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单词 Rank
1. In every rank, great or small, 'Tis industry supports us all. 
2. Glory, honour, wealth, and rank, such things are nothing but shadows. 
3. The captain was promoted to the rank of major.
4. He was promoted to the rank of captain.
5. He is in the first rank of university teachers.
6. Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank.
7. He was demoted to the rank of corporal.
8. He held the rank of Chief Inspector.
9. I rank her achievement very highly.
10. He was demoted to the rank of ordinary soldier.
11. The rank of captain is inferior.
12. Life and death are determined by fate, rank and riches decreed by Heaven.
13. The party's rank and file are beginning to question the prime minister's choice of advisers.
14. He has just been promoted to the rank of captain.
15. There was widespread support for him among the rank and file.
16. Does he rank among/with the failures?
17. She liked to pull her rank on her inferior.
18. Rank upon rank of caravans filled the field.
19. He quickly rose to the rank of four-star general.
20. They make us look like rank amateurs .
21. His collar badge designates his rank.
22. The colonel was stripped of his rank .
23. I called a taxi from the rank outside.
24. You just don't rank .
25. Who is immediately above a colonel in rank?
26. He never rose above the rank of lieutenant.
27. He eventually rose to the rank of captain.
28. He was reduced in rank.
29. Promotion will mean that I'm immediately above him in rank.
30. She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank.
1. The captain was promoted to the rank of major.
2. He was promoted to the rank of captain.
3. He is in the first rank of university teachers.
4. Within months she was elevated to ministerial rank.
5. He held the rank of Chief Inspector.
6. He was demoted to the rank of ordinary soldier.
7. Promotion will mean that I'm immediately above him in rank.
8. The party's rank and file are beginning to question the prime minister's choice of advisers.
9. He has just been promoted to the rank of captain.
10. There was widespread support for him among the rank and file.
11. She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank.
12. He is a physicist of the first rank.
13. The mate is one rank below the captain.
14. The payment offered to the rank and file is extremely poor.
15. She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank.
16. She was lifted from a captain to the rank of major.
17. Colonel is the military rank between lieutenant - colonel and brigadier.
31. His clothes were rank with sweat.
32. There were no taxis at the taxi/cab rank.
33. A major precedes a captain in rank.
34. He was soon promoted to the rank of captain.
35. This painter is not in the front rank.
36. Amazingly, the job went to a rank outsider.
37. The man led the way to the taxi rank.
38. He never rose above the rank of corporal.
39. He gained the rank of Colonel.
40. He came from a family of rank .
41. He is higher in rank than I am.
42. It certainly doesn't rank as his greatest win.
43. We rank among the safest countries in the world.
44. Where/How do you rank Karpov as a chess player?
45. She was promoted to the rank of colonel.
46. I rank her among the country's best writers.
47. A major is immediately below a lieutenant-colonel in rank.
48. The general was stripped of his rank.
49. He rose to the rank of major.
50. Never imagine that rank confers genuine authority.
51. He was advanced to the rank of corporal.
52. We rank him among the best tennis players.
53. Health and education rank highly with voters.
54. The winning horse was a rank outsider.
55. She reached the rank of captain.
56. He is a physicist of the first rank.
57. He rose to the rank of general.
58. The government accorded him the rank of Colonel.
59. The mate is one rank below the captain.
60. We rank Li Siguang as a great scientist.
61. The abandoned garden was rank with weeds.
62. The payment offered to the rank and file is extremely poor.
63. On the shelves were rank after rank of liquor bottles.
64. He was promoted to the rank of major in recognition of his valour during the battle.
65. She had contracted an alliance with a wealthy man of rank.
66. His prices rank high among those of other contemporary photographers.
67. The solid rank of police officers lining the courtroom opened to let them pass.
68. She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of "legal adviser".
69. I'd put her in the top rank of modern novelists.
70. He was elevated to do the rank of major due to his wise command in the battle.
71. To everyone's surprise, the post went to a rank outsider .
72. He called it "rank hypocrisy" that the government was now promoting equal rights.
73. He was stripped of his rank by a military court.
74. She joined the navy and held the rank of captain.
75. No one under the rank of captain may enter the room.
76. Joanna has finally made it to the first rank of celebrity after 25 years as an actress.
77. Most rank and file police officers rejected the new pay offer.
78. The Ritz-Carlton in Aspen has to rank as one of the most extraordinary hotels I have ever been to.
79. She was lifted from a captain to the rank of major.
80. Britain is no longer in the front rank of world powers.
81. Ministers of Cabinet rank receive a higher salary than other ministers.
82. Cuvier wanted to turn natural history into a science that would rank with physics and chemistry.
83. The kitchen was rank with the smell of drying uniforms.
84. The horse that won the race was a rank outsider.
85. Mr Short does not even rank in the world's top ten.
86. Rank was contractually obliged to hand him a cheque for $30 million.
86. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
87. I put her in the top rank of modern novelists.
88. Colonel is the military rank between lieutenant - colonel and brigadier.
89. The others had been skiing since they could walk and made her look a rank amateur.
90. He held officer rank in the air force for many years.
91. During the war Harold had risen to the rank of major.
92. You may just have to pull rank and tell them.
93. Captain Evans was found guilty and stripped of his rank.
94. Overall these students rank in the 21st percentile on the tests-that is, they did worse than 79 per cent of all children taking the test.
95. The shoulders of his uniform were piped with signs of his rank.
96. He was sentenced to prison and stripped of his rank .
97. It is not always easy to rank the students in order of ability.
98. A hospital registrar is of a lower rank than a consultant.
99. Athletics should rank alongside soccer and cricket as a major sport.
100. It was rank stupidity to drive so fast on an icy road.
101. Last year he was a rank outsider for the title.
102. He was demoted from the rank of general as a punishment.
103. This must rank with one of the greatest movies ever made.
104. He doesn't have the authority to pull rank on me any more.
105. The rank and file of the party had lost confidence in the leadership.
106. Dense smoke swirled and billowed, its rank fumes choking her.
107. The findings are arranged in rank order according to performance.
108. Five years older than the majority of officers of his same rank, he was determined to make up for lost time.
109. Is it not chiefly because they upheld the principle of serving the people, established exemplary relations with the people through sacrificing their own interests, crated inside the armed forces a comradeship that brought the initiative of junior officers and the rank and file into full play, relied on the masses, analyzed the experience of each battle, and from battle to battle made continuous progress, both strategic and tactical?
110. The Captain pulled rank and made his sergeant row the entire way.
111. The rank and file members will follow the injunction of the party leadership.
112. Voters regularly rank education as being more important than defence.
113. He must be treated as a hostage of high rank, not as a common prisoner.
114. She joined the navy, where she rose to the rank of captain.
115. He came from nowhere, this rank outsider, to beat a field of top-class athletes.
116. While none of these pictures is of the first rank , some are of interest.
116. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
117. The former head of counter-intelligence had been stripped of his rank and privileges.
118. The front rank of the riot squad raised their shields.
119. Consumer preferences were placed in rank order from 1 to 5.
120. A pawn automatically promotes when it reaches the eighth rank.
121. The house was full of the rank smell of urine.
122. He behaves as if high rank automatically confers the right to be obeyed.
123. Taekwondo black belt: the gold bars distinguish rank.
124. The higher the eventual rank, the more likely was blame to be similarly apportioned.
125. The most severe penalty he could receive would be a suspension of pay, reduction in rank or confinement to the barracks.
126. Behind the familiar trestle table with its grey army blanket, sat the commanding officer flanked by two others of lesser rank.
127. The critics argued that for the same money they could promote a lot more lecturers to the middle rank of Reader.
128. Empson's criticism bespeaks a man of some social rank, and in manner it is appropriately insouciant and grand.
129. Three of the sons followed military or naval careers, two attaining the rank of admiral.
130. The salary will depend on rank and experience, and the position is subject to final budgetary approval.
131. There is nothing surprising in this continuing emphasis on noble birth and high social rank.
132. Because of its sometimes precarious economic position, no rank would refuse to accept the king's wage.
133. Her appearance in Liverpool was a singular coup for the Festival of Comedy and must rank as the premiere attraction.
134. The front rank of androids, four abreast, had started shooting again.
135. The air in the building was dark and brown, like the air the rank and file breathed down under the ground.
136. High status is indicated through inaccessibility, human and physical barriers keeping the rank and file at a distance.
137. Rank, a cocaine addict, commits suicide, but his followers continue his work.
138. The Conqueror's bishops in Normandy included his half-brother, Odo of Bayeux, and several of high baronial rank.
139. He reached high rank and for bravery was made a Hero of the Soviet Union.
140. How does it rank alongside praying in the end zone?
141. The jute had an acrid smell that scooped up the rank aroma of moist earth as it leapt from the ground.
142. It is down, straight down, into the rank and file, and there is nothing to break the fall.
143. Methane formation continues in anthracite rank stages as shown in Fig. 1.
144. He said bluntly that he was a great advocate of a proper observance of status and rank.
145. He attained the rank of lieutenant-colonel in the Royal Engineers.
146. The sale of Rank Hovis McDougall is conditional on approval from an extraordinary general meeting of Tomkins shareholders.
147. In everything from athletic ability to popularity appearance, brains, and clothes[Sentence dictionary], children rank themselves against others.
148. As such it must rank as one of the most fundamental scientific advances of the century.
149. There were now no badges of rank to be seen.
150. He pursued a military career and attained the rank of Brigadier.
151. Development Rank Restaurants are committed to a positive annual appraisal system for all members of management.
152. During the war lie served in the Royal Corps of Signals and attained the rank of Captain.
153. Correlation data were analysed using the Spearman rank correlation method.
154. She had found it difficult to teach a roomful of students who ranged from rank beginners to professional level.
155. Five girls in rank came stepping down the plank.
156. Under those conditions he observed steadiness and to rank them.
157. Morning: Visit and review world top - rank university - Stanford university, and its landmark - Hoover Tower.




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