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单词 Registrar
(1) The manager fired a young registrar.
(2) A hospital registrar is of a lower rank than a consultant.
(3) Ernest's got to fix the date with the Registrar.
(4) The chief officer is the Registrar.
(5) The senior registrar contract arrived dated May 1988, and a six month battle ensued to get it backdated to January 1987.
(6) Peter and his registrar were already gowned, gloved, and were putting sterile drapes on the patient.
(7) Mr John Sumsion, the original Registrar, did a wonderful job.
(8) Women overtake men only in the part- time registrar posts.
(9) As Registrar it provides shareholders registration services to over 200 companies.
(10) The registrar was a dignified man who behaved with the correct degree of formality.
(11) In May 1989, a registrar admitted a drink-driving charge and was severely reprimanded by the Lord Chancellor.
(12) The copy delivered to the Registrar must also be signed by the auditors.
(13) In all the excitement the Registrar, Mrs Molly Croll, suffered a slip of the pen.
(14) The single judge may review decisions of the Registrar and make interim orders outside the Law Terms.
(15) A second registrar examined Christopher[], but decided it was possible Celia and Danny were telling the truth.
(16) I rang the senior registrar to tell him but realised after a while he wasn't saying much.
(17) In 1649 he was appointed a registrar of military debentures.
(18) I had three-quarters of an Assistant Registrar and spent sixty-five nights away from home on Council visits.
(19) If you require further information, you should consult the registrar.
(20) If your request is for information about a child, please contact the Registrar to find out how to make such a request.
(21) It was quite true that she had deserved that paediatric registrar post.
(22) Gill seemed to overcompensate and whispered hers so that the registrar and I could only just hear.
(23) A dozen names - once repeated slowly by the Registrar and written down in steady copperplate.
(24) Furthermore, the duly audited accounts must be filed with the Registrar of Companies, at a fee.
(25) It will be appreciated that this rule gives the registrar a wide discretion.
(26) Even if it worked for senior house officer appointments it would not work for registrar appointments.
(27) I was not a pioneer of part time senior registrar training in Wessex: several people were already in post.
(28) The guidelines contain a foreword by the Data Protection Registrar who had a few reservations about the guidelines.
(29) However, a public company must obtain in addition a trading certificate from the Registrar before it may commence trading.
(30) For all, apart from Anglican weddings, you must obtain a certificate or certificate with licence from the local superintendent registrar.
(1) If you require further information, you should consult the registrar.
(2) The manager fired a young registrar.
(31) This sample is being traced through such sources as the Registrar of Births and Deaths, and was identified again in 1981.
(32) The status of patients is subsequently monitored by mailed questionnaires from our hospital's tumour registrar.
(33) Students are required to notify the Academic Registrar immediately of any change in their term-time address.
(34) San Francisco Registrar Germaine Wong said turnout in the city was about the same as the statewide average.
(35) Fortunately, the postgraduate dean organised a part time medical registrar post.
(36) Success in part time senior registrar training requires tremendous personal commitment, a sympathetic supervisor, and a helpful postgraduate dean.
(37) The reporting of manometry is performed by a research registrar who is under the supervision of a consultant gastroenterologist.
(38) Financial and child custody disputes are dealt with informally by the Registrar.
(39) I met and married my husband just at the point when I was beginning to apply for senior registrar posts.
(40) Negigence was alleged on the part of a senior registrar in charge of a child birth.
(41) Then I saw the senior registrar, who had already been briefed by the house officer about my history of abuse.
(42) Then we went in to face this perfectly oleaginous and crepuscular little registrar.
(43) Wessex region would not recognise me as a senior registrar until the college's approval had been received.
(44) The hospital telephonist eventually gets hold of the surgical registrar.sentence dictionary
(45) The registrar said that he would see about it.
(46) The Registrar has been notified of your complaint.
(47) You can obtain the application from the registrar.
(48) When will the facility select a registrar?
(49) To register , please see the Registrar, Mr.
(50) The registrar says that I owe the school money.
(51) The groom knew immediately that something was wrong when the registrar at Derry's Guildhall unexpectedly claimed that there was unfinished paperwork just before the ceremony began.
(52) I suppose the registrar didn't think it would be right to ask a properly brought-up girl to room with a foundling.
(53) After settling compensation claims with the proceeds of the securities clearing fund, the securities registrar and clearance institution shall seek recovery from the relevant liable persons.
(54) We will have no responsibilities as registrar of the domain name unless and until we send you or the updated registrant, as appropriate, notice of acceptance of the Application.
(55) The registrar is the sole judge of whether he passes this test.
(56) In the Indian capital, 1, 004 girls were born for every 1, 000 boys in 2008, according to the Chief Registrar, Births and Deaths.
(57) The Registrar may serve on the owner, demise charter or representative person, and on each mortgagee (if any) of the ship, a notice .
(58) If for any reason it appears to the Registrar that a ship in respect of which an application for registration has been made may not be registrable.
(59) Users may consult the sponsoring registrar databaseview the registrar's reported date of expiration for this registration.
(60) The former ship-owner shall cancel the registration with the previous ship registrar in respect of ownership of the ship.
(61) The Court's Registrar and Deputy Registrars serve as Masters of the District Court to deal with interlocutory and taxation matters.
(62) The Registrar and any other public officer shall comply with any instructions issued to him.
(63) Acting in the place of the wedding license registrar, I swore them to the truth of all of the statements on their license application. Donna swore to the truth and signed the application.
(64) This information is transcribed by the registrar into a draft entry of death registration.
(65) Would you like your Registrar to contact you for additional follow - up?
(66) Registration Agreement means the agreement between a Registrar and a domain - name holder.
(67) He shall give notice in writing to the Registrar and to the demise charter (if any) that he wishes the ship's registration to BE closed.
(68) These assignments may differ from those students already have from the registrar.
(69) This Notice of Appeal must be filed at the office of the Registrar of the High Court within the time period as provided in section 32 of the Plant Varieties Protection Ordinance.
(70) Wells Fargo Student Insurance Division will automatically notify the SFSU Registrar to release the insurance hold upon purchase.
(71) Without prejudice to sections 60, 61 and 63, if for any reason it appears to the Registrar that a registered ship may have ceased to be registrable.
(72) Go to the registrar of the university to know your grades.
(73) The Registrar shall keep a register of ships registered or provisionally registered under this Ordinance.
(74) The owner or demise charter of the ship shall cause the certificate to BE delivered to the Registrar BEfore the ship is registered.
(75) Shareholders and the public usually have a legal right to inspect a company's share register, which is usually kept by a bank or institution which acts as the official registrar.
(76) A former property registrar from Galicia, Mr. Rajoy shares Galicians'legendary ability to disguise his intentions.
(77) The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar."




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