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单词 Horribly
1. The man began to scream horribly.
2. The walls had been horribly vandalized with spray paint.
3. The walls have been horribly vandalized with spray paint.
4. The toilets in that restaurant were horribly smelly.
5. She was horribly disfigured by burns.
6. Things seemed to be going horribly wrong.
7. A two-year-old boy was horribly murdered.
8. He was horribly upset over her illness.
9. Her face was still horribly swollen.
10. His face was horribly scarred.
11. My shoulder is playing up horribly.
12. Her face was horribly scarred.
13. To Thomas, her laugh sounded horribly like a growl.
14. Some friends of his found the play horribly offensive.
15. The whole plan had gone horribly wrong .
16. Their plans went horribly wrong.
17. When trouble comes they behave selfishly and horribly./horribly.html
18. The experiment went horribly wrong.
19. The stain on her dress was horribly conspicuous.
20. He died horribly and in great pain.
21. She managed a horribly false smile.
22. Our plans have gone horribly wrong.
23. He was horribly scared now.
24. Employing the wrong builder can be a horribly expensive mistake .
25. She was horribly aware that he was watching her every move.
26. It was horribly painful.
27. I got horribly drunk once at college and that was enough - I learnt my lesson.
28. Her soul was horribly besmirched.
29. But then its aspirations all went horribly wrong.
30. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and then it all went horribly wrong.
1. The man began to scream horribly.
2. The walls had been horribly vandalized with spray paint.
3. The walls have been horribly vandalized with spray paint.
4. The toilets in that restaurant were horribly smelly.
5. She was horribly disfigured by burns.
6. Things seemed to be going horribly wrong.
7. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and then it all went horribly wrong.
8. He was horribly upset over her illness.
9. Her face was still horribly swollen.
10. My shoulder is playing up horribly.
11. He was horribly scared now.
31. The initial experiment went horribly wrong.
32. It could have gone horribly wrong.
33. It all went horribly wrong.
34. The whole plan had gone horribly wrong, but when?
35. The light clicked on and suddenly everything was white and horribly bright.
36. He couldn't draw properly, he lost confidence and floundered horribly.
37. He began to cough in rasping barks that became horribly convulsive before eventually subsiding.
38. A small pile of cards lay before her, now horribly familiar.
39. There was a general gasp and Todger let out a nervous shriek of laughter that sounded horribly like mockery.
40. Eva Peron was vain, she was capricious, she was horribly insecure.
41. The problem with this poisoning business was that the preliminary research was horribly incriminating.
42. But first we are faced with the prospect of a decently brisk run there, and in horribly wet and miserable conditions.
43. And how can you guarantee a reasonable level of support in case something does go horribly wrong?
44. Now stained with bird droppings and weathering, it shows a pair of intertwined and horribly mutated lovers.
45. Even their kisses might give him a disease from which he would die or become horribly spotty.
46. They are horribly expensive but to my mind they are the best.
47. It was very dark, and the wind howled horribly around her, but Dorothy found she was riding quite easily.
48. Maybe it's because my two Toy Poodles were horribly upset one cold day.
49. At his most impressionable, Nicholas allowed himself to be talked into publicity stunts that horribly backfired.
50. Polly felt as though her heart was still thumping in her chest and she still felt horribly sick.
51. The fields here were fringed with rowan trees, their bright red berries clashing horribly with the purple heather of late summer.
52. But horribly inconvenient for you, and for that I apologize.
53. Doctors feared an air rifle pellet had pierced his brain when the joke went horribly wrong.
54. It was strange and horribly unsettling to have such violently opposing feelings about a person.
55. When an Olympic event incorporates brawling with the paparazzi into its most compelling moments, something has gone horribly wrong.
56. Heathcliff swore horribly at me and broke one of the windows.
57. We found it oppressive, inconvenient and village life is horribly nosey.
58. She was horribly short on even the most basic information about the people she wanted to speak to.
59. The governor sent forty soldiers to fire on what he called the horribly and detestably blasphemous Gortonians.
60. I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. And I am horribly limited. Sylvia Plath 
61. The mere thought of Piers no longer being around made her feel horribly empty and desolate.
62. But although she slammed the phone down in fine style, she was shaken horribly.
63. Without the bags, blood drained on the deck and filled the Huey with a sweet smell, a horribly recognizable smell.
64. He was not to be persuaded that they were merely Siamese cats gone horribly wrong.
65. Cards depicting Santa in horribly compromising positions are selling like hot cakes.
66. Instructing the wrong engineer can be a horribly expensive mistake.
67. But what are the chances that something might go horribly wrong?
68. But in this return he sometimes found something as horribly inane as the tedium of the city clerk's world.
69. Fidel would be seized by cramps, vomiting and fits of coughing, just like the long-tailed primates, and horribly die.
70. Negotiations, in the hands of the inept or inexperienced, can go horribly wrong.
71. I was desperately trying to keep control but felt horribly threatened.
72. For a while a man ground his teeth horribly, only feet away.
73. Her left pupil is horribly dilated and blood trickles from one nostril and her hair.
74. Mr Clinton was horribly late for a night at the Hanoi opera house, keeping everyone waiting.
75. The faces are horribly contorted as if suffocating or in great pain, and their eyes seem to follow anyone who passes.
76. Intellectuals, persecuted horribly under Mao, came back as advisers to the reformist rulers.
77. Most cheeses are crammed with fat and horribly high in calories.
77. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
78. One of the few good things about modern times: If you die horribly on television, you will not have died in vain. You will have entertained us. Kurt Vonnegut 
79. I did have, however, one horribly narrow escape.
80. The language is foul and the violence horribly realistic.
81. Typing (or, now, horribly, "keyboarding") is more convenient.
82. After a horribly slow start, the Rockets rolled offensively.
83. Harlow swore horribly about it.
84. Two dogs attacked him, leaving him horribly disfigured.
85. It is a horribly defeatist slogan.
86. The body was found horribly mangled.
87. He was horribly imprudent. I wish he was dumb.
88. Historical applications (that is, horribly outdated legacy code) sometimes refer to these directly, but produce errors during compilation because they're declared inconsistently.
89. Some women were laughing in the pit. Their voices were horribly shrill and discordant.
90. Philpot's goggle eyes rolled horribly as he glared silently at the circle and the two squares.
91. I have a letter from Sister Yun in which is horribly depressing.
92. When you look inside the economic rankings, you see that Egypt does fine on many of the short-term decisions, like having a flexible wage structure, but it does horribly on long-term things.
93. And building a conventional Faraday cage round a naval vessel would be horribly expensive.
94. Paul's grandfather did set up a family trust fund, but it's been horribly mismanaged.
95. The storyline is fatally compromised by an ending that leaves you feeling horribly cheated.
96. A chemical that is perfectly fine for Sarah Bellum might be horribly irritating to your skin.
97. As a veteran, curator had witnessed this horribly drawn - out death before.
98. Also, things can get horribly slow if the swap file is created on a folder that is mounted over NFS.
99. It was horribly unfair: a public resource—all the fish in the Icelandic sea—was simply turned over to a handful of lucky Icelanders.
100. The little baby's lid, half raised, show the pupil horribly upturned.
101. A: No. The poor souls drown horribly and the sharks feed with gusto!
102. It felt like blasphemy. Or at the very least, horribly irreverent.
103. The global economy is slowing, possibly horribly: under such conditions, protectionism thrives.
104. Even when nuclear power plants go horribly wrong, they do less damage to the planet and its people than coal-burning stations operating normally.
105. The Venusian turned in delighted wonder; for the first time an Earthman had given him the only greeting that is considered less than horribly rude on Venus.
106. But all those in the courtyard that night had either admired or actually been fond of their murdered liege lord, and it was going to be a distinct pleasure for them to see his killer die horribly.
107. The letter showed horribly clearly the workings of a twisted mind.
108. Vacuums are great at picking up fine dust but suck horribly at bigger pieces of trash.
109. Hermitage is a really wonderful and now just horribly overpriced wine from the Drome,(http:///horribly.html) on the left bank of the Rhone not very far away from where we live.
110. She stepped towards him with a movement that was horribly cringing.
111. This could feel horribly tacky, the Japanese equivalent chain restaurant attached to your local shopping mall.
112. This has kept international phone calls horribly overpriced and internet access equally and maddeningly slow.
113. Last Friday's 3-1 home defeat to Sochaux, a match attended by a pitiful 2,000 supporters, left them horribly off the pace in the French league.
114. You got horribly drunk.
115. Arrested during a protest in Saida, 10km east of Daraa, on April 29, Hamza's body was returned to his family on Tuesday 24th May, horribly mutilated.
116. On June 29th two students from the University of Clermont-Ferrand were found horribly murdered in the British capital.
117. Even fairly smart and well-read people get turned around horribly by questions like, "Would you like to prevent the system from rejecting unauthorized connections?"
118. The costs of the recall, the lost business, and the retooling of factories and processes could spiral horribly.
119. Mrs. Green, it has come to my attention that your account is horribly past due.
120. But this water seems dead: it's polluted and horribly stagnant.
121. As players of high reputation lamentably misplaced a series of straightforward, no-pressure passes, the size of his task must have become horribly apparent.
122. JG: Horribly, Tosh is no more and Owen is no more. We are currently prepping for the series and we are four weeks away from filming, so it is really, really busy in Cardiff.




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