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单词 Suppressed
(1) The disloyal thought was instantly suppressed.
(2) It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed.
(3) The new government quickly suppressed the rebellion.
(4) The riots had to be suppressed by government forces.
(5) A pro - democracy uprising was brutally suppressed.
(6) The rebellion against the government has been suppressed by the government troops.
(7) The troops suppressed the rebellion by firing on the mob.
(8) The Hungarian uprising in 1956 was suppressed by the Soviet Union.
(9) All the demonstrations were bloodily suppressed by government forces.
(10) Any kind of assembly was suppressed in this country.
(11) His shoulders twitched with suppressed laughter.
(12) He had suppressed the painful memories of his childhood.
(13) He suppressed a wince as motion renewed the pain.
(14) The uprising was ruthlessly suppressed.
(15) I suppressed a strong urge to yawn.
(16) This book has been suppressed.
(17) The army has put down/suppressed the revolt.
(18) The revolt was suppressed with total ruthlessness.
(19) Vicky suppressed a nervous giggle .
(20) She was bent over with suppressed laughter.
(21) She suppressed a mirthless smile.
(22) Her face was charged with barely suppressed anger.
(23) His feelings of resentment have been suppressed for years.
(24) Liz thought of Barry and suppressed a smile.
(25) They suppressed news that was not favourable to them.
(26) The medication effectively suppressed the pain.
(27) This information had been deliberately suppressed.
(28) Members of these sects are ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed.
(29) He kissed her with suppressed violence.
(30) The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.
(1) The disloyal thought was instantly suppressed.
(2) It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed.
(3) The new government quickly suppressed the rebellion.
(4) The riots had to be suppressed by government forces.
(5) A pro - democracy uprising was brutally suppressed.
(6) The rebellion against the government has been suppressed by the government troops.
(7) The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.
(8) The Hungarian uprising in 1956 was suppressed by the Soviet Union.
(9) The uprising was ruthlessly suppressed.
(10) They suppressed news that was not favourable to them.
(11) Members of these sects are ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed.
(31) The Professor said that deep sleep allowed suppressed anxieties to surface.
(32) Some details were suppressed.
(33) The editor bowed to pressure from his staff, and the article was suppressed.
(34) He suppressed his name.
(34) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(35) Emotions can become destructive if they are suppressed and denied.
(36) Stability only exists in the country because dissent has been suppressed.
(37) Some of the laws have been suppressed with the development of the society.
(38) He looked at me, waiting with suppressed anger.
(39) Any opposition to the regime is ruthlessly suppressed.
(40) The pro-independence group has been attacked and suppressed.
(41) The books show that emotions can not be suppressed.
(42) The tremor is markedly suppressed by alcoholic beverages.
(43) And natural fires are perforce suppressed.
(44) Some evidence had been suppressed by Spira's lawyers.
(45) I suppressed an urge to laugh.
(46) The rebellion was brutally suppressed.
(47) She ruthlessly suppressed a little shiver of curiosity.
(48) The authorities suppressed publication of the journal.
(49) Bedford felt the urge to have a go but suppressed it.
(50) Walburga once suppressed the voracious appetite of a child by having her consume three ears of grain.
(51) If the source can not be located or suppressed, then at least its effect can be neutered.
(52) She smiled at her, and wondered why Jill appeared to be tingling with suppressed excitement.
(53) A bitter reply rose to Alexei's lips, but he suppressed the urge to utter it.
(54) The inherited traits can be suppressed because a puppy is born with a brain that is not fully developed.
(55) The atheist suppressed his sneeze, for fear of being blessed by the priest.
(56) No, you don't: for the simple reason that I suppressed it a few pages ago.
(57) He suppressed the urge to respond, to tease an answer to the question out of himself.
(58) Behind a veil of revolutionary rhetoric, the Council of People's Commissars suppressed the masses' striving for liberty.
(59) But from our many interviews with sportspeople we have learned that the mystical aspects of sport can also be deflated and suppressed.
(60) Once viral genes have become integrated into chromosomes their activity is usually altered or totally suppressed.
(61) In the early 1970s some of these movements began to decline or were suppressed, but others continued to flourish.
(62) I think women are just as aggressive as men but it's suppressed in us.
(63) The snag with this is that the suppressed feelings are still experienced internally rather than avoided or prevented.
(64) Better that negotiations should break down than such difficulties be suppressed: a merger which fails is potentially disastrous.
(65) This caused widespread riots that the government suppressed with brutality.
(66) Much of the hostility towards civilization felt by people in the suppressed classes is understandable.
(67) The more our rational faculty is suppressed, the more obsessed we are by it.
(68) In the absence of broader political democracy, active community participation gets suppressed and distorted.
(69) He could remember the suppressed clattering noise of the firing on semi-automatic.
(70) His looks said it all, and Jenna suppressed a smile and set off across the road to join him.
(71) In maize, for example, there are two male-sterility organelle genes, each suppressed by a separate nuclear restorer.
(72) By 1977 black revolutionary organizations, including those emphasizing black nationalism, had been largely suppressed or had receded in visibility.
(73) In New Orleans in May 1861, disturbances among the slave population were suppressed by the militia.
(74) The rising was suppressed, but it was an ominous sign.
(75) To deny this power is dangerous, for, suppressed, it will find another outlet and may erupt uncontrollably.
(76) The research always favoured the industry's pro-lead views or was suppressed, Mr Kitman found.
(77) In addition to the progressive measures previously discussed, he added that banditry had been suppressed and forced loans discontinued.
(78) This hormone, called gonadotrophin, can be suppressed by certain drugs that stop the oestrus cycle without causing serious side-effects.
(79) Johns Manville suppressed research on the evidence and concealed essential information from its workers.
(80) Rows in the beer tent were quickly suppressed by the militia.
(81) It is something that cannot be stamped out, or stifled, or gagged, or suppressed by any means.
(82) The attempted coup was eventually suppressed by the loyal Army command.
(83) Unlike past military rulers, General Musharraf has neither imposed martial law nor suppressed fundamental rights.
(84) If rewards were given for keeping a village free of crime, then cases were suppressed by headmen.
(85) It would relieve us of the burden of suppressed emotion.
(86) Publicly suppressed since the 1920s, these qualities have only survived through the black economy, or through private family oral traditions.
(87) It seems probable that rebellion in East Anglia was as rigorously suppressed as in Kent.
(88) But men can come to terms with their suppressed longings.
(89) Our study also showed that postprandial gall bladder contraction was suppressed for at least four hours after octreotide injection.
(90) Rose, vibrant with barely suppressed anger, was the most striking woman he had ever seen.
(91) Elsewhere in the county Quakerism emerged in the 1650s to be fairly firmly suppressed by a gentry worried about its revolutionary tendencies.
(92) Reporters and producers have a public duty to speak out if their vision of truth is suppressed by government appointees.
(93) Finally, he sat, silent and quivering, bursting out with only an occasional, suppressed sniffle.
(94) This uprising was ruthlessly suppressed and many Samaritans, including the leaders,[http:///suppressed.html] were exterminated in the process.
(95) He made plans to welcome religious varieties, whereas elsewhere authorities suppressed or discouraged them.
(96) Sophie felt a surge of anger, but with an effort she suppressed it.
(97) Bragg had a sudden longing for tobacco, but suppressed it.
(98) The news can not be suppressed despite the most stringent efforts to maintain secrecy.
(99) The suppressed sound of the gunfire was still in his ears, and the sweet cordite smell hung at his nostrils.
(100) She died of cancer at the age of 48, when her suppressed anger and resentment emerged as multiple tumours.
(101) Instead we have quite enthusiastically lapsed into a chronic dualism where the whole emotional side of the human psyche has been suppressed.
(102) Unlike some machines of this wattage, noise was well suppressed and only became excessive when the disc was used on stonework.
(103) The Eastern Bloc has been transformed into a gigantic Enterprise Zone for western capitalists eager to reap the benefits of suppressed consumerism.
(104) For 70 years the Communist government had suppressed all dissent.
(105) Omeprazole monotherapy merely suppressed bacterial colonisation, especially in the antral region, and eradicated H pylori in individual cases only.
(106) Similarly, a respectable suburban life may well be suppressed by an individual who wants to retain credibility amongst the gang.
(107) When they rebelled against these impositions the blacks were cruelly suppressed and their leaders were hanged.
(108) The active virus has been suppressed, perhaps eliminated, in 21 of 24 chronic patients given the mix.
(109) Subsequently, Stoneham declared martial law, brought in all available troops, and suppressed the disorder.
(110) A section of the Iceni revolted and had to be suppressed by a dismounted cavalry regiment.
(111) Punishable behavior can also be suppressed by strongly reinforcing any behavior which displaces it.
(112) By May 1797, when the paper was finally suppressed, they were its sole remaining proprietors.
(113) The farmers were furious that material which supported their complaints was suppressed.
(114) We heard a suppressed murmuring and smelled rotting rags and old urine as we passed the gate.
(115) Had they stood behind him, the General Staff would have suppressed the dissension within its own ranks.
(116) She suppressed an embarrassed chortle as the men began to chat about the paper.
(117) Also, a low socioeconomic status and a suppressed immune system may put women at significantly higher risk.
(118) Aristos' very physical proximity filled Ocker with barely suppressed fury.
(119) Maria suppressed rising panic that was fatally laced with hysteria.
(120) The empty air was still vibrating slightly with the suppressed fidgets of children.
(121) The relationship between body posture and suppressed past trauma or emotions was touched on in the section dealing with cervical reintegration.
(122) In addition there are some specific features often of great importance, such as the release of long suppressed aspirations for national sovereignty.
(123) Most doctors agree that a suppressed libido is often associated with emotional and psychological problems.
(124) No material facts about the company should be suppressed.
(125) Lactation is suppressed by administration of androgens.
(126) He found an error and rigidly suppressed the notes.
(127) Gradually the Government was systematized and lawlessness suppressed.
(128) Here the other guinea-pig cheered,[] and was suppressed.
(129) The ordered suppressed castes of centuries wither here.
(130) His face was ghastly white twitching with suppressed pain.
(131) The oppressor suppressed his aggressive opinion about compressor.
(132) Roxana's bosom was heaving with suppressed passion.
(133) The only way to prevent further developments would be a global state that suppressed anything new, and human initiative and inventiveness are such that even this wouldn't succeed.
(134) PPO activity can be suppressed effectively by the antiscorbutic acid, the L- cysteine, the sodium bisulfite, the citric acid and the sodium chloride.
(135) Caution: Be sure not to forcedly tread kick starter to avoid your foot and the engine being hurt by the returning of the suppressed kick starter.
(136) A suppressed immune system puts a transplant recipient at risk of other infections.
(137) On the basis of carrier noise power density rate (C/N0) of GPS receiver, it analyzed the influence of suppressed jamming to carrier phase measuring accuracy of GPS receiver.
(138) Additionally, appetite is also suppressed by promoting synthesis of glycogen.
(139) The wrong criminal is in the dock either because a genuine mistake has been made or because evidence has been suppressed.
(140) According to this conception, we might designate as "undesired imaginings" those that are suppressed during the day, and we must recognize in their emergence a genuine psychic phenomenon.
(141) CONCLUSION: Ketamine anesthesia suppressed such regions as sensory cortex, motor cortex, thalamus and callosal gyrus, which might be the key targets for ketamine action.
(142) Their immune systems are artificially suppressed, to minimise the chance of rejection.
(143) Referred to the crowded prison as a tinderbox of suppressed violence.
(144) Some parameter ranges where the secondary gap can be suppressed while the primary gap is not identified.
(145) There was another Jewish revolt in 132 to 135 called the Bar Kokhba Revolt, but that was suppressed by the Emperor Hadrian in 135, and that you had the complete destruction of Jerusalem.
(146) It is indicated that pika has apparently suppressed growth of forage, and has impact on structure of vegetable.
(147) Erythrocyte adhesion function had not been suppressed for a long time, female swimmers were adaptative to the HiLo for two weeks.
(148) Outbreaks of Berber nationalism in the Kabyle region were suppressed with only token concessions.
(149) Through his stethoscope, Noah Townsend's clinical notes revealed, he heard suppressed breath sounds and lung rales.
(150) After the uprisings in Poland and Hungary in 1956 were ruthlessly suppressed, many speculated that Khrushchev would have to roll back his program of de-Stalinization and crack down further.
(151) Both frameshift and missense mutations can be suppressed by intragenic suppressors.
(152) Finally flames spurting from the tip of the iceberg of energy has long been suppressed.
(153) Material facts are suppressed, dates altered, quotations removed from their context and doctored so as to change their meaning.
(154) Substrate mycelium of target pathogens suppressed with antagonistic actinomyces had been deformed or lysed and the degree of deformation were potentiated as prolonging the antagonistic.
(154) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(155) Formerly imagines in the Kantism of is suppressed, imagines in the Kantism after arriving of put to fly, Comte to imaginary of the mainstay that develop to is among them.
(156) I declare that the statements and particulars in this proposal are true and no material facts have been misstated or suppressed .
(157) As the sparrow had its trill, sitting on the hickory before my door, so had I my chuckle or suppressed warble which he might hear out of my nest.
(158) First , the army suppressed the racialist's terrorism, safeguarded the unity of America, provided a steady society for the Congress to reconstruct the South democratically.
(159) Dictator General Francisco Franco, who ruled for almost 40 years, violently suppressed regions that sought more freedom from the central government, especially in Catalonia and the Basque region.
(160) But it should be stressed that the conductivity decay of P-type doped polyacetylene can be significantly suppressed by immersion of the doped polyacetylene film in some concentrated aqueous solutions.
(161) "Absolute peace" is as worrying as "chaos" because the former indicates that something is being hidden or suppressed and will one day break forth.
(162) Within this group, the assignment number, text, and value date fields are optional. You have specified that all other fields be suppressed.
(163) Tongping ointment significantly suppressed carrageen-pastern-induced rat paw edema and xylene-induced mouse ear edema.
(164) The granulosa cell apoptosis in the small and medium-sized follicles in the sow was significantly suppressed by injection of PMSG,() but this effect lasted only for 72 hr.
(165) Radiation noise was also suppressed to a certain extent by changing rubber damping pad and altering shape of oil pan.
(166) Objective To an optimal model of medulla - suppressed anemia mice for curative observation.
(167) The history of Chinese Americans struggling and surviving in the United States is a suppressed or hidden one under the sway of power discourse of " White Supremacy".
(168) Weak rebound suppressed at the end of short are your Yin tweezers under bar line, price drop positions increased, empty single return empty action.
(169) Whatever the merits of this argument, three things seem clear. Unions have suppressed wage differentials in the public sector.
(170) Around one third of these cases occurred in patients whose immune systems were severely suppressed by haematological malignancy, aggressive chemotherapy for cancer, or post-transplant treatment.
(171) Conclusion Cell immunity was suppressed and resulted in reducing the proliferation of B lymphocyte and secretion of antibody at system and local in infants with RV enteritis.
(172) She knew well enough who it was, and she suppressed a giggle.
(173) Simulation results show that the output power of microwave is enhanced and the phenomenon of multiple frequencies is also suppressed by adding an electron collector.
(174) Conclusion: TAM combined with DDP suppressed the growth and proliferation of the cell HO - 8910 efficiently.
(175) The old man's fists closed like a vise, and his chest heaved with suppressed rage.
(176) Salt stress obviously suppressed the growth of the black locust clones, but growth amount of W1 and D_(56) among them was relatively heavy.
(177) I tried to ignore the impatient shuffling and barely suppressed exasperation.
(178) Certain modes of vibration may be suppressed while others may be enhanced.
(179) The resonance current , caused by the LC low pass filter at the step change of PWM switching pattern, can be effectively suppressed by one pulse control of the pattern.
(180) Freaky factoid: The suppressed genes "are closely related to Hox genes, which play a similar role in humans."
(181) Conclusion:RAPA potently blocked allograft rejections in mi ce and suppressed cellular and humoral immune response, but had no significant effect on phagocytoses of macrophage.
(182) One is that the spiral wave and spatiotemporal chaos can be effectively suppressed by limiting the total current of potassium.
(183) When distracting or wandering thoughts occur, they are not suppressed; instead, the meditator gently brings attention back to the focus.
(184) RESULT EMP significantly suppressed xylene induced mouse ear edema and albumin induced rat paw edema. Paper induced rat granuloma was also markedly reduced by EMP.http://
(185) The novel LDMOSFET did not degrade the advantage of SOI structure's low leakage current and parasitic capacitance, which also suppressed the self-heating effects and floating body effects.
(186) And if the secondary market has been suppressed, which in turn will issue a sluggish market.
(187) Chueh - hui felt a brief flurry of panic, but he suppressed it immediately.
(188) Heterosexuality is the natural norm, bisexuality and homosexuality must be suppressed.
(189) There is the hope that there is no suppressed resentment from the coach because of Messi's youth and his untarnished reputation.
(190) The army suppressed the insurrection at the cost of heavy casualties.
(191) The tiny state of Bahrain was thrust into the international spotlight this month when its regime violently suppressed pro-democracy protests.
(192) Good performance of the system is shown in practice, with vibration and overshoot effectively suppressed.
(193) Adding spermidine suppressed various processes associated with ageing, as well as reducing free radicals and increasing lifespan.
(194) Adopting circularly polarized technique with which multipath interference (MPI) can be suppressed, high performance antenna can be obtained.
(195) The results showed that the increase in the diameter, subperiosteal area and bone mineral density of femurs were suppressed obviously under low stress environment.
(196) CONCLUSION: HCV persistent infection suppressed the synthesis and secretion of MMP-2 and MMP-9 of human placental syncytiotrophoblast in vitro, which is not specific.
(197) She had been existing in a suppressed state , and not in one of languor, or stagnation.
(198) Provided is an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) which occupies a small area and in which a thermal breakdown is suppressed.
(199) The institutions of civil society, suppressed by centuries of tsarism and obliterated by Soviet-era state brutality, remain weak.
(200) A suppressed smile appeare notd on the bald man's expression while I watched with incredulity.
(201) Mobility, innovation, change - all suppressed by the traitional values of the society.
(202) The voltage overshoot across the power electronics and the voltage variation could be suppressed by snubber.
(203) Theravada Buddhism, suppressed by Khmer Rouge but now revived, is the main religion, but Christianity is spreading in the country.
(204) English history) a widespread rebellion in 1381 against poll taxes and other inequities that oppressed the poorer people of England; suppressed by Richard II.
(205) Results:HTQP suppressed the swelling of mouse ear induced by croton oil, the edema of rat hind paw induced by carrageenan and the increase of peritoneal capillary permeability induced by HAC in mice.
(206) The suppression of spermatogenesis was still incomplete although some volunteers' serum gonadotrophin concentrations had been suppressed to a very low degree.
(207) Conclusions:Bone marrow granulopoiesis was suppressed after burns combined with endotoxemia, and PGE2 might play a pivotal role in the pathophysiological process.
(208) The second part discussed about the reason why ruler suppressed the legal pettifogger and the public despised them.
(209) The specific warning is suppressed, and the warning appears in the Error List window with a strikethrough.
(210) With coherent detection, radio frequency (RF) signal can be recovered with simultaneously suppressed second-order distortion and third-order intermodulation.
(211) The residual side-lobes of the frequency response can be effectively suppressed by employing the window function technique, using Hanning, Hamming and Blackman window functions.
(212) This paper presents the reasonable coil exciting topology by which end effect is suppressed.
(213) It opened a door to a long suppressed public outpouring of grief and rage.
(214) The researchers note, however, that 80% percent of patients taking nevirapine and rifampicin were virologically suppressed after 18 months of antiretroviral therapy.
(215) It is shown that the differential conductance, average current and shot noise power are suppressed by the impurities and rough interface scattering.
(216) Aim To study the effects of different polar parts extracted from Mucuna birdwoodiana Tutcher (MBT) on peripheral blood cells in bone marrow suppressed mice in order to clarify the active part of MBT.
(217) For the difference between Egyptian and mediaeval "planarity" is that in the former the depth motifs are totally suppressed, while in the latter they are only devaluated.
(218) Tribal rebellion in Rif mountains is suppressed by French and Spanish troops.
(219) Student: The first one Prof.: Yes the first one was suppressed in the original argument but was made explicit as we set out the argument logic book style.
(220) Objective: To study whether or not lappaconitine suppressed spinal sensitization in the rat incision model and to discuss the possible mechanism.
(221) Our study shows that intratumoral electroporation of interleukin 12 genes suppressed tumor growth in mice and canine models, and a phase I clinical trial is designed to treat cancer patients.
(222) In fact, the existing and developing process of the dissipative structure system is the process in which negentropy is realized and entropy increase is suppressed.
(223) Moreover, The degranulation of peritoneal mastocyte in rats also be suppressed by the serum containing SCZ.
(224) A suppressed smile appeared on the bald man's face while I watched with incredulity.
(225) The results show that with the increase of the time and dosage of cordycepin, the growth of HA22T/VGH cell line is suppressed and the inhibition rate can reach as high as 83%.
(226) The molecule which might be suppressed by 17B-estradiol in the testis, epididymis or gubernaculum was not identified.
(227) Their tombs are honoured even to the present day. In 1773, Pope Clement XIV, under pressure from political powers in Europe, suppressed the Society of Jesus.
(228) When three have suppressed more than 90 minutes male students when the elevator rescues , three people appeared dizziness, the disgusting oxygen deficit symptom.
(229) Nodes that match this filter will not have secondary failure alarms suppressed for them since they have been designated as having special importance by the network management administrator.
(230) He teaches with a barely suppressed aggression, refusing to tolerate teenage slothfulness.
(231) It can suppress various shaped, circular tablet, engraved with the trademark double-sided and can be suppressed, text and simple graphics tablet.
(232) Intraperitoneal injection of nembutal to the hunger animals, sinusoid slow waves and the characteristic hunger waves were both suppressed.
(233) Dinner table vases, sets of cutlery and glass are then used liquid cooling suppressed by chocolate.
(234) The occult tradition seems so tremendously powerful that it cannot be suppressed.
(235) After six weeks of heady demonstrations, the Tiananmen movement was brutally suppressed.
(236) Mary had recovered, and she spoke with a suppressed rippling undercurrent of laughter pleasent to hear.
(237) In optical fiber drawing, troubles such as the breaking of the optical fiber can be suppressed even during the acceleration of the line speed.
(238) DNA remains tightly wound around the histone spool, so the genes on the spool that control memory formation remain suppressed.
(239) Objective An analyticail method of determinating thioglycolic acid in cosmetics by ion exchange chromatography suppressed conductivity detection has been developed.




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