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单词 Anciently
(1) The area where the market was anciently held .
(2) Salisbury Plain was known anciently as Ellendune.
(3) The nightingale was anciently selected as the highest example of a perfect singer.
(4) Anciently the sun was commonly emblematized by a starry or radiate figure.
(5) I see far inland the banks anciently washed, before science began to record its freshets.
(6) Anciently , in dietetics field, the primary research tasks are all about how to avert the lack of alimentation.
(7) Thus the original data is received. But anciently, it always takes hardwares to code.
(8) Many of the heroes and gods of these tabloid genealogies were in turn apparent personifications of astronomical bodies and phenomena observed anciently.
(9) Increased real income provides us with an admirable detour around the rancor anciently associated with efforts to redistribute wealth.
(10) In the Bible, we read about prophets who lived anciently.
(11) Although it is a very important topic(), it is not deep. Anciently the study and the use for reference of Akira Kurosawa emphasize particularly on his artifice of cinematics .
(12) In this paper, a new recognition is presented that the genesis of this ore deposit is anciently weathered eluvial deposit.
(13) This approach the problem of conquers phase excursion and frequency drift that anciently adopts fixed frequency filter and its frame is simple.
(14) In modern times, it is more customary to show quarter to a conquered foe than anciently.
(15) This system is in a chip and different from anciently system.




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