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单词 Metamorphic
1) Mostly granite and metamorphic rock, it has been heated, stirred and compressed for millions and sometimes billions of years.
2) The identification of a metamorphic rock depends largely on recognition of foliation and other textures.
3) Sandstone, a sedimentary rock and quartzite, a metamorphic rock, both contain a high proportion of quartz.
4) Smaller-scale inset maps will provide information on metamorphic grade of orogenic terrains and the structure of Phanerozoic sedimentary basins.
5) Auger spectroscopy of igneous and metamorphic rocks has shown fine films of carbon covering grain boundaries.
6) Topological change is an characteristic of metamorphic mechanisms.
7) Thermodynamic activity - traces acted as the regional metamorphic facies and its belts.
8) The metamorphic facies gradually change from low amphibolite—high green-schist facies of the basement to low green-schist of the cover.
9) The deformational metamorphic evolution of the three types of the ductile shear zones reflects the main reworking during the uplift processes of the deep crustal high grade metamorphic complex.
10) Potassium-rich brines resources can be classified into sedimentary metamorphic type and lixiviation sylvine. These two kinds are also new ways of looking for sylvine in Sichuan.
11) Shaanxi is one of the provinces where soft metamorphic rock has distributed widely.
12) The Western Tianshan high-pressure metamorphic rocks occur within the greenschist facies country rocks as small discrete blocks, lenses, bands,(http:///metamorphic.html) laminae or intercalated slabs.
13) It is genetically a metamorphic deposit controlled by shear zone.
14) With the metamorphic grade of the graphite deposit increasing, the atomic ratio of H/C of natural graphite and the content of Rh decrease gradually and the T_(max) and R_(oil) (%) increase gradually.
15) Marble is a metamorphic rock that takes a high polish.
16) Extensive areas within continental platforms are formed of basement, a complex of metamorphic and igneous rocks of Palaeozic or Precambrian age.
17) The same structural features, sometimes less easily recognized, are found in igneous and metamorphic rocks.
18) Thus it is very well developed on fine-grained basic igneous and metamorphic rocks.
19) The area also contains important sedimentary sequences, and the metamorphic rocks of the Dalradian Super-Group at the Highland Boundary.
20) The sense of a distinct, separate identity fades and is replaced by a metamorphic self-image.
21) That time has been shown to be appreciably later than the original formation of the rock for metamorphic and plutonic rocks.
22) Can the person let be fed up with after becoming metamorphic operation?
23) Clay minerals distribute extensively in various slopes made of sedimentary rock, weathering profiles of igneous rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock and colluvial deposits.
24) Kerogen is the leftover material of sporopollen element and lignin in original bodies in different thermal metamorphic period and it is the original material of gas-oil formation.
25) Discordances existed between Fangniushan quartzite series and underlying Archean Eon metamorphic granite series, and overlying the Mesoproterozoic Era Xionger Group.
26) High concentration alcohol often treats an end to achieve, use for a long time can make corneous albumen metamorphic, want special attention.
27) A new thought is proposed to forecast mineralization of endogenetic deposits based on metamorphic grade of coal.
28) In recent years, incidents of microbial contamination in dried meat have occurred, returned goods because of metamorphic in dried meat caused huge economic losses of the food processing enterprises.
29) The main mechanism of melt lineation is extensional deformation which led to partial melting of high-grade metamorphic rock.
30) The deformation was changing from plastic intensity to weakness and the metamorphic facies ranged from amphibolite to low-grade greenschist.
31) A green, gray, or red metamorphic rock, similar to slate but often having a wavy surface and a distinctive micaceous luster.
32) Zircons from ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic metabasite and metafelsic rock in Dabie orogen were investigated by cathodoluminescence and Laser Raman spectrometry.
33) It is considered that Guangyi graphite carbon derived from organiccarbon, the genetic type belongs to sedimentary metamorphic ore deposit.
34) Schist, a metamorphic rock, contains mineral crystals that can be seen by the naked eye.
35) Its wall rocks consist of the regional metamorphic rock, series of Mayuan formation and middle—lower Carboniferous series as well as lower Jurassic Lishan formation.
36) Make the pith scabbard that treats place nerve ending metamorphic, thereby provisionality interrupts an induction to conduct, and comb-out patient treats anguish.
37) Granulite facies pelitic gneiss and mafic granulite outcropping in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica, underwent a complicated deformational metamorphic history.
38) Therefore, it is a marine sedimentary - metamorphic iron ore deposit.
39) The metamorphic deformational temperature-pressure conditions of the folded basement in the Jiangnan uplift constitute a crucial basic geological problem which has aroused interest among geologists.
40) There is a complete metamorphic series of coal from lignite to meager coal in Wumuchang area, Yimin, the main metamorphism type is contact metamorphism of coal.
41) The ooze water of these various types belongs to low metamorphic water.
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42) The genetic type belongs to the polygenetic and compound iron deposit formed by the exhalation sediment, metamorphic reconstruction and magmatic hydrothermal superposition enrichment.
43) Quite coincidentally, metamorphic viruses apply transformations that go the other way around.
44) The mother rock derived form Archaean and Early Proterozoic metamorphic rock from the north-east part of Ordos Basin.
45) The metamorphic ages of the eclogites are largely 320~220 Ma ( Carboniferous period to Triassic period ).
46) The recent geologic data show that it is the Archeozoic high-grade metamorphic terrain formed by the supracrustal rock-TTG rock series, that is different with the southern Longgang landmass.
47) Therefore, there is no great progress in the gold exploration in the Hercynian granite to the north and in the metamorphic terrene near Baishanzhen to the south.
48) Gold deposits in the west Guangdong province are divided into altered cataclasite, quartz vein and metamorphic types.
49) According to this"astronomical model", the ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks record three phases of formation, return and exhumation.
50) According to geological performances, Chinese phosphate deposits may be grouped into endogenic, exogenic and metamorphic.
51) The metallogenic substance mainly comes from the Archeozoic metamorphic rock series in basement.
52) Huge bite cell gobbles up fragment of deliquescent red blood cell, block Yu Xiaoliang, make Xiaoliang metamorphic, the likelihood causes cytolysis sex glaucoma.
53) Dolomite can exsolved not only from magnesian calcite under metamorphic conditions, but also from magnesian calcite sediments under a modest pressure in a normal oceanic environments.
54) In the Dabieshan area, the late Archaean metamorphic rocks, here termed as the Dabie Group, are complexly deformed.
55) Favorable reservoirs may be composed of sandstones, conglomerates basement metamorphic buried hills, and volcanic rocks.
56) The amphibolite and basic granulite may be comparable to the world's metamorphic tholeiite.
57) The mechanism of the formation and exhumation of the UHP metamorphic rocks is one of the most challenging frontiers in contemporary geosciences, which is significant for continental dynamics.
58) The Archeozoic metamorphic rocks in Sanjia, eastern Hebei are dividedinto supracrustal rocks, felsic gneisses and granitoids.
59) Both the eclogite and the felsic gneiss have not undergone the same high - pressure metamorphic event.
60) The Archean metamorphic rocks are composed of extrusive rocks and metamorphosed plutonic rocks. The former usually exists as inclusions of various size in the latter.
61) Metamorphic water constitutes most of ore-bearing metamorphic hydrothermal water, which tends to mineralize in metamorphic front region and before the front region.
62) Therefore, the Tianzhu mountain area has become a model place for geoscientific research on Dabie mountain ultrahigh pressure metamorphic zone.
63) Boron deposits of eastern Liaoning occur in a suite of Early Proterozoic metamorphic rocks, with boron orebodies existent in magnesian marble.
64) Clastic rock and low - grade metamorphic rock , and the non - disease area is mainly in the coal stratum.
65) The lower Proterozoic Badu Group is one of the oldest metamorphic rock series in the continental margin of Southeast China, and is an integral part of the early Precambrian Zhejiang-Fujian craton.
66) They extrapolate from the electronic image its evanescence itsits virtual, metamorphic and above its neurotic nature.
67) Crack is not only growing in rock, but also in metamorphic rock and rock.
68) Volcanic rock, clastic and metamorphic rock reservoirs integrated to form the complex petroleum accumulation region in Erleim basin.
69) Concepts of metamorphism , metamorphic reaction, prograde and retro – metamorphisms.
70) There are seven ductile shear zones developed in Precambrian metamorphic rock in southwest Zhejiang. They mainly extend from NE or NNE to SW or SSW and are developed in Badu group and Longquan group.
71) H-O isotopes constitute reflects the characteristics of magma flow and metamorphic water interfusion.
72) There are 5 kinds of geological settings: metamorphic basement area, geosyncline area, cover area,(http://) Mesozoic volcanic fault basin and tectonic magmatic active belts.
73) Granulite - the metamorphic gneiss district level are mostly granulite facies to senior amphibolite facies.
74) The results of these experiments show that velocities of the felsic crystalline rocks are obviously lower than that of the basic rocks and no visible relationship with metamorphic phase.
75) The faults related to the gold deposits in the area often follow the contact between granites and metamorphic rocks of the Achaean Jiaodong Group.
76) The natural grain of rutile from metamorphism-typed deposits is mainly monocrystal with a comparatively thin grain size, even thinner with progressively decrease in metamorphic temperature.
77) If a virus writer, or a metamorphic engine, attempts to obfuscate the computation of the port number, the anti-virus system may apply constant folding to de-obfuscate it.
78) The high - pressure metamorphic rocks underwent an isothermal decompressional retrograde process after the peak metamorphism.
79) A metamorphic rock intermediate between shale and slate , that does not possess true slaty cleavage.
80) Marble, a metamorphic rock, forms when limestone re - crystallizes.
81) The amphiboles of retrogressive metamorphic stages in the granulite and eclogite were mainly formed under the condition of amphibolite facies of medium pressure facies series.
82) The host rocks of Dashuigou independent tellurium ore deposit are mainly green schist facies metamorphic rocks.
83) There is no distinction between the metamorphic age of the ortho- and paragneisses, indicating that they were tectonically interleaved prior to metamorphism.
84) Felsic gneiss is the most widely distributed rock type in Archean metamorphic complex areas.
85) It has many similarities to the greenstone belt in respect to the sequence of metamorphic complex, petrochemistry and trace element characters.
86) North of the studied area, detachment faults crop out in a ring shape and form the middle layer of metamorphic core complex, all these detachment faults have a large scale.
87) It contains a study of fluid flow in metamorphic environments and their interaction with rock properties such as porosity and tortuosity .
88) The worldwide attention - focused Dabie mountain ultrahigh pressure metamorphic zone.
89) Gneiss, a metamorphic rock, can be commonly found in Precambrian areas.
90) The basement is the metamorphic rock at Siniansystem or Pre- Sinian system and has deposited the stratum from Triassic Period to QuaternaryPeriod.
91) Microporous starch is a new-style metamorphic starch make by enzyme. In recent years, microporous starch is wildly used for its good absorption function.
92) The discovery of the xenolith is of important implication for us to recognize the deep subduction direction and the scale of the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure(UHP) metamorphic belt.
93) A mineral consisting of titanium dioxide in crystalline form; occurs in metamorphic and plutonic rocks and is a major source of titanium.
94) I-type granites, aplites and pegmatites outcropping in Mesozoic metamorphic belt of the southeastern coast of Fujian Province contain commonly magmatic garnets and primary muscovites .
95) Metamorphic basement of the jiangnan Proterozoic Paleo - island arc mainly consists of low - grade metamorphic volcanic sedimentary rocks.
96) The metamorphic grades of Minleh and Changma areas are prehnite- pumpellyite and prehnite-actinolite facies, respectively.
97) A weakly magnetic black mineral found in metamorphic and plutonic rocks; an iron titanium oxide in crystalline form; a source of titanium.
98) This ruby marble is occurred in an old metamorphic complex of dynamothermal metamorphism zone in-low amphibolite facies.
99) The brine, salt minerals, primary minerals, bacteria activity and rock zonation were characterized in discussing the metamorphic and deformation phenomenon in the salt lake deposition.
100) The main detachment zone system between metamorphic magmatic complex uplift and cover of the periphery of the mantle branch is good for ore-forming and ore-controlling structures.
101) It provides collection of images of minerals in thin sections, and microtextures of plutonic , volcanic and metamorphic rocks.
102) They extrapolate from the electronic image its evanescence , its dynamism, its virtual, metamorphic and above all its neurotic nature.
103) Even foliated metamorphic rocks and banded gabbro can be curved to form folds.
104) The gold deposit in metamorphic rocks of Liaohe Group of the Early Prole rozoic in southern Liaoning was considered as meta-hydrothermal one.
105) Endogenic and exogenic gold deposits in metamorphic regions in Hunanare characterized by occurrence of high-percentage single natural gold.
106) Early Paleozoic rock are mainly carbonate , dolomite, Carboniferous - Permian coal-bearing clastic rock and a small amount of Archean crystalline metamorphic rocks and Mesozoic-Cenozoic granite acid.
107) The rhodonite deposit was for- med mainly through two stages, sedimentation and regional metamorphism, and its genetic type belongs to epithermal metamorphic facies.
108) Besides sandstone formation, carbonate, igneous, igneous clastic, buried - hill metamorphic formations all witness severe damage.
109) Types of metamorphic rocks: regional metamorphism, contact metamorphism and dynamic metamorphism.
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110) The Longshoushan Group of Paleoproterozoic age in the Dongdashan district is a metamorphic terrane composed of metamorphic rocks of amphibolite facies.
111) Shagou deposit mainly lies in the metamorphic rock of Taihua Group, Archaeozoic erathem.
112) Its main rocks is the metamorphic pelitic siltstone, the feldspathic quartz wacke, the fine sandial feldspathic quartz siltstone, the feldspathic wacke and the sericite quartz phyllite etc.
113) Located in the northern margin of North China craton, Daqingshan-Wulashan district is one of well-developed high-grade metamorphic regions in China.
114) The lower metamorphic grade Mesozoic-Cenozoic strate developing in our country possess the favourable conditions to form biological activity and lower temperature thermolysis gas reservoirs.
115) We report an unusual garnet pyroxenite, as a nodule enclosed within kyanite eclogites from Rongcheng, northeastern Sulu UHP metamorphic belt.
116) Garnet pyroxenite occurs as lenses in granulite-facies metamorphic granitic gneiss and pelitic schist in the Namjagbarwa Group-complex of the eastern Himalayan tectonic syntaxis.




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