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单词 registry office
释义  ˈregistry ˌoffice noun [countable]  PGORECORDa local government building in Britain where you can get married, and where births, marriages, and deaths are officially recorded 〔英国可办理结婚手续并负责出生、结婚和死亡登记的〕户籍登记处Examples from the Corpusregistry office• If you're tying the knot at a registry office, this timeless style is ideal.• They were married at a registry office and had a quiet reception.• They were also married in a registry office.• The offices, in an old registry office, are still being worked on.• The witnesses were people who worked at the registry office.• The feelings that are carried up the aisle or into the registry office are presumably countless.• The registry office couldn't marry them at such short notice and they must wait until the following day.ˈregistry ˌoffice nounChineseSyllable  government a Corpus where building get local can Britain you married, in




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