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单词 Someplace
1 We'll have to find someplace else to do business.
2 Can't you do that someplace else?
3 I must have left my jacket someplace.
4 We need to find someplace to live.
5 They live someplace in the South.
6 You must have left the keys someplace else.
7 Maybe if we could go someplace together, just you and I.
8 My life started going someplace, someplace weird and good.
9 You better dump this car someplace.
10 Someplace called Zelaya, in the south.
11 Go someplace else and be crazy.
12 He's a professor of art someplace.
13 But you're going someplace just as good.
14 I was someplace else, waiting.
15 I know my glasses must be around here someplace.
16 I want to go someplace warm on vacation.
17 Go someplace and sleep it off.
18 Morality, like art, means drawing a line someplace. Oscar Wilde 
19 I hoped we could go someplace.
20 It has to go someplace.
21 Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. Mason Cooley 
22 She lives someplace up near Portland, and I haven't seen her for years.
23 If they don't like it here they can go someplace else.
24 The virus then scrambles that data and stores it someplace else on the disk.
25 If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else. Yogi Berra 
26 He began asking me about my studies, speaking slowly and seemingly from someplace very far away.
27 Madden brought Jack the consensus sentiment from half a dozen underworld powerhouses: Go someplace else, Jack.
28 A lot of people who use the guide are looking for someplace to eat.
29 All we know for certain is they come from someplace white.
30 My religion gives me a strong commitment; it gives me someplace to go to.
1 We'll have to find someplace else to do business.
31 The traffic was not heavy, but it was still a surprise to see how many people were going someplace.
32 Well, hey; what do you say to us taking the card game someplace else?
33 It is certainly possible to be someplace, any place and not be present in this way.
34 He responded that he was very excited and knew he was going someplace special.
35 Someplace remote, someplace quiet, with no people, pretty lakes, forests, pure air, clear skies and views?
36 The house felt as if it had been converted to institutional use, someplace impersonal and chill.
37 Sixteen-year-old Jesse Costello-Good wants to create night clubs for high school kids, so teenagers have someplace to go.
38 She wears her henna-ed hair chopped short, someplace be-tween punk and tomboy.
39 When the party ends, how'd you like to go someplace for a drink?
40 Can't we go someplace where it's quiet?
41 Let's go someplace and have a drink tonight.
42 Haven't we met someplace before?
43 Let's go someplace and have a drink.
44 Does he ever stay someplace near the water?
45 They lived over around Coyote Canyon someplace.
45 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
46 Can you recommend someplace nice someplace nearby?
47 They go someplace to talk, and get this.
48 Do this place's facilities also have someplace, where I buy a disposable camera?
49 Do you to go someplace special with me right now?
50 Earlier, we mentioned needing someplace to start, well Teach Yourself Graphic Design: A Self-Study Course Outline is one of those places.
51 You're from Texas or Utah, someplace dried-out and barren, right?
52 It's better for society that millions of people get someplace a little faster while the relatively few Daily Kos readers wait a few seconds.
53 B : We went there last summer. What about someplace in France?
54 If the person answering the call is too lackadaisical, unenthusiastic or indifferent, they may hang up and take their business someplace else!
55 When something happens anywhere in the world, NPR digs up an expert from someplace or other.
56 SideNote is ideal for those times when you need to paste several pieces of information someplace for quick reference soon.
57 I think maybe he just went off someplace for a few days.
58 Somewhere, someplace, there's a piece of cake with your name on it.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:36:07