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单词 travel
释义  Related topics: Other sportstrav·el1 /ˈtrævəl/ ●●● S2 W2 verb (travelled, travelling British English, traveled, traveling American English)  1  journey 旅行TRAVEL a) [intransitive] to go from one place to another, or to several places, especially ones that are far away 〔尤指长途〕旅行 Someday I’d like to travel abroad. 哪天我想出国去旅行。travel to/across/through/around etc We’re planning to travel across America this summer. 我们计划今年夏天横穿美国旅行。travel widely/extensively He has travelled extensively in China. 他游历了中国的很多地方。travel by train/car/air etc We travelled by train across Eastern Europe. 我们乘火车穿越东欧。 He’d travelled far, but he’d travelled light (=without taking many possessions). 他长途远游,却轻装简行。 b) travel the world/country to go to most parts of the world or of a particular country 周游世界/全国2  distance 距离 [intransitive, transitive]TRAVEL to go a particular distance or at a particular speed 走过〔某距离〕;〔以某速度〕行进travel at The train was travelling at 100 mph. 列车正以每小时100英里的速度行驶。 They travelled 200 miles on the first day. 他们第一天行进了200英里。3  well-travelled a) (also widely-travelled) having travelled to many different countries 到过很多地方的,游历很广的 a well-travelled businesswoman 游历很广的女商人 b) having been travelled on by many people 交通(运输)量大的 a well-travelled road 交通繁忙的道路4  news 消息 [intransitive]SPREAD to be passed quickly from one person or place to another 很快地传播开来 News travels fast. 消息传起来很快。5  travel well DFto remain in good condition or be equally successful when taken to another country 经得起长途运输;盛行各地 Exporters have to find wines that travel well. 出口商必须寻找耐运输的葡萄酒。 Many British television programmes don’t travel well. 英国的许多电视节目走出国门就不受欢迎了。6  eyes 眼睛 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] written if your eyes travel over something, you look at different parts of it 〔目光〕扫视,移动 His gaze travelled over her face. 他的目光在她脸上移动。7  light/sound 光/声音 [intransitive]SPEED to move at a particular speed or in a particular direction 〔以某一速度或朝某一方向〕行进,移动 Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。8. sport 体育运动 [intransitive]DSO to take more than three steps while you are holding the ball in basketball 〔篮球运动中〕走步n COLLOCATIONSadverbstravel abroadOnly the affluent could afford to take vacations or to travel widely/extensivelyHe travelled extensively in Europe studying light (=not take many things with you)The idea was to travel light, so Travis allowed her to pack only one change of clothing.phrasestravel by train/car/air etcEmily hated travelling by the world/countryThey travelled the world together. THESAURUSto travel 旅行travel to go from one place to another, especially places that are far apart 〔尤指长途〕旅行We travelled to Russia by train. 我们坐火车去俄罗斯旅行。I love to travel. 我喜欢旅行。go to go somewhere – often used instead of travel 出行〔常用于替代travel〕We’re going to Greece for our holidays this year. 今年我们打算去希腊度假。He’s gone to London on business. 他去伦敦出差了。It’s quicker to go by plane. 坐飞机去更快。commute to travel to work or school 通勤,上下班[学]She commutes to work by bicycle. 她骑自行车上下班。cross to travel across a very large area, for example a desert or ocean 穿过,越过〔沙漠、大海等广阔的地方〕The slaves crossed the Atlantic in the holds of the ships. 奴隶们挤在货舱里横渡大西洋。tour to travel in order to visit many different places, especially as part of a holiday 观光They’re touring Europe by coach. 他们乘长途车游历欧洲。go trekking to do a long and difficult walk in a place far from towns and cities 远足,徒步旅行They went trekking in the mountains. 他们在山区远足。nShe’s been trekking in Nepal a couple of times.go backpacking to travel to a lot of different places, carrying your clothes with you in your rucksack 背包旅行He went backpacking in Australia. 他在澳大利亚进行背包旅行。roam especially written to travel or move around an area with no clear purpose or direction, usually for a long time 〔通常指长时间〕漫游When he was young, he roamed from one country to another. 年轻时,他云游各国。The tribes used to roam around freely, without any fixed territory. 这些部落曾经自由迁移,没有固定领地。journey literary to travel, especially a long distance 〔尤指长途〕旅行He journeyed on horseback through Palestine. 他骑马穿越巴勒斯坦。people who travel 旅行者traveller British English, traveler American English someone who is travelling a long distance 旅客,旅行者Weary travellers waited at the airport. 疲惫的旅客在机场等候。My aunt was a great traveller (=she travelled a lot). 我姨妈是个大旅行家。tourist someone who is travelling somewhere for a holiday 观光客,游客,旅游者During the summer, over a million tourists visit the island each year. 每年夏季有超过百万的观光客来到岛上。passenger someone who is travelling in a vehicle, plane, ship etc but not driving it or working on it 乘客The driver and two passengers were killed in the crash. 司机和两名乘客在车祸中丧生。commuter someone who travels to work every day 通勤者commuters on the train to London 去往伦敦的火车上的上班族backpacker someone who travels to a lot of different places, carrying their clothes etc in a rucksack 背包客The hostels are great for backpackers. 小客栈十分适合背包客。explorer someone who travels to places that people have not visited before 探险家Potatoes were brought to England by explorers such as Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. 马铃薯由弗朗西斯•德雷克爵士、沃尔特•雷利爵士等探险家带入英格兰。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustravel• We traveled 2251 miles in 11 days.• Helena really likes to travel.• I love to travel.• Do you have to travel a lot in your new job?• And we were travelling again, through ravine, under totem.• Facilities managers also may monitor the work of maintenance, grounds, and custodial staffs, and travel between different facilities.• News travels fast in a small town like this.• We travelled from China to Russia by train.• Something must be wrong when, although they have to travel further they are coming in cheaper.• The impromptu concerts have been written up in national magazines and people travel hundreds of miles to take part in the fun.• Nine others travelling in the minibus, which was returning the from game at Port Vale, were injured.• Over a year a hare may travel over an area as large as 50 hectares, in search of the right food.• They had been travelling over the dry desert terrain for five days.• The post will involve you travelling to Germany about three times a year.• There was intense competition among companies to travel with Brown on his overseas trips, which frequently generated major at• Police say the car was traveling at about 80 miles per hour.travel2 ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  [uncountable]TRAVEL the activity of travelling 旅行,出行 The new job involves a fair amount of travel. 新工作需要经常出差。► see thesaurus at journey2  travels [plural]TRAVEL journeys to places that are far away, usually for pleasure 旅行,旅游on somebody’s travels We met some very interesting people on our travels in Thailand. 我们在泰国旅游时碰到一些非常有趣的人。n GRAMMAR: Comparisontravel• You use travel to talk in general about the activity of travelling: Long-distance travel has become much cheaper.My interests are travel and photography.• Travel is only used as an uncountable noun. ✗Don’t say: a travel | the traveltravels• Someone’s travels are their journeys to many different places: On her travels, she visited Egypt, Jordan, and South Africa. I’ll call you when I get back from my travels.• Travels is always used as a plural noun in this meaning. ✗Don’t say: her travel | my travel trip• You use trip to talk about an occasion when someone travels somewhere: He has gone to New York on a business trip.They have made several trips to Europe. • Trip is a countable noun and can be used in the singular with ‘a’ or in the plural. Don’t use travel in this meaning. You say: Have a nice trip! ✗Don’t say: Have a nice travel! COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + travelair travel 乘飞机旅行There has been a major increase in air travel during the last twenty years. 近20年来,乘飞机出行的人数大幅增加。rail travel 乘火车旅行The measures were introduced to make rail travel safer. 采取这些措施是为了保证火车出行更安全。bus/coach/car etc travel 乘巴士/长途汽车/小汽车等旅行nThe price is £98, inclusive of coach travel.foreign/international/overseas travel 国外/国际/海外旅行nThe job offers opportunities for foreign travel.long-distance travel 长途旅行nLong-distance travel is becoming much more common these travel 出差nBusiness travel often took him away from his travel 太空旅行nLarge rockets are used for space travel and + NOUNthe travel industry 旅游业The storms have had a huge effect on the country’s travel industry. 暴雨给该国旅游业带来了巨大影响。travel arrangements 旅行安排I still have to make all the travel arrangements. 我仍旧得安排所有的旅游事项。travel expenses/costs 旅行费用nThey offered to pay my travel insurance 旅行保险nYou are strongly advised to take out travel insurance.a travel book/guide 旅游书/指南nKyushu looks so lovely in the travel books. a travel writer 游记作家nan award-winning travel writerphrasesa form/mode/method/means of travel 出行方式I find the train a more comfortable mode of travel. 我觉得火车是一种更为舒适的出行方式。5COMMON ERRORS 常见错误 ► Do not use ‘a travel’ to mean a journey or a trip , for example by saying ‘a long/short travel’. Say a long/short journey or a long/short trip . 不要用 ‘a travel’ 表达 a journey 或 a trip 之意。例如,不要说 ‘a long/short travel’,而要说 a long/short journey 或 a long/short trip。Examples from the Corpustravel• Contact a travel agent about times and costs.• a travel programme• The State Department has advised against travel in the region.• Her interests are politics, music, and travel.• In the 19th century, travel between the two countries was extremely difficult.• We also very much enjoy travel.• The business traveller has been trotting the globe for centuries; before the nineteenth century most travel was for business purposes.• The job involves a certain amount of travelling.• The tournament was played over three rounds as a result of local government elections and the imposition of travel restrictions.• Future generations can possibly look forward to space travel as a holiday option.• Here are seven dad-tested travel ideas that will help you connect with your kids while having a good time.From Longman Business Dictionarytraveltrav‧el1 /ˈtrævəl/ noun [uncountable]TRAVEL the activity of going from one place to another, or to several different places, by air, road, rail etcThe drop in revenue reflected lower levels ofdomestic travel (=within your own country).American Express has strengthened its lead in thecorporate travel business.Air travel continued its recovery from a year earlier.traveltravel2 verb (travelled, travelling British English, traveled, traveling) American English [intransitive, transitive]TRAVEL to go from one place to another, or to several different places, by air, road, rail etcAs part of his job, he has to travel abroad extensively.Channel Tunnel trains travel between London and Paris in 3 hours.→ See Verb tableOrigin travel1 (1300-1400) Old French travaillier; → TRAVAILtrav·el1 verb →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1travel2 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or Business one place to from to Corpus go to another,




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