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单词 registry
释义 Word family  noun register registration registry verb register  Related topics: Organizationsre·gis·try /ˈredʒəstri/ noun (plural registries) [countable]  1. SSORECORDa place where information used by an organization is kept, especially official records or lists 登记处;注册处;档案处2  British English technical used when saying where something, especially a ship, is officially registered 登记〔尤指船舶在某地登记〕 the registry of the vessel 船舶登记Examples from the Corpusregistry• A registry of these applications for cimetidine use during 1977-81 is available.• the bridal registry at Robinson's Department Store• The researchers used a cancer registry and found that 419 were diagnosed with stomach cancer by 1992.• Moreover, a central registry of convictions is kept to enable the Office of Fair Trading to identify businesses for possible action.• The case will be heard in the Newcastle District registry on March 5.• Defense Department data show that about 35,884 active-duty soldiers have signed up on its Gulf War medical registry.• There is no registry for providing data on a national scale.• The name and port of registry were applied in gold leaf.• ships of U.S. registry• If the registry manager wants to invest in new equipment or more clerks, he has to convince the legislature.• the Registry of Motor VehiclesFrom Longman Business Dictionaryregistryre‧gis‧try /ˈredʒəstri/ noun (plural registries) [countable] a place where official records are kept and can be examined by members of the publicthe Trade Marks Registry → companies registry → land registryre·gis·try nounChineseSyllable   Business organization Corpus by used a information place where an




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