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单词 Forward pass
1. The referee disallowed the try for a forward pass.
2. And even then it was a forward pass to him.
3. You're not allowed to make a forward pass in rugby.
4. Like he thought the forward pass was a trick play.
5. Forward Pass. The calculation of the early start and early finish dates for the uncompleted E portions of all network activities. See also network analysis and backward pass.
6. The Dutch striker took a forward pass from Alex Song in his stride, turned inside Steve Carr and shot smartly into the far corner of goal with his trusty left foot.
7. A player is offside if he receives a forward pass from a teammate in the opponent's half of the field, with fewer than two opponents between himself and the goal.
8. One, a call - the illegal forward pass overturned on a Giants challenge...
9. His lower forward pass success rate in his own half compared to the opponent's half could be explained by the higher proportion of long passes he attempts.
10. Forward pass wave variation during the history of the future is obscure.
11. McClair clearly on the same wavelength,[/forward pass.html] swept on to a perfect forward pass and shot narrowly wide.
12. Early starts and early finishes are arrived at by a forward pass through the network.
13. System does not need relay for transmission when the forward pass path channel is in the best state.
14. Demographic forces are decidedly in favor of soccer's eventual success in the land of the forward pass and the knuckleball.
1. The referee disallowed the try for a forward pass.




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