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单词 Spin
(1) A man can not spin and reel at the same time. 
(2) The blades spin at 100 rotations per minute.
(3) The propeller started to spin around.
(4) Mother used to spin her own yarn.
(5) She's in a spin over the arrangements for the party.
(6) On the descents, cyclists spin past cars, freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed.
(7) They would spin and weave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life.
(8) My wife's solicitor was anxious to spin things out for as long as possible.
(9) Can we spin our holiday out for a few more days?
(10) How can I manage to spin the money out?
(11) The wheel can now spin freely.
(12) Her resignation put her colleagues in a spin.
(13) Suddenly, the plane went into a spin.
(14) Spin out the talks as long as possible.
(15) Let's go for a spin in the country.
(16) I've been in a real spin all morning.
(17) Let's go for a spin.
(18) Politicians put their own spin on the economic situation.
(19) The room started to spin.
(20) The roulette players silently watched the wheel spin around/round.
(21) Just spin the washing and it's nearly dry.
(22) The wine made my head spin.
(23) Let's go for a spin in my new car.
(24) She puts a lot of spin on the ball.
(25) This report puts a different spin on the issue.
(26) Give the washing another spin.
(27) How do you put more spin on the ball?
(28) A spider can spin a web.
(29) We calculated the rate of spin.
(30) His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin .
(1) The blades spin at 100 rotations per minute.
(2) The propeller started to spin around.
(3) Mother used to spin her own yarn.
(4) She's in a spin over the arrangements for the party.
(5) On the descents, cyclists spin past cars, freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed.
(6) His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin .
(7) They would spin and weave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life.
(8) My wife's solicitor was anxious to spin things out for as long as possible.
(9) Can we spin our holiday out for a few more days?
(10) When Mary broke off the engagement, John seemed to be in a flat spin.
(11) The film retells the famous legend with a Marxist spin.
(12) And the newcomers provide a willing hand for jobs others may spin.
(31) Give the washing a short spin.
(32) The boat started to spin around in the water.
(33) No one could spin the story in the news.
(34) When Mary broke off the engagement, John seemed to be in a flat spin.
(35) Let's spin the coin to decide whether to go or not.
(36) The lorry went into a spin on a patch of ice.
(37) The film retells the famous legend with a Marxist spin.
(38) They have tried to put a positive spin on the situation.
(39) The Government will try to spin out the conference into next autumn.
(40) I'm paid by the hour, so I spin the work out as long as I can.
(41) He tried to spin us some yarn about how he was collecting for the church. It was all lies.
(42) The old sailor loves to spin yarns about his life at sea.
(43) He had to stop the helicopter from going into a spin.
(44) We watched a spider spin a web between three tall grass stems.
(45) The sudden fall on the stock-market sent brokers into a spin.
(46) He asked if he could take the car for a spin.
(47) My head began to spin after three glasses of wine.
(48) The spin doctors are trying to revive the party's fading image.
(49) Do you want to take my car for a spin ?
(50) We need to exercise some spin control on this situation before we find ourselves in serious trouble.
(51) He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today.
(52) They tried to put a positive spin on the sales figures.
(53) I've only got £10 left, so we'll have to spin it out over the whole week.
(54) The president's death sent the stock market into a spin.
(55) Supporters attempted to spin the bill's defeat to their advantage.
(56) Somehow, she managed to spin her story out so that it took her the whole train journey to tell it.
(57) The old captain would often spin us a yarn about life aboard ship.
(58) The secret of making the ball spin is in the wrist action.
(59) Corven plans to help large companies spin out smaller, entrepreneurial firms.
(60) Let's spin a coin to decide who'll have the first turn.
(61) News of the director's resignation sent/threw the management into a spin.
(62) I hit something on the road, which sent the car into a spin.
(63) The public is sick of spin and tired of promises. It's time for politicians to act.
(64) Set on a cool wash and finish with a short spin.
(65) And the newcomers provide a willing hand for jobs others may spin.
(66) When I found that all my money had been stolen, I went into a flat spin.
(67) The company is trying to spin off part of its business.
(68) Michelle will also spin a customer's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $2.25 an ounce.
(69) Rupert took me for a spin in his new car.
(70) He used to spin yarns about his time in the Army.
(71) The latest discs, used for small portable computers, spin 3600 times a minute.
(72) The chairman tried to put a positive spin on the closure of the factory.
(73) This is a consequence of electron spin.
(74) The tundras will drag you into a spin.
(75) I pushed the left pedal to stop the spin.
(75) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(76) I could feel my head begin to spin.
(77) Hold, nudge, spin, kick, shuffle, double, win, lose.
(78) Then the ball would drop quickly and spin away.
(79) She liked to spin yarn, sing, and dance.
(80) He was stumped for the second time in the match against the left-arm spin of Hettiarachchi.
(81) Tenneco plans to spin off its shipbuilding unit by issuing separately traded shares in a new shipbuilding company to Tenneco shareholders.
(82) She had never soloed, but when she finished(), she took the Canuck up for a trial spin.
(83) If the spin stops when the full opposite rudder is applied, the stick must be moved forwards to allow normal flight.
(84) The axial spin of the more massive body M tends to carry the tide ahead of the orbital motion.
(85) The large 1-s spin period is close to its equilibrium value, suggesting Eddington-limited accretion at some time in the near past.
(86) They simply spin a silken sling to attach themselves to a twig.
(87) Imagine trying to wire a plug while sitting in a washing machine, on its final spin cycle.
(88) Spin out also occurs after landing badly from a jump.
(89) Celestine had met Stafford in a chemistry department seminar dealing with spin labeling.
(90) For example, each side of the card may contain an embedded electron whose spin remains correlated with its twin.
(91) I could see the room beginning to spin as though I had had a dreadful shock or a moment of unbearable fear.
(92) Never have soundbites, photo opportunities and spin mattered so much.
(93) Disney executives believe the porcelain models will become another lucrative spin off for their cartoon empire.
(94) Apart from the interest charges involved, the longer a defendant can spin out the negotiations the better.
(95) I've managed to get them pretty manky from time to time and a spin through the washing machine brings them up as good as new.
(96) However, it is not true to say that it is dangerous to apply the opposite rudder in an incipient spin.
(97) It encompasses both the art of spin doctoring and also our fragile human need and ability to make huge leaps of faith.
(98) This shows the simple case of a spin axis which is perpendicular to the line of sight.
(99) And when they could, they bought me what I needed to spin my web.
(100) Note how this time the glider has a very pronounced inner wing-drop at the stall and tries to spin.
(101) She, in all her finery, and Levine went up for a spin in a Ford trimotor.
(102) He could spin a yarn, and you had to take what he said with a pinch of salt.
(103) There is also a slippage control which automatically cuts power if the wheels begin to spin under harsh acceleration.
(104) They are increasingly sophisticated machines, often using high quality aluminium and titanium alloys, spin offs from the aerospace industry.
(105) It is less stringent than the spin selection rule, partly because the mechanisms for getting round it are more effective.
(106) The largest IPO of the year may be electrical utility Enel SpA, which the government hopes to spin off.
(107) Throughout the 1930s he emerged as one of the classic left-hand spin bowlers of all time.
(108) Increasingly U-series dates are being used in conjunction with electron spin resonance dates using the same materials.
(109) This is a Catch-22 I don't think rugby will be able to spin out of in this country.
(110) Whenever she was free from the brewing she hurried up to the bower to spin with the other women.
(111) The reason why fusion is more likely between spin polarised nuclei is straight forward.
(112) Its distance from the planet's spin axis must therefore be decreasing.
(113) He was in his pomp, and, like the lilies of the field, he toiled not neither did he spin.
(114) It may be a contradiction in textile terms but these weavers spin a good yarn.
(115) There is also the danger that small, local agreements spin out of control as trade imbalances grow among their signatories.
(116) A nimble slip fielder and occasional spin bowler, he played for Suffolk in 1938 and 1939 after leaving Hampshire.
(117) At his best he does not spin the ball sharply, or get it to dip in, la Warne.
(118) Harry Potter continues to spin his magic, doubling publisher Bloomsbury's profits to $ 8m.
(119) Is the government allowing social spending to spin out of control beyond the means of the taxpayers?
(120) Some readers may give them a moralistic spin, arguing that they prove something essential about gay men or homosexuality or promiscuity.
(121) Imperfection clings to a person, and if they wait till they are brushed off entirely, they would spin for ever on their axis, advancing nowhere. Thomas Carlyle 
(122) It will take a masterly spin doctor to conjure upbeat images from a bleak Kansas youth.
(123) This enables the player to impart more spin on the ball and also extends the power zone for off centre hits.
(124) He should have read the writing on the machine they gave him to spin the golden thread.
(125) Almost immediately, Sprague tags a braking Rezendes in the rear bumper, nearly sending Rezendes into a 180-degree spin.
(126) The visitors made 91-9 and Newtown spin bowler Keith Harding took 7 wickets for 41.
(127) In wintertime the spinners gathered together in their cottages to spin and knit the yarn.
(128) Washington was also eager to put its own spin on the news it was imparting.
(129) Lively in flavor but quick to prepare, this chicken dish gives a new spin to the traditional grilled fare.
(130) Car joy: Prince Charles presented a £54,000 hi-tech van to disabled man who then took him for a spin.
(131) The hereditary principle is only as good as heredity's next spin of the wheel.
(132) Or else she could spin out the repair until it was too late and they had to get somebody else.
(133) When you spin the card rapidly, the new image appears before the old one is gone.
(134) Perhaps the moon would spin out of its orbit and come crashing into the earth.
(135) The government called the plan dangerous, unconstitutional and liable to spin out of control.
(135) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(136) A pair, weaving between each other like a dancer's hands, spin off into the indigo shadows.
(137) The Netizen will offer attitude to slow the mainstream spin of the politicians.
(138) A sharp pull on the whip and with luck it would spin.
(139) As he glanced up, the green canopy began to spin.
(140) Polls have become not only an instrument for taking the momentary public pulse but a servant of political spin.
(141) The rules can be divided into those concerned with electron spin and those related to orbital properties.
(142) After decent dousing on Splash Mountain, need to go into spin cycle to dry off.
(143) Oscar Hansen has seen a lot of cars almost spin Out on the long turn and come up through his barbed wire.
(144) Life should do more than spin on like an idiotic top some one had set in motion but could no longer stop.
(145) The extra strength of synthetic fibre allows Evergreen to spin finer yarns with efficiency.
(146) Crushed against that bare muscular chest, his thighs hard against hers, she felt her head spin.
(147) The ball would spin or dribble down the lawn and stop a few feet away from the silver maple.
(148) Silver Reed and Knitmaster owners should make sure the patterning cogs spin freely.
(149) A sheep that is attacked will spin round to make sure that the attacker's horns clash with his own.
(150) Inside a yellow barn set in rolling green hills, 10 Sufis spin like synchronized tops across the wooden floor.
(151) Critics stopped just short of charging the Spin Doctors with malpractice.
(152) The Embraer 120 turboprop is equipped with twin propellers designed to spin at a constant speed.
(153) As a young player I look for subtlety and skill, not big top spin shots all the time.
(154) It has to do with a property of photons analogous to spin.
(155) In part two: Taking a back seat ... Mansell's retirement sends motor racing world in a spin.
(156) The negative values correspond to the spin pointing mainly in the opposite direction to that being measured.
(157) The ants' larvae possess silk glands with which they spin their own pupal cocoons.
(158) Summer's approach spelt out in a breezy spin on Paisley.
(159) She would spin off, like a Texan tornado, and establish her centre of gravity in paradise!
(160) This means that their spins are guaranteed to cancel each other out to give a total spin of zero.
(161) Turning around, as in making a 360-degree motion and seeing the surroundings spin slowly around you.
(162) In this case the instructor brings the aircraft to a stall and applies full rudder as if he is going to spin.
(163) There have been several cases of two-seaters being overstressed by pilots pulling back hard to recover from steep dives after spin recoveries.
(164) Medoc had begun to spin the Draoicht Suan, the ancient and powerful Enchantment of Slumber.
(165) Sarella tried to spin from his grasp,(http:///spin.html) and he let her go as if surprised to see her move so quickly.
(166) His tee shot lacked the necessary left-to-right spin and finished in one of the two fairway bunkers.
(167) Unlike Bowman, he was able to check its spin by bursts from the nitrogen-jet thrusters on his backpack.
(168) The effect of these gradients s to cause the nuclear magnetic resonance signal to form a series of spin echoes.
(169) Speaking personally, for now, it's always cause for alarm, when they spin round - whatever they look like.
(170) You then sweep hard into the pad and try to spin your partner without leaning forwards or over-committing yourself.
(171) One way of thinking of spin is to imagine the particles as little tops spinning about an axis.
(172) This torque will gradually reduce the axial spin rate of M until it too is in synchronous rotation.
(173) For an absence of spin by a civil service press secretary substitute vicious turn off the wicket from Alastair Campbell.
(174) But topping the sandwich off with enough shredded lettuce to make Cesar Chavez spin in his grave is not.
(175) Puncturing the three blisters received while trying to impress fellow teacup riders with spin speed, get in line for Matterhorn.
(176) The machine began to spin faster and faster, with the grating screech of metal on metal.
(177) The collision caused the earth to spin, giving us day and night.
(178) I moved the bum leg then, limped toward the door, and I started to spin.
(179) The huge variety of shapes is partly fashion and partly an attempt to avoid a phenomenon known as spin out.
(180) The front wheels began to slip, and then the rear wheels hit the ice patch and they too began to spin.
(181) When Frank began to spin me around, I spun on.
(182) Spin the straw by placing it between the palms of your hands, rubbing them back and forth.
(183) For a government supposedly obsessed by the dark arts, it can be singularly cack-handed at spin.
(184) Spin called Rigby, formerly with the Shams, songwriter of the year.
(185) Morris immediately began putting the best possible spin on his predicament.
(186) Using the ailerons during the recovery, for example, may be the means of entering one of these other modes of spin.
(187) The prime minister's spin doctors paid great attention to women's magazines during the run-up to the poll.
(188) For the moment just note that electron spin provides a second example of a two-dimensional state vector space in quantum mechanics.
(189) Cut loose from its eyes suddenly, the mind will rear up , spin, retreat.
(190) Nixon lived long enough after his Watergate humiliation to put his own revisionist spin on his history.
(191) I remember staggering to bed, but the room continued to spin, leaving me nauseated and frightened.
(192) Most towns had a plant or two to spin locally produced cocoons into thread.
(193) You might not think this is enough raw material to spin out over 345 hardback quarto pages, but why not?
(194) Failure to do this is the only reason for a reversal of the spin from one direction to another.
(195) For months, the spin doctors relied on the training imparted at such teaching hospitals as the Downing Street Policy Unit.
(196) My job was to spin out the thread.
(197) Kuroda's splitter downward movement with spin and not gravity.
(198) Others spin around, causing left right reversals.
(199) Almost every month I have to spin out money.
(200) The world takes another little spin around.
(201) Without doubt, prospective spin and spaceflight will be more close contact.
(202) This soft drink is just a spin - off of their competitor's product.
(203) On January 12 th Sir John's panel questioned Alastair Campbell, formerly the government's main spin doctor.
(204) T. " The Earth takes 24 hours spin around once. "
(205) Yet it has now changed its mind spin off TIM in order to reduce its debts.
(206) Spin the bottle is a kissing game that has been popular in American culture.
(207) Ghosts and other spirits often possess people in movies and make their heads spin around!
(208) His title is director of communications but he is just a spin doctor.
(209) If you spin around several times and stop suddenly, you will feel giddy.
(210) What must be avoided are the kinds of misunderstandings spin out of control.
(211) Let the wheel spin around you without your attachment to any part of it.
(212) Each spin network resembles a snapshot, a frozen moment in the universe.
(213) He gambled his money on one spin of the wheel , eg at a game of roulette.
(214) Oversized financial conglomerates should be cut down to size and forced to spin off assets.
(215) Jump in. Let's go for a spin around the town.
(216) Most of these storms spin out over the open sea.
(217) What other character would you want to do a spin off with?
(218) All subjects were examined with sagittal T 2 and axial T 1 - weighted spin - echo images.
(219) But the abrasive Mr Campbell was a Labour insider before he was a spin doctor.
(220) The Ising spin system is one of the most frequently used models of statistical mechanics.
(221) Mesons are sensitive to the strong force, have integral spin,(http:///spin.html) and vary widely in mass.
(222) When the work is finished we should be able to spin off a few extras.
(223) Are you one to spin out of control, in despair?
(224) The pool of blood and tears began to spin around.
(225) Science and technology get a lot of attention because of the new gadgets spin out.
(226) It takes Pluto 248 Earth years to spin around the Sun.
(227) You should cut back on expenditure to spin out the money till next pay day.
(228) As the pole rotates the balls spin out levitating higher the faster the system spins.
(229) The key now is to ensure these dangers do not spin out of control.




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