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单词 registrar
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Nurses, doctors, etcre·gis·trar /ˌredʒəˈstrɑː◂ $ ˈredʒəstrɑːr/ noun [countable]  1. BORECORDsomeone who is in charge of official records of births, marriages, and deaths 户籍管理员2. an official of a college or university who deals with the running of the college 〔学院或大学的〕教务长,教务主任;注册主任3. MN British English a hospital doctor who has finished his or her training but is of a lower rank than a consultant 住院医生Examples from the Corpusregistrar• Quotas for career registrars were issued two years late, and those for research registrars have yet to be issued.• Peter and his registrar were already gowned, gloved, and were putting sterile drapes on the patient.• However, if the patient required an X-ray he or she had to be seen by one of the consultants or registrars.• It was quite true that she had deserved that paediatric registrar post.• Consultants and senior registrars are not rewarded for teaching and seldom have been trained in educational methods.• The registrar was a dignified man who behaved with the correct degree of formality.From Longman Business Dictionaryregistrarre‧gis‧trar /ˌredʒəˈstrɑː◂ˈredʒəstrɑːr/ noun [countable]JOBFINANCE the person whose duty is to record changes in the people who own the shares of a company. The registrar is usually someone who works for the companyThe Companies Act provides for registrars to give complete shareholder lists to persons on payment of a·gis·trar nounChineseSyllable  of someone records charge official Corpus Business is in who births, of




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