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单词 Engaging
1. Judges had been engaging in sexual orgies.
2. It's an engaging manner that easily deceives.
3. The cogwheels are not engaging.
4. His engaging personality made him popular with his peers.
5. We're engaging the services of a professional administrator.
6. They are engaging in an embryo research.
7. She accused her opponent of engaging in cheap political grandstanding in front of the TV cameras.
8. The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle.
9. He had been engaging in some kind of kinky sexual activity.
10. Work-inhibited children often have difficulty engaging in competitive play.
11. Dury is convivial, affable and engaging.
12. It's an absorbing and engaging show.
13. He smiled like an engaging small boy.
13. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
14. It wasn't Friern that was engaging our attention ....
15. In addition, problem-solution setups have an engaging, anecdotal quality.
16. The magazine shows people engaging in deviant sexual acts.
17. Riddlesberger is particularly engaging as a painfully shy techno-nerd.
18. There is an engaging frankness in what Chris says.
19. To cry about them meant I was engaging in self-pity and whining.
20. All of that, and their shows are giddy, engaging, lighthearted and just plain fun.
21. He was engaging in a war of nerves with her, Isabel realised at last, but he didn't remember.
22. Still, Brown's impeccable exercises in style are highly engaging, visually spectacular and very intelligent.
23. Mr Coffee will cop to the situation by engaging only the five basic universal appliance functions that every school child will know.
24. So who the devil are these two engaging, literate, drug-free chatterers sitting down the pub?
25. The way a good investor does really well is by engaging in successful futurology.
26. I was touched to find that he regards me as engaging.
27. The next chapter will examine recent issues that are engaging bureau workers in their search to meet their commitment to the community.
28. No plodding academic tome, this Virginia Woolf is, like its subject, smart, pithy, engaging.
29. There is no evidence that his empire makes sense - beyond engaging his own considerable talents.
30. But the really pertinent question is why are we engaging in gradualistic, incremental tactics, or indeed any tactics at all?
1. Judges had been engaging in sexual orgies.
2. The way a good investor does really well is by engaging in successful futurology.
3. They are engaging in an embryo research.
4. The ancient Greeks sacrificed lambs or calves before engaging in battle.
31. During the next few years children are likely to be engaging in more sustained projects as part of their learning of mathematics.
32. Could the future see a species capable of engaging in the defeat of the law of entropy in a final Armageddon?
33. Federal law prohibits IRS-approved public charities from engaging in any form of partisan conduct.
34. Perhaps he was engaging in self-deception to block out the troubling facts.
35. She would accept students at the margins, but she acknowledged that she was engaging in a form of triage.
36. Nelson was engaging, pleasant, and nicely conversant with the psychologist.
37. It did no harm that he also had an engaging way about him and made a dashing picture on horseback.
38. Mairs succeeds where many others have failed by being not only an engaging writer, but an engaging thinker.
39. Why is engaging in a two-way logical conversation so difficult for some children?
40. None the less, a person who gives reasons is engaging in a valuable activity.
41. The children performed these tasks either silently or while engaging in a task designed to suppress their vocalisation of the word names.
42. She can be as engaging at public events as her gregarious husband.
43. When we feel good about the choices we're making and when we're engaging with the world from a place of worthiness rather than scarcity(/engaging.html), we feel no need to judge and attack. Brene Brown 
44. But Browne and others Tuesday suggested that Copps might just be engaging in rhetorical brinkmanship.
45. Wyatt described her as "a lovely woman - sophisticated and engaging".
46. The norm for those engaging in it is to maintain a sector of open public work, including their own Trotskyist publication.
47. The appeal to programmers of a doctor-and-copper combination is understandable, and Berry and Cusack make an engaging enough couple.
48. Aesthetic attention, therefore, consists of engaging the focus of attention in a heightened sustained discrimination.
49. Nobody with such an engaging confidence in his own good standing with the world could be all that bad.
50. Her energy is not involved in the act of reading but in engaging with the excitement of the story.
51. Finally, the management of the fund may be unfamiliar with futures trading, and be cautious about engaging in arbitrage transactions.
52. He tried to cultivate a reputation for dangerous magical power by engaging in narcotic shamanistic seances.
53. The illustrations are very engaging, where you can show your child the beauty of living a simple life.
54. Moreover, her sardonic tone, though justified in the text, sounded more annoying than engaging.
55. If he were a wind-up toy,() he would run in an engaging curve backward.
56. It is management that have to address themselves to the solutions, either by using internal resources or by engaging outside consultants.
57. On the analysis offered here, rationality is partly a matter of engaging in a dialogue with others in an appropriate way.
58. Transformational leadership at the whole-organization level, then, involves more than engaging in the daily fray.
59. So I thought I'd spend tomorrow at home clearing up and reading the newspapers and engaging in some spiritually uplifting reading.
60. Komansky, the new chairman of the company, is a smart, straightforward, engaging fellow.
61. Instead the curator is a collaborator, often engaging with the artist to accomplish the work.
62. Television held the promise, eventually, of informing, educating, and engaging the entire electorate in unprecedented ways.
63. He'd jumped down, engaging in combat with a huge Mameluke.
64. This led to ongoing negotiations regarding the school board engaging me as a consultant to conduct inservice career development seminars.
65. The true self must be understood as engaging in the world in a specific way as part of a community.
66. An engaging blend of poetic characterization and deductive reasoning, it was delivered for the most part in a weary monotone.
67. In most cases, you will be required to request permission from your line manager before engaging in any political activity.
68. Although there were fleeting moments of engaging interplay between the lower strings, the performance was strangely dispiriting.
69. This is an epic of Oprah's age, with an engaging heroine whose life story is well-made, but essentially insignificant.
70. All too often politicians discredit themselves by engaging in character assassination.
71. One way of doing this is to put the mast track further forwards, thus engaging more of the rail.
72. He had an engaging smile, quite boyish, which transformed his otherwise serious face.
73. She didn't appear to beat all like the kind of lady who would be engaging a maid.
73. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
74. Employers who establish retirement plans must be cautious about engaging in transactions with their plans.
75. Are the Marlins engaging in gamesmanship to throw Atlanta off track?
76. McKinsey denied it was engaging in a turf war over branding.
77. Getting his attention comes first; engaging him comes second; inter-acting with him, then giving him your message comes third.
78. They are certainly not engaging in homosexual activity, but she is definitely at risk if he is a carrier.
79. The danger was lost on those below who thought he was engaging in a new piece of daring.
80. And they can not conceal the facts by engaging in what is little more than a charade.
81. Nor do fans see themselves as engaging in a kind of working-class resistance to the commercialization of football in any straight forward sense.
82. The phrase suggests that Brunelleschi was engaging in an activity other than art.
83. Lind has written a polemic, provocative and engaging and infuriating to read, and useful when it blows up old myths.
84. Gary was used to trying to make the rules and then engaging in endless power struggles over them with his son.
85. He was engaging company.
86. State-owned television used a film of the episode to accuse conference participants of engaging in decadent activity.
87. Theresa Marino thought she understood parishioners' reservations about engaging the abortion issue.
88. In person, this seemingly mild man is a great deal more watchable and engaging than some of his movies.
89. It is concerned with understanding the world and has a set of distinctive methodological devices for engaging in that process.
90. So modest pay increases were accompanied by a lifting of restrictions on public officials engaging in private enterprise.
91. Veblen's central thesis was that emulation took the form of engaging in a conspicuous way in honorific as opposed to merely useful pursuits.
92. But Tom was also one of rugby's most engaging humorists.
93. To some they're simply an engaging fantasy, but for others they create a secret world that can last a lifetime.
94. Her engaging smile, her winsome manner and her impeccable behaviour soon endeared her to the public.
95. But ah, how I need some more engaging puzzle to occupy my mind today.
96. Cities and states oblige them by engaging in bidding wars.
97. In practice engaging the services of an independent financial adviser makes sense.
98. As a military leader, the prophet Joshua knew the importance of engaging the enemy, the preacher continues.
99. To forget would be better than engaging in plain speaking as demanded by a few Arab states.
100. Berninger's lyrics, though tonally divisive, are incredibly engaging.
101. Excuse me in engaging in autoerotism in public.
102. She is a very engaging young woman.
103. He came forward with such a bland, engaging smile.
103. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
104. The Guidelines set forth the requirements for engaging in the private equity investment trust business.
105. Laura Ling and Euna Lee, reporters for the San Francisco-based Current TV, will stand trial on Thursday and face being sent to a labour camp if found guilty of "engaging in hostile acts".
106. Article 32 An enterprise engaging in realty management activities shall be qualified as an independent corporation.
107. The surrealistic adventure game that will enthrall games of all ages with its moody atmosphere, you'll encounter engaging narrative and a cast of colorful characters.
108. Graduates are found teaching in colleges and rabbinical schools, engaging in research of Hebrew religion and ethics, or conducting business in the State of Israel.
109. Engaging in an unsportsmanlike conduct that causes an injury to an opponent.
110. The contacting stress in the engaging course of bevel gears was calculated,() and a comparison with the computing result by Hertz formula was carried out.
111. For example, many people use condoms when they are engaging in vaginal or anal intercourse but not when they are participating in oral sex or fellatio.
112. And American policymakers sometimes fret that Japan's insensitivity makes engaging with a rising China harder.
113. Even people who have not yet read the novel will find the film rapturously engaging.
114. The Mk 46 provides long - range lethality while engaging small, high - speed , surface targets.
115. The brand's "Christmas Field Guide" Quarterly catalog stirred up trouble in 2003 with 45 images of teens engaging in sexual behavior.
116. Your Shock Troops should concentrate on engaging air units and if you want to - supplement them with Gunwalkers to aid in clearing the skies.
117. The Organization of American States (OAS) is one of the international organizations that have the earliest experiences of engaging itself with election observation.
118. Division 1 of Part V prohibits corporations engaging in certain unfair trade practices.
119. When Kratos finally ascends to the top of the chamber, Clotho gives him one last warning before engaging him in battle .
120. We are clear-eyed about concerns like China's growing military abilities and intentions; that is why we are engaging with the Chinese military to understand and shape their thinking.
121. He added: "Incidentally, thinking deeply or engaging in self-reflection counts as keeping busy, too.
122. International Hotel Management Sangem Co. , Ltd. is engaging to build the top-ranking national brand of hotel management basing on the strong power of Sangem Group.
123. The cam component is contacted with the rolling wheel for driving the sector gear engaged with the engaging shaft gear.
124. The case for punishing the guilty is that by punishing them we most effectively bring home to other members of the class of responsible persons the undesirability of engaging in similar conduct.
125. The owner, Sir Ray Tindle, is an octogenarian who places great emphasis on reporting local news in an engaging way.
126. Russian reindeer husbandry was distributed widely in the Asian and European Frigid Zone and sub-frigid zone, there are more than 20 nations engaging in reindeer husbandry.
127. But a new and engaging relationship is imperative for our common good.
128. The vibration characteristic of a miniature engine with spiral bevel gear engaging and case system were studied.
129. Analysis of the forming principle of tooth flank of modified type worm gear pair was based on different geometry and spatial engaging theory.
130. Nobuteru Ishihara, secretary general of the opposition Liberal Democratic party, accused the government of engaging in "tone-deaf diplomacy".
131. Although people don't always think of it this way, what the Chinese government is doing here is engaging in massive capital export – artificially creating a huge deficit in China's capital account.
132. Ltd, we are engaging in series welding equipment, hope there is a chance we can cooperate, thank you .
133. Mr. Pitcher, she said to the confidential clerk, did Mr. Maxwell say anything yesterday about engaging another stenographer.
133. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
134. Those supporting them are engaging in class warfare of the worst kind.
135. Your presentations , pitches , speeches, and all forms of business communication will be more engaging than ever.
136. We will, however, help others renounce fanaticism and narrowness through and engaging in compassionate dialogue.
137. Nanayakkara said the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) made the explosion to distract the attention of the security forces, who are engaging the LTTE in the north.
138. Mozilla will host a new open source project called Tamarin, to accelerate the development of this standards-based approach for creating rich and engaging Web applications.
139. The claim that has been allegedly trafficking drugs under the disguise of engaging in transportation business over the past years seems to be groundless.
140. Roberty, a quick-witted and engaging Swiss lawyer, knows the world of antiquities dealers and runs a foundation dedicated to ancient art.
141. But in the last six months, he said, investors of all stripes were engaging in "a global diversification that is much more serious, from an inflation control point of view."
142. To provide system solutions and turnkey projects , engaging in business equipment sets.
143. Assemble inserts and cones respectively, and prepare for calculating 3D engaging distance of tri-cone rock bit.
144. Have you received a letter asking you to remove information from a Web site or to stop engaging in an activity?
145. As a child, Murphy preferred playing with dolls and engaging in other stereotypically "girly" activities.
146. Jones is here engaging in "indirect exchange, " where he purchases butter, not for its own sake, but for use as a "medium, " or middle-term, in the exchange.
147. He'd borrowed money for her treatment and had fallen tens of thousands in debt even making the desperate blunder of engaging with a local loan shark.
148. "Shipping Industry" means the industry engaging in waterway transportation, shipping agency, freight forwarding, container terminal operation and ship chartering.
149. Ordinances like the one in Redondo Beach unconstitutionally restrict people from engaging in free speech in public places.
150. Make sure you know a bit about fetishes before engaging in sex because nobody wants to find out their girlfriend has a scat fetish after the fact.
151. Instead, it's clearing the way for a more engaging, challenging, and truly educative college experience.
152. The faculty at Coles are available, and problem solvers the faculty presents is engaging and interactive.
153. By the beginning of the 15th century, native Hawaiian islanders were engaging in sustainable practices to preserve their reefs — ushering in 400 years of recovery.
154. The bone anchors can be fully threaded and can have fine thread and coarse threads for engaging cortical and cancellous bone tissue, respectively.
155. Persons engaging in factional activities should be re - educated and their leaders opposed.
156. Magnets are so intrinsically engaging, children and adults alike are all discovering the joy of them.
157. Foshan City Shunde District Huanlibao Co. , Ltd. Established in 2000, is a New Hi-tech Enterprise of Guangdong province, engaging mainly in design and manufacture of products for surface protection.
158. For example, we often rehash mental imagery while engaging in visually guided tasks such as driving.
159. Republicans accused the president of engaging in the politics of class war and pandering to his base.
160. This book is engaging in Windows application development software engineers in the essential reference manual.
161. ERV China is seeking an engaging amp motivated individual to lead the Sales amp Marketing department.
162. Enterprises engaging in the import and export of monopolized tobacco must apply to the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau for a special license for doing tobacco monopoly businesses.
163. II. To conduct the overseas securities investment business(http://), a securities institution qualified for engaging in the foreign exchange business shall apply to the SAFE for an investment quota.
164. Most individuals engaging in oral sex are unlikely to use barrier protection.
165. The activities they engaging in industrial or commercial operation present in the aspect of law include property ownership, usufruct, and freedom of contract .
166. With a minimum of mathematics and an engaging, highly rewarding style, Bloomfield provides in-depth discussions of harmonic regression, harmonic analysis, complex demodulation, and spectrum analysis.
167. Apply grease to the engaging sections on the upper surfaces of the connecting sections of the lower structure with the crawler frames, and the connecting pin holes to prevent rust occurrence.
168. Use an engaging combination of basic marketing tactics and augment them with advanced marketing tactics that have proven successful time and time again for the fastest road to success.
169. Of course, we must be sure that you are engaging an appraisal company with REAL manual service.
170. That dayglo smiley hovering in the air in the middle of the jungle is actually a Bird of Paradise engaging in a completely ridiculous mating ritual.
171. There are many men and women who wouldn't think of engaging in the procreative act in certain places of the world, and there are other places in which nothing seems more right and pleasant.
172. Two other problems are engaging the attention of our table.
173. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations has long had a policy of engaging with Burma, even when many countries have criticized its military government.
174. Imagine you discover your partner has met someone else online and is engaging in cybersex with that person.
175. Finally, by engaging our allies, we give them joint ownership over the difficult, methodical, vital, and necessarily collaborative work of limiting the terrorists' capacity to inflict harm.
176. Give regular body check - ups to workers engaging in hazardous jobs.
177. He is the one of researchers firstly engaging in biochemistry and molecular genetics.
178. Fifth, we are actively engaging relevant multilateral export control regimes.
179. This improved cleaning implement is used in synergy with a disposable absorbent cleaning pad engaging the elevational element.
180. The plot is engaging and has a whopping 10,000 words of dialogue.
181. Before you even get started, you have to create your marketing pitch -- get some decent photos, write an engaging profile, sometimes take a personality test.
182. In the video, she apparently shows her student identification card to prove she is over 18 years old before engaging in a sex act for the "audition".
183. The structure and principle of a new type of overrunning clutch was produced, and the formula for self-energizing engaging condition was derived as well.
184. It will give a reference to technicians and flight crew engaging in flight test research of post tall and tactical maneuver.
185. They also praised Ryan's "terrific" performance and concluded that the film is "a nuttily engaging tale of betrayal and, perhaps, redemption. "
186. By simply engaging in cognitive exercise, you can against future memory loss.
187. They are taking a black each hold facility, sweep the bar code that orders first, next what the basis holds facility is how-to to goods shelves engaging the load.
188. Her kindness, recommended by so pretty a face, was engaging.
189. What Tocqueville found in Jacksonian America resonates anew in our own time, and Damrosch's engaging account of a world at once remote and familiar is invaluable—and entertaining.
190. There are more than 8000 persons engaging in cotton textile, 15 are technical and management personnel.
191. Psychotherapist Rosemary Randall described her Cambridge-based project to reduce people's carbon footprint by engaging them in a series of "carbon conversations".
192. It would prevent banks from engaging in risky dealings through their own hedge funds – while finally giving shareholders a say on executive salaries and bonuses.
193. It is no accident that close on 500m people—half of all internet users—find Facebook an engaging, enjoyable and even addictive place to wile away their hours.http://
194. Preferably, the male engagement device includes a pin configured to pass through the inner cuff button hole and then the outer cuff fabric before engaging the female engagement device.
195. A lot of scholars engaging in research on department law, specialty on civil taw and administrative law pay close attention to this question earnestly.
196. His somewhat rumpled appearance and engaging personal manner briefly masked the intensity and clarity of a real original.
197. Apart from any disproportion of the sexes, we might expect the more engaging females of a horde to be surrounded by suitors.
198. After investigation, the gaming machine room is not only without the approval of the cultural sector, but also suspected of engaging in gambling activities.
199. Texaco, an oil giant now subsumed by Chevron, had such an incorruptible reputation that African border guards were said to wave its jeeps through without engaging in the ritual shakedown.
200. Battles waged on the web are often "downright ant-like," with massive, networked groups engaging in strategic teamwork to rise up with little hierarchy.
201. Prison guard: Microscopic implants will restrain convicts from engaging in criminal activity.
202. Van Gogh is irascible , engaging, intelligent, touchy, high - minded , well read, rebellious and pigheaded.
203. "Lust, Caution" is an engaging and hot-blooded war film that is one of China's top five forays into eroticism.
204. "General distribution" mentioned in the present Provisions means exclusive sale of publications by an entity engaging in general distribution of publications.
205. He finds the naivete of the young officer very engaging.
206. And when characters are simply reacting to cruel fate, it's not an engaging drama, it's a medieval morality play.
207. In the process of engaging in teaching Chinese for the national minority for a long period, penman think that quite part of errors when students are in communication root in glossary.
208. Has no interest in engaging in damage control via a platform that bypasses editors and media filters, when bad press about your company is all over the news.
209. When Yeats aestheticizes the political, he makes it moving, moving in the literal sense of, I think, emotionally engaging and cathartic.
210. You can create an engaging GIF animation from the blend of images, captured video snapshots and multipage files.
211. For the purposes of this clause "solicit" means the soliciting of such person with a view to engaging such person as an employee, director, partner, sub-contractor or independent contractor.
212. Finally, the research on the dynamics loads as well as the effects of the motion of the wheels to the process of arresting gear engaging is conducted.
213. So, therefore, we must take up, he suggests, an ascetic path,engaging only, as he says, in "those works" that are fit "for such men as come proud, open-eyed" and laughing to the tomb.
214. The ministries will also try to establish a long-term supervision mechanism for professional portals engaging in business related to film, music, software and books, the NCA said.
215. Engaging in a hobby like reading a book, making a patchwork quilt or even playing computer games can delay the onset of dementia, a US study suggests.
216. Modern naval battles will be modernized informational warfare, and informational thalassocracy is becoming the important aspect that disputed by both engaging sides.
217. The 105mm main gun of the tank destroyer is capable of engaging lightly armoured vehicles and fortifications, but is unable to destroy a heavily armed main battle tanks (MBT).
218. It is hoped for students to grasp interfix theory needed for engaging in food developing and processing through studying this course.
219. In the eyes following son, rich brocade scale up of the beauty is engaging, pure such as the face of jade send forth a radiant ray of light and show people heart to concuss perfect creature Chi.
220. Solve the key problem during the 2D engaging design of the tri-cone rock bit. If you move or rotate any insert with mouse, the other two inserts in the same cycle change same positions.
221. The Delphic Oracle is interpreted by Socrates at least to command engaging with others in philosophical conversation.
222. Pregnancy can also be avoided from coitus while engaging in all other forms of sexual intercourse.
223. Not ashamedly, I can say that I can make talking before 1000 people look easy, and deliver solid content in an entertaining , engaging way.
224. Paradoxically, it is only by engaging in this evanescent deception that you have a chance to present a faithful self-portrait.
225. Of course, we must be sure that you are engaging a reputable appraisal company.
226. The ancient greek sacrifice lamb or calves before engaging in battle.
227. Never let a day pass without engaging in at least one marketing activity.
228. Instead of engaging the quads to stabilize and protect the knees, people who hyperextend usually just push their knee joints back.
229. Potter fansite The Leaky Cauldron has been granted a sneak preview of the content and described it as "one of the most amazing, engaging and breathtaking additions to this fandom imaginable".
230. Engaging in boisterous , drunken merrymaking, we caroused whole night.
231. Elmwood 's job was to communicate all their hard work on pack, in an engaging and believable way, " said Elmwood account director Sarah Wade."
232. Therea difference between speaking with a measured confidence and engaging in BS.
233. Con-speed-atory (Defeat Freya within 2 minutes of engaging a creature in the Conservatory of Life on Normal Difficulty.
234. The distribution of engaging efficiency, EHD oil film thickness and tooth face wear and their changes along with transmission parameters are presented.
235. The dual qualities of tangibility and human-centeredness mean that the design process is very good at engaging others.
236. Engaging in the problem of the shallow ground water in the structural design of Jinyuan Commercial Building, anti-floatage piles are partially used to resist the big buoyant force.
237. The financing guarantee company as referred to herein means the limited liability company and the joint stock limited company engaging in the financing guarantee business.
238. IW Logistics Limited has been established since 1994 and engaging international trades with China.
239. It aims to be an entertaining display center, an engaging learning facility and an interactive space where the public can explore the world of finance.
240. They have been engaging in all sorts of athletic activities.
241. On the surface, a stoutish, easygoing elderly man, with kindly patient manners, and an engaging simplicity of character.
242. The President denounced the press for engaging in "sleaze" and called the story a lie.
243. For a high mood monitor, engaging in an activity will require an effortful maintenance of attention, resulting in more frequent feelings of boredom.
244. Last Spring, Joe DeVries, who runs the AGRA seed program was asked by a Worldwatch blogger if they were engaging in genetic engineering.
245. A shared sense of crisis also gave China a face-saving way of engaging in some fence-mending.




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