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单词 Wary
1. Many companies are wary of their socialist leanings.
2. He gave her a wary look.
3. Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.
4. She was wary of getting involved with him.
5. At first consumers were wary of e-banking.
6. She was wary of strangers.
7. I'm a bit wary of driving in this fog.
8. The strange look in his eyes made me wary of accepting his offer.
9. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town .
10. I'm always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority.
11. People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers.
12. He is wary of strangers.
13. They were very wary about giving him a contract.
14. We must teach children to be wary of strangers.
15. Be wary about these so-called special offers.
16. She had a wary expression on her face.
17. The young tramp cast him a wary glance.
18. You should be very wary of people offering cheap tickets.
19. The blackbird had a quick, wary look in case the cat was anywhere around.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people's ideas.
21. I'm a bit wary of/about giving people my address when I don't know them very well.
22. The CIA was extremely wary of interfering with the foreign Press; in the past, such interference had rebounded.
23. Keep a wary eye on the weather before you set sail.
24. Tourists need to be wary of street hustlers near the station.
25. He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge.
26. The Venetians knew to keep a wary eye on Spanish imperial ambitions.
27. Paula frowned, suddenly wary.
28. Green consumers should be wary of manufacturers' claims that their products are environmentally friendly.
29. The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary.
30. The recent series of food scares has made people more wary of eating meat.
1. Many companies are wary of their socialist leanings.
2. He gave her a wary look.
3. Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.
4. She was wary of getting involved with him.
5. At first consumers were wary of e-banking.
6. I'm a bit wary of driving in this fog.
7. The strange look in his eyes made me wary of accepting his offer.
8. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town .
9. I'm always wary of men wearing suits, as I equate this with power and authority.
10. The legal system is full of snares for those who are not wary.
11. People did not teach their children to be wary of strangers.
12. He is wary of strangers.
13. Paula frowned, suddenly wary.
31. The eyes behind the lenses were watchful and wary.
32. I am very, very wary of people.
33. Feeling a bit wary about the Hogsty Reefs.
34. Be especially wary of using emotional blackmail.
35. But they should at least be warned, and wary.
36. He was still wary of her taking things amiss.
37. So it behoves you to be wary when planting.
38. Regulators remain wary about seemingly sophisticated risk-modelling.
39. He had wary, foxy eyes.
40. Right away they were sparring, wary of each other.
41. As for coming out: you are very wary.
42. Lucy, still wary, watched him for a moment longer.
43. Another whispered that the policeman was wary, unsure of what to reveal and what to hide.
44. A natural gas explosion that killed three and injured more than 20 others in 1992 has made the community particularly wary.
45. Wary of his manipulative skills, she agreed, on her own terms.
46. This made him wary as he went on about his chores and tried not to let Lucky see him.
47. I longed to ask questions but was wary of revealing my complete lack of local knowledge.
48. I hope he won't be too wary about dispensing with the services of some of those announcers - and quick.
49. Of course(/wary.html), the propounding may be very persuasive and the teacher needs to be wary.
50. It's the bounty hunters you've got to be wary of.
51. City officials are wary of population loss to suburbs and point with pride to the overall population gain that has accompanied annexation.
52. One of the guards was fiddling with his radio, all the time keeping a wary eye on the five prisoners.
53. She had become extremely wary of relationships as a result of her childhood experiences.
54. Any dialogue that took place between the two of them would be wary, to say the least.
55. Some have become extremely wary of men through their experiences, and feel suspicious and distrustful.
56. The girl was very pretty with cream colored skin and long black wary hair falling down her back.
57. This is understandable, but of course it can make others wary of getting into conversation with you.
58. Kennedy was understandably wary and disposed to explore other options.
59. They are the Robemaker's sentinels, the effluence of necromancy, and you must be very very wary indeed of them.
60. But I think we should be very wary of equating the growth of shopping facilities with the reconstruction of the local economy.
61. Certainly while we looked on, the pigeons were keeping a very wary distance.
62. The incident had made Mr Roche, who was not adventurous, even more wary.
63. The wary fighter backs off from you and so must be encouraged to make all the running.
64. Following the presentation by Fehr, Piazza said, many of the players were wary about spending more time away from home.
65. And highly-publicized scandals involving charity fraud have made potential givers wary.
66. Professionals have to be wary of applying their own standards.
67. This story emphasizes how important it is to be wary of strangers.
68. It was broken, and we should be wary of returning to such a rigid system.
69. When he finally grabbed supreme power for himself he continued to enjoy wary support from Washington.
70. More resources are required and one has to acknowledge that because of their absence the teaching profession is wary of accepting additional responsibilities.
71. He would be the one Rostov had warned him to be wary of.
72. The yellowfins, too, were becoming wary and took the bait less often.
73. Because she herself had subsequently been extremely wary of any emotional entanglements.
74. However, we should be wary lest use of such an emotive and pejorative term leads to premature dismissal of legitimate arguments.
75. Chital are extremely wary animals that alert each other to danger with a whistling call.
76. The expression on his face had been wary, but what more could she possible hope for?
77. One is usually wary of text books which avoid the use of calculus.
78. Congress is wary of becoming too dependent on foreign oil.
79. In Nurly their daughters are wary of marrying local lads,(http://) fearing that they may eventually be divorced.
80. It was as if, having goaded her to the point of total capitulation, he'd opted for a wary cooling-off period.
81. The Tsar proved wary of replacing Stolypin with a leader committed to any firm legislative programme.
82. The faces around her suppliant, wary - she is in a benevolent lull, she measures out wit and wisdom.
83. It is, however, true that Roman aristocrats were usually wary of divine origins.
84. Moreover, in the absence of any evidence of impending upheaval, individual peasants were wary of risking involvement in seditious talk.
85. Beatty is wise and wary about his position in Hollywood.
86. Stock and bond investors have been wary for months that the economy would overheat and prompt the Fed to tighten.
87. They concluded that the wary response is more characteristic of the social circumstance than of the individual's level of development.
88. She became secretive, wary, looking over her shoulder at the slightest noise.
89. Henry Hyde of Illinois, who are wary of any attempts to amend the Constitution.
90. Mr Forbes will also have to persuade wary social conservatives, especially pro-lifers.
91. Farmers wary of increased competition from cheap imports also urged a ban.
92. Both of them were wary, but at least Hayley didn't throw herself out of the window.
93. Wary sufferers will have learned to suffer silently lest they raise stifled giggles rather than sympathy.
94. The Profitboss is wary of finance people, seeking their support but running miles to avoid their control.
95. A slight smile now, and a walk that was both casual and wary; cat-like.
96. The social worker utilizing Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy should be wary of its indiscriminate use.
97. He turned out to be a slight boy with dark, wary eyes and black hair cut short.
98. In deep water For three years I've been wary of deep water.
99. On one hand, the prospect of a reward may draw out some otherwise wary tipsters.
100. I was wary of Clive Smith as he seemed unduly anxious for Mr. Winterbone to make a will.
101. The mineral to be most wary of is calcium,() which can toughen some grains when used during cooking.
102. Congress would be wary of venturing into the health care thicket again for a long, long time.
103. W01111n, like birds, have learned to be wary of men; they pass the wariness on, genetically.
104. Some people are wary that this technological library is being sold as a replacement to the traditional library.
105. And biologists at universities are wary of spending years designing an experiment that may be postponed or lost in space.
106. But, although Ashley stood still and wary, her son showed no inhibitions.
107. He was wary of it, thinking it might be living, but he saw it was just another machine.
108. One also needs to be wary of the inequalities that market mechanisms bring in their wake.
109. I would be more delighted by all of this were I not wary about the motives for this sudden maturation.
109. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
110. Jimmy seemed aware of that too, and kept a wary eye on him while he addressed Cardiff.
111. Consumers have become very wary and are spending much less.
112. Once across the allotments he walked more openly, even though he kept a wary eye out behind him.
113. The established chasers will need to be wary this season - he could make many of them look decidedly ordinary.
114. Wary of becoming entangled in her friend's family quarrels, Eileen made an excuse and left.
115. In Anton he saw a wary young man who was afraid of dropping the cool pose he had carried until now.
116. Stories such as this will only make people wary of buying Aboriginal art.
117. But it was not only writers with established political identities who were wary about how writing might be perceived.
118. It is this prospect that has prompted trade union leaders with a public-sector contingent to be wary about the single currency project.
119. Far from being independent and wary of one another, big government and mainstream media work hand in glove with each other.
120. The managements were very wary of taking her on, of course.
121. All the tensed heads came up hopefully, all the too quiescent bodies braced, all the wary eyes gleamed.
122. But soon nervous, timid seals tended to live longer than trusting ones, so gradually seals grew more and more wary.
123. She had told him about her broken engagement and how deeply hurt and wary she had felt after it.
124. But in the meantime the history of Yiddish warns us to be wary of dogmatic statements about its life and death.
125. The debt crisis has made commercial banks and international donors wary of making certain types of investments.
126. The Chancellor should be wary of the argument that the deficit does not matter because it is in the private sector.
127. Mistrust had given way to wary mutual respect, but Jane had not consulted Rabia about her own pregnancy.
128. That is something of which we ought to be extremely wary.
129. We've go to keep a wary eye on what they're doing.
130. Wary they may be, accountable they are not. Very few judgments are challenged by schools.
131. History suggests the curse of kingship is the need to be wary of your own counsellors.
132. Be wary also of shops flogging any old trainers they can get their hands on.
133. But as her relationship with Eric deepened, he'd grown wary, sometimes openly hostile.
134. Be wary of the unmistakable hiss of rattlesnakes that dwell in the nearby brush.
135. He was a suspicious cat, wary of people getting pensive.
136. Other parishioners were wary of unleashing political passions in the parish.
137. He glanced towards the place where his father stood, a wary expression on his face.
138. She was slightly wary of him in this city which for him was replete with memories.
139. The problems with selling the house had made her much more wary about financial matters.
140. They tend to be wary of public funding,() but accept limits on contributions and expenditure.
141. Under the wary eye of Inspector Fouchard, he turned his attention to the dagger.
142. As with all small units you have to be wary of war machines and magic.
143. Be wary of advisers who recommend that you sell all your current investments in order to buy new ones.
144. The young pedlar cast him a wary glance and apparently decided on practicality over valour.
145. If you have a performance horse, be wary of prohibited substances.
146. But my traveling companion, more wary and savvy than I, smelled scam.
147. When Felipe was grown up my father was wary and kept his temper.
148. However, I am wary of placing excessive pressure on children and teachers where there are behavioural difficulties or deprivation.
149. Pearson is wary of facing the media after last year's scandal.
150. They may be distressed about visiting a prison - they may be very wary.
151. Lenders were wary about downtown residential projects in a city that had never had them.
152. She had been wary before but now she was paranoid about the whole concept of relationships.
153. Initially, they were wary of Simon.
154. She felt uncomfortable and she was wary.
155. The Chinese should be wary of such hubris.
156. Bankers are keeping a wary eye on the outcome.
157. " Oh, I don't know,'she answered, growing wary.
158. He is wary of telling secrets to others.
159. Tuition for private-for-profit trade schools that usually specialize in one field, such as hair-styling or auto mechanics, varies widely, and Unger warns students to be wary of unethical operators.
160. Mr. Sapir sees signs U.S. investors may be getting wary.
161. Fear of the mob makes fringe groups, swg credits, including homosexuals and the disabled, wary of pressing their rights, particularly in villages.
162. As a general rule, burglars are wary about gaining entry from the front or side of a building.
163. The Chelsea boss is also wary of the Toon Army effect.
164. Smaller Asian nations were already wary of China's growing military prowess, but the launch of its first carrier is yet another message about its increasing strength.
165. Do not Believe the honesty of the honest , Be wary of the unkindness of the kind.
166. Therefore, investors must be wary of at this time callback risk index.
167. The poor performance of another recently listed trust, the yuan-denominated Hui Xian Real Estate Investment Trust, has also made some investors wary, they said.
168. In "China's Water Pistol," Paul Krugman turned commentary on China into a general attack on those who remain wary of the United States' large public debt.
169. While the US and newer Nato members, from the former Warsaw Pact, are keen to draw Georgia and Ukraine closer, others like Germany and France are wary of antagonising Russia,(http:///wary.html) a key energy supplier.
170. It was because it refused to die that he still ate muskeg berries and minnows, drank his hot water, and kept a wary eye on the sick wolf.
171. For those wary of another open-ended U.S. commitment in the Muslim world, Obama suddenly turned from restraint and became reckless.
172. The heated rhetoric will likely die down after a while, but the behind-the-scenes jockeying for position and the wary looks toward one another will not cease.
173. However, some countries may be wary of depending on foreign powers for their energy and might want to make and reprocess their own fuel.
174. Web site developers should be wary of anyone spoofing the GET and POST requests sent to them.
175. China is still wary about opening up the floodgates. They have their own rules that you might even call non-tariff barriers where they limit market access .
176. To provide anon - threatening way in to therapy for children wary of direct speech work.
177. The original film was shot at Gracie Mansion, but a carpet fire during the first filming made the mayor wary of a reshoot a few years later, so the loop seen now was filmed in California.
178. Be wary of song sharks when you go to Nashville.
179. Sweet-and-sour salmon now regularly croon in sub-Saharan streets. Africans are embracing new opportunities made in China yet remain wary of all the pitfalls.
180. In a sign that banks have become less wary of lending to one another, the London interbank offered rate, a benchmark interest rate for many dollar loans, has fallen sharply over the past two weeks.
181. The wary Major thought that all things were for the best.
182. I make one's way noiselessly to open the door to go out, heard she was wary of got out of bed.
183. Harrison and I were wary of each other whenever we met.
184. NB need to be wary of trying to offer too many services to customers.
185. I tried not to tense up, or become obviously wary.
186. Wary of foreign acquisitions outside the favored resources sector, Beijing is probably unenthusiastic about a Geely offer.
187. Be stage series measure in succession by percussive country wary avoid not as good as.
188. Ma's chumminess with Beijing has been attacked by the opposition DPP, which, as part of its pro-independence platform, is wary of any moves to draw close to China.
189. The strategy worked, for this warder became less wary around us.
190. China was wary of OLPC becoming a political movement, whereas India branded its anti-rote learning philosophy "pedagogically suspect."
191. Officials are wary of port developments in neighbouring Pakistan and Sri Lanka that offer Chinese warships anchorages and potentially greater control of the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea.
192. In some cases they are too idealistic, seeking relationships that are hardly possible. They should be wary of impractical forms of cultism or strange religious beliefs.
193. The RV is actually fixed in three days; we are on the road again, but because we're a little wary of the stability of the RV, we go directly to Baton Rouge.
194. You should also be wary of low-fat and fat-free foods (with the exception of dairy products), because food companies often compensate for the lack of fat by adding more sugar.
195. At the reservoir, the choppy water initially deterred the wary goslings from taking their first dip.
196. Finally, when designing pattern matching statements, be wary of relying on a default case clause.
197. Arsenal go into the game on the back of demoralising defeats to Chelsea and Manchester United - and Benitez is wary of a backlash.
198. With tomorrow being New Years Eve in Asia, and with Japan out for the next four days, be wary of very thin market conditions until the New Year.
199. Be wary of places such as Gibraltar(), Malta or Cyprus.
200. The key for Sir Alex Ferguson will be to see how his side respond to that emphatic scoreline and Fulham will be wary of a possible backlash.
201. The bride, who first met the royal prince as a child, refused his first two proposals as she was wary of public life and worried about his moodiness and pronounced stammer.
202. The population of Russia, however, is in steep decline, and Russians are deeply wary of what some fear could be a creeping Chinese annexation of scantly populated regions in the Russian east.
203. But the Anthropic Principle should warn us to be wary of such arguments.
204. A desert spadefoot frog surfaces with a wary stare at Australia's Alice Springs Desert Park.
205. Darkness shrouds those who would creep up on us, so be wary.
206. Debos says opposition parties will likely be wary of any overtures by the government.
207. Most were wary and many apprehensive as to how the Algerian business would turn out.
208. This could lock out some smaller companies, and some developers might be wary about completely trusting Google with all of their data.
209. Demand in America will rise only slightly: with the housing market still in the doldrums and cash-for-clunker subsidies at an end, consumers will be wary about buying big-ticket items.
210. So enjoy that flirting in your relationship, but be wary of proclaiming yourself a natural-born flirt, with every right to continue flirting your way through life, once in a partnership.
211. A wary tiger flashes a toothy snarl in this extreme close - up .
212. Rating agencies are going to be far more wary of giving AAA ratings for structured products.
213. She was, after long experience, wary of her uncle's selfishness, sometimes blatant, sometimes subtle.
214. Rulers and Defenders of Realms had need to be wary guard against such processes.
215. We evolved to be wary of saber-toothed tigers and blizzards, but not of climate change — and maybe that's also why we in the news media tend to cover weather but not climate.




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