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单词 rumpus
释义  rum·pus /ˈrʌmpəs/ noun [singular]  informalLOUD/NOISY a lot of noise, especially made by people quarrelling 喧闹;争吵 There’s a real rumpus going on upstairs. 楼上正吵得不可开交。Examples from the Corpusrumpus• So far any opposing and neutral fans haven't caused a rumpus or complained.• The kids were making quite a rumpus in the living room.• The Christmas rumpus led to unfair and short-sighted predictions that it was the swansong in Frank McAvennie's eventful career.• It caused a huge rumpus which has its effects even now.• The remaining tickets for the run immediately sold out and the international rumpus began.• In the ensuing political rumpus John Major shamelessly distanced himself from his henchman.• After the street rumpus both Mr Davies and Daly needed medical treatment.• When it works, it works wonderfully well and inspires enormous affection: remember the rumpus in 1988 when Playschool was threatened?Origin rumpus (1700-1800) Perhaps from rumblerum·pus nounChineseSyllable   a lot Corpus especially made of noise,




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