准备好谈恋爱。3  story/film 故事/电影STORYLOVE a romantic story or film is about love 关于爱情的 a romantic comedy 爱情喜剧4  beautiful 美丽的EXCITED beautiful in a way that affects your emotions and makes you think of love or adventure 富有浪漫情调的;充满传奇色彩的 romantic music 富有情调的音乐 The castle is set in one of England’s most romantic landscapes. 城堡坐落在英格兰最富浪漫气息的风景区之一。5  not practical 不实际的PERFECT romantic ideas are not practical or not based on reality 不切实际的,耽于幻想的,空想的 OPP realisticromantic notion/view/idea etc romantic notions about becoming a famous actress 希望成为著名女演员的幻想 Like many New Yorkers, he had a romantic image of country life. 像许多纽约人一样,他对乡村生活也有一种不切实际的美好幻想。6. Romantic art/literature etc ASHart or literature that is based on the ideas of romanticism 浪漫主义艺术/文学等 —romantically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusromantic• Others find vinyl recordings warmer, more romantic.• Like Modigliani, Jeanne was a romantic, a mysterious young woman with soulful blue eyes and a generous mouth.• You have a very romantic and foolish idea of science.• His proper names show the same self-conscious striving for a romantic atmosphere.• We shared a gourmet meal in a romantic, candle-lit restaurant.• Why don't you send him a little romantic card and see how he reacts?• Paris is such a romantic city.• a romantic comedy in which Meg Ryan plays a single mother looking for love• I saw a picture of Jane Asher in the same suit at a romantic fiction judging evening.• Again, more men than women endorsed the romantic ideal by answering yes.• It is part of the romantic ideal that the promise of a beautiful woman is the promise of eternal perfection.• Then a quieter, more romantic one.• I'm in the most stable romantic relationship I've ever had.• In all of these depictions, parenthood is romantic, rollicking fun in which men are integrally involved.• I've always thought it would be so romantic to be serenaded.• We went for a lovely romantic walk by the lake.romantic love• Then again, perhaps rough, tough Spacefleet troopers manifested peculiarly understated displays of romantic love.• To see them is to believe in love, real old-fashioned romantic love.• Kissing became the gesture of romantic love, and future actors took up the torch.• The reason for this fall is the fact that romantic love can not be sustained without an underlying friendship.• There is also the fact that in our culture romantic love eludes both rational analysis and individual control.• To us the flood of romantic love should be searched for and found before marriage.• In addition to romantic love, the major tie that is still operative between male and female is the project of reproduction.romantic notion/view/idea etc• It is a gut-level response, based on romantic notions about college sports.• That romantic notion held sway over me, and probably delayed my perception of Clarisa as some one with a medical problem.• But I'd had my suspicions and didn't share his romantic notion of a farewell from anonymous royalty.• As a raft of scientists have now informed me, the Rousseauian romantic view of allergies is way off.• Crossing the bridge, look back at the romantic view of the palaces backing on to the canal.• She rejects a purely romantic view of the relations of men and women.• His romantic idea that gangsters closer to reality than the rest of us.• Of course, it takes a lot more than a romantic notion to open and sustain a successful restaurant.Related topics: Artsromantic2 noun [countable]  1. LOVEsomeone who shows strong feelings of love and likes doing things that are related to love such as buying flowers, presents etc 浪漫的人2  PERFECTsomeone who is not practical, and bases their ideas too much on an imagined idea of the world 爱幻想的人,浪漫主义者 OPP realist a romantic who longed for adventure 渴望冒险的浪漫主义者3. (also Romantic)ABO a writer, painter etc whose work is based on romanticism 浪漫主义作家[画家等]Examples from the Corpusromantic• I'm a romantic who likes picnics and candlelight dinners.• Unlike many of his dancers, Horton was a romantic rather than an ideologue.• Jeanne Tripplehorn pairs with Dylan McDermott in this comedy about a ridiculous romantic and an utter realist brought together by destiny.• Against the sensuality of the romantic, Berlin offered the sobriety of the realist.• Whatever hurts he had suffered in the past, with his Leo open-heartedness, he was one of nature's true romantics.• Struggling with this recalcitrant material, the director, an unreconstructed romantic, slapped on the atmosphere with a lavish hand.Origin romantic1 (1600-1700) French romantique, from Old French romans; → ROMANCE1ro·man·tic1 adjectiveromantic2 nounChineseSyllable  love showing feelings strong of Corpus




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