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单词 Quark
(1) Stir in the quark to thicken the sauce.
(2) Calculating the probability of the quark following this path from A to B involves integration, which is always difficult for computers.
(3) A proton contains two up quarks and one down quark; a neutron contains two down and one up.
(4) Some fromagefrais and quark have a longer shelf life and may be kept for a week or ten days after purchase.
(5) Even the Quark editors remark on a preponderance of work on either the cosmos or evolution, but little in between.
(6) There are six distinct flavors of quark.
(7) So CERN's superfluid quark holes won't evaporate, either.
(8) So the energetic quark quickly rips more quarks and antiquarks out of the vacuum of empty space, and they instantaneously form particles called mesons, each containing a quark and an antiquark.
(9) If the quark is one of the heavier, unstable types, it quickly transforms itself back into an ordinary quark , a process that often produces an additional lepton .
(10) Pulsars, neutron stars and quark stars are then created based on their mass.
(11) Quark confinement demonstrates the equivalence of mass and energy discovered by Einstein.
(12) A quark - gluon plasma ( QGP ) is expected to appear in laboratories only through high energy heavy - ion collisions.
(13) A new quark potential model, called quark delocalization and color screening model[sentencedict .com], has been proposed.
(14) Like the top quark, the Higgs will be conjured up by smashing heavy particles called hadrons (which include protons and their antimatter equivalents).
(15) It's a lot like a regular quark, only heavier, meaning it's composed of an even more fundamental particle the standard model doesn't account for.
(16) Using the parameterized quark propagator proposed by us in our previous publication, the quark vacuum condensates and tensor susceptibility of QCD vacuum have been calculated.
(17) The 19-person start-up was funded by Colorado-based desktop publishing software makers Quark Inc.
(18) What happens is that a matter particle, such as an electron or a quark, emits a force-carrying particle.
(19) In our last weeks before unemployment, several of us learned the Quark XPress computer program.
(20) In this thesis we study the nuclear matter using the quark - meson coupling model ( QMC ) .
(21) Our confidence in this procedure is bolstered because a similar approach accurately predicted the top quark mass before any top quarks had been detected directly.
(22) This paper studies how to use rennet in the process of Quark by rennet ferment power, quark extraction rate and organoleptic evaluation.
(23) In this paper, by taking the confining potential with the color screening effect as a color confinement between quark and antiquark, the effect on heavy quarkonia (cc and bb) is studied.
(24) A agreement between experimental values and the calculated results of constituent quark model is obtained for baryon spectra and strong, electromagnetic, weak decay of baryons .
(25) Desktop color separation ( DCs ) would be for the Quark companies used to set color ( process color ).
(26) One can, however, use other measured quantities to calculate some masses, such as those of the W and Z bosons and the top quark.
(27) The relativistic nuclear mean field theory may be used to estimate the scalar field felt by a quark in nuclear medium.
(28) Any of a family of subatomic particles that participate in strong interactions, are composed of a quark and an antiquark, and have masses generally intermediate between leptons and baryons.
(29) This first recorded particle is a meson composed of an anti-beauty quark – the beauty quark's antiparticle – and an up quark – one of the two common quarks that make up protons and neutrons.
(30) Based on the Global Color Symmetry Model, the non- perturbative QCD vacuum is investigated by use of the parameterized fully dressed quark propagator.
(31) The charm quark is roughly one and a half times the mass of the proton.
(32) There are convincible evidences to prove that QGP or quark matter has been produced in RHIC which lies in BNL.
(33) The kinetic equations of quark gluon plasma ( QGP ) are non Abelian and non linear.
(34) Quarks that make the quantum number of hadrons are named 'valence quarks'. Two families of hadrons are baryons (made of three valence quarks) and mesons (which are made from a quark and an antiquark).
(35) Meson: Any member of a family of subatomic particles composed of a quark and an antiquark (see antimatter).
(36) But for some other spin-flavor states, the quark exchange effect is favorable for mixing the two baryon clusters together to form dibaryon.
(37) When a neutrino transforms a quark, a lepton is emitted.
(38) Beat the Quark, eggs and two kinds of sugar until creamy and smooth. Add in heavy cream and vanilla pudding powder and mix well.
(39) Strange quark matter ( SQM ) can be described as an ideal gas of quasi - particles with effective masses.
(40) With the new formulas obtained, we have also calculated the equation of state for strange quark matter with reasonable results.
(41) Aber f ü r mich war die tollste Entdeckung im K ü hlregal bisher das , was die Deutschen Quark nennen.
(42) The influences of different current quark masses on the properties of hybrid stars were studied via the relativistic mean field theory and the effective mass bag model.
(43) Experimental status and theoretical approach of the Scalar and pseudo-scalar mesons about its mass,[http://] quark composition and decay amplitude are detailed.
(44) Based on the parameterized fully dressed quark propagator, we study the momentum dependence of the nucleon static properties and mean squared radius of nucleon in QCD.
(45) Though the maximum masses and corresponding radii are similar, bare strange quark stars and normal neutron stars could be distinguished in the regime of low masses.
(46) The strange quark particle that had the property of strangeness . However, three quarks were not enough.
(47) Physicists call that particle a quark a nonsense word coined a famous Irish author.
(48) The quark mass is defined by quark propagator and from this definition we calculate effective mass of quark.
(49) Strangelets are lumps of strange quark matter, in the research of which many important branches of physics are involved.
(50) Any member of a family of subatomic particles composed of a quark and an antiquark antimatter.
(51) It is studied Baryon excited states for quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking.
(52) Comparing to the results in chiral SU(3) quark model(), we find that two different short-range mechanisms can describe the H-particle similarly.
(53) Study of quark vacuum condensate is one of the most important issues in the investigation of QCD.
(54) It predicted the existence of the W and Z bosons, the gluon and two of the heavier quarks (the charm and the top quark).
(55) Heavy Quark Effective Theory(HQET) makes this symmetry explicit and proves to be a desirable frame work to predict the properties of heavy hadrons.
(56) In our universe, the down quark is about twice as heavy as the up quark, resulting in neutrons that are 0.1 percent heavier than protons.
(57) Quark cannot leave an atom. Maybe does proton have quant of information?
(58) The new results confirm that quark gluon plasma acts almost like a fluid, with minimal viscosity.
(59) It's quark and antiquark.
(60) Superpotent atom smashers will undertake the quark quest in the 1980 s.
(61) The reaction rate of non-leptonic quark weak interaction and the bulk viscosity of quark matter in the magnetic field are investigated.
(62) Then, in 1999, the US Brookhaven National Laboratory's Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider established that a quark gluon plasma could be created on a miniscule scale.
(63) Using the heavy quark antiquark potential which emerges from an effective dilaton gluon coupling inspired by the superstring theory, we study the energy levels of heavy quark antiquark systems.
(64) We introduced the state of strange quark matter and the structure of strange star in magnetic field, our paper was focus in the effect of magnetic on strange star in two sides.
(65) A quantum property of the charm quark whose conservation explains the absence of certain strange-particle decay modes and that accounts for the longevity of the J particle.
(66) Jaffe and his colleagues modeled one family of universes in which the down quark was lighter than the up quark, and protons were up to a percent heavier than neutrons.
(67) Georgi has calculated the peculiar distributions of missing energy for the decay of a top quark, which would signify the production of unparticle stuff.
(68) A quark cannot exist on its own, but must be bound to other quarks or an antiquark.
(69) In virtue of the simple physical picture of quark combination model, we determine the dependence of anti-particle to particle ratios on the mean production probability of anti-quarks and quarks.




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