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单词 Be over
1. What time will it be over?
2. Chirk up, your troubles will soon be over.
3. This fossil may be over 2 million years old.
4. You have to be over 16 to bet.
5. She must be over a hundred .
6. I'll be over soon.
7. Chin up! It'll be over soon.
8. He longed for the winter to be over.
9. I'll be over this afternoon.
10. You cannot be over careful.
11. His suffering will soon be over.
12. The weekend seemed to be over in a flash.
13. The worst of the storm seemed to be over.
14. I reckon the film should be over by 9.30.
15. To qualify for the competition you need to be over 18.
16. Their problems seem to be over for the moment, but there could be more trouble ahead.
17. It is said that she lived to be over 100.
18. Their quarrel seems to be over . Everything's all sweetness and light at the moment.
19. There used to be over twenty of us in our aerobics class but they're dropping like flies.Sentencedict
20. She thought her troubles would be over once she'd got divorced.
21. He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.
22. She was breathalysed and found to be over the limit.
23. Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising .
24. When the right woman comes along, this bad dream will be over.
25. By the time you get there the meeting will be over.
26. Just grit your teeth and hang on - it'll be over soon.
27. She was not so much nervous as impatient for the journey to be over.
28. He had a fever last night, but he seems to be over it now.
29. He was still very ill, but the worst seemed to be over.
30. The number of workers in each group must not be over thirty.
1. What time will it be over?
2. You have to be over 16 to bet.
3. She must be over a hundred .
4. I'll be over soon.
31. I'll be over the hump when I've done this exam — then there'll be just two left.
32. Good long throw and it will all be over.
33. The school year will be over before long.
34. Repayment was to be over 10 years, with a six-year grace period.
35. Stay where you are and don't do anything rash -- I'll be over in five minutes.
36. With attentive milliners advising sooner rather than later, the hat hunt for whatever date in your diary looms largest should be over.
37. The death toll from a single such explosion could easily be over 10 million people.
38. It is better than sitting still in one of the pews, waiting for the sermon to be over.
39. But you suspect that for the Nethercotts the most exciting part will be over.
40. The total amount owing at the end of ten years will be over $20,000.
41. Soon, the new form will be gone, and the latest episode in the moth's evolutionary adventures will be over.
42. Soderberg had a nerve-racking time, which seemed to be over by late 1987.
43. Their marriage may be over, but interest remains intense over the love lives of Diana and Charles.
44. Death and oblivion were down there, waiting for the movie to be over.
45. At 32, many considered Ali to be over the hill as a professional boxer.
46. Your student days at Nottingham may be over but your links with the University are just beginning.
47. Whatever the technicalities of coming out of the recession, to those engaged in the industry it does not appear to be over.
48. There are also likely to be provisions against losses on swap deals with local councils, which may be over £50million.
49. It would be misleading to say that the recession will soon be over.
50. Her clients would be over the moon at the accommodation in this particular hotel.
51. Did Cornell realize how extensive his legacy would be over time? Probably not.
52. Sony's SuperMicro Division forecast that the combined Sony-NEC share of the workstation market would be over 50% by 1993-94.
53. Fagin produced some beer, and as the fight appeared to be over,(http:///be over.html) everybody sat down.
54. At 32, many considered Ali to be over the hill.
55. Most random events, of course, would be over the oceans, and would almost certainly not be seen.
56. Just wait until July -- all the exams will be over by then.
57. The latest impasse appears to be over the naming of a president.
58. Pollution levels in the water were found to be over the official limit.
59. Come on, be brave. Just grit your teeth and it will all be over in no time.
60. If I found it - well, I'd be over the moon.
61. At this rate, she thought desperately, the lunch hour will be over before I even get there.
62. When it seemed to be over, I went to the bathroom and was explosively sick.
63. This has proved to be over optimistic as Haymarket was forced to withdraw from the purchase after a key investor pulled out.
64. She may be over 80, but she's still very active!
65. At the design stage it is easy to be over ambitious.
66. Were the West not so mild, the Suns' season would already be over.
67. Did Cornell realize how extensive his legacy would be over time?
68. The first type tend to be over more mundane matters, with the third being the more serious.
69. They were just going to be over there on the other side of the lake, some of the fellas.
70. You will be over the Falls and rescued in a few minutes and the water will help to keep you awake.
71. The recession may not yet be over but, with repossessions stable, house sales may take off again.
72. Ayrshire buses dispute deal A PAY dispute which has crippled bus services in Ayrshire could be over.
73. When we tied that game I knew that game was going to be over.
74. There are no subsidies, and there is no sign that the crisis will be over in the foreseeable future.
75. If the report looks as if it will be over 15-20 pages you should be having second thoughts about its suitability.
76. I was telling myself that it would soon be over when I heard a sharp crack.
77. Alerce is one of the longest lived trees in the southern hemisphere with some specimens believed to be over 4000 years old.
78. In freshly felled wood the moisture content varies but may be over 100 percent of the weight of the dry wood substance.
79. This indicates the sandstones can be over 30 m thick and are separated by well-defined shale beds.
80. While the worst may be over(http://), one airline consultant warned that ripple effects could last two more weeks.
81. Lone parents themselves are likely to be over 25 years of age - on average less than 10 percent were younger.
82. Five years of exile among strangers would soon be over.
83. Sam couldn't wait for the whole tiring ordeal to be over.
84. The wedding ceremony will be over.
85. You wished the baseball season would be over soon.
86. The pullback is expected to be over 25,000 troops.
87. All in good time the party will be over.
88. How long will they be over their tea break?
89. Cheer up! Our troubles will soon be over.
90. I'll be over this afternoon, " called Mrs. Meade.
91. Mr. Nixon had said repeatedly that the American war in Indochina would soon be over.
92. That's the effect of the procaine, and it'll soon be over.
93. I looked at our computer and saw our flight path would be over this famous mountain.
94. Even with an overhaul, 14 of them will be over capacity.
95. Mr. Nixon had said repeatedly that the American war in Indo-China would soon be over.
96. "There, there, child, " Cabell was saying, patting her hand. "It will be over in a moment. "
97. Eg . Mr . Nixon has said repeatedly that American war in Indochina would soon be over.
98. Ferguson was asked whether he considered it to be over the top that Ferdinand's place at the World Cup next summer had come into question but the United manager accepted it was a legitimate issue.
99. C. Notes: the wire end plugged in the terminal must not be over cut slantingly. No revolving pull is allowed since the wire is plugged in.
100. Wash rinse to be over every time what reason is desquamate of the metropolis defensive position?
101. On April ninth, eighteen sixty-five, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his army to Union General Ulysses Grant. Within weeks, the Civil War would be over.
102. We, of the opposition, have consistently recommended that, but the day of witch-hunting must be over.
103. We know that if our mother was here today she 'd be over the moon about how many people have given up their time to remember her, and that she 'd be the first up out of her seat and dancing!
104. Nursing shouldn't be over - operational, but It'should be excelsior.
105. After ethanol precipitation, OPC was separated by ethyl acetate-ligroin system. Content of OPC was determined by normal butyl alcohol-hydrochloric acid method at 546 nm to be over 90%.
106. Joking apart, there must be over two bundred people in the hall.
107. "If you will be over at the railroad bridge when the train comes this afternoon, I'll show you how easy it is to fool Bowser the Hound, " said Reddy.
108. Then Elijah went back to Mount Carmel and prayed to God that the curse would be over and that rain would come.
109. Not be the magpie that be over the sky, the crow that annoys however, speak crow.
109. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
110. This can be over ridden by inserting a different boolean operator either " OR " or " ANDNOT "
111. The mean time between failures (MTBF) for the controller of the system can be over 10 years.
112. All who travel should be over cognizant of this fact.
113. Based on the previous research, one gene of Bombyx moil named as HSP20.8 can be over expressed in kidney-shaped eggs than in other organs.
114. As a funded non - monetary assets be assessed and appraised to verify the property, be over - or under - priced.
115. Under optimized conditions, yield of n-butyl propionate can be over 80.0%.
116. The range of the sodium - sulphur battery may be over 250 miles driving in towns.
117. If remote administration is allowed, it should be over a dedicated channel configured to only accept the certificates of people on the MQ administration team.
118. As a result, the rain will be over by the time the clouds reach the place of destination.
119. The debate will be over priorities, transcending the longstanding debate between idealism and realism.
120. In rats with spinal cord injury, sympathetic nerve may be over excitation, which may stimulate the release of substance P to take part in the development of neurogenic pulmonary edema.
121. OP07 series of operational amplifer is recommended; the fixed temperature coefficient of resistance in the circuit must be over 50PPM.
122. Duroc are more likely to be over conditioned at farrowing time.
123. Salesperson: Because in this duty-free shop, your total expenditure cannot be over $300 and you also have one more present to buy for your wife.
124. But in practice, the main divide between liberal and conservative judges tends to be over the responsibilities of the federal government, not judicial activism per se.
125. Still no one knows when the Japanese bear market will be over.
126. And with it,(/be over.html) the story of Ganga will be over.
127. All will pass by everything will be over . Past things will be pleasant memories Pushkin.
128. The successful candidate--who will stay rent-free in a multi-million-dollar three-bedroom beach home--must be over 18, a "fantastic and charismatic" communicator, and able to speak and write English.
129. Good night, old chap. I'll be over again one of these days.
130. The purity of low-purity isomaltooligosaccharide fermented by using saccharomycete No. 10 should be over 95%.
131. Contents of milk sugar, butter fat and casein should also be taken into consideration and the concentration of dry matter in milk should be over 11 3% to produce quality yoghurt.
132. These differences show that choosing the male sterility type as parent materials can ensure the hybridism rate to be over 95%.
133. The catalyst has high catalytic activity and excellent stability, both the conversion rate of TAME and the selectivity of isoamylene can be over 99%.




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