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单词 Vanished
1. He seems to have vanished without trace.
2. They vanished into the haze near the horizon.
3. They vanished down the stairs like two phantoms.
4. The mysterious woman passenger vanished.
5. He just vanished and was never seen again.
6. My glasses seem to have vanished.
7. The magician vanished in a puff of smoke.
8. He turned around and vanished into the house.
9. I turned round and she had simply vanished.
10. The thief vanished into the crowd.
11. The man vanished in the crowd.
12. The child vanished while on her way home from school.
13. The ship had vanished without trace.
14. He walked through—and vanished. Poof! Like that.
15. All thoughts of romance vanished from his mind.
16. All thoughts of leaving vanished from his mind.
17. Many of these old cinemas have now vanished altogether.
18. The bird vanished from sight .
19. The smile vanished from her face.
20. Her sunny smile vanished as she read the letter.
21. He vanished after you fixed him with a job.
22. She can't just have vanished into thin air.
23. She vanished into the mist.
24. All her yesterdays had vanished without a trace.
25. Public support for the Prime Minister has now vanished.
26. The bird vanished in a flash of blue.
27. Victor and his kidnappers had vanished into thin air.
28. The plane vanished without a trace.
29. My keys were here a minute ago but now they've vanished.
30. One moment he was standing behind me,[Sentencedict] the next he had vanished in a puff of smoke.
1. He seems to have vanished without trace.
2. They vanished into the haze near the horizon.
3. They vanished down the stairs like two phantoms.
4. The mysterious woman passenger vanished.
5. He just vanished and was never seen again.
6. My glasses seem to have vanished.
7. The magician vanished in a puff of smoke.
8. He turned around and vanished into the house.
9. I turned round and she had simply vanished.
10. The man vanished in the crowd.
11. My keys were here a minute ago but now they've vanished.
12. The child vanished while on her way home from school.
13. One moment he was standing behind me, the next he had vanished in a puff of smoke.
31. Any atmosphere of domesticity has long vanished.
32. The little town had vanished in the mist.
33. Her feelings of shyness rapidly vanished.
34. My prospects/hopes of success have vanished.
35. The car vanished round a bend.
36. The ship vanished into the depths.
37. Anne vanished from outside her home last Wednesday.
38. Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth.
39. All hopes of a peaceful settlement had now vanished.
40. Much of the land we loved has vanished forever.
41. Our hopes have vanished.
42. Near the end of Devonian times, thirty percent of all animal life vanished.
43. Keep looking-they can't just have vanished off the face of the earth.
44. He vanished mysteriously after the close of business on Saturday night.
45. In the past two years, one-party rule has vanished from Eastern Europe.
46. The old sense of deference and restraint in royal reporting has vanished.
47. Many of the stars of the nineties have completely vanished from the music scene.
48. The temple ruins are a distant reminder of a vanished empire.
49. When the rain started,[/vanished.html] the crowd vanished in an instant .
50. By the 1930s, the wolf had vanished from the American West.
51. He strained to conjure up her face and voice, but they had vanished.
52. He caught a glimpse of her before she vanished into the crowd.
53. His novels belong to a great but vanished age. They are, in short, old-fashioned.
54. I thought it would rain, but the clouds have vanished and it's a fine day.
55. As soon as the trial was over, the blaze of publicity surrounding him vanished.
56. He vanished from the scene, to materialize presently in front of the door.
57. The figure vanished as silently as if it had simply been a figment of her imagination.
58. The youngster vanished without a trace one day and has never been found.
59. Many types of animal have now vanished from the earth.
60. I married in my late teens and was taken in by his charm — which soon vanished.
61. Their son watched helplessly as they vanished beneath the waves.
62. She waited, standing on the bridge, until his figure vanished against the grey backdrop of the Palace.
63. The dryness in my mouth vanished and I could feel the adrenaline flooding my body.
64. The people who built this temple have long since vanished.
65. The gunmen paused only to cut the wires to the house, then vanished into the countryside.
66. I haven't seen Paul in ages; he seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.
67. She vanished nine months ago while on a mercy mission to West Africa.
68. After years at the top, she just vanished from the scene.
69. It was another novel concept that has vanished lately.
70. The 110 had vanished, frightened by flak.
71. With that, Mrs M. gave a wave and vanished.
72. Her favorite goddess had vanished, leaving clear instructions, however.
73. Many more vanished without a trace.
74. He touched her arms, her shoulders; their hardness vanished.
75. The top half of the sepoy had vanished.
76. A figure in fluttering black emerged, then vanished.
77. All hopes of finding the boy alive have vanished.
78. The vacancy at Corpus Christi vanished.
79. The vanished behind a velvet curtain.
80. Now he had vanished with no reasonable explanation whatever.
81. Within seconds he had completely vanished in the mist.
82. She lost concentration[http://], and the pygmy vanished.
83. It seems to have vanished altogether.
84. After the Soviet army seized the castle, they vanished.
85. They threw their javelins and the hind vanished.
86. After a moment the impact vanished, leaving no trace.
87. His contentment vanished when he reached the stream.
88. The capitalism that now seems irresistible could, with just a few missteps, have vanished.
89. The grin vanished like magic, her whole body stiffening in antipathy as her eyes locked with fathomless brown ones.
90. Their chances of survival vanished the moment they stumbled into the procession; one wrong turn and that was it.
91. To her horror, when she returned the Vauxhall Cavalier had vanished with her young daughter still inside.
92. The cheeks, also awaiting padding, had vanished into the cavities of the skull.
93. When she regained her balance and looked around he - if indeed it had been he - had vanished.
94. As each of his seemingly decisive threats vanished like a mirage before his eyes Karpov once again sank into serious time pressure.
95. Six of them originated from the same bar on Corfu - 500 miles from the island of Kos where Ben first vanished.
96. If he felt a pang of jealousy, it vanished at once.
97. They are steadily declining in many rivers, and have vanished from others.
98. Edward made himself a cup of tea and vanished to the Britches, where he stayed late into the dusk.
99. Yet at the thought of her child her mood of optimism vanished.
100. William and Joe and their entire consignment of cod vanished in the desire to please Araminta.
101. The telly faded, the shoddy oilcloth vanished, the beautiful sunshine we were missing was forgotten.
102. Three days earlier he vanished from the luxury home he shared with a girlfriend in Kent.
103. Smith vanished from Heathrow Airport in 1969 and is believed to be living in Florida.
104. When the football season ended, these warrior bands literally vanished.
105. This was Goat Island, created of silts and clays that had originally lain on the bottom of the vanished Lake Tonawanda.
106. It had houses on it in Roman and Byzantine times, and the stone lion has long since vanished.
107. A throng of newsmen, accompanied by their photographers, left the hall in pursuit of the vanished Amaranth.
108. As I opened the door, a white streak flashed past my ankles and vanished around the first turn of the spiral.
108. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
109. While I was choosing it, the kids vanished into a nearby pet store where they discovered a nice little iguana.
110. The sandwich leapt over the doorframe and vanished into the chirping, velvety, dangerous night.
111. Often Emerson found himself so far beyond nature that all concrete particularity vanished.
112. With a terrible flash that all but blinded the onlookers the island vanished, around it the storm of magical energy.
113. Just before Jotan vanished completely into the mist, he walked softly out of the inlet between the buildings and followed him.
114. A family hooked on the board game Cluedo found Asha'a body in Somerset last week, 14 years after she vanished.
115. We know surprisingly little about vanished civilizations whose majesty and whose ultimate demise were closely linked to liberties they took with water.
116. Moira Anderson vanished without trace in a snow storm while running an errand for her grandmother on 23 February 1957.
117. The herds of buffalo had vanished, and the only creatures appearing in numbers were rattlesnakes and jackrabbits.
118. Standing there, on top of the world, my tiredness vanished.
119. The atmosphere of the room was so different from any he had ever breathed that self-consciousness vanished in the sense of adventure.
120. Then it zipped away at what seemed like incredible speed and vanished from view.
121. His savoirfaire had vanished and he was prodding desperately at a pile of coal black spheres.
122. It was almost as if he'd vanished into thin air.
123. The police took his house apart looking for possible clues after she vanished from a leisure centre car park.
124. And Britain's military capability-marginally useful to us during the Gulf war-has vanished with successive budget cuts.
125. But the investigation was suddenly closed down, 17 volumes of its work vanished, and its members were cowed into silence.
126. Two fine actors vanished before my appalled eyes within a couple of hours on Boxing Day.
127. Mystery of vanishing boy golfer A GOLF-MAD schoolboy who vanished from outside a nightclub was being sought by police yesterday.
128. All my resolve during my walks along the Seine to become detached from my family vanished in an instant.
129. The magnetic field that led to its discovery had vanished at the moment of that radio shriek.
130. The large stack of giant bamboo which had once been piled on the beach had vanished, absorbed into the raft.
131. Attempts to radio Denver failed, and moments later his signal vanished, federal officials said.
132. He peeped again into the mirror, hoping the sight might have vanished.
133. Roman hadn't even enquired how she was - their lovemaking had already vanished into limbo as far as he was concerned.
134. But those were the days of innocence, long ago vanished and past recovery.
135. Yet that tiny elegy speaks forward, too, perhaps, to another vanished relatedness, between Martin and his first wife.
136. The company that supplied the missing cargo seems to have vanished into thin air.
137. His usual good humour had vanished and his hand dropped to the dagger pushed in his belt.
138. All life, plant and animal,[] within a mile radius of Ground Zero simply vanished.
139. Then she saw him look across at her and smile, and all her uncertainties vanished like morning mist before the sun.
140. The next morning he awoke to find the cancer had vanished.
141. Her shift vanished in one swift movement, but in her husband's arms she felt no embarrassment.
142. That one has long since vanished, as a result of the Falls' implacable backward erosion.
143. Textiles were in full decline; the old metal trades had vanished to the point where no artisan could explain the traditional techniques.
144. By 1903 the spectre of that environmental disaster had vanished.
145. In our minds we may recreate a vanished dignity and grace.
146. The idea of becoming a monk vanished from Ramsey's heart.
147. Cardboard City all but vanished in the daytime, and reappeared like a gypsy camp at night.
148. This had dropped him at a garage in Cromcruach and had then mysteriously vanished before he could offer his thanks.
149. Suddenly it swooped down towards something in the bog and vanished from sight.
150. By the time the accident investigator arrives on the scene, however, the ice has melted and the evidence has vanished.
151. She stood watching silently long after the goose had vanished.
152. Afterwards it vanished without trace and the buyer remains unknown.
153. The last of the police cars sped past and vanished into the storm.
154. Seve vanished on another crusade, to beat another army, save another universe.
155. The helicopter had vanished and the dinghy was much nearer the pilot, who appeared not to be moving.
156. Dialogue springs with life from the page, and the social and political milieu of a vanished age is brilliantly realised.
157. The snails had vanished, but now some one seemingly had traced a picture of a butterfly in the dirt.
158. Repeated scientific warnings about the imminent collapse of cod stocks were ignored and the vast shoals vanished.
159. The smells lingered faintly to enchant the air even at this time of year, but the mystery of childhood had vanished.
160. A tall figure came into view, then just as quickly vanished.
161. The hand was connected to an arm, which vanished into the nearby undergrowth.
162. The girl brought him inside and then vanished, as though into a crevice.
163. Gang leaders fled the scene(), and all traces of rancour and suspicion vanished with them.
164. He caught sight of a few others, but they turned tail and vanished when they saw him through the mist.
165. Miss Logan prepared the bedding and administered some opium; the guide, after making gestures incomprehensible to her, vanished.
166. Worse followed when 10,000 coupons were handed out at a big match at Hull - but 9,999 vanished.
167. Abruptly, the pale fire sank and vanished, leaving only the glare from the ruins.
168. The motor cyclist sped off away from Walberswick,[http:///vanished.html] was soon a speck which vanished round a bend.
169. His self-conscious gaucheness vanished as if it had evaporated in the thin cold air of the mountains and he found friends.
170. Now its innocence had vanished, and it was thronged with worldly-wise urban people intent upon sophisticated urban undertakings.
171. No, he recalled other sightings, so real you could have sworn they were alive ... until they vanished.
172. So good old classical clues will almost certainly have vanished altogether.
173. The staff revolted, Elliott locked them out of the Time Out offices, and the magazine vanished from the newsstands.
174. As soon as Waite vanished, the trail went cold, because the first thing his kidnappers did was separate him from his briefcase.
175. The crowd had parted to let them through, and Kathleen's fear for herself vanished as she took in the scene.
176. The relationship lasted for almost three months; then Lavinia vanished without trace.
177. When Bowman next came on watch it had vanished completely.
178. She turned on her heel and vanished into the murk.
179. This turned out to be pottery waste, a surviving memorial to a now vanished china factory in the local town.
180. It struggled for a moment on the floor then vanished into a crevice behind a tile.
181. The signs of inflammation had vanished. Histological examination confirmed a severe chronic atrophic gastritis.
182. The rainbow vanished, the sky turned blue-gray, and the sun blazed.
183. The fruit had vanished from the wine like a thief in the night.
184. Grass road verges have almost vanished, whittled away by the volume of traffic and the inexorable weight of tractor wheels.
185. The hard-liners have not vanished, and the political battles ahead will be intense.
186. Before she could scream, the man had vanished into the night.
187. It had vanished as silently as if it had been only a figment of her imagination.
188. Wire them up with microphones and start the camera rolling, however, and all candour vanished.
189. As it vanished, absorbed in the veils of blackness, Stephen stumbled over a twisted root and fell headlong.
190. But the rector was opening the wicket gate at the side of the public house, and vanished from sight.
191. The surviving remnants of the eighteenth-century building are shown in solid black, the parts which have vanished as broken lines.
192. A thin strand of smoke swept back over Ezra and vanished in the wind.
193. Hands vanished around the room, yanked from the maws of a closing trap.
194. Joanne Lockyer has hunted day and night since 16-year-old Keith vanished four days before Christmas from outside a south London nightclub.
195. Like so many dance crazes, the "moonwalk' was popular for a while in the clubs, then vanished without a trace.
196. Now the vanished figure is the chief investigator in that slaying, Pablo Chapa Bezanilla.
197. So his wicked sister's vanished and now he's big man on campus.
198. When she moved,[] a bright green lizard sprinted up the wall and vanished.
199. He stayed for weeks, ran up astronomical phone bills, and then vanished.
200. Maybe each and every one of them had vanished into thin air.
201. Ragged black smoke led to the two-seater; the Pfalz scouts had gone, vanished.
202. Now, staring at the big thick lump of meat, her self-confidence vanished.
203. When the rooftop vanished behind a yellow bluff of gorse, you followed your nose.
204. Such vanished cultures operated under belief systems so utterly different from ours that such a proposition is absurd.
205. Two cyclists chased him, but he ducked in and out of blocks of flats and vanished.
206. A portrait he drew of Madame Decrucq coming home from the pit has since vanished.
207. A few flakes of snow floated past the deck and vanished in the water.
208. She vanished at full tilt towards the kitchen-garden and the orchards.
209. As soon as Hitler's trial was over, the blaze of publicity surrounding him vanished.
210. The wallpaper was purple and yellow and green stripes ... But the dream had vanished.
211. The canvas, which was trampled on and folded up despite its great size, vanished.
212. The image of Chantal vanished instantly as though some one had thrown a switch.
213. The dew vanished from the flowers; they began to lose their freshness and to wilt, passing from hand to hand.
214. The ship vanished in mysterious circumstances, never to be seen again.
215. In some areas the vulture has vanished, with extinction possibly five years away.
216. As it registered and I began to move toward him, Wally turned away and vanished into the crowd.
217. Tall trees and sweeping branches suddenly appeared from nowhere and vanished mysteriously into the all-encompassing darkness.
218. All thoughts of her had vanished in the midst of his hunger pangs and coughing fits.




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