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单词 Leave of absence
1. He asked for leave of absence from the army.
2. They've refused him leave of absence.
3. She's been given leave of absence to attend a computer course.
4. She asked for leave of absence to attend a funeral.
5. Employers must be told in advance when a leave of absence is foreseeable - such as for the birth of a baby.
6. Mr Caserta took a leave of absence from the company in March 1994.
7. Jury Service Leave of absence with pay is granted to all employees who are required to attend jury service.
8. Patrick Brady, 28, took a leave of absence from Gov.
9. She took a leave of absence from the company in April and resigned in June.
10. Arienne is taking a leave of absence to do a Master's degree.
11. I could take a leave of absence from graduate study for one year and still have my fellowship held for me.
12. Morales said his leave of absence from the district runs out May 23.
13. In 1624 he obtained leave of absence from the University and served as a Member of Parliament.
14. There may be no alternative to leave of absence, even though the nurse can ill afford the loss of income.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. Before leaving, the teacher had requested an indefinite leave of absence, but the school board had denied his request.
16. She wrote to us asking for leave of absence.
17. She wrote us for leave of absence.
18. Peter obtained a leave of absence from the university.
19. You think I should ask him for a leave of absence or resign?
20. Before Christmas leave of absence, only then Harvey, Alvis and Baerdesi are not suitable take turns.
21. At the time, Gross took an unpaid leave of absence.
22. Susan take a two - month leave of absence to finish her dissertation.
23. Students on leave of absence for sickness should present a health certificate when resuming study.
24. He has been placed on a paid leave of absence while investigations are made.
25. Took a long leave of absence without detriment to her career.
26. Whether this entitles the House to exclude a peer on leave of absence has not been tested.
27. I would have been pleased had Peter been somewhat hesitant to grant me a one-week leave of absence.
28. They say she was not fired, but failed to return after a leave of absence.
29. As the Gay situation unraveled, reserve guard Charlie Taylor was granted an indefinite leave of absence for personal reasons.
30. As she had a high fever , she asked for leave of absence.
31. XVI. Leave of Absence Affairs is the time for non - production activities the demand of work.
32. He applied for a leave of absence; She applied for college; apply for a job.
33. Aleynikov has been placed on leave of absence by his new firm, according to Bloomberg.
34. He asked for leave of absence to visit his mother in hospital.
35. In mid - July Brown's leave of absence ran out and he was forced to leave.
36. But that reminds me that I must ask your leave of absence for some days.
37. Because men's team's Olympic Games champions the leave of absence have not attended this competition.




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