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单词 A stage
1. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. 
2. Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.
3. 'I knew this would happen,' he said in a stage whisper ".
4. I'd like to take my argument a stage further.
5. Let us take the discussion a stage further .
6. The government is at a stage where it is willing to talk to almost anyone.
7. 'I knew this would happen,' she said in a stage whisper.
8. Lenin carried Marx's ideas a stage further by putting them into practice.
9. The play is a stage adaptation of William Golding's novel.
10. They clapped together a stage so that they could have somewhere to perform.
11. The actors clapped together a stage so that they could have room to perform.
12. The actors had to fit up a stage because there was no theater in the town.
13. Murder wasn't a stage performance by the local thespians.
14. Special enough to take a stage further.
15. An archivist takes collecting a stage beyond.
16. He then took the experiment a stage further.
17. Let us then take the discussion a stage further.
18. Like ... like a stage set.
19. He controls fights and calms down a stage invasion.
20. The cottage parlour looked like a stage set.
21. One can take this a stage further: drawing.
22. Michael Barber takes this a stage further.
23. At the other end was a stage with footlights.
24. So much for setting a stage.
25. The possibility of enhancing one's knowledge is limitless.Graduation only marks a stage of one's education.Unceasing acquisition of knowledge will unceasingly escalate us to ever higher and higher attainments.
26. Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you-it's a stage they all go through.
27. He was horrified at the thought of his son prancing about on a stage in tights.
28. Although she made intermittent movie appearances, she was essentially a stage actress.
29. She'd been with the same company for too many years and felt she needed a change of scene, so she applied for a job as a stage manager.
30. He is holding a closed book, signifying a mystery, possibly a stage in the alchemical process.
1. Don't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you-it's a stage they all go through.
2. He was horrified at the thought of his son prancing about on a stage in tights.
3. Although she made intermittent movie appearances, she was essentially a stage actress.
31. As he tells it, it does sound almost like a stage farce.
32. The truly exciting prospect, though, is workwear taking it a stage beyond its booming club and hip hop customer base.
33. Quijano, amongst others, takes this argument a stage further by utilising a modes of production approach.
34. There is sometimes a stage in the tone 2 are where the patient begins to be offhand and flippant.
35. It is particularly useful at a stage when pupils have very limited reading skills.
36. That period over, there is a stage of continued high growth when the dominance of the new technology is generally accepted.
37. It is barely bigger than a road on a stage set, and it disappears picturesquely around a bend.
38. A stage in search of actors would be a news item any local paper would be keen to carry.
39. There was also a stage where I deeply resented the foetus, although now I think I have killed this feeling.
40. But such sentences can be seen as marking a stage in linguistic growth.
41. The scene in the studio resembled a stage set for the problem of cultural displacement that I have just described.
42. One evening we went to a play - a stage production of an Agatha Christie thriller performed by a local concert group.
43. She commenced an impersonation of Hodges, piping inaudible words in effete falsetto, rolling her eyes like a stage Othello.
44. Judging from his passive-Madonna performance as Gilbert Grape, Depp probably would be lost on a stage.
45. The soul as butterfly implies a view of human life as a stage to a more fulfilling existence.
46. The three women worked together on a stage play, and then each went off to do her own thing.
47. Racing cyclists generally like to meet their fans at the beginning of a stage, but don't ask for autographs today.
48. Cooperative acquisition may be taken a stage further if a system of centralized acquisition is introduced.
49. On Sunday, the 26 groups of veterans will march, one after another, to a stage for a graduation ceremony.
50. If no such source is available, ask for a realistic estimate of potential costs on a stage by stage basis.
51. Denver overcame his shyness to take on a stage presence that made him internationally recognized.
52. The alchemists observed a stage in the opus which they called variously the leprosy of the metals or the blessed greenness.
53. For a company of our size to tour without a stage manager and only one technician is a nightmare.
54. Of course such a stage is an essential preliminary to the formulation of a theory of the performance of action.
55. For this reason the phase control signals to these upper base drives are often transmitted via a stage of optical isolation.
56. She was responsible for the adaptation of the book "The Witches of Eastwick" into a stage play.
57. Educators know that kindergarten is a stage of rapid change and development.
58. It was also a stage of ambitious dreams being overtaken by reality.
59. The group had reached a stage which provided a sound base for selective expansion.
60. In 1828 von Baer showed that the human embryo never passes through a stage equivalent to an adult fish or reptile.
61. It's difficult for someone who's been a stage actor to make the transition to television.
62. These studies gave rise to the view that children went through a stage of treating less as if it was synonymous with more.
63. A stage direction suggests devils appear and Faustus goes off with Mephostophilis.
64. Let us then take the discussion a stage further. Consider the following sentences: 3.
65. She was singing on a stage in back of the bar and was wearing a black dress.
66. The pot of gold was at the end of every two-bit dive with a stage,[http:///a stage.html] and they played them all.
67. He had become a stage manager and officer of the Minnehaha Minstrels.
68. Alice entered the competition in London under a stage name Lavender Lee.
69. Dawson is now producing a stage version of the story with a cast of young actors from New York.
70. In San Jose a stage with black leather curtains waited; they were the only passengers.
71. The up-side is that you have reached a stage where you can make some decisions.
72. The development of mysticism in a particular tradition represents a stage in the evolution of the religious consciousness.
73. Known only be a stage name, he is pure role.
74. The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast. Oscar Wilde 
75. All arguments on behalf of the unities of time and place presuppose that a stage representation can be mistaken for reality.
76. And he started to panic, like a stage actor who had forgotten his lines.
77. Our understanding of development is at a stage reminiscent of genetics in the 1930s.
78. I get a stage fright.
79. "Postindustrial" indicates a stage of moral, not economic,() growth.
80. I have a stage fright.
81. In real-life, the band have memorable songs and a stage vigour that enthrals.
82. "Many of these companies are now at a stage where they need growth capital," Haik added.
83. Can collect viewing rate most currently outside notting have teleplay and recreational program, but these two devoted cost blame is common defend inspect a stage to be able to bear.
84. At the door she caught Bloggs's sleeve and said in a stage whisper, " Tell me - what is he? "
85. The Theatre in Margate, Kent, has only 60 red velvet seats and a stage measuring just 10x7ft.
86. Surprises are no fun. Ask for a stage plot and input list, or make one from the information they give you.
87. And onto the pointed end of a standard paperclip he managed to fit Shakespeare's "All the world's a stage: And all the men and women merely players," from As You Like It.
88. Nowadays, distributed computing technology has reached a new seedtime that is a stage of middleware technique.
89. He fled Seventy-eighth Street afraid he'd made it a stage for theatrics.
90. In February 2008, Birgith created a Stage Group of professional Eurythmists, "The Southern Light" with the intention of bringing eurythmy performances to a wider audience, in Australia and beyond.
91. A stage whisper was heard from the percussion section: And if he can't handle even that, they take away one of his sticks and make him a conductor.
92. All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.
93. The chemical engineering has developed into such a stage that it is integrating with basic disciplines and interacting and crossing with its vicinal branches of science.
94. Shows spoofing your fame are piling up faster than celebrity magazines in a hair salon, and they include a stage musical and animated TV programs.
94. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
95. A stage whisper was heard from the percussion section: "And if he can't handle that, they take away one of his sticks and make him a conductor."
96. The end of a stage provides a major review point at which the program results can be evaluated and assessed against desired outcomes.
97. Author of fifteen plays, performed in France and abroad, and the director of nearly forty shows, Jean-Paul Wenzel has also worked as an actor, a comedian and a stage manager.
98. Turning to 'record-breaker', it is a stage which these talented young drivers mature enough to compare to some great names as Fangio and Senna.
99. It's the only church in New York that has more of a stage than an altar, and the sacristy where the wedding party waited was called "the green room".
100. The number of local plus remote file updates that were retried due to a stage file fetch problem on this replica set member.
101. It consists of a variable-gain cell based on a current-steering structure, a novel wide-range exponential voltage generator, and a stage of a fixed-gain amplifier.
102. As an actor he had his own peculiar way of walking crabwise across a stage.
103. A stage by stage mathematical model of the compressor in a turbojet engine is developed based on the control volume theory.
104. Jam session, a noun from bebop era, is a stage for jazz musicians demonstrates their technique and creative ideas.
105. Hepatic fibrosis is a prosthetic response to chronic liver injury, still a stage of development of kinds of chronic hepatopathy to cirrhosis of liver .
106. The scene breaks out before you with the theatricality of a curtain lifted from a stage.
107. The actors had to clap together a stage because there was no theatre in the town.
108. Society, like any other organism, would run down, until a stage of stagnation was reached.
109. After shock stage and before wound healing there is a stage called infection stage for large area burn.
110. The cobras were released onto a stage set up in the resort town of Pattaya Saturday.
111. The number of local plus remote file updates that were retried due to a stage file generation problem on this replica set member.
112. A stage manager told them where to go and suggested they walk arm in arm.
113. The number of remotely originated file updates that were retried due to a stage file fetch problem on this replica set member.
114. She interprets the lip moments, learns entirely new language, and understands mannerisms at a stage of life where she still does not have any base language.
115. The Bema became a standard fixture in Eastern Orthodox churches, functioning as a stage for the altar and clergy.
116. Sixteen-year-old Alex was born in India and adopted by Kathy and David Brinton of Boulder, Colo., when he was 7. "I went through a stage where I hated India, hated everything about it," he says.
117. From my point of view, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games should act as a stage for the exchange, dialogue and interfusion of Eastern and Western civilizations.
118. Lin Yu-chih, an Osteogenesis Imperfecta patient who measures 67.5 centimeters in height, performs a stage play during a news conference July 10, 2007, to urge public awareness of the disease.
119. One of the causes of astriction is a weakness in the anus area and it can reach a stage where the feces become impacted and needs to be removed by a doctor.
120. A stage by stage parallel compression system model is developed for predicting aerodynamic stability in the multi stage axial compressors with inlet steady state pressure and temperature distortions.
121. The ecological setting acts as a stage for evolutionary processes.
122. Of 259 women who chose oophorectomy , 6 (2.3%) had a stage I ovarian tumor diagnosed at surgery, and 2 (0.8%) later developed primary peritoneal cancer.
123. Fend Science and Technology LTD. in Shenzhen province. It is an iconology which has a stage professional technology for dealing with tin dross.
124. Next week, in Atlantic City , New Jersey, fifty - one beautiful women will step out onto a stage.
125. The economy had reached a stage of overproduction, or under - consumption.
126. The back and forth makes it clear: The day of remembrance has become a day of fighting and a stage for political battles. Not just in New York, but throughout the United States.
127. Eisenhower was campaigning for president in Wisconsin in 1952, he shared a stage with Senator Joseph McCarthy.
128. A Shakespearean classic may as well be such a stage.
129. Every time we got down at the end of a stage, my father had chairs placed for us outside the bungalow and there we sat.
130. Is it a universal phenomenon representing a stage prior to galaxy formation?
131. I love to build things, so naturally, I love my job as a stage technician (Master Carpenter).
132. After early years as a stage actor and method acting student, pen's now been in more than 30 films and has directed three more, but he believes his career is just beginning.
133. The particular human problem or setting that is chosen as the theme may also be suitable for a novel or a stage play, but it must contain filmic possibilities.
134. Rourke sat on the edge of the stage kicking his legs during several breaks, with a stage manager coming to shoo him back to his seat.
135. At the table, the man addressed his friend in a stage whisper.
136. Bll the world's a stage and all and women merely players.
137. By oneself ; alone. Used as a stage direction to a female character.
138. "I would love to know what they're saying in there, " says Shareen in a stage whisper.
139. At this level all Civilizations enter upon a stage, which lasts for centuries, of appalling depopulation.
140. In her role as Eva Lovelace, Hepburn plays a stage actress fighting for a successful career.
141. He was also renowned as a stage director and as an artist.
142. BEIJING, Oct. 14 Taiwan Kaohsiung mass rapid transit electric train women become a stage show pipe.
143. The shore was set before him like a bit of scenery on a stage.
144. These show the situation of equity financing is in a stage of readjustment.
145. At present, the urbanization process of Huaian has stridden into a stage of accelerating developing. However, its urbanization level falls far behind the level of economy development yet.
146. A stage of laboratory experiment modelling the melting of crustal rocks into granite has been initiated.
147. Belgravia has been studying the club's books and has now reached a stage where it is assessing if, when and how to make a successful bid to take control at St James' Park.




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