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单词 Protecting
(1) Protecting the environment is every man's responsibility.
(2) He was given the task of protecting her for the duration of the trial.
(3) Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.
(4) We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.
(5) The Green Party is dedicated to protecting the environment.
(6) He took upon himself the responsibility for protecting her.
(7) You've been protecting sick and perverted men.
(8) He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak from the evil.
(9) The secret service agents in charge of protecting the President tried to be as unobtrusive as possible.
(10) He maintained that he was protecting himself from Mr Cox, who came at him with an axe.
(11) Car park owners should be legally responsible for protecting vehicles.
(12) The government is committed to protecting the interests of tenants.
(13) Many fish have ingenious ways of protecting their eggs from predators.
(14) There was a low protecting wall to knock down the heat blasting from the pit of the furnace.
(15) The army has proved ineffective in protecting the civilian population.
(16) Gallagher flung up his arms, protecting his eyes.
(17) He's protecting the secret of the Durances.
(18) Yet it has no law protecting threatened species.
(19) A consultation document, Protecting Children.
(20) Protecting our air quality should guide us.
(21) We are constantly hard at work protecting our environment.
(22) Protecting them from public exposure, Onassis advised, was critical.
(23) Goldsmith has very strong feelings about protecting the environment.
(24) Last night, the No. 8 Phil Davies, protecting a rib injury, also dropped out.
(25) The money could be better spent protecting existing wildlife areas.
(26) Bella, the only reason I left was because I thought I was protecting you.
(27) The report goes on to offer an update on progress implementing the consultation document Supporting doctors, protecting patients.
(28) And he also had a few choice words about my means of protecting myself.
(29) We were travelling along the Lofoten Wall, an apt description for the mountains protecting this huge sea fjord.
(30) As the command module entered the atmosphere tipped backwards so its heat shield was protecting the crew, the same effect happened.
(1) He was given the task of protecting her for the duration of the trial.
(2) Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.
(31) Environmental groups worry about whether the new agency will focus on protecting the environment or on attracting tourists.
(32) You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free. Clarence Darrow 
(33) Part Five explains the legal machinery for protecting children looked after outside the family but not by local authorities.
(34) Some Union commanders even continued to uphold the antebellum policy of protecting resident slaveholders from slave revolts.
(35) Telegraph poles push up into the living quarters protecting folk from the fickle rising seas.
(36) He also asked Parliament for 5, 000, to put teeth into their promise of protecting his rights.
(37) Every computer user should seriously consider protecting their system with an uninterrupted power supply.
(38) So how can protecting the environment be left to individual conscience?
(39) In fact,[http:///protecting.html] Galvin sees protecting the pygmy owl and its habitat as a boon to the economy and wildlife alike.
(40) By protecting them we ensure a healthy environment - for ourselves and our children as well as for the wildlife.
(41) What I felt I was doing, as I dressed my shivering body in layer upon layer, was protecting myself.
(42) When Elvis was new to the starting job, the 49ers used him carefully, relying on the run, protecting him.
(43) Such provisions would go a considerable way toward protecting caretakers and thereby enhancing the value of caretaking in our society.
(44) He was trying to balance a desire to prevent demands for federal intervention against the political need to avoid protecting the riders.
(45) We have to be vigilant about protecting Medicare and Medicaid.
(46) The creme gel formulation is ideal for smoothing and protecting and costs £4.50 - call for your nearest salon.
(47) The requirement for disclosure of information in the proposed Directive is aimed at protecting the interests of shareholders of the target company.
(48) A law protecting the nesting birds was passed in 1621 which, to judge from its results, was unavailing.
(49) All the political rhetoric about big government protecting the weak and the poor is coming into question as well.
(50) Society has an interest in protecting itself from activities which threaten to undermine the harmony within it.
(51) If mercenaries had been protecting the Balkan safe havens, there might never have been the massacre of Srebrenica.
(52) In that case, the court threw out a Colorado constitutional amendment that would have barred local laws protecting homosexuals from discrimination.
(53) What would it be like to fall asleep in the protecting shelter of his arms?
(54) Meanwhile state legislation protecting indebted small farmers has been abolished.
(55) Many fish have ingenious ways of protecting their eggs from predators, - mostly other fish.
(56) These figures emphasise the importance of protecting these coastal habitats.
(57) We will be protecting and reinforcing the existing sewer with an additional concrete seal around it.
(58) The convictions capped a two-year federal investigation that showed the ex-officers accepted payoffs for protecting the drug shipments.
(59) They believe he would do a better job of protecting, such as Social Security, Medicare, education and the environment.
(60) The final revision dropped the four constraints included in the Senate proposal, thus protecting the flexibility of the block grant.
(61) Large shoals may be found on quite shallow reefs or close to the walls of steep drop-offs beyond the protecting reef.
(62) Currently, subsidies that were envisaged as a way of protecting farmers in poor areas are being commercially exploited by wealthy landowners.
(63) This is aimed at protecting the aboriginal sites on the Franklin.
(64) At the interview Buckmaster had explained he was founding a new security firm specializing in protecting high-risk and valuable cargoes.
(65) Ricardo despaired that Parliament was protecting wealthy farmers at the expense of the working poor.
(66) The shutters protecting the sculpture are opened only during Holy Week.
(67) If speculators do attack, the governors stress that the prime responsibility for protecting a currency should lie with the government concerned.
(68) He pointed out that a young officer's life had been tragically taken while doing his duty, protecting others.
(69) As the last obstacle between you and safety, no short measures should be taken in protecting the passage.
(70) You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness. Jonathan Safran Foer 
(71) Chapter 3 explained the self-victimisation process to teach you how to do a better job of protecting yourself in future human conflicts.
(72) Why, then, should lawyers be called to task for protecting the rights of the accused under the Constitution?
(73) Why are you protecting these cold-blooded killers, he said, they just murdered two of my friends.
(74) Ants often farm colonies of aphids on garden plants, feeding off their honeydew, while protecting the aphids from predators.
(75) Anyone with a stereo, home theater or computer should consider protecting that long-term investment with the O2 Blocker pads.
(76) The designation of these special areas is a vitally important way of protecting our heritage.
(77) It's usually worth protecting those high-cost cavalry units with a banner of Arcane Warding or Protection.
(78) Legal experts say it is worth protecting cheques until the new laws come in by making the alterations.
(79) After mating, the territory is advantageous in protecting the eggs and young fish.
(80) This would soon leave only the androids protecting the security state apparatus.
(81) Authority radiated from him, touching and enfolding all, intimidating and protecting all.
(82) Britain's threatened countryside; safeguarding our seas; and protecting Britain's wildlife.
(83) Protecting your self-confidence Remember that you are not alone in experiencing discouragement.
(84) Yet letting it become law would represent a historic step backwards in a generations-long process of protecting religious minorities.
(85) Remember, at the same time as you are looking after yourself, you are protecting them.
(86) Two types of contractual provision are commonly used for the purpose of protecting business secrets.
(87) Protecting our planet. securing our future: linkages among global environmental issues and human needs.
(88) Congress has on several occasions given extensive consideration to the problem of protecting the military and strategic secrets of the United States.
(89) They lay comparatively few eggs but look after them carefully, protecting them from predators.
(90) Heavy security measures and heightened sensitivities to protecting Dole and Kemp were symbols of the convention.
(91) At the end of the draft, the platform spells out the traditional Democratic support for fighting discrimination and protecting civil rights.
(92) Pearl Harbor had impressed on us the importance of protecting ships against torpedo attacks, even in home waters.
(93) The strategy of encouraging, supporting and protecting deliberate non-payers is deeply flawed, as it will rebound on the most vulnerable.
(94) Although the commission outlined an eight-point plan for protecting privacy and civil liberties, the security measures drew quick criticism.
(95) We have to be vigilant about protecting our right to privacy.
(96) Protecting the edge of the bone is a layer of soft, spongy tissue.
(97) The Directive was concerned with relations between competent authorities which were responsible for protecting the interests of investors and companies.
(98) However the courts have consistently recognised the interest that the employer or any other covenantee has in protecting business secrets.
(98) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(99) I requested that Mr Brezzo bring curators to our meetings to discuss responsibility for protecting our valuable paintings.
(100) When headmen were put in the position of choosing between protecting relations and carrying out their duties they chose the former.
(101) The high collar is good for protecting your neck from draughts.
(102) The whole pattern of development of legal knowledge is skewed towards protecting business interests.
(103) But it hopes its contribution will form part of an international force protecting food convoys.
(104) She's protected Michelle's father's identity for all these years, so she's quite capable of protecting Michelle.
(105) Some bags were impregnated with pesticide but most were used as miniature hothouses to ripen the bananas while protecting them from bruising.
(106) That protecting Union line once broken left my command not only on the right flank but obliquely in rear of it.
(107) Real fans, they say, need protecting; profiteering must be stopped.
(108) A prudent employer will always have an express contractual term protecting business secrets.
(109) It defies belief and makes you question exactly who the law is protecting here: the sick minds or their young victims?
(110) Hospitals are in a no-win situation, since protecting patients' privacy may conflict with protecting the health of doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers.
(111) We are legally allowed to fight when protecting ourselves, our family, or when enforcing the law itself.
(112) Everybody talking bout de Green revolution Protecting de children an fighting pollution.
(113) He carefully cuts away the spines and skin protecting the seedy red fruit within, affording a sloppy stolen treat.
(114) Palma was arrested last year, along with dozens of federal police who were protecting him after an airplane crash.
(115) Is it not clear that the multiplicity of often overlapping self-regulating authorities are not adequately protecting the national interest?
(116) The clownfish does therefore contribute towards protecting its anemone host.
(117) He also sought exceptions for anti-personnel mines used in wartime, and for those protecting anti-tank mines.
(118) One smart thing these sisters did was lay down the burden of protecting the endangered black man.
(119) Mutoh etal showed that intracellular glutathione was mainly responsible for protecting against gastric cell injury induced by ethanol.
(120) The Urban Planning Law gave priority to protecting the long-term interests of the state against immediate, local interests.
(121) Fiona, two years older than Lisbie, always came roaring to her defence like a lioness protecting her cubs.
(122) He excluded from consideration the interest of the state in protecting innocent third parties and preventing suicide.
(123) Suggestions that he could avoid the damage by protecting the wheat fields with electric fencing do not impress Mr Berry.
(124) I wanted to stay by this bed, protecting the child.
(125) Missile troops positioned on hilltops are very handy for protecting artillery units.
(126) The organisation has the dual role of protecting both the rainforests and the interests of 47 nations involved in the timber trade.
(127) There is mounting pressure to break down the barriers protecting the tax-deductible charitable dollar.
(128) The protest walks are aimed at regaining and protecting public rights of access to the countryside.
(128) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(129) The projects focus on maintaining and protecting the species' habitats, and in some cases establishing them in new habitats.
(130) A land use plan is to be produced providing guidelines for protecting water resources, developing tourism and promoting ecological agriculture.
(131) In addition they help conserve the existing soil structure by protecting the surface from the destructive force of winter rain.
(132) So many different police departments were involved that protecting the president at times became a logistical nightmare.
(133) He saluted her, went through the screen door, vaulted the balustrade protecting the steps, and swaggered down the garden.
(134) Maybe it's the Audi posters advertising sponsorship of the meeting, or the lines of policemen protecting Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets.
(135) The submarines play a key role in protecting ships and submarines armed with the Trident nuclear deterrent.
(136) As support funds are exhausted, more funds are deployed in protecting positions against the currency.
(137) But one main purpose, protecting the small investor, barely arises with debt securities.
(138) It can prove that it has secured additional revenue sources, while protecting our screens from unwelcome foreign imports.
(139) The guidelines introduce into local planning the concept of protecting the environment through sustainable development.
(140) International co-operation on protecting the ozone layer has been good.
(141) Those incidents are a salutary reminder of the dedication of police officers to protecting the public.
(142) It will prevent the misuse of asylum procedures while protecting the position of genuine refugees.
(143) The one clue comes from frescoes and vases that depict griffins protecting a seated Goddess.
(144) It moved sinuously, dancing round its adversary, thrusting with a slender spear and protecting itself gracefully with a brightly-polished shield.
(145) Mr Barraza did; he was concerned about protecting property, saving the equipment for the next generation.
(146) Prostaglandins are well recognised as protecting the gastric mucosa and enhancing the perception of pain.
(147) The cool, oil-free lotion, they say, instantly lifts beard hairs while protecting the skin against irritation.
(148) The mission could be even more dangerous than protecting convoys.
(149) The Green Party was started with the aim of protecting the environment.
(150) Expressing such views requires courage because it would appear to be taboo to talk about protecting fee income.
(151) He did not think that an increase in the multiplier was a suitable method of protecting against inflation.
(152) In recent years, Bradman lived quietly in an Adelaide suburb, protecting his privacy and rarely venturing out.
(153) Since then, laws protecting alligators have resulted in a resurgence in their population.
(154) Avoid accidents with the strimmer by protecting young trees with plastic tubes or weed by hand.
(155) They kept telling me that Dino and Bob and Leonardthey said, Those guys are killers, why are you protecting them?
(156) The antibody test has proven invaluable as a means of protecting the blood supply.
(157) The Woodland Trust is dedicated to protecting one of the most important features of Britain's heritage - our native broadleaved woodland.
(158) They were only striking out at horrible parents and protecting themselves.
(159) Making the right choices, like protecting freedom,[] demands eternal vigilance.
(160) This is the body that, supposedly protecting state secrets, issues lists of forbidden subjects.
(161) The array of rules and regulations dealing with transport and behaviour on the highway are concerned with protecting life and limb.
(162) In recent years there have been significant statutory interventions protecting the consumer.
(163) It is hard to know now whether Eden was really being serious, or merely protecting himself for posterity.
(164) Old systems for protecting them are collapsing, and shrinking incomes increase the incentive to sell them.
(165) They are charged with protecting and accepting huge payments from the drug organization reputedly headed by Amado Carrillo Fuentes.
(166) Such guardianship was seen as a way of protecting vulnerable people from exploitation, ill treatment, or neglect.
(167) A forest hermit, he was wounded with an arrow while protecting a hind he had been suckling for a year.
(168) We will abolish tax relief for private health insurance, whilst protecting the rights of existing policy-holders.
(169) Apple is ruthlessly astute in protecting its business model.
(170) Ideal for protecting the water- repellency on new garments.
(171) Therefor protecting your Juggernauts is very important.
(172) Prohibition is an important means of protecting commercial secrets.
(173) Are we talking about protecting Nicky or killing Bourne?
(174) Protecting inside information is crucial to business these days.
(175) From legislating and protecting peasant's interests organizationally. "
(176) It was shown in the appearence of the idea of advocating morality and protecting people, the practice of the system of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system and the system of civilized autocracy.
(177) The invention provides a bit block for the electroconvulsive therapy, which is capable of protecting teeth and preventing glossoptosis.
(178) Mixed rights emphasize the balance in protecting private benefit, social public benefic and national benefit, which reveals the interference of national civic rights.
(179) Patent technology , Pesticidal, Sterilization Antipruritic, Deodorization , Hair protecting and rehabilitation.
(180) With concept of reference monitor and function of virtual machine monitor, a novel approach for protecting integrity of kernel was designed.
(181) Objective To observe the pharmacologic effect of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide ( GLP ) in protecting liver.
(182) Second, the System of Consumers'Civil Prosecution is the need of judicial practice because of the vacancy of litigations on consumers'civil public benefit protecting system.
(183) We gave high priority to conserving resources and protecting the environment.
(184) The results indicate that the practical values of this kind of neutral degreaser, including: low cost, environment protecting, and evidential effects of degreasing.
(185) In particular, it is applicable to the production of internal heating ceramic protecting jacket in hot-dip coating industry.
(186) It is revealed that "Xinjining Capsule" can fight arrhythmia by inhibiting K channel, prolonging action period and protecting ischemia.
(187) Basted on the constitution theories of protecting property rights, it is necessary to give a just offset to the loss of peasants.
(188) Some EHS tips post on the wall of the tearoom of every floor monthly,[http:///protecting.html] including some protecting tips for common disease and some office health care.
(189) It should be a good protecting plating layer for use in processing heat exchange equipment.
(190) This paper presents a filter protecting the radio astronomicalfrequency band, which is a novel coaxial band-rejection filter in structure.
(191) The marketing mix should focus on building and protecting brand equity.
(192) Objective: To investigate the protecting effect of refined Qing Kai Ling(RQKL) on the damnify of rat viscera induced by endotoxin.
(193) Monteiro says politicians should stay out of the barracks and the military should be responsible only for protecting Guinea-Bissau's national sovereignty and serving in regional peacekeeping forces.
(194) In deference to protecting we alleged victims'privacy, we name only defendants.
(195) Conservation is an issue which gets a lot of attention these days — whether it means preserving old buildings, or protecting the environment.
(196) We also use two theoretical perspectives, the hostage theory and the capability-based view, to model the governance adopted by smaller suppliers in protecting relation-specific investment.
(197) The new standards adopted will go a long way towards protecting human health, as they set out new, maximum limits for lead in fish, cadmium in rice, marine bivalve molluscs and cephalopods.
(198) A spatial vision training system can be used for training and protecting eye muscle. The spatial vision training system comprises lighting system, controller and driving circuit.
(199) Combining antihypertensive and protecting target organ is the key treatment.
(200) Efficacy: 1. Reducing blood-fat, suppressing thrombotic disease, preventing myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction. 2. Lowering hypertension. 3. Highly protecting eyesight, etc.
(201) Data security is concerned with protecting software and data from unauthorized tampering or damage.
(202) The body of oxytocin and DHEA in sexual climax, and a high degree of excitement when the full release, play a role in protecting breast.
(203) A composition with some practical value was put forward. And properties of protecting metal penetration by the coating were also dealt with in the article.
(204) At same time, same relationships should be handled properly, such as protecting farmers' interests and safeguarding aquaculture industry, direct and indirect protection measures, etc.
(205) What struck me was his comment that much of the alleged work protecting Canada's biodiversity was being done by-- get this -- "environmental philanthropists".
(206) Cell protection: Q 10 and vitamin E neutralize free radicals thereby protecting the cells against oxidative stress.
(207) An old Belgian castle. A trap protecting a chalice of Stella Artois. Challenge your friend to unravel the trap. If successful the chalice is theirs.
(208) Sudanese Ambassador Abdalmahmood Mohamad defended the strikes , saying Khartoum is protecting its people from the rebels.
(209) The sweatband comprises inserts for the purpose of protecting the user, which may be permanently placed or removable.
(210) The invention has the advantages of good mothproof effect and is favorable for protecting vision and can prevent tumble in walking.
(211) Encryption is a tool a black box solution to protecting your privacy.
(212) We are required by environment protecting department to use anthracite.
(213) Caragana korshinski, salix psammophila and sweat vetch hedysarumi are three good sand shrubs for resisting wind, protecting water and soil, improving ecosystem.
(214) Good results were achieved in projects for reforesting formerly cultivated land and protecting natural forests.
(215) Indeed, distinguishing them is essential to protecting the core feminism.
(216) Development of oceanography is with understanding, utilizing exploring and protecting the ocean in which marine geology is necessary for mankind.
(217) The theme of hamadryad originates from the valuable experience of the ancients of protecting natural surroundings.
(218) While protecting its own rights, developing economy and fighting for regional hegemony,[] economic nationalism in the Middle East shows parochiality and obturation.
(219) A device for protecting a semiconductor device from electrostatic discharge may include a high voltage first conductivity type well formed in a semiconductor substrate.
(220) Finally, China should introduce arbitration clause in bilateral tax treaties, and change the idea of protecting the rights of taxpayers in tax disputes.
(221) The patented Bitter Orange Peel ingredient gives added protection , effectively protecting your skin against free - radical activity.
(222) The informed consent rule implemented in clinical practice aims at protecting patients rights and interests.
(223) The traditional light frame method of slope protection has been widely used in protecting slope and embankment of railway and highway.
(224) Other objects are useful in protecting shared resources from simultaneous access.
(225) On the premise of protecting river hydrobiology habitat, ecological water demand in mountainous rivers was studied.
(226) The Archangel (to which we normally assign the ace of hearts) is a protecting character, who wakes up once during each night and indicates someone who is to be protected.
(227) Kerry Hanson, a research scientist in the Department of Chemistry at UCR, said that sunscreens do an excellent job protecting against sunburn(8) when used correctly.
(228) "What I see as the main challenge today is protecting the Sri Maha Bodi (or sacred fig tree) from macaques and monkeys, " the monk said.
(229) We should improve the legal system for protecting private property.
(230) Sharp-eyed viewers will notice that the colo that chases the Gungan sub is a mother protecting its young.
(231) The protecting canvas cover fell away in bits from the framework.
(232) DHA has been gradually become the investigative focus in recent years for its biological functions of improving cerebrum growth, protecting vision, dropping blood-fat and preventing arteria sclerosis.
(233) Principles of equity, protecting home industries, directional procurement and reciprocity should be implemented for the choice of suppliers.
(234) Moreover, the Supreme Court weakened its responsibility in protecting civil liberty.
(235) The alkaloid in embryo of the seed of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn has many medicinal and health care functions, such as lowering blood pressure, resisting oxidation and protecting the cardiac muscle.
(236) A multifunction hand electric drill control using voltage negative feedback and current positive feedback, with protecting devices of current cut-off negative feedback, is proposed.
(237) CMP has the function of indirect antivirus, protecting the liver and lulling.
(238) The Licensee's legal status in patent license contract plays an important role in maintaining the patent system and protecting the patentee and the related parties' legitimate rights and interests.
(239) A structure and associated method for protecting an electrical structure (25) during a fuse link deletion by focused radiation (52).
(240) To start with the status acoustic environment of the Wukuang residential area, some considerations and ways of sound barrier design were given for protecting the residents from highway noise.
(241) The pivot of this thesis is to explore why Equal Protection of the Laws Clause was dormant on the aspect of protecting the black people's rights after the Reconstruction.
(242) Adding the reborn rubber can further strengthen insoles' shock resisting and perdurable worn. This is good for protecting the environment and reaches the environmentalists' taste.
(243) The protecting tube body part of the temperature detector for temperature compensation is arranged by a rotary method according to a tube axis as a center.
(244) This article summarizes the experience of protecting stomach qi in the treatment of chronic renal failure.
(245) To study the effect of emodin and tetramethy pyrazine on protecting human embryonic cerebral cortex neuron from being damaged by MMS.
(246) And the breakthrough point is to seek the equalization point between guaranteeing the land really for public interests and protecting the peasant's legitimate rights and interests.
(247) The paper provides the theoretical basis for protecting and harnessing the ecological environment of Wanfeng lake by analyzing the reason of water lettuce pollution.
(248) Fair implementation of tax treaties can not only facilitate taxpayers to enjoy preferential tax policies and avoid double taxation but also contribute to protecting national tax benefits.
(249) Repair bifurcate: The lubricant in protecting hair vegetable can the bifurcate of repair hair.
(250) With the increasing of using water resource,[http://] water pollution become more gravely now. It requires us that we must try one's best to take effective measures protecting water resources.
(251) The directional strengthen regulating radiotherapeutic apparatus includes shielding and protecting assembly, focusing units, strengthen regulating board and driving mechanism.
(252) Thus, to seek out the deficiency in legislation and to perfect Company Act are effective ways to promote protecting the rights of small and medium shareholders.
(253) The physical process of locating, connecting, and protecting devices , components, etc.
(254) How to establish an effective legal system of protecting the vulnerable groups is imperativeness in front of us.
(255) The results have shown that asexual reproductive techniques are effective means of protecting and sustainable utilizing Magnoliaceae plants.
(256) Objective To study the effect of Yinlianqinggan pellet on protecting liver and lowering transaminase.
(257) The right to speak one's mind would often be an empty privilege in a place and at a time beyond the protecting hand of the guardians of public order.
(258) Maritime liens on cargo is an important part of maritime liens aiming at protecting the interests of special claimants including the salvors.
(259) An unheated outdoor structure consisting of a wooden or concrete frame and a top of glass or clear plastic, used for protecting and acclimatizing seedlings and plants.
(260) Like other ani - mals, their first concern is feeding themselves and protecting themselves from the climate.
(261) To comply with the special request of protecting the formation and environment against damage on oil-gas field development offshore, a new drilling fluid system—methyl glucoside(MEG)was developed.
(262) You can reduce your risk of actinic keratosis by minimizing your sun exposure and protecting your skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays.
(263) Article 3 The archives of the FFEs should be owned by the enterprises, and protected by State laws. The enterprises bear the responsibility of protecting the archives.
(264) Compared with various power devices, power MOSFET were employed as the switches of the dual inverters. Soft-starting circuit is designed to overcome the surge current for protecting main switches.
(265) Establishment of the system of possessory lien on ship plays an important role in protecting the rights of maritime creditors effectively.
(266) Conclusion Laminarin has anti-lipid peroxidation which is effective in protecting the brain tissues.
(267) These functions include protecting the chromosome ends, initiating the homologue alignment in meiosis, and participating the mechanism of DNA repairing, etc.
(268) The databases can provide convenience for sufficient description, development, application and protecting rationally filbert genus germplasm resources.
(269) And he looked down at her , splendidly protecting her, like Egmont at Clara in Goethe's play.
(270) The big worry in sudden cardiac arrest beyond restarting the heart is protecting the brain.
(271) And in Libya, the death of Moammar Qadhafi showed that our role in protecting the Libyan people, and helping them break free from a tyrant, was the right thing to do.
(272) As regards rebounds, the Chinese backfielders are almost matchable with the opponents, but their consciousness of protecting and snatching front rebounds should be strengthened.
(273) AIM: To probe the efficacy of simvastatin for lowering lipidemia in diabetic nephropathy with hyperlipidemia and protecting renal function.
(274) In one instance, the researchers found that adding just one specific amino-acid building block rendered the protein useless in protecting against HIV.
(275) Voluntarily maintaining, protecting and having concrete contribution to dormitory environment nattiness and beauty.
(276) This article can provide scientific basis for studying and protecting of medicinal plant resources of Lindera genus in Henan province.
(277) At present there is not a domestic law protecting the right of traditional namea shop directly.
(278) It is significant for promoting freedom of trade in service and protecting domestic industry.
(279) Maintenance contracts are reviewed to ensure that they are in compliance with Corporate Legal Guidelines protecting the owner and our interests.
(280) When in use, the ballonet in the straw plugs the straw upon encountering high-temperature, so that the thermal liquor can not be suctioned to the mouth, thereby protecting the mouth from scalding.
(281) Only then were the Chinese naval units protecting the fishing boats ordered to strike back.
(282) Without land, producing grain, developing agriculture and protecting peasants'profit is an empty word.
(283) From the angle of the relationship between justice and social order, retributive justice means suppressing and sacrificing the demand of protecting social order.
(284) For this, how are we protected to protecting health ormosia fir, development had investigation and study.
(285) The spot at the southwest corner of the house, however, was never going to look nice. Not with that rock protecting weeds and crab grass to form a scab on the green.
(286) Objective : To explore the mechanism of nerve - protecting effects of Rubus parviflolius ( RP ) on ischemic cerebral injury.
(287) According to the Specific Character of SPHD Steel and FTSC Sheet bar, analyzed the Physical Chemistry Index of Protecting Powder for the Casting Mould of SPHD Steel.
(288) The Department of the Interior is responsible for monitoring and protecting wildlife.
(289) Conclusion Sipulin has remarkable effects in protecting marrow and improving the quality of life in the patients with advanced cervical carcinoma treated with concurrent radiochemotherapy.
(290) We are the leading public body for protecting and improving the environment in England and Wales.
(291) Last week the federal Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) ruled that Hopkins's system for protecting human subjects is so flawed that virtually all its U.S.-supported research had to stop.
(292) Objective To discuss the applying value of X-ray protecting device in mobile X-ray photographing for endemic disease .
(293) Because they are always in the front line of battle , protecting our motherland.
(294) Firstly, analyses the cause of them and the importance of protecting the stocker.
(295) Protecting cultivated land is always the foundation for increased grain production.




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