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单词 Wept
(1) I wept when I was born, and every day shows why. 
(2) She turned aside and wept.
(3) He wept when he heard the sad news.
(4) The people wept openly when his death was announced.
(5) She wept when she heard the bad news.
(6) The bereaved parents wept openly.
(7) His mother summoned him, upbraided him, wept and prayed.
(8) The wife wept out her grief to her husband.
(9) He wept over his sad fate.
(10) James broke down and wept.
(11) They embraced and wept and promised to keep in touch.
(12) People in the street wept with joy when peace was announced.
(13) She wept and pleaded until he agreed to do as she wished.
(14) I could have wept.
(15) He wept for the loss of his mother and his tardy recognition of her affection.
(16) He wept for joy when he received the admission notice.
(17) He buried his face in his hands and wept.
(18) She buried her face in her hands and wept.
(19) Marion sank down on a rock, and wept.
(20) The hostages wept for joy on their release.
(21) She wept when she heard the terrible news.
(22) I wept to see him looking so sick.
(23) A lot of people wept during the funeral ceremony.
(24) She wept as she spoke.
(25) She wept bitterly at the news.
(26) She broke down and wept at the sad news.
(27) Both women wept at his graveside.
(28) She wept to see him in such a state.
(29) I could have wept thinking about what I'd missed.
(30) I exulted and wept for joy.
(1) She turned aside and wept.
(2) He wept when he heard the sad news.
(3) The people wept openly when his death was announced.
(4) She wept when she heard the bad news.
(5) The bereaved parents wept openly.
(6) His mother summoned him, upbraided him, wept and prayed.
(7) The wife wept out her grief to her husband.
(8) James broke down and wept.
(9) They embraced and wept and promised to keep in touch.
(10) People in the street wept with joy when peace was announced.
(11) She wept and pleaded until he agreed to do as she wished.
(12) I could have wept.
(13) He wept for the loss of his mother and his tardy recognition of her affection.
(14) He wept for joy when he received the admission notice.
(15) She wept her sad fate.
(16) She was unable to keep back her tears, and wept freely.
(17) She wept herself silly.
(18) She wept bitter tears over the loss of her lover.
(19) She couldn't hold back her tears any longer and wept aloud.
(31) She wept her sad fate.
(32) She wept for her broken dreams and lost youth.
(33) She wept bitter tears of disappointment.
(34) Everyone was deeply moved as she wept out.
(35) She wept the night away that day.
(36) She almost wept with happiness.
(37) The baby wept for mother.
(38) I felt I could have wept for joy.
(39) She buried her head in the pillow and wept.
(40) She wept for the loss of her mother.
(41) Unmanned by grief he broke down and wept.
(42) We had wept over the death of our parents.
(43) They told her and she wept.
(44) She wept silent tears when she heard his name.
(45) Several of the soldiers broke down and wept.
(46) I could have wept thinking what I'd missed.
(47) He broke down and wept.
(48) 'I've lost my daddy(),' the little boy cried/sobbed/wept/whimpered/wailed.
(49) She wept for joy.
(50) She was unable to keep back her tears, and wept freely.
(51) He wept for joy.
(52) The news of his friend's death unmanned him and he wept.
(53) As she drove away, I just broke down and wept.
(54) That was such a sad film - I wept buckets at the end of it.
(55) She wept for joy when she was told that her husband was still alive.
(56) He wept bitterly when it was time for us to leave.
(57) That pretty girl wept tears over the loss of her lover.
(58) She wept herself silly.
(59) She wept bitter tears over the loss of her lover.
(60) She wept from the shame of having let everyone down.
(61) He broke down and wept when he heard the news.
(62) He almost wept in gratitude when he saw the money.
(63) She wept as the policeman confirmed her worst fears .
(64) She couldn't hold back her tears any longer and wept aloud.
(65) Then she wept copiously.
(66) She wept tears of joy.
(67) Louis wept openly and could not be comforted.
(68) She wept until she threw up.
(69) And when he wept he was not gruff.
(70) Some in the crowd wept openly.
(71) He stood there on the sidewalk and wept.
(72) She sat beside her dying father and wept.
(73) Some wept as they bid the popular Aristide farewell.
(74) We opened our hearts and wept.
(75) I consoled him at my breast when he wept.
(76) Tom put his face in his hands and wept.
(77) I put down the receiver and wept.
(78) His mother wept bitterly and his father sat grim-faced.
(79) People cried out, called, moaned, and wept.
(79) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(80) At the trial, she wept bitterly.
(81) Many of them wept openly as his favourite music was played to the congregation.
(82) Bellini was said to have wept at the Parma premiere.
(83) According to Leopold, young Thomas wept bitterly when the time came to part.
(84) The Moors wept at leaving Granada and still mourn its loss in their evening prayers.
(85) He recalled the immense joy the news had brought him, and how he had wept openly and bitterly.
(86) There she wept and fought to compose herself before returning to the parlor with a small, pinched smile.
(87) He was dead and Apollo kneeling beside him wept for him, dying so young, so beautiful.
(88) She played and sang so plaintively that I almost wept, the song was so sad.
(89) When doctors told me that I was carrying a baby girl, I wept.
(90) Some members of the jury wept as they returned their murder verdict at the Old Bailey in March 1988.
(91) She clasped the two small warm bodies to her and wept a little on to their coats.
(92) Ana had wept bitterly and Mitch had stated quite categorically that he would be back.
(93) She could have wept for the agony of raw longing that burned through her.
(94) One night he wept with rage in the desert cold.
(95) The music soothed her for a while but the needle stuck in a groove suddenly and she wept in response, despairing.
(96) A few girls, their escorts already gone to join their regiments, wept.
(97) The first time she brought him flowers - a posy of crocuses in a glass jar - he suddenly and unaccountably wept.
(98) Then the Tin Woodman wept for several minutes, and she watched the tears carefully and wiped them away with the towel.
(99) At times Rubberneck wept, shed, and for no apparent reason, bucketing tears in dreadful fits of sadness.
(100) I wept over that of course, for a world where some people might doubt her - my - cleanliness.
(101) Grown men wept in bars and shouted at outsiders to get lost.
(102) Their neighbors had not been good to the old couple; nevertheless standing there they wept for them.
(103) Without knowing what he'd got. I could have wept thinking what I'd missed.
(104) My father had been embarrassed when my mother or I had wept at the time of his leaving.
(105) At that(), his mother dropped to her knees while his father wept and groaned aloud.
(106) When a girl was caught stealing sugar from the kitchen she wept buckets at the telling off she received.
(107) But last night he wept with delight after scoring the most vital goal of his career.
(108) He parents wept as the judge delivered the mandatory sentence.
(109) And then she dipped her head, closed her eyes, and wept.
(110) Kitty stood against the back wall, stony, her face blotchy from tears wept in solitude.
(111) A man turned into a baby, who bobbed his head and wept.
(112) Then, as the condemned man sang hymns with a chaplain, he bowed his head and wept.
(113) He looked over to the childlike form on his bed and felt a protective instinct so strong he almost wept.
(114) Joan wept and at first refused to take the pills, but after much persuasion and then pleading, she agreed.
(115) I hung up the telephone and put my head on my desk and wept.
(116) Kate flung her arms around him and wept for joy.
(117) When the laundry maid had told her he had been married, she had gone up to the high moors and wept.
(118) In the witness room, the adult daughter of one of his victims wept quietly, as did one of his attorneys.
(119) And all the Loves wept for him and all the Muses too.
(120) They wept, so great was their desire to stay, tasting for ever the honey-sweet flowers.
(121) Marcy Lupino took his hoe, propped it under his arm, and leaned on it as he wept.
(122) Some of the students wept, horrified by the Holocaust survivor's stories.
(123) I wept when they lowered her coffin into the ground.
(124) At first Leonora's body convulsed with shudders as she wept, but little by little she grew quieter.
(125) A shiver passed through his whole body and then he leant forward and wept, head between his knees.
(126) She wept through the funeral, and when the lid was fastened on to the coffin, she screamed.
(127) The old man had lost his hat, and wept tears of shame at his forced surrender.
(128) Then as it wrote out her name as a signature, I was filled with joy and wept.
(129) I wept buckets, but it wasn't until later that I realized what had happened.
(130) I suppose she wept for lost gladness and the relinquishment of true friends.
(131) Janey went to the back steps, sat on the topmost step and wept.
(132) He left the room and in his bed he wept with a violence he had never known before, spasm following spasm.
(133) She had wept at the death of her father, but for her mother she felt no grief.
(134) He had been Form Master of 3A, and they wept at the announcement in Assembly next morning.
(135) I wept, as I had so many times in my research, in surprise and disbelief at her helplessness.
(136) Some of them wept as the preacher opened up his prayer book and the coffin was gently lowered into the grave.
(137) A woman wept quietly, while a child at her side screamed in terror.
(138) I wept in gratitude at seeing her genuinely happy smile and the tender ministrations of the two women near her.
(139) With what amazement and pleasure we talked and laughed and wept as we flooded that capacious boulevard.
(139) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(140) There she wept for her sins and her tears washed away the blood.
(141) Colleagues wept as they told how she planned to meet up with a friend for a two-week walking holiday.
(142) I took Janir to school in the mornings, came home, lay on the living-room rug and wept.
(143) The kindness of this unknown person was too much for Joan who broke down and wept.
(144) Her feelings of grief were complicated by feelings of guilt and she had not wept.
(145) How many times have i nearly wept at the destruction of delicate little scallops at the hands of ignorant or insensitive chefs?
(146) Whatever the reason, she wept, heartbroken tears that were almost silent but which tore her apart.
(147) Less than a hundred years ago when a woman wept other women would weep with her.
(148) I prayed a little and wept for my dear father, and for myself, my unhappy passion.
(149) I would have gone down on my knees and wept with gratitude if Phagu had not been watching.
(150) Scrooge wept to see his own poor forgotten self.
(151) And when he thought thereon , he wept.
(152) Every quarter day he wept before the landlord.
(153) She wept copiously over the loss of her lover.
(154) He wept with her for company.
(155) By the River Piedra I sat down and wept.
(156) Swamp stewing in the grass, Where you wept.
(157) Her magnanimity provoked his tears; he wept wildly.
(158) I stood transfixed and then, I wept.
(159) By the river Piedra I sat down and wept.
(160) She wept in the privacy of her own room.
(161) The secretaries wept crocodile tears over the manager's dilemma.
(162) And Hezekiah wept many tears.
(163) The compassionate old man and his child wept with her.
(164) There was no need of this caution, for the elder Sedley himself began immediately to speak of the event, and prattled about it, and wept over it plenteously.
(165) Another sepoy wept for his family: "Oh, I am dying without arranging for the future of my family. " He too lost faith in his survival and breathed his last.
(166) I just broke down and wept with tears of joy.
(167) An NTC fighter in camouflage fatigues and with an AK-47 assault rifle hanging from his shoulder, embraced a medical worker and both men wept in joy.
(168) Marie Stopes tells how Bosie wept when he recounted his time with Oscar, and in his final book, 'Oscar Wilde: A summing up', Bosie writes of Oscar as the man whom he will always love.
(169) Kathy wept against a hallway window while Dr. Luger and Matthew walked into an exam room.
(170) Then she sat down and wept, and AEneas wept too as loud as he possibly could.
(171) She wept when he ran down the gangplank; sobbed as he stood on the dock, waving.
(172) Hecuba, seeing him so beautiful and knowing him to be her son, wept for joy and forgot all about the prophecy7) that he would ruin Troy.
(173) I guess he will not come today. " He wept brokenly , realizing his neglect of her and her desire just to talk with him."
(174) Daisy, from a neighbor's sanctuary, wept in shame and fear.
(175) A mockery at which angels blushed and wept, while fiends rejoiced with jeering laughter!
(176) By the end of the Colloquy, Luther and Zwingli wept together and asked forgiveness for bitter words.
(177) Wagg wept before Fich, and implored his dear friend to intercede for him.
(178) If they had honestly searched the Scriptures, bringing their theories to the test of God's word, Jesus need not have wept over their impenitence.
(179) He read it, acknowledged its correctness, but wept none the less.
(180) The Frankish duke wept bitterly to see his soldiers massacred.
(181) When I wept in my soul with fasting, It became my reproach.
(182) And when he had finished his word the people wept, and the Priest went back to the sacristy, and his eyes were full of tears.
(183) Miss Pross only shook her head and wept in silence.
(184) After finished with silicone resin, the anti felt shrinkage and warp and wept shrinkage of 100% wool worsted fabric could be kept in "machine washable"standards with other feature index excellent.
(185) He wept a few crocodile tears over his wife's death and then go married againat once.
(186) You may forget rhe one with whom you have laughed, but never the one with whom you have wept.
(187) I bitterly wept and wished that I had had the heart to give thee myall .
(188) Finally, unable to go on(), he lay his head on the desk and wept unrestrainedly.
(189) When the sad tidings of his death were was received, we all wept.
(190) The Princess now stood and wept the swineherd scolded and the rain poured down.
(191) Astounded viewers wept at the pictures from the oklahoma city bombing.
(192) She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister's arms.
(193) An irresistible disappointment took possession of her, and she wept broken - heartedly.
(194) Indifferent himself to danger , he wept over the sorrows of others.
(194) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(195) The children wept, and Nana ran to him beseechingly, but he waved her back.
(196) She sat down and lay her head on the tea table and wept softly.
(197) He begged abjectly for the sake of his child who wept deploringly but in vain. They could not persuade the teacher in charge of the class.
(198) Later as I waited on a gurney 6 outside the operating room, I wept with fear.
(199) Face a breeze pendency eye, low lowly wept intonation, although the in the mind doesn't wish to join to be helpless, he still understands night clean say of fact, so also then no longer entwine.
(200) When Charles Dickens wrote about the death of Little Nell in the 1840s, people wept—and I'm sure that the death of characters in J. K.
(201) The 3 Elders began loudly singing hymns. At that moment some of those present wept aloud while others bubbled about like a kettleful of boiling water. In an instant all of their energy was set loose.
(202) Widow Zhang hugged him to her bosom and wept even more bitterly.
(203) Some broke down on to their knees and wept for their faithlessness. They all returned.




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