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单词 National product
1. From 1977 to 1985 the United States gross national product grew 21 percent.
2. Gross National Product is conventionally used to indicate economic development.
3. The president said that the gross national product had declined by a big margin.
4. Net national product exceeds national income by the amount of indirect business taxes-sales and excise taxes, primarily.
5. The country had the largest gross national product of any nation.
6. In this way we can enhance our gross national product for the benefit of all.
7. Affluence is measured by the per capita gross national product.
8. A greater gross national product meant that local authorities could be more generous towards the poor.
9. Britain's gross national product weighs in at around £250 billion; that is, P£6250.
10. Gross national product fell 5.8 percent in January-February 1991 compared with the same period in 1990.
11. Gross and net national product for the United Kingdom, 1987.
12. GNP stands for gross national product.
13. The gross national product shrank one percent last year.
14. The Gross National Product were seen as a hadgepodge of Buicks, chickens, shirts, and diaper services.
15. The two variables are infant mortality per 1000 live births and gross national product per head.
16. This demand was extrapolated from the projected growth in such countries' gross national product.
17. It had begun the seventies with the declared intention of contributing 0.7 percent of the gross national product in official aid.
18. It is the largest industry in the Province,(/national product.html) contributing 6% of Gross National Product and accounting for 11% of employment.
19. So, more marginally, has the competitive prestige that goes with expanding national product.
20. Galbraith challenged the conventional wisdom that everything would be all right if only the Gross National Product were big enough.
21. The deficit has fallen from 9. 5 percent of gross national product in 1994 to an estimated 7. 4 percent.
22. National income is the value of the actual amount produced and so is necessarily equal to the national product and expenditure.
23. Spending on health has risen from 4.7 percent of the gross national product in 1979 to 5.7.
24. Removal of technical barriers Technical barriers to trade arise from differing national product regulations and standards.
25. When do the Government expect to meet the target for overseas aid of 0.7 percent. of gross national product?
26. Figures for the first nine months of 1992 showed an 18 percent fall in gross national product.
27. That achievement represents a larger share of a larger national product and the Conservative party can be extremely proud of it.
28. Most countries in the world attempt to monitor the total value of their output,() or gross national product.
29. In the mid-1970s, public spending peaked at over 49 percent of our gross national product.
30. Authors make a study on transportations contribution to gross national product growth and employment personnel growth.
31. At present, the gross product of mineral products takes about 10% of Gross National Product of the whole world, and trade of mineral products nearly takes 30% of that of the whole world.
32. China will have quadrupled its gross national product and reached a level of comparative prosperity.
33. The US current account deficit reached 6.2 per cent of gross national product in 2006.
34. That is more than the gross national product of Greenland.
35. Brasenia schreberi is a valuable aquatic vegetable. Lichuan Brasenia schreberi is the first national product of geographical indication in Hubei Province.
36. The growth rate of GNP ( gross national product ) per capita for China will be quadrupled by 2000.
37. From 1929 to 1933 - the low point of the Great Depression - Gross National Product dropped almost in half.
38. The postwar Japanese economy provides the world's first example of an economy showing a sustained period of double-digit growth of real gross national product(GNP).
39. When counting the added value, we should deduct the expenditure of permanent assets and raw materials so as to pay more attention to the accounting of net national product.
40. Compared to last year, gross national product has increased somewhat.
41. Economists might base their predictions of the annual gross national product, or GNP, on the final consumption spending within the economy.
42. Reduce rate to have certain effect to investment of obtain employment, Gross National Product, fixed assets.
43. United States is now annual gross national product by how much.
44. On account of above reasons, the national product of Penicillium expansum alkaline lipase were chosen to study its interaction with chiral phenoxy acid herbicides, 2,4-DP, MCPP and 2,4-DPM.
45. Among these economic factors are the inflation rate, real growth in gross national product (GNP), interest rates, and the spot exchange rate (or current rate for exchanges of currency that day).
46. This index can bethe Gross National Product, Per - Capital Income, S & amp ; P 500, etc.
47. Logistics costs of developed countries occupies about 10 % of GNP ( Gross National Product ) .
48. Yet high-income countries have not come close to fulfilling their pledge made in 1970 to spend 0.7% of their gross national product per annum on Official Development Assistance.
49. The gross national product ( GNP ) measures the total output of goods and services a given year.
50. Thus the concept of gross national product is formed, which equals to gross domestic product plus net overseas income from the primary distribution.
51. The value of a country's goods and services is its GNP gross national product.
52. They have forecast a further rise in the country's gross national product.
53. Quadrupling the gross national product will be an achievement of great significance.
54. Trade in services is a rapidly growing activity accounting for an increasing share of national product in both developing and industrialized countries.
55. With employment less than full and Net National Product suboptimal, all the debunked mercantilist arguments turn out to be valid.
56. Gross national product (GNP) is the market value of the output of final goods and services produced by the nation's economy.
57. The gross national product had increased 5 percent last year.




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