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单词 Tribe
1. Our tribe is under a curse.
2. A council of elders governs the tribe.
3. A common religion ensures the coherence of the tribe.
4. His intercession could be of help to the tribe.
5. Few know that the tribe was just passing through.
6. The ultimate fate of the tribe was even sadder.
7. I hate the whole tribe of politicians.
8. Alcohol is taboo in this tribe.
9. This is a subject tribe.
10. The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe.
11. Legend has it that the tribe came from across the Pacific Ocean.
12. The US Government gave the land to the tribe in perpetuity.
13. The tribe practised a religion that mixed native beliefs and Christianity.
14. He had a sudden outburst against the whole tribe of actors.
15. Many a tribe and ruling house has survived by intermarrying with its rivals,(Sentence dictionary) rather than waging war on them.
16. The whole tribe seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth.
17. The village tribe is friendly and they share their water supply with you.
18. The tribe cultivated the land and grew the food.
19. The tribe waited to study the issue.
20. Tribe Computer gave key networking equipment.
21. The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
22. At the age of thirteen the boys in the tribe are initiated into manhood.
23. The women are demanding full equality with the men of their tribe.
24. We've invited Carol's sisters and brothers and their spouses and children - the whole Cassidy tribe.
25. One or two of the grandchildren will be there, but not the whole tribe.
26. We were only expecting Jack and his wife, but the whole tribe turned up.
27. Traditions were passed on by the elders of the tribe.
28. A movie has been made about the last remaining survivor of the tribe.
29. The communal land is cultivated by the womenfolk in the tribe.
30. He sent a letter inviting Naomi to attend his installation as chief of his tribe.
1. Our tribe is under a curse.
2. This is a subject tribe.
3. Many a tribe and ruling house has survived by intermarrying with its rivals, rather than waging war on them.
31. The Tribe is an unselfish group of clever veterans.
32. Zarathustra belonged to a pastoral tribe in northern Persia.
33. Campbell, a Cheyenne tribe member, wore full Indian regalia.
34. Each tribe claims to be in the majority.
35. It is their little tribe, their tiny village.
36. The San Carlos tribe paid the bill.
37. Perhaps the most successful has been the wolf conservation programme adopted by the Nez Perce tribe of Idaho.
38. Before long I had rejoined the tribe(), swaying shoulder to shoulder with them as I thumped on a cast-iron pan.
39. Cecil had imported a tribe of Bedouins to the site to play the spectacular scenes.
40. In bad times the stream vanished completely, and the tribe lived in the shadow of thirst.
41. He belongs to a minority tribe, the Karen, and in a Buddhist land he follows a minority religion.
42. If a girl married without her parents' consent, she would risk abandonment by family and tribe.
43. The most immediate effect of his proposal would be to block gaming by the Salt River tribe.
44. To do so, she must gain favor with the females that already live in her new tribe.
45. Tribe elders want to protect their traditional way of life.
46. One tribe, the Hualapai, closed its casino last year but still has a gaming compact.
47. Symington said he is confident that the district judge will find that the tribe has been treated fairly.
48. Meantime, the tribe is looking for ways to cover the shortfall.
49. In recent years, the tribe had been badly affected by diseases brought in by prospecting miners.
50. They often took captives during their raids, and sometimes raised them in the tribe.
51. Descriptions of how this ancient tribe lived are speculative at best.
52. In Celtic society elaborate metal objects were often used to display the power of an individual or a tribe.
53. The tribe streamed past it through the gathering dusk, ignoring its presence completely.
54. Because Dad left the tribe to marry an outsider, however, he was considered a pariah.
55. A tribe of stray cats scattered as I turned into the yard where Ellen's apartment lay.
56. Mesa blew the save, the Florida Marlins won in 10 innings and the Tribe was denied its first championship since 1948.
57. People have a whole concept of the tribe, of the other, of being together.
58. They are also used to unquestioning deference to their own leaders, be they family, clan or tribe.
59. It was this provision the Salt River tribe was banking on to force Symington to finally sign a compact with the tribe.
60. This has to be the most elegant and beautiful of all the tern tribe.
61. And few amid the rural tribe have time To number syllables and play with rhyme.
62. The death of a child is commonly seen by members of the tribe as divine punishment.
63. Again, the tribe had raided a neighbouring village, inflicting many casualties.
64. He then focused on the possibility of a reconciliation mediated by elders in the Mandelas' branch of the Xhosa tribe.
65. Ann, made of sterner stuff than the rest of her tribe, leapt from the car, determined to fish.
66. The Yavapai-Prescott Tribe joined in the demand but has continued paying its regulatory fees.
67. First, of course,(http:///tribe.html) you have to locate your most primitive tribe.
68. Finlayson spent fifteen minutes teaching Tribe the signals, and describing the blind spots of enemy aircraft.
69. Najibullah, who belonged to the local Ahmedzai tribe, flew to Gardez on Oct. 7 to bolster morale.
70. They brandish the ancient weapons of the Dani tribe that dominates this valley: bows and arrows, spears and crude knives.
71. Here, she tells the story of Mud, an orphan member of an elephant tribe who is blessed with visionary powers.
72. The Bulls are a tribe on a sacred journey, which is their fourth league title in six years.
73. The tribe buried their dead with ornaments or tools that showed the dead person's status.
74. At sunset, the tribe trailed away home, leaving me stranded half way between earth and heaven.
75. Diplomacy represented, in other words(), an alternative to force and involved sending messengers from one tribe to the enemy camp.
76. The tribe danced for three days in the hope that the Great Spirits would send them rain.
77. Have you forgotten that your tribe, the Efik, were among the most notorious slavers on the slave coast?
78. There are also stinging cells with coiled threads inside them, the unique possessions of the jellyfish tribe.
79. Tribe was being marketed to the same audience as De La, and that audience was ours as well.
80. Meanwhile, President Monroe decided that the Creeks were right in their protestations that the Seminoles were a separate tribe.
81. An Aboriginal high school girl from a desert tribe had chanced to see this picture - and all hell had broken loose.
82. The tribe typically runs about 17, 000 head of cattle on its ranges, but the numbers are dwindling.
83. The tribe is concerned with the preservation of its culture and traditions.
84. Jays are the restless, truly deciduous woodland dwellers of the crow tribe.
85. Unfortunately, popular folklore eventually romanticized the leader and his tribe, reducing them almost to comic book caricatures.
86. Iii any primitive tribe, rule by male fighters is the most natural form of government.
87. The tribe fear that tailings from the mine may contaminate local waterways.
88. The Ghond tribe would only accept food from a Ghond cook.
89. There is a tribe of beetles that specializes in feeding on bitter plants.
90. Members of the tribe are spread out over hundreds of square miles.
91. While he was gone, a band of the Umpqua tribe stole into camp and murdered all but three of the men.
92. I've seen this buzzard mobbed by other members of the local crow tribe, the rooks, plenty of times before.
93. Richards came back and signalled clearly, but Tribe was busy with his gun again.
94. Azhag's career of carnage began when he was chieftain of a small Orc tribe from the Troll country.
95. The Chilcotts were still commonly known as Amossy's tribe, his shade an ever-present influence upon them.
96. After an elaborate ritual, the boys are formally accepted into the tribe.
97. His tribe join him, five pairs, in loping flight, then a quick tail-up dive into the damsons.
97. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
98. Several dominant males could impregnate all the women and perpetuate the tribe.
99. Several clans made up a tribe, although there appears to have been no central leadership except in times of war.
100. The decision was made by the spiritual leaders of the tribe.
101. Such hats were worn by the Fulani, a semi-nomadic tribe of cattle herdsmen.
102. When the old man was angry, he threatened to put a spell on the whole tribe.
103. The Hopi tribe asserted their rights as a sovereign nation.
104. Preston says the tribe is looking at a precedent set in a similar incident litigated and settled out of court.
105. This year, that amount could plummet to $ 1 million, a serious blow to the already financially struggling tribe.
106. Each tribe responded and became attached to its own specific landscape, seeing particular lakes and trees as sacred.
107. The tribe has lived for generations in the inhospitable mountain regions of the country.
108. The elephant-catching tribe, the Singphos, prepare for a catch in Assam, often tracking spoor on a river bank.
109. The tribe still experienced occasional bad days, though these no longer threatened its very survival.
110. By the time of the next new moon, the tribe had seen one birth and two deaths.
111. Persian Turkomans are entirely tribal and are marketed either as Bokharas or under the name of the specific tribe.
112. A study on the tribe Pyrenarieae of Theaceae.
113. A coming together of our tribe.
114. These Indians were part of the Wampanoag tribe.
115. I have heard the cannibal tribe in stories.
116. Transcribe the oral history of this tribe.
117. The briber described the tribe head's bribery.
118. There is a barbarian tribe living in this forest.
119. The tribe marked important events with set ceremonialism.
120. A tribe of the Blackfoot confederacy inhabiting southern Alberta.
121. A tribe speaking a Uto-Aztecan language.
122. Chemotaxonomy and resource utilization of the tribe Chelidonieae (Papaveraceae).
123. Use Daur language, belong to Altaic Mongolian tribe.
124. The whole tribe was in the joke.
125. Air pump maintenance letitude tribe is also important.
126. A tribe of artists live in Greenwich Village.
127. Several related phratries form a tribe.
127. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
128. First, a werewolf may approach her chosen tribe alone.
129. Even then, the most elevated Pushtun elder dares not condescend to another man of his tribe.
130. Blood : a tribe of the Blackfoot confederacy inhabiting southern alberta.
131. Such an idiotic custom is still kept in that tribe.
132. Each Blackfoot tribe was divided into several hunting bands led by one or more chiefs.
133. A magazine reporter is traveling through a rainforest, in search of a fabled cannibalistic tribe.
134. But it didn't match any modern Indian tribe, a finding that Indians see as the latest scheme to deny tribes the right to repatriate and rebury such remains.
135. If the loss of chlorophyll is considered to be an irreversible process, holo-mycoheterotrophism has very likely emerged only once in the tribe Burmannieae.
136. The Hualapai tribe is one of the more enterprising in America.
137. with him was Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan-a craftsman and designer, and an embroiderer in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen.
138. Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son of Joseph.
139. And in those days the tribe of the Danites was seeking a place of their own where they might settle, because they had not yet come into an inheritance among the tribes of Israel.
140. But chose the tribe of Judah, the mount Zion which he loved.
141. The wise shaman of the tribe understood that Little Gopher had a gift that was special.
142. Clan men of Masai Mara tribe have dark skin and red grid cap flapping in the wind, awe-inspiring and astounding.
143. Good heaven, the souls of all my tribe defend From jealousy!
144. On one hunting expedition, he and four members of his tribe were kidnapped and woke up in the cargo hold of a starship.
145. The state's largest city, Omaha, is named after the tribe.
146. There was also a prophetess , Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher.
147. Of the tribe of Gad , Geuel the son of Machi.
148. The largest tribe of American Indians lives on a 6,000,000-hectarepatch of desert and scrub brush that covers much of northern Arizona and New Mexico.
149. A sacred site might be a mountain that is of some significance to a tribe.
150. The council of the tribe also had the power to depose both sachems and chiefs.
151. The scientific name of a taxon at the rank of tribe. Such names have the suffix - INI.
152. The tribe comprised several villages, each with its own local chief, or sachem.
153. They look forward to the day when the factories and heavy machinery will be left to molder, and we will have the chance to return to the world of the village, the farm, the hunting camp, the tribe.
154. The native Yakuts, a Turkic tribe with Asiatic features who speak a language full of throaty, mooing vowels, were largely engaged in reindeer herding.
155. This is the VOA Special English Education Report. The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the American state of South Dakota is home to the Oglala Sioux Tribe. It's also where Nicky Oulette is in her fi...
156. There's a social component to any group participation that helps each individual member identify themselves as part of their "tribe."
157. The designs used in the indigenous arts and crafts of this tribe are unique.
158. Studies on the pollen morphology of tribe Zizipheae of Rhamnaceae in China.
159. The American sailors expected to meet a tribe of primal natives, but were instead greeted by a canoe loaded with super-friendly English speaking Anglo-Tahitian mutineer children.
160. At this time I was joined by Hassan, of the Kakamega tribe, an African who had worked for Dr. Leakey for 15 years-a most responsible and reliable helper.
161. Leaf architecture and its systematic significance in the tribe Thermopseae (Fabaceae).
162. The Uktena tribe is composed of animistic ( some would say primitive ) peoples from throughout the world.
164. Girls from the Ute tribe participate in a communal Bear Dance in Randlett, Utah.
165. Traditionally, children of the Bunun tribe were taught archery by their fathers.
166. Ancient English comes from earlier period earlier period German person's tribe which immigrates to Albion.
167. Hitherto I had had no confederates nor any acquaintance among that tribe.
168. This call for a worldwide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one's tribe, race, class, and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all mankind.
169. That form of male vanity is by no means absent from the seafaring tribe today.
170. Angry youths from the Buganda tribe block streets with burning barricades and threw stones at police, who responded with tear gas.
171. “Leader” Muammar Gadaffi is hunkered down in Tripoli, defended by army units from his tribe and mercenaries from black Africa.
172. Most of the land his tribe occupied was common land on which the cattle grazed together.
173. The child was identified as a three-year-old based on its teeth, and its name means the 'Upward Sun River Mouth Child', which was chosen by local native community the Healy Lake Tribe.
174. If the accuser is found guilty the council exiles them from the tribe and their possessions are given to the aggrieved party.
175. Among all the nation, the Old Testament concentrated on one — the Hebrews belonging to the Semitic tribe.
176. Dinka tribesmen briefly abducted Jande, her family and more than a dozen other women and children in a raid last month that destroyed crops and food stores and killed five men from her Mundari tribe.
177. The Protestant church, in particular, seems to have produced a tribe of flashy, mansion-dwelling pastors.
178. Targutai has usurped the tribe of Borjigin and named himself Khan, whilst Temujin, the rightful Khan of Borjigin , is in exile.
179. The non-Mehsud areas of South Waziristan are controlled by Maulvi Nazir, a rugged jihadi veteran from the rival Wazir tribe.
180. Only then was it time to disinter the archaic weapons of the tribe.
181. Newspapers and blogs speak of the "ant tribe" of recent graduates living in cramped basements in the country's big cities while futilely searching for work.
182. Of the tribe of Simeon, Shaphat the son of Hori.
183. One of the soldiers chance upon a girl from a mysterious tribe, that is cursed such that its members who fornicate with outsiders will, together with them, transform into wolves.
184. All this was taking place in what is now the south-central part of the United States. Far to the north, another struggle was taking place involving the great Sioux Indian tribe.
185. The adoption had to be confirmed by ceremonial acceptance into the tribe.
186. The tribe was often the major socio-political unit, with cultural exchanges between tribes creating similar culture over vast distances.
187. Strung around them are scalps, of boys as well as of pirates, for these are the Piccaninny tribe, and not to be confused with the softer-hearted Delawares or the Hurons.
187. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
188. But for the tribe of the upper - eastside of Manhattan, it takes just one person.
189. "Here, we are all of the same tribe, " said a young Pashtun poet and journalist. He had a flimsy beard and eyes the colour of honey.
190. Society—family, tribe, caste, church, village, probate court—established and enforced its connubial protocols for the presumed good of everyone, except maybe for the couples themselves.
191. Title Leaf architecture and its systematic significance in the tribe Thermopseae (Fabaceae).
192. Scott and Mary Crickmore poured 15 years of their lives into helping to translate the New Testament in the Maasina dialect. It was for the Fulani tribe in the West African nation of Mali.
193. And how are they making the weighty decision as to which tribe receives which parcel of land?
194. Of the tribe of Ephraim, Oshea the son of Nun.
195. Federal recognition will give the tribe access to loans from the Housing and Urban Development department.
196. The Goth tribe was famous for its barbarousness, fierceness and sanguinariness, which was quite similar to the darkness European Middle Age.
197. The grand mediocrity of today--everyone being the same in survival and number of off-spring--means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribe.
198. The Mohawk style originates from a tribe of Native Americans called the Mohawk by white settlers.
199. Naja was a Gypsy girl who lived in the forest with her tribe.
200. The Munda tribe see such a growth in young children as a bad omen and believe it makes them prone to attacks by tigers and other animals.
201. Eventually, he became friends with several members of the Ute Tribe in the Roosevelt , Utah, area.
202. Since then, this Ba tribe disappeared into this foggy gorge for thousands of year mystically.
203. A primitive tribe of Talz already called Orto Plutonia home, and they wanted to be left alone and wished to eject the Pantoran presence.
204. The word came from the Sonoran Spanish xinete, which was in turn derived from the Andalusian zanati, an echo of the name of the Zanatah tribe of what is now Algeria.
205. Some people say it came from the Native American Indian try tribe known as the Choctaw.
206. The tribe cleave to their old belief even after the european arrive.
207. Of the tribe of Joseph, namely , of the tribe of Manasseh , Gaddi the son of Susi.
208. The Darkspear tribe, too, was cannibalistic until it joined the Horde, at which point the Darkspears officially gave up cannibalism.
209. The Cherokee language faced pressures both fromas official policy and from inside the tribe itself.
210. Sacagawea belonged to the Shoshone Indians. She was born to a tribe of Shoshone in 1788.
211. Kasubi tombs just outside the capital Kampala are revered by Uganda's most populous tribe, the Buganda.
212. One who did so was Chief Ten Bears of the Comanche tribe.
213. Surely not. It'should be the saber of tribe around North Africa or Sudan.
214. One such warrior is the leader of Half - Tribe of the Bloodied Axe Clan : Mogul Kahn.
215. Question to Metatron: There are Native American stories from the Paiute Tribe and a report from a physician in the 1940's of underground cities in this general area.
216. Or maybe some lower status social anthropologists could get their revenge by studying those economists, as a modern-day tribe.
217. According to this viewpoint, the Sumerian tribe who the Mesopotamian civilization the Korean race.
217. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
218. Now then, choose twelve men from the tribes of Israel, one from each tribe.
219. The tribe has been forced to modify its chauvinistic attitudes.
220. MitS:Inorder to be a hobgoblin leader, you need to be an offical member of the hobgoblin tribe.
221. Boa Sr, the 85-year-old last speaker of "Bo, " was the oldest member of the Great Andamanese tribe, R.C. Kar, deputy director of Tribal Health in Andaman, told reporters on Friday.
222. When a tribe encounters civilization, the first things to get trampled underfoot are the religious beliefs of the tribe.
223. Surviving Abyssins defeated in the skirmish are usually assimilated into the victorious tribe.
224. A small group of Seminole leaders negotiated a removal agreement in 1832, but a majority of the tribe protested that the signatories had no authority to represent them.
225. Before the sixth century a tribe called Dingling ( Gaoche ) lived in the Lake Baykal of Russia.
226. From time immemorial the tribe have buried their dead here.
227. Caesar also notes the druidic sense of the guardian spirit of the tribe, whom he translated as Dispater, with a general sense of Father Hades.
228. Sometime before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Caesar's Legion has conquered a new tribe under the command of centurion Gaius Magnus, bringing the number to 87.
229. A division of the tribe or of the gens into different classes was equally impossible.
230. These new English settlers looked and acted very differently from Powhatan's tribe.
231. The Uighur, originally called Ouigour, sprang from the ancient tribe Teli.
232. and his sister Thunder Heart Woman (Tonantzin Carmelo), along with the people of the Lakota Tribe, represent the culture, ethics and beliefs of the Indian people.
233. The individuals' rights of possession in the pieces of land originally allotted to them by gens or tribe had now become so established that the land was their hereditary property.
234. Here the whole tribe is divided into two great exogamous classes or moieties , Kroki and Kumite.
235. This tribe has a very strange custom in that they always leave the corpse of their decease relatives exposed until the vultures eat the flesh up.
236. Some people say it came from the Native American Indian tribe known as the Choctaw.
237. Is the sac and Fox Indian tribe a wild one?
238. The tribe takes its name from its totem, the great cannibal spirit of winter.
239. Lewis and Clark first met the members of the Yankton Sioux tribe near this place.
240. Likewise, the tribe keeps close contact with their rare lupine Kin living on great estates, primarily in Russia and western Canada.
241. The N ü zhen tribe defeated the Ming dynasty and founded the Qing dynasty.
242. A nomad is the member of a tribe that wanders from place to place.
243. The Armour Maker's Tipi houses the tribesman most skilled in making the wooden armour common throughout the tribe.
244. He was of the Tribe of Judah and his wife was a prophetess.




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