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单词 Vulnerable
1, You must try not to appear vulnerable.
2, Children are the most vulnerable members of society .
3, Trust always can not stand test, appear so vulnerable.
4, The potato is vulnerable to several pests.
5, She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own.
6, Vulnerable to the attack,who are incurable.
7, Old people are particularly vulnerable to the flu.
8, Young birds are very vulnerable to predators.
9, Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society.
10, Vulnerable to mention that I do not what kind of love.
11, We should protect the most vulnerable members of our society.
12, Babies are weak and vulnerable in the presence of huge shapes that they can only dimly perceive.
13, The bird's nest is vulnerable to the slightest whim of the weather.
14, I felt very vulnerable,[http:///vulnerable.html] standing there without any clothes on.
15, Animals are at their most vulnerable when searching for food for their young.
16, It's an open heart that's vulnerable to the deepest wound.
17, Goodyear could be vulnerable in a prolonged economic slump.
18, Those most vulnerable to heat stress are the elderly.
19, I felt vulnerable and very much alone.
20, She was left feeling exposed and vulnerable.
21, These offices are highly vulnerable to terrorist attack.
22, Hippos are uniquely vulnerable to drought.
23, Migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation.
24, These schools are known to be vulnerable to vandalism.
25, The fort was vulnerable to attack from the north.
26, The local press is particularly vulnerable to predigested news.
27, His wife's death left him feeling vulnerable and depressed.
28, In cases of food poisoning, young children are especially vulnerable.
29, He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable.
30, The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable position.
1, You must try not to appear vulnerable.
2, Children are the most vulnerable members of society .
3, She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own.
4, Old people are particularly vulnerable to the flu.
5, Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our society.
6, We should protect the most vulnerable members of our society.
7, Babies are weak and vulnerable in the presence of huge shapes that they can only dimly perceive.
8, In cases of food poisoning, young children are especially vulnerable.
9, The bird's nest is vulnerable to the slightest whim of the weather.
10, He took advantage of me when I was at my most vulnerable.
11, I felt very vulnerable, standing there without any clothes on.
12, The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable position.
13, Animals are at their most vulnerable when searching for food for their young.
14, Migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation.
15, The company is in an economically vulnerable position.
31, The intended victims were selected because they seemed vulnerable.
32, He smiled, making her suddenly feel oddly vulnerable.
33, She is very sensitive and rather vulnerable.
34, The company is in an economically vulnerable position.
35, Cyclists are more vulnerable than motorists.
36, Isolated communities were extremely vulnerable if crops failed.
37, Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world.
38, This latest attack is a grim reminder of how vulnerable our airports are to terrorist attack.
39, Their tanks would be vulnerable to attack from the air.
40, The election defeat puts the party leader in a vulnerable position.
41, People with high blood pressure are especially vulnerable to diabetes.
42, It's clear that smaller, more vulnerable banks have been targeted.
43, The virus attacks the immune system, leaving your body vulnerable to infections.
44, It can be very hard to think rationally when you're feeling so vulnerable and alone.
45, ADSL is always on, which makes your PC much more vulnerable to hacking.
46, We work mainly with the elderly and other vulnerable groups.
47, Their theories were badly thought out and very vulnerable to ridicule.
48, He volunteered to protect her as she looked so vulnerable.
49, There must be a rethink of government policy towards this vulnerable group.
50, Tourists are more vulnerable to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.
51, This leaves him vulnerable to sniping from within his own party.
52, Babies lose heat much faster than adults, and are especially vulnerable to the cold in their first month.
53, The common denominator of both types of novel is the vulnerable, threatened heroine.
54, There was a moment of panic in Britain as it became clear just how vulnerable the nation was.
55, Small companies such as ours are very vulnerable in a recession.
56, It is on economic policy that the government is most vulnerable.
57, Children are most vulnerable to abuse within their own home.
58, At the risk of repetition , it is worth mentioning again that young children are particularly vulnerable to accidents in the home.
59, Police on the beat are feeling increasingly vulnerable.
60, Road fragmentation kills vulnerable species, e.g. barn owls.
61, He is just because he is vulnerable and challengeable.
62, A vulnerable part of the human anatomy.
63, Many women feel vulnerable to attack.
64, The city is exposed and vulnerable to air attack.
65, The people most likely to be affected by economic incentives are those who are the most economically vulnerable.
66, Being able to anticipate the demands of the future makes us less vulnerable to stress.
67, Such automated systems would also be potentially vulnerable to false information from people or agents hoping to capitalize on their correlated behaviour.
68, He made her feel shockingly vulnerable when she should have been consumed with annoyance herself.
69, Nocks are vulnerable when landing; but can themselves be capped with a length of vinyl tube.
70, Some of the most vulnerable young people in care are those who are still away from home during their later adolescence.
71, But this made the Department and ministers once again vulnerable to charges of abdicating their responsibilities for financial and policy goals.
72, Despite historical predictions to the contrary, we remain vulnerable to a wide array of new and resurgent infectious diseases.
73, Finally, certain vulnerable groups were most affected by these changes, notably black families living in inner city deprived areas.
74, But according to the ideal,[sentence dictionary] the imam is just only because he is vulnerable and changeable.
75, We also need to be aware that under pressure, all of us are vulnerable to alcohol misuse and even addiction.
76, It was in the locker room that he felt most vulnerable to the aggressive behavior of the other early adolescent boys.
77, There are four and a half million people earning above average incomes and therefore potentially vulnerable to Labour's tax squeeze.
78, Roy Jenkins, an extremely sensible man who is less vulnerable to criticism than most, regarded the matter with mild amusement.
79, Middlesbrough woman Gwen Lamb was shocked to discover that anyone can offer residential accommodation to the most vulnerable in society.
80, The people back then had been so absurdly vulnerable, prey to disease and deception.
81, Yet, because of its magpie genesis, the new Look was vulnerable to the sharp-eyed but short of cash.
82, She felt absolutely helpless and extremely vulnerable standing completely unclothed under his watchful eyes.
83, This disease clogs arteries throughout the body, and legs are especially vulnerable because of their distance from the heart.
84, There is, however, abundant evidence that many patients vulnerable to clinical depression have a constitutional deficit of serotonin.
85, The research shows that kids are uniquely vulnerable at different ages.
86, You are angry, vulnerable, gentle, fierce, with such bewildering speed that I find it fascinating.
87, Love is vulnerable to being abused by unscrupulous people who lie, cheat, betray and hate in the name of love. Dr T.P.Chia 
88, It is however essential for the drinks industry to ensure that its advertising campaigns do not target vulnerable groups such as young people.
89, But the discrediting of his political allies leaves Mr Berlusconi vulnerable.
90, This idea potentially oversimplifies the actual process of offering vulnerable people choices which might result in their leading fuller lives.
91, They are also vulnerable to the stresses and strains of a larger cosmic struggle and can become casualties in the process.
92, The breeding range of island species is small and therefore vulnerable, and the species themselves may be quite primitive.
93, Such branch lines are of course vulnerable to changes in output level or distribution policy of their users.
94, Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection. Brene Brown 
95, Wet hair tends to stretch and break and is very vulnerable so never use a bristle brush on hair when wet.
96, To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength. Criss Jami 
97, The Methodist chapel is also in a vulnerable spot, standing as it does at the crossroads.
98, When they could no longer claim to act with royal backing they were dangerously vulnerable.
99, But government through bloodline is vulnerable to the same objections whether it occurs through voting or the passing down of a crown.
100, Good and honest people are equally vulnerable to being hypocritical and deceptive when self- interests are involved – sometimes even honest people have to pay the price of acting hypocritically or unscrupulously. Dr T.P.Chia 
101, Lopsided and vulnerable, he tried to climb the barrage and get to the second balloon.
102, The law is vulnerable to being manipulated or abused to serve injustice, and vulture lawyers simply rape the law and prostitute justice to serve the unscrupulous and guilty for profits. Dr T.P.Chia 
103, She had achieved a balance between her vulnerable, nurturing, feeling side and the rational, assertive, analytical side.
104, These activities would include the appointment of case managers for individuals such as the vulnerable elderly when it was appropriate. 2.http:///vulnerable.html
105, Vulnerable, and exposed ... The bedroom door opened, but the questioning smile died slowly on her lips.
106, The AFL-CIO has targeted 75 vulnerable Republican seats as part of a push to restore Democratic control of the House.
107, We're vulnerable to another takeover bid, especially if there's another recession.
108, The automaker was particularly vulnerable because it keeps only a short supply of extra parts to save costs.
109, Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia 
110, The Western hemisphere would soon be in range of and vulnerable to Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles, carrying megaton warheads.
111, But a man who bled was vulnerable, and a wound caused by a mouse-trap showed a reassuring degree of incompetence.
112, The most vulnerable cells were those which the body renews most frequently; especially the white blood cells, including the lymphocytes.
113, Bicycle riders are exposed and vulnerable, and when they are involved in accidents their machines give them virtually no protection.
114, But the more rapidly an organism learns, the more vulnerable it is to adventitious contingencies.
115, Equally vulnerable to human weapons are the armoured giants of the animal world, the rhinos and the elephants.
116, In any case the vast base was vulnerable to nuclear attack.
117, Newspaper publishing is capital-intensive, and the product is vulnerable to even short-lived strikes.
118, But his timid approach has left him vulnerable to attacks from all sides.
119, Those over 70 and certain other vulnerable groups are entitled to receive advice and assistance connected with wills.
120, We owe our children – the most vulnerable citizens in any society – a life free from violence and fear. Nelson Mandela 
121, She says he's threatened to burn the house down and she feels vulnerable.
122, She'd felt strangely vulnerable, half afraid, overcome by a mass of conflicting emotions.
123, One of the things I like best about men is they're a little vulnerable. Marilyn Monroe 
124, He was a very vulnerable hard-swearing, full-blooded agnostic, or possibly an atheist.
125, In the Washington area, cabbages are vulnerable to two persistent pests: Aphids and cabbage moth caterpillars.
126, Children were especially vulnerable, but many also died in young or middle adulthood.
127, Backwardness will leave us vulnerable to bullying.
128, Your emotional state could leave you vulnerable and confused.
129, He is at a very vulnerable and impressionable age.
130, We are all vulnerable and need interdependence .
131, Levee improvements are going on at the moment, but until are finished New Orleans is vulnerable.
132, Certain high sharing nodes in unstructured P 2 P networks are vulnerable to counter congestion and bottlenecks.
133, Children and adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effects of bias and stereotypes.
134, In a sense,[] indecency law is now even more vulnerable.
135, A system without anti - virus software will be vulnerable to a hacker attack.
136, The inequity in health care policy and medical practice mainly involves vulnerable groups.
137, Dust storms occur when intense grazing pastureland of new growth , leaving the topsoil vulnerable to winds.
138, The most vulnerable to stir up trouble among the variety show award in this category.
139, The cooks, seamstresses and other small investors are stunningly vulnerable to reversals.
140, Disappointedly, as it becomes a general mood of society, no one is vulnerable to it.
141, Patients undergoing xenotransplantation will be especially vulnerable, because their natural defences are down.
142, Explorer Teleport: Explorers are extremely vulnerable and will often be destroy to their destination late game.
143, The shelters with latrine facilities will improve the overall living conditions for vulnerable families.
144, The incus was the most vulnerable ossicle in the trauma to the middle ear.
145, Our class, some students are particularly vulnerable to emotional, but also like to shirk their responsibilities.
146, This leaves them economically vulnerable when divorce or widowhood strikes.
147, But in today's economy, educated, white - collar workers also are vulnerable to downsizing.
148, Stephen Miller, chief executive of Oasis, said: Where are traditional carriers most vulnerable?
149, Yet any insecure PC can harm everyone, because all are vulnerable to one Typhoid Mary.
150, Women, especially after menopause are more vulnerable to bone loss than men.
151, Irrigation systems are also vulnerable to a tsunami's destructive effects.
152, This second version appears to be less vulnerable to Kantian criticisms than the first.
153, This is J . P . Morgan's second purchase a financial institution left vulnerable by the subprime mortgage crisis.
154, Meanwhile, military satellites are completely undefended and vulnerable to attack.
154, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
155, Improve liquid supercooling degree, so not vulnerable to the gasification.
156, The most vulnerable sectors - automotive, pulp and paper , and consumer products - are disproportionately based in Central Canada.
157, AWACS Oka Nieba: The SOLG will descend to a vulnerable altitude in 5 minutes.
158, Incidents abound of vulnerable children being whisked away with profit in mind rather than their wellbeing.
159, He describes those are eligible for resettlement as particularly vulnerable.
160, Bile ducts and the gallbladder wall are particularly vulnerable to freezing damage.
161, The World Conservation Union lists the whale shark as a vulnerable species.
162, Social morality, vulnerable personality and disingenuous religion were the root causes for Tess tragedy.
163, They are more vulnerable to sexual abuse, inappropriate sexual behaviour, sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy.




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