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单词 Handiwork
1. She stood back and admired her handiwork.
2. This looks like the handiwork of an arsonist.
3. He gazed reverently at the handiwork.
4. The architect stepped back to admire his handiwork.
5. He stood back to admire his handiwork.
6. That's some of Smith's handiwork.
7. This explosion looks like the handiwork of terrorists.
8. The explosion looks like the handiwork of terrorists.
9. Is that drawing on the board your handiwork, Clare?
10. "Is this your handiwork?" he asked, pointing at the graffiti on the wall.
11. Is this your handiwork?
12. She opened her eyes, and surveyed her handiwork.
13. Examples of her handiwork were propped around the studio.
14. This nastiness is the handiwork of Rep.
15. We admired her exquisite handiwork.
16. Neighbours and passers-by poured compliments on his handiwork, and even the local council's parks department were impressed.
17. I could see that her haircolor was the handiwork of an expert.
18. Surveying the results of her handiwork, she stayed only long enough to see him scrabble for the safety of the bank.
19. Susannah put down the paintbrush and stood back to admire her handiwork.
20. Thanks to its vigorous and far-seeing headmaster, it also found time for physical recreation, handiwork classes and art.
21. Shoveling is considered so nasty that the tortured feel they must reward themselves by laying permanent claim to their handiwork.
22. Still, when she stepped back to survey her own handiwork, she allowed herself a moment of professional pride.
23. She thumb-cocked the piece, and stood back, admiring her handiwork.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. Another tore sheets of newspaper into smaller and smaller pieces, carefully guarding her handiwork.
25. In a few moments, he shut the beam off, and admired his handiwork.
26. This cut down on graffiti, Rascon said, because graffiti writers prefer well-lit areas so they can admire their handiwork.
27. Finally she stepped back from the table to admire her handiwork.
28. She heard him returning just as she sat back to admire her handiwork.
29. The two of them move from room to room and stand there nodding in apparent admiration of Tod's handiwork.
30. He had been stoned to death, explained the small crowd, approving its handiwork.
1. She stood back and admired her handiwork.
2. Susannah put down the paintbrush and stood back to admire her handiwork.
3. That's some of Smith's handiwork.
4. Is this your handiwork?
31. I stood back and admired my handiwork, then I turned to leave.
32. This town is known for its handiwork.
33. This trouble is his handiwork.
34. Gambling is forbidden in Islam, and the fatwa quotes a verse from the Koran that calls on all Muslims to avoid gambling as an abomination and Satan's handiwork.
35. We told her. I also mentioned that I handiwork on the side.
36. That we aren't says much for the handiwork of policymakers during 2008.
37. By degrees , not very slowly , her handiwork became what would now be termed the fashion.
38. By degrees , nor very slowly , her handiwork became what would now be termed the fashion.
39. Customers sometimes foolishly test his handiwork by touching the sharpened edge.
40. Handiwork small plant uses platoon getting, it is handgun getting stiletto even, on size error is bigger.
41. This handiwork shop sells porcelain produced in the town of Jingde.
42. Here, indeed, in the sable simplicity that generally characterised the Puritanic modes of dress, there might be an infrequent call for the finer productions of her handiwork.
43. We oohed and aahed over our handiwork as the presents were exchanged.
44. If disrelish handiwork too tired, can look for what relevant program has lot to replace.
45. Manual cutting: using artificial: 1 to handiwork cut phase lofting interfingering lines, the method has eliminated.
46. Every planet's piano is extremely delicate handiwork, rather than the automation line.
46. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
47. It is the handiwork of Marc Guibert, head chef at Lindeth Howe Country House Hotel in Windermere, Cumbria, and is being launched for National Chocolate Week, starting today.
48. Athena was the goddess of arts and crafts and woman's handiwork.
49. While the government said the fire was accidental, residents of the town alleged it was the handiwork of the security forces.
50. Surveying her handiwork , a Donacia beetle pauses over the hole she has just chewed in a lily pad.
51. In the foreground sits a cairn of red-brown volcanic stones, likely built by tourists. Locals usually dismantle the visitors' handiwork though.
52. The car cut convenient use, low cost, reduce the handiwork cut labor strength and improving cutting efficiency and quality.
53. Adrian: Really? I would never take you for a handyman. Is It'some of your handiwork?
54. He was a law officer of sorts, a local guard out looking into the depraved handiwork of a crazed individual, the sort we seem to be seeing more and more of in these dark days.
55. Think over and over , he suddenly brainwave easily -- be to you can do handiwork?




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