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单词 Liberalisation
1. The new directive reflects President Mohammad Khatami's liberalisation programme.
2. They say they can not prove the liberalisation of trade and capital flows has caused the decline in progress.
3. The limits of liberalisation were set by the faction within the party which held power.
4. Recently this liberalisation of trade has been checked, or at least slowed, by a whole series of actions.
5. Liberalisation and democratisation were not so much of intrinsic value as of practical value for the reformist-minded leadership.
6. The main effect of liberalisation was to sharpen the edge of peasant discontent.
7. The liberalisation of those rules since Ridge has affected procedures attendant upon the grant of a licence.
8. As financial liberalisation proceeds, competition among the foreign houses will intensify.
9. Launching a new round of trade liberalisation talks after the failure of the Seattle summit remains a high priority for both sides.
10. Even recent liberalisation has failed to dispel deep-seated suspicions that discrimination still lurks beneath the surface.
11. Drastic, unprepared liberalisation can lead to economic chaos, as in the Ivory Coast in 1988.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. Further, it envisages the liberalisation of cross-border mail, international mail and direct mail.
13. Alas, further liberalisation is not certain.
14. Liberalisation happened for many reasons.
15. Mr Singh should give economic liberalisation one more push.
16. In India, critics of liberalisation have gained ammunition.
17. Viewers here have reaped the benefits of media liberalisation.
18. But aspect of India's experience after trade liberalisation did not conform to what researchers had expected.
19. It promotes the liberalisation of international trade and serves as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations and dispute settlement among its members.
20. The downward trend in earnings, however, was apparent before any liberalisation took place.
21. The big surge in investment has been possible only because of the liberalisation policies pursued by the Government.
22. Such palpable absurdities have continued for some 20 years, despite the partial and cautious liberalisation of the past three or four.
23. There was little chance to look towards democracy or any political liberalisation, moreover, while the party remained the central authority.
24. Indeed, it is arguable that the different speeds of financial liberalisation are a prime cause of world trade and savings imbalances.
25. And 27 foreign firms have representative offices in Seoul. As financial liberalisation proceeds, competition among the foreign houses will intensify.
26. Employment Earnings, fee income and profit margins are not the only parameters by which liberalisation can be assessed.
27. What about the sustainability of a system of government that combines political authoritarianism and economic liberalisation?
28. Let there be no mistake, the benefits of trade liberalisation outweigh the costs.
29. This may change, of course, but for now China be seized more with reform than liberalisation.
30. Could Japan yet end up a flag - carrier for liberalisation?
31. Unlike Mr Ch á vez , they will quietly support political liberalisation in Cuba, they say.
32. The answers are much the same as the globalisation of economic activity: liberalisation and technological advance.
33. And success has bred success - liberalisation is producing prosperity, encouraging further reform.
34. Financial liberalisation - the elimination of capital controls and the like - has made all of this easier.
35. Yet China's economy boomed with little sign of any serious political liberalisation to match the economic free-for-all.
36. The prospects for political liberalisation in Swaziland are bleak. Swazi democracy and human rights activists face a lonely, protracted and uphill battle against an obstinate and ruthless monarch.
37. Liberalisation brings many advantages, but unless it is carefully managed it can lead to trouble.
38. Liberalisation and deregulation opened the way to the creation of broad, deep and liquid capital markets, and established the right environment to attract foreign firms and inward investment.
39. In the long term, however, China will want full liberalisation of exchange controls, a freely floating currency and an inflation-targeting central bank.
40. It was assumed that its growing middle class would demand greater liberalisation and democratisation.
41. CEPA also provides a laboratory for the liberalisation that goes with WTO accession.
42. So one theme of the debate covered in the report is how internationalisation can be achieved without liberalisation.
43. With deadening pragmatism, the commission says liberalisation will improve quality and choice and reduce state subsidies.
43. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
44. Currently, almost everything except labour mobility is up for liberalisation, making the TPP one of the most comprehensive free-trade treaties yet conceived.
45. Regional trade liberalisation helps bring down barriers to intra - region trade and investment.
46. The very liberalisation that North Korea requires will itself be destabilizing.
47. Asia is becoming awash with competitive liberalisation, while populist protectionist sentiment prevails in the west.
48. And the Doha round, through which multilateral liberalisation might erase regional trade preferences, remains stuck.
49. He is a serious, competent manager and runs charity schemes that help the poor. Egypt's successful economic liberalisation, too, bears his imprimatur.




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