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单词 Wheeled
(1) The nurse wheeled the dinner up.
(2) At 9 o'clock the patient was wheeled in.
(3) He wheeled his motorcycle into the street.
(4) Wheeled conveyances of any kind are not allowed in the park.
(5) She wheeled her bicycle across the road.
(6) They wheeled round in amazement.
(7) The city centre is off-limits to wheeled vehicles.
(8) The mother wheeled the baby round the park.
(9) He wheeled his horse back to the gate.
(10) They wheeled her out on the stretcher.
(11) He wheeled about and faced his opponent squarely.
(12) He wheeled and faced his opponent squarely.
(13) Then the prosecution wheeled in a surprise witness.
(14) He wheeled round when he heard her voice.
(15) She wheeled around and started running.
(16) Birds wheeled above us in the sky.
(17) A mosquito wheeled its droning flight over his head.
(18) He wheeled around to face her.
(19) The nurse wheeled him along the corridor.
(20) Birds wheeled in the sky.
(21) A flock of crows wheeled overhead.
(22) Dancers wheeled gracefully on the ballroom floor.
(23) The sea gulls wheeled in the air.
(24) She wheeled around and started yelling at us.
(25) Kate wheeled her bike into the garage.
(26) I called her and she wheeled to face me.
(27) He wheeled round suddenly.
(28) He wheeled my bicycle away from the front of my gate.
(29) She wheeled round to face him and saw him take out a gun.
(30) Doctors put her on a respirator and wheeled her downstairs to the intensive care unit.
(1) The nurse wheeled the dinner up.
(2) At 9 o'clock the patient was wheeled in.
(3) He wheeled his motorcycle into the street.
(4) Wheeled conveyances of any kind are not allowed in the park.
(5) He wheeled about and faced his opponent squarely.
(6) He wheeled and faced his opponent squarely.
(31) Halfway through the talk someone wheeled in a trolley laden with drinks.
(32) He wheeled the trolley down the corridor and disappeared with it into the service lift.
(33) I was overwhelmed by a feeling of helplessness as I watched her being wheeled into the operating theatre.
(33) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(34) He was wheeled out of the hospital with his leg in plaster.
(35) He wheeled his bike into the alley at the side of the house.
(36) Last summer, we wheeled to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.
(37) They wheeled out the same old arguments we'd heard so many times before.
(38) The government wheeled out the same old arguments to support its election campaign.
(39) They then wheeled me into the operating room.
(40) Surely overhead the stars wheeled through the chocolate sky?
(41) He used an electrically driven three wheeled scooter.
(42) Two white-jacketed waiters wheeled a trolley into the room.
(43) The seagulls wheeled off and up over the harbour.
(44) Then he wheeled his wife out.
(45) She hated being wheeled round in a wheelchair.
(46) He wheeled around and chased after them.
(47) Skylarks wheeled and sang high in the cloudless sky.
(48) It was in this condition that I remember seeing her as her father wheeled her into the courtroom.
(49) Among the wooden objects found in the tombs there are also traces of wheeled vehicles such as three-piece disc wheels and hubs.
(50) Price from £345.92 Left: From Nova's Imperial range, a comfortable wheeled lounger to sit and relax in.
(51) Kath snapped instructions to everyone, and Amy wheeled Mr Thompson out and took him to the interview-room.
(52) She recovered, started off again, abruptly halted, wheeled, and hurried back through the doors behind the priest.
(53) Jeffries was angry now and he wheeled from the blackboard to face the class directly.
(54) Candidates who wanted enclosure were burned in effigy, their supporters wheeled about in muck-carts in the robust eighteenth-century fashion.
(55) He would wave his good arm, share a few words of encouragement, and then be wheeled off the stage again.
(56) She wheeled round in a rage, holding the candle high.
(57) That said, he wheeled around in his swivel chair and picked up a blinking light.
(58) Each pilot wheeled out of the fictional sun, nosed down, and jockeyed his bouncing machine into a dive.
(59) Many residents have some kind of support which is usually a stick, a Zimmer or wheeled frame or a wheelchair.
(60) And those watching Forcibles swung their empty stares around the nearly deserted bar, then wheeled their tight formation and clumped out.
(61) Two women wheeled the shopping cart into the dairy cooler for safekeeping so the Moes could go have lunch.
(62) One of the females put the last tray on a trolley and wheeled it past Masklin.
(63) Amerex has been recognized as a leader in the manufacturing of portable and wheeled fire extinguishers.
(64) I collected a trolley and wheeled it towards the frozen food section.
(65) High above, the birds wheeled and dipped in the wind that blew the clouds across the huge sky.
(66) Read in studio Two huntsmen have been jailed for two months for knocking down a hunt saboteur with a four wheeled buggy.
(67) He found one near the exit where the checkout girl was just opening up and Mum wheeled her trolley into the space.
(68) A young woman is wheeled into the operating theatre for laparoscopy.
(69) The church was a hive of activity; some villagers had wheeled a huge cart into the nave.
(70) They raced up the steps, reaching the first deck, wheeled round, and ran down the corridor.
(71) She rode in back of the station wagon, probably on a wheeled stretcher, with a battery-run respirator on her chest.
(72) A few minutes later a youth with a shattered left knee-cap was wheeled on a low-slung ambulance trolley into the Cleansing Theatre.
(73) Out of the sky another rook flew and wheeled and then landed at the entrance to the place.
(74) The old woman struggled to hold her up, but she wheeled away, mounted by the goddess, into the dance.
(75) You are given drugs about half an hour beforehand then you're wheeled into a big room which is all tiled.
(76) George Cowley arrived at the hospital just as Doyle's now unconscious body was being wheeled into the emergency operating room.
(77) I keep thinking I know them, these that are wheeled on trolleys or borne on stretchers.
(78) There was considerable shipping traffic; many wheeled vehicles mingled with the throng of foot passengers.
(79) The Doc pushed the wheeled table back against the wall, giving her some space.
(80) But then she jerked her horse around savagely, and wheeled off with her escort in pursuit.
(81) General Bee wheeled his horse and galloped back to his command.
(82) Overhead, flights of pigeons wheeled through the minarets, cutting over the heads of the congregation towards the Red Fort.
(83) Jessamy's knees had immediately begun to shake, and she had wheeled round and run out.
(84) They wheeled us on in the background like a couple of fossils.
(85) That night, Guzman slipped under a sheet into a cushioned laundry cart, and Camberos wheeled it down the prison corridors.
(86) They wheeled us on in the background like a couple of fossils. The whole thing was nonsense from start to finish.
(87) They were long wheelbase four wheeled cars in a dark green and ivory livery.
(88) Human foot tread and wheeled vehicles of any kind really do damage.
(89) A trolley was wheeled past by two brutish-looking orderlies chewing gum.
(90) She put the child into a pram and wheeled it down the path.
(91) Belinda wheeled the trolley over and helped Faye by passing her the lancet and reading the reagent strip for her.
(92) A Viet vet wheeled through the doors between cars while we were stuck between stops.
(93) She wheeled the trolley into the kitchen, and took the plum tart out of the oven.
(93) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(94) At the front of the church, Emerson Seabreeze electric fans on wheeled stands faced the congregation.
(95) Became fascinated by the pattern as they wheeled and changed direction.
(96) The body of an old man covered by a sheet was wheeled by just as Billy entered the corridor.
(97) Then the waiter wheeled the dessert cart over to our table.
(98) He made a pass across the small cluster of dwellings, wheeled and dipped down for a second pass.
(99) The porter took a tip from Stephen, touched his cap and wheeled his barrow away.
(100) No one said a word until the waiters wheeled in the centrepiece of the main course.
(101) The unfortunate victim was wheeled directly into the major treatment area, where he was examined by the duty medical officer.
(102) Romanov's monologue was only once interrupted, by a waiter who wheeled in a trolley on which sat a silver salver.
(103) Frankie warned me he was comin' down the street so we wheeled it into the pantry until he'd gone.
(104) They wheeled in the rocket scientists, who started to carve up mortgage securities into itty-bitty pieces.
(105) His body was wheeled off in a peat barrow and cremated in the local brick kiln.
(106) She made a slight bow and wheeled to the next desk.
(107) As he wheeled once more she caught a glimpse of his face, almost indistinguishable beneath the mask of dirt and blood.
(108) The grooms and novices led away the horses, and wheeled away the light carriage into the grange court for housing.
(109) He dropped the gangplank over the stern and wheeled the motor cycle down.
(110) As the porters wheeled the trolley away, the girl opened her eyes and stared at Juliet with pure hatred.
(111) Ryder wheeled into step with Hooper and offered him the apology.
(112) Adams wheeled around at the state line and took off at high speed for Oglala, about fifteen miles away.
(113) No wheeled conveyances of any kind are allowed in the park.
(114) More expensive wheeled models are available and are easier to handle, but they might need more room to manoeuvre.
(115) The blazing summer sun can turn their black-and-white Ford Broncos into wheeled ovens.
(116) Then a doctor appeared and more bustle followed, until a wheeled stretcher was pushed out and Robbie was wheeled away.
(117) The eagle wheeled in the sky.
(118) He wheeled around and started back.
(119) He wheeled the food in on a trolley.
(120) Then he wheeled his bicycle out of Erith Marshes.
(121) A small wheeled vehicle typically pushed by hand.
(122) He wheeled his chair round to face me.
(123) Mary wheeled the pram along the street.
(123) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(124) She wheeled sharply and headed for the check-out counter.
(125) They wheeled the rubbish out to the dump.
(126) When a wheeled machinery moves, people are allowed to stand on the footboard .
(127) I realized this design would constitute a hitherto unstudied class of wheeled mobile robots.
(128) The Chinese Embassy wheeled out a government spokesman today in a rare move, to tell New Zealander's they have nothing to fear from Chinese investment.
(129) He rode his motorized wheelchair out into the cold morning and onto the shoulder of the slick road, then wheeled himself into the winter wind for two miles to reach his duty station.
(130) Her voice was so abrupt and hoarse that the two women thought they heard the voice of a man; they wheeled round in affright.
(131) A wheel-chair was wheeled over. Mother sat in it, wrapped in a pea-green blanket, with me in her arms and father followed behind.
(132) A novel wheeled driving device with self-lubrication for micro-robot in tube is introduced into its transmission principle and structure.
(133) Overhead the sea gulls wheeled and cried as we walked barefoot in the cool,() wet sand.
(134) The cumbersome eighteen - wheeled vehicle was spread across the road, blocking all traffic movement.
(135) Finally, it was Robert Plath, who was an airline pilot, who invented a new, wheeled suitcase, which he patented in 1991.
(136) Agustin wheeled his horse and brought his right fist down.
(137) So i wheeled it over to the shed , still within sight of the house.
(138) Two-wheeled self-balancing robot, composed of main body and two independently driven wheels, is a simple structure of the wheeled mobile robot similar to the inverted pendulum in principle.
(139) Three wheeled vehicle. The BS2 micro-controller is mounted on a very handy prototyping board with a prototyping area.
(140) It was a steam powered, three wheeled vehicle with a top speed of six kilometers per hour that was built in the French Arsenal for the purpose of moving cannons.
(141) The source said the company had proposed a wheeled vehicle that was not sufficient for the vehicle's mission profile or anticipated payload.
(142) A dynamical sliding mode control approach is proposed for the output tracking of wheeled mobile robots.
(143) Automatic guided vehicle(AGV) is a kind of wheeled mobile robot(WMR), which is used to convey the material in flexible manufacture system(FMS).
(144) Gatsby started to speak, changed his mind, but not before Tom wheeled and faced him expectantly.
(145) Tidal waves move faster than any wheeled vehicle on earth. On the open seas they sometimes approach speeds of more than 500 nautical miles per hour.
(146) They cheered as his golden casket was wheeled out to a lIt'spot below center stage.
(147) The case can be detached from the scooter and wheeled around in the same way as an ordinary suitcase.
(148) "Kodiak Bear" wheeled armored vehicles in today's Canada's most advanced light armored vehicles.
(149) The reliability bench test on the AMT of a wheeled vehicle and the analysis on its test data verify the feasibility of proposed reliability bench test method for AMT.
(150) Wheeled out on a stretcher, the brother of the late President John F. Kennedy was driven away by an ambulance to a hospital, where he was described as awake and answering questions.
(151) In this paper, the mechanism of the self excited vibration in wheeled vehicle powertrain was studied.
(152) "This little, wheeled, one-armed box went around another planet and has done something no human has ever managed, " according to Science.
(153) In a few minutes the aunt came back and I wheeled my cart away.
(153) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(154) The wheeled chair can be used as a stretcher, a baby cart and a baby bed by simple assembly.
(155) The patient was anaesthetized before being wheeled into the theatre.
(156) Tractor trailer wheeled mobile robot system is composed of a tractor and multiple trailers, its motion trajectories are much more complex than that for single body robot.
(157) If the tractor parameters and working conditions are given the response power spectrum at any point on a wheeled tractor can be obtained from the data processing machine.
(158) To classify the wheeled vehicle from tracked vehicle, the seismic signals of two kinds of vehicle are analyzed in different ways in the paper.
(159) Fourth, to develop continuing education and lifelong education, adhere to the " two - wheeled drive . "
(160) Nor is heavy demand for motorcycles a sign Indian consumers are trading down from four - wheeled vehicles.
(161) Travel, if begun by train, was usually followed by crowded bus over rutted roads, ending often by mule-drawn, two- wheeled springless Peking cart.
(162) Then I wheeled the shopping cart up to the same cashier as before.
(163) Susan put him in the wheelbarrow and wheeled him to the house.
(164) The Hummer is a civilian version of American military's High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle, or Humvee.
(165) He wheeled a barrow.
(166) He wheeled in his pacing, paused and glared at his plate.
(167) The nose unit is twin - wheeled and retracts rearward.
(168) Roosevelt seemingly wheeled in the 20th century single-handed, a thoroughly modern man whose impatient, vigorous personality matched that of the nation he led, itself on the precipice of greatness.
(169) A self - propelled wheeled vehicle that does not run on rails.
(170) With the macro motion mode, the robot is a typical wheeled mobile robot and with the micro motion mode the robot is an inchworm robot.
(171) Articulated wheeled robot with two degree of freedom is driven.
(172) Well, it apparently is not so obvious because in the Americas, before Columbus came-- " pre-Columbian America-- there were no wheeled vehicles anywhere.
(173) Three - wheeled bicycles piled impossibly high with plastic, cardboard and Styrofoam ply the streets.
(174) In order to evaluate the performance of wheeled amphibious vehicle during its design phase, numerical simulation was taken to simulate the amphibious vehicle's steering in the water.
(175) The central tyre inflation system(CTIS). has an important influence on improving crosscountry capability of the wheeled vehicle.
(176) Patria's core business areas are armoured wheeled vehicles and heavy weapon systems.
(177) The working time needed with the elevator was 41% of the purely manual handling time. When wheeled devices were used, the transportation time was decreased to 16%.
(178) Data setting of remote wheeled platform is a new concept for mechanical and electrical integrated equipment which is combined wheeled vehicle with robot.
(179) Though researchers have invent many kinds of wheeled machine, designing and manufacturing a legged robot like myriapod running in natural environment is still a huge challenge.
(180) Ahead of the times the new generation of JYL 210 E hydraulic wheeled excavator is smart and powerful.
(181) As they wheeled me into the operating room, I looked back saw my boyfriend waving goodbye.
(182) The key technologies related to the structure of the wheel train, the steering mechanism and the power system on the 6 - wheeled rocker - bogie mode locomotive system are discussed in depth.
(183) The door opened and the waiter wheeled in the tea trolley.
(184) Metal - wheeled chariots are the prototype of the tanks of modern warfare.
(185) Small wheeled bikes like the Strida can take some getting used to — some riders find it easy to topple over on them.
(186) Place several pair stations in a single room. Use wheeled chairs and linoleum or tile floors.
(187) At 7 a.m. on January 20, orderlies wheeled Julian toward the center's sixth - floor operating suite.
(188) A wheeled cart can move loads that will otherwise require two or more trips to carry between the laundry room and the walk-in closets.
(189) Firstly, A whole control model is given after analyzing the wheeled structure with nonholonomic constraints and the model of DC servo-motor building.




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