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单词 Periodically
1 The company's assets are periodically revalued.
2 Mailing lists are updated periodically.
3 Teachers meet periodically to discuss progress.
4 Periodically,[] we meet to discuss any problems.
5 The geyser erupts periodically.
6 The spaceship's jets were fired periodically to dampen a side-to-side pendulum motion that had developed.
7 Economic crises recur periodically.
8 They looked in periodically to check the work in progress.
9 Meetings are held periodically to monitor progress on the case.
10 Periodically, Congress has made half-hearted attempts at finance reform.
11 Periodically one of us dropped into a fevered sleep.
12 Periodically the car may deviate from the road.
13 Periodically, these letters come right out of the woodwork.
14 I would apply a balanced fertilizer periodically.
15 Flush your plant and rock periodically with pure water.
16 However, the player needs to rest periodically.
17 Floodwaters periodically inundate the lowlands of the state.
18 The announcer periodically notified everyone how much time remained.
19 This group of patients should be reviewed periodically to establish whether medication is indicated or whether alternative approaches should be used.
20 Some even evaluated themselves periodically on such criteria, fretting that they would not be able to change.
21 The fact that Dobson periodically addresses the issue of wife abuse in his speaking and writing is commendable in itself.
22 The streets were periodically thronged with soldiers on their way to the front, some of whom pillaged as they passed through.
23 The most renowned of these pipe bands travel periodically to the cities, where they perform in night spots for tourists.
24 Men may work periodically as day laborers on others' fields, as carpenters, or masons.
25 As she grows, she must periodically shed her inelastic skin.
26 Lesser Black-backed Gulls nest on the cliffs periodically, as do Black Redstarts.
27 None the less, groups periodically emerge to articulate demands for political, social, and economic changes.
28 I know that my father was required by his parents to drown the kittens that the family cat would periodically deliver.
29 Their small nomadic populations, growing and subdividing during the good years, were periodically culled by cold and starvation.
30 Maximum penalties, and occasionally fixed penalties, are set out in statutes and periodically revised.
1 The geyser erupts periodically.
2 Economic crises recur periodically.
31 Keep this off the leaves, and turn it periodically to prevent condensation.
32 Huggins periodically asks store managers to nominate 10 chocolates for oblivion to make room for new products.
33 A younger woman with outsize spectacles behind them periodically gave a slight nod of her head.
34 Indeed,[] fusion bombs and warheads must be periodically disassembled and recharged with fresh tritium.
35 Palomar students periodically hike to the top of the peak to whiten the letter.
36 After that we explored the lot periodically, coming home with stickers all the way up to our waists.
37 Regulations said that instructors must go up periodically, but he was always glad when they touched down.
38 Periodically there are press reports of otherwise healthy individuals who need no sleep at all.
39 It is only by returning periodically to it that man can keep in contact with things of ultimate value.
40 Viacom and other cable providers raise rates periodically throughout the year.
41 The programs have appeared periodically, in no set time slot.
42 The driver led the way, turning around periodically to check that the others were with him.
43 When interest rates rise, the market value of zero coupon bonds fall more than regular bonds that pay interest periodically.
44 Programs will be reviewed periodically with an eye on medical breakthroughs and will be updated as new information becomes available.
45 I thought 28 was one of those truly special issues, which crop up periodically.
46 The project went into cold storage, periodically resurfacing over the next six years only to sink once more.
47 None has loosened criminal control, though crooked operators are periodically sent to jail.
48 The diagrams are updated periodically during the course of the simulation.
49 In order to grow, snakes must periodically shed their skins.
50 Give both jars a good shake and repeat the shake periodically.
51 Some newspapers report refund offers periodically and there are bulletins to which one can subscribe that report offers.
52 Periodically, Felix will turn to Manny, cup his hand and explain to him what has been said.
53 Pastor Braun was periodically called to Berlin to justify the continued existence of the Institution and its inmates.
54 We know of other stars whose brightness changes periodically, over a timespan of hours, weeks or years.
55 Although the place has periodically been a restaurant as well as a bar, never before has the food commanded such attention.
56 These should be pruned periodically and propagated accordingly. Other requirements: Light: Requires plenty of bright light.
57 It even sheds its coat periodically, and by the time it is born, it is able to pupate immediately.
58 Guidance was first published in 1973, and it has been periodically revised in the light of experience gained.
59 It is highly desirable that from every product in regular production, samples be withdrawn periodically and put on long-term stability test.
60 His chronic disease, which erupted periodically like a benign volcano, was his insurance policy.
61 All value systems are products of human social evolution, and have periodically been declared sacrosanct by various religions.
62 On cold days the device periodically provides a burst of hot air, to even out the air temperature.
63 Periodically, they moult their thin transparent skins, changing shape as they do so.
64 There may be charcoal pans where charcoal burners camped periodically to use the wood from the area around to produce charcoal.
65 Check the bowls periodically and give them enough water if necessary to keep the compost evenly damp.
66 The grass is then sown and it is periodically burnt thereafter to improve palatability.
67 Terminal Response Times Response times for interactive processes will be monitored periodically during production by manual measurements from the terminal.
68 Some have speculated that the headaches may be related to a periodically discharging biologic pacemaker, perhaps located in the hypothalamus.
69 Periodically a bulldozer clears the plot by pushing some of the bulkier refuse into the ravine.
70 The Front Runners stop periodically and then run a twenty-yard dash, to the applause of bemused spectators.
71 Bush suggested that the conference would dissolve into a series of bilateral negotiations, but would be periodically reconvened.
72 Fifi whines periodically, and Yoyo has recited something for the men, he can tell from the singsong in her voice.
73 James attended school sporadically, interrupting his studies to earn money doing factory and agricultural work periodically.
74 It inevitably strikes the reader of Out that the main character enters periodically into what in many respects resembles schizophrenia.
75 All remembered and periodically still experienced the vicious attacks on them which the Communists were only just beginning to abandon.
76 The threat of imperialist attack remains, and the bureaucracy uses this threat quite consciously to periodically silence the voices of opposition.
77 The buzzard periodically breaks its thread, soars into the wind, spins round and takes up its west-facing kite position again.
78 The doe visits periodically to feed them, opening and closing the entrance on each occasion.
79 Apparently the animal can go all winter without food, but it periodically needs real sleep.
80 Then, impossibly blond children didn't periodically dive-bomb into his lap.
81 Aredia had been used for more than five years to periodically treat high calcium levels in myeloma patients, Berenson said.
82 Periodically he will explain a rule or illustrate its use on the blackboard.
83 TV news anchors periodically broke in with updates on the incident.
84 He and his mother journey to Houston periodically for checkups and to restock his medicine.
85 Periodically during the day, we received fire from a large factory to our north.
86 Home Office officials maintain contact with them by attending conferences and meetings, and periodically on a closer and more continuing basis.
87 Periodically, Churchill sinks into spells of depression.
88 Police were periodically patrolling the area.
89 Cheaning condensator periodically for once half year.
90 Hurricanes periodically menace the Gulf Coast.
91 The sand should periodically be replaced with new sand.
92 Mount Baker periodically heats up internally.
93 Dynamic RAM's need to be refreshed periodically.
94 A hardware timer that is periodically reset by software.
95 Convoys of black Mercedes sedans periodically swept through town.
96 Collect this periodically during peak and off-peak hours.
97 Violent winds periodically drive clouds of dust around Mars.
98 Inspectors periodically check wiring, heating plants and chimneys.
99 Production should periodically verify effective power, when you use time close to 1000 hours change.
100 Track project procurement and check against project assistant's record periodically.
101 The results of the studies indicate that the fluctuations of two quadrature components of light can be squeezed periodically, and this squeezability is related to the initial state of the system.
102 Gauges should be inspected periodically after being used for a long time and inspection period is decided according to using frequency and importance degree.
103 While new data is periodically rolled-in(), old data need to be frequently rolled out for archival storage or simply deleted to free-up storage.
104 The position and potential of the virtual cathode caused by space charge effects oscillate periodically.
105 The plane of periodically arranged dielectric spheres beneath the metal slab can lead the surface field out of the metal, and form a transmission plane wave.
106 This logged data is periodically submitted to a remote website.
107 A canister purge valve is opened periodically to vent the vapor back into induction system.
108 In this platform, laser sensor is used for absolute location to remove cumulative error from odometer periodically to make a precise and real-time location system.
109 Also has the power to periodically project itself into a magnetic storm of blades.
110 A refresh pulse is applied periodically from the primary to check for dc correctness.
111 It is also recommended to periodically synchronize the local clock against a trusted time server, using the Network Time Protocol (NTP), and to send log files to a remote, dedicated log server.
112 The requester can choose to enqueue a request but not wait for processing to complete, then periodically check for a response in the response queue while it performs other work.
113 Therefore, the offset voltage should be measured periodically for the most effective offset correction.
114 The principle, manufacture and application of periodically poled lithium niobate are introduced in detail.
115 The leaders travel in many different directions and periodically pause and redevelop.
116 The Gossiper is more malicious than the average person who periodically finds them self in a bit of gossip.
117 The document is periodically reviewed by ICAO Member States, and has historically, for practical purposes, been reproduced in the annexes of the IHR.
118 Each batch of secondary reference standard should be periodically requalified in accordance with a written protocol.
119 Moreover. A method of periodically sending UDP packet to NAT gateway is proposed in order to maintain the dynamic address mapping within the NAT.
120 Company annually according to the employee's work performance periodically examine each employee's wages combine appropriate adjustment.
121 The emission wavelength of a periodically modulated beam of radiation (often laser) is chosen such as to correspond to the wavelength at which the chromophore of interest shows appreciable absorption.
122 The judiciary has itself recognized and articulated these concerns periodically.
123 Invading woody vegetation, especially of the same species, should be controlled periodically to prevent confusion.
124 A great many more periodically starve; many actually die of want.
124 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
125 Mortality is the number or volume of trees periodically rendered unusable through natural causes.
126 It is found that the input impedance of DDC112 changes periodically during its AD conversion; and the changing impedance will influence the counting process of laser gyro if it is applied directly.
127 Periodically , the lamellae become enlarged, forming flattened, membrane - enclosed vesicles called thylakoids.
128 He drinks far more than she, and is periodically rebuked.
129 The automatic safe load indicator of crane should be inspected by competent person periodically to ensure it is in good order.
130 This paper deals with analysis procedures of periodically locally stationary random process which is a specific class of locally stationary process.
131 The periodic defected ground structures ( PDGS ) are the structures are etched periodically the circuit's ground plane.
132 Improve product BOM table, make accurate Material Requirement Planning ( MRP ) according to BOM and inventory periodically.
133 Frequency response of logs from packer type flowmeter in pumping wells, varies periodically with stroke number of pump.
134 This is normally done by auditing the API manufacturer for GMP compliance, and periodically testing the product to verify the information in the Certificate of Analysis.
135 The document is periodically reviewed by ICAO Member States, and has historically, for practical purposes(), been reproduced in the annexes of the IHR (2005).
136 The monitoring points in different position of the turbine stage have been calculated and analyzed, the Mach number, subcooling rate and the wetness fraction oscillate periodically.
137 Therefore copyright fare use system is designed and periodically revised to equilibrate the antinomy.
138 The time-varying and incommutable character of the coefficient matrix of periodically time-varying linear systems are the bottleneck of the design for high precision direct integration methods.
139 The government agency shall submit its archives catalogs to the central archives authority - in - charge periodically.
140 Allows the Necron Lord to periodically unleash massive photon bursts.
141 A bunch of alcoholic outcasts await the arrival of Hickey, a travelling salesman, who periodically turns up and buys them rounds. They await him as if he were a Messiah.
142 Researchers discovered only recently that inaccessible subglacial lakes in Antarctica periodically shed huge quantities of water.
143 But a periodically renegotiated piece rate system can sustain worker cooperation.
144 Prometheus periodically gores the F ring drawing out streamers of material from the ring.
145 Is open purchase order file checked periodically for excessively old purchase orders?
146 Villagers'committees regularly or periodically make public the affairs of the village to the villagers.
147 The state of knowledge in this field has been surveyed periodically in review papers.
148 This may be done by periodically pumping the beer through a carbonator or bubbling carbon dioxide into the storage tank.
149 We found that the transmission of electrons oscillates periodically with the change of ring's half length or two bubbles' half circumferences.
150 If it cannot find a collector node, it will continue searching periodically.
151 Funduscopic examination should be performed routinely before initiating and periodically during the course of somatropin therapy.
152 Is there an evidence that chemical analysis is performed periodically?
153 Periodically, once or twice a decade, the river of krill seems to go astray.
154 Check the live system periodically to verify that all expected log files and other artifacts are still being written as expected.
155 The simplest imposed conditions are those in which the loading is periodically and uniformly repeated.
156 Economic dislocations such as " the Panic of 1837 " occurred periodically during the 19 th century.
157 A way to reduce timing error is to simply rebalance holdings periodically.
158 Responsible for managing the construction fund and checking the construction appropriation periodically.
159 Timeliness is also possible, since digital readers require users to log in to a central system periodically.
160 To facilitate the oversight process, Congress normally requires agencies to report back periodically on their activities.
161 Assess and periodically reassess each resident's risk for developing a pressure ulcer ( decubitus ulcer ) and take action to address any identified risks.
162 English monarchs periodically had to dicker with its wealthier subjects for financial resources.
163 But even though they will probably not intentionally veer off course, you should still check periodically.
164 All machinery must be lubricated periodically according to the lubrication chart.
165 The data retained on sequential-access storage media are periodically accessed and updated by the sequential processing techniques.
166 The principle, manufacture and application of periodically poled lithium niobate(PPLN) are introduced in detail.
167 All product costs are summarized periodically, usually at the end of the month.
168 It does this by periodically altering the flow of the auroral electrojet—a natural current that exists in the ionosphere some 100 kilometers overhead.
169 As you know ,our regular savings rate changes periodically in accordance with the interest earnings rate allowed for commercial banks .
170 Naturally occurring toxins, such as mycotoxins, marine biotoxins, cyanogenic glycosides and toxins occurring in poisonous mushrooms, periodically cause severe intoxications.
171 You center bottom docile, again the connate ecology is cheery, periodically adore to play joke aboard a person, laugh of the exterior is nice-looking.
172 After assignation , the following is toand appraise the work periodically, by which they discriminate everyone's competence.
173 It and reversing current different is not to be, but with a anode intermittently stop, because the intermittent power supply current interrupted, cathode potential with time periodically change.
174 Balance yourself on a corner of the ottoman and rub your clit on the corner and periodically lift your hands and my feet off the ground.




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