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单词 Threads
1 She snipped at the loose threads hanging down.
2 The dress was embellished with gold threads.
3 String is made of threads twisted together.
4 She twisted many threads to make this rope.
5 The numerous rivers heart surface, threads a needle the line to suture sadly.
6 Held your hand, as if threads on your fingers around.
7 She trimmed the loose threads from her skirt.
8 Twine the different coloured threads together.
9 People weave threads into cloth.
10 The skirt was laid with silver threads.
11 They interwove the red and gold threads.
12 On studying the different historians' accounts,[] common threads emerge.
13 She plucked at the loose threads of her coat.
14 It's difficult to pick up the threads of a conversation when it has been interrupted.
15 Let me now pull together the threads of my argument.
16 Threads of real gold were woven into the cloth for the royal garments.
17 The author eventually picks up the various threads of the plot and weaves them into a masterly conclusion.
18 One of the main threads of the film is the development of the relationship between the boy and his uncle.
19 Threads of silver ran through his beard and the hair at his temples.
20 Apart from one or two loose threads, the police now had the complete picture of what happened.
21 The author skilfully draws together the different threads of the plot.
22 It's good to take up the threads of our old friendship after such a long absence.
23 As the film progresses, the threads of the plot slowly begin to unravel.
24 The screw threads will be able to get a good grip.
25 The threads tangle easily.
26 Picking up the threads of our discussion, let's return to the topic of factory farming.
27 The pasta ranges from threads to hearty widths.
28 Now that the war was over they could pick up the threads of their lives again.
29 Many women have been able to pick up the threads of their former career.
30 They had known each other as children, and were picking up the threads of their friendship.
1 She snipped at the loose threads hanging down.
2 The dress was embellished with gold threads.
3 String is made of threads twisted together.
4 She twisted many threads to make this rope.
5 People weave threads into cloth.
6 Threads of real gold were woven into the cloth for the royal garments.
31 Sewing imposes very severe conditions for the threads.
32 The silk is interwoven with gold and silver threads.
33 Anxiously, Marcus scanned Gleeson's shirt: no loose threads.
34 The distaff whirled, twisting the threads.
35 A layer of stiff silk threads separated the two.
36 It may never harbor a lot of fish life, but it threads through and sustains a whole community.
37 Skateboard Tow Head on his skateboard threads through a crowd of feet and faces delayed to a slow stupidity.
38 On her head, a zipper of black surgical threads struggled to keep a still-raw wound in place.
39 All these threads, and more, entwine in the lines of longitude.
40 She gradually started to pick up the threads of her life.
41 Mainly made of cotton with a shiny surface on one side where the weft threads lie on the surface.
42 The juicy tomatoes, dotted with threads of fragrant basil, have all the promise of summer.
43 He was unshaven and wearing a shabby towelling bathrobe with threads hanging off it.
44 A simple weaving shed or thread separator is used to raise and lower the warp threads through which the weft is woven.
45 It is a cage, suspended from the ceiling by the thinnest of threads.
46 In one corner stood a spinning wheel, the threads still pulled tight.
47 Indeed, threads dangled down from all life, psychic and non-psychic alike.
48 The denier number is size of the individual threads and indicates of durability.
49 Does your spider feed on the prey at once or does it wrap it in sticky threads and feed on it later?
50 The inhabitants of these shells extend long threads through pores with which they trap particles of food.
51 He threads his way through narrow alleys where the sun never penetrates.
52 Only a life history approach can allow us to follow these threads to a fuller understanding of each person's singular present.
53 But don't opt for the obvious solution: cutting the stuff into stunted threads is practised only by the infantile.
54 All along the bumpy road that threads through the valley, villagers have set up their own security posts.
55 Embroidered all over with gold and silver threads, it incorporates a Garter emblem.
56 Cotton threads expand in the wet which means that the fly, although heavier, becomes more taut and more weatherproof.
57 His skin in this brutal morning light is textured and darkened by a weft of tiny arterial threads, some almost blue.
58 There is no simple explanation, but there are two main threads.
59 Winter Walk threads evergreens, and Springtime Path shows off the wildflowers blooming in that season.
60 As the pace began to quicken and the complicated threads of the chant began to rise Rincewind found himself watching fascinated.
61 There are also stinging cells with coiled threads inside them, the unique possessions of the jellyfish tribe.
62 A closer look reveals a galaxy of gossamer threads that reach out to anchor the organism to rocks or other surfaces.
63 Enough to do picking up the threads of his own life.
64 When you pour the concrete, be sure the threads are clean so nothing interferes with installing the nut.
65 You can configure your newsreader to sort threads together to follow the progress of a discussion.
66 Between her feet, water swirled down the plughole, taking red and black threads of blood and dirt with it.
67 They may have had a function in aiding the picking out of broken threads on the loom.
68 The excitement seemed to spread all down her, in fiery threads, right down to her fingers and toes.
69 She adjusted the loose threads in one hand and held the distaff in the other.
70 Ruby laser light stitched the interior of the sanctum like thinnest threads of stronger flame within a dully glowing oven.
71 We planned to cut ice bollards and ice threads to save our precious supply of abseil gear.
72 The gold threads and the jewels woven through it sparkled in the light of the lamps.
73 All textiles that can be stored flat are stored flat,[] to reduce stress on fragile threads.
74 Possibly the tyre threads of the Opel Rekord, that was burned through and useless for evidence prints.
75 These details then lead the research worker on to the next step, which is that of drawing the threads together.
76 The finest of these thin threads of glass are extremely soft and flexible, and are a light golden brown in colour.
77 Threads are then stretched or loosened by the weaver moving her body back and forth.
78 Impeccably decked out in designer threads and carrying microscopic mobile phones, they had a fresh-faced, privileged look.
79 Iridescent shoelaces Great news for kids and teenagers from Madeira Threads.
80 Without disentangling the threads of the web that surrounds us, any attempt to describe how things might be otherwise will fall.
81 Smear a little Vaseline on the threads Push the pipe into the fitting until it meets the internal stop.
82 This fabric seems infinite, and its threads worm their way into the natural core that Claire and Jay have formed.
83 The good thing is that he's trying to pick up the threads of his life again.
84 These threads, gathered together, give us some idea of the current concerns of younger women artists.
85 Smoke lay heavy on the far side of the water, laced eerily with threads of light from the blaze.
86 He straightened up, twisting the silken threads, running them through his fingers.
87 Turakina had on a gown into which were woven gold and silver threads.
88 Look carefully at the casuals and see their threads beginning to unravel.
89 Just as in the arterial dye studies, a radiologist threads a long catheter into a leg artery.
90 Alarmed, they drop quickly and remain suspended at the end of fine silk-like threads.
91 Also used were pin beaters, long pieces of bone with a central swelling and pointed ends for beating down individual threads.
92 In a stunning display of imperial power, he once announced that fabric from Dijon would contain 1, 408 threads!
93 The finer the threads, the higher the count and the softer the fabric will be.
94 It provides a set of user-accessible threads to accelerate input-output and concurrency, particularly for database applications.
95 Also recently available from Madeira Threads is a fine, pure 100% cotton for crochet, lace and other croft work.
96 It creates new joinable threads ceaselessly until failure happens.
97 Threads enable program to perform concurrent processing.
98 Threads can corrode and cause leakage.
99 Rope is made by twisting threads together.
100 Tapered pipe threads produce radial stress in female fittings.
101 To damage threads to unserviceable condition.
102 Tie rod threads are rolled for strength and engagement./threads.html
103 Joinable threads should be joined during programming.
104 The two threads got tangled up.
105 The enqueue() method notifies all waiting threads (if any).
106 A Kernel object used to serialise access to a resource, which may be shared between threads across processes.
107 Just as a CPU runs multiple operating-system processes to service multiple users, a database server virtual processor runs multiple threads to service multiple SQL client applications.
108 To increase the CommonStore archiving throughput, it is recommended to parallelize the archiving threads.
109 The utility model comprises a jar body, a jar lid, an air hole, a cushion ring, internal screw threads and external screw threads.
110 Worker threads are commonly used to complete tasks, such as recalculation, that do not require user input.
111 If the queue is full, the writer thread waits on the _wcond condition variable; the reader thread will need a notification to all threads after consuming data from the queue.
112 Scientists do not know why the rock can be separated easily into threads, but they have found thousands of uses for this fireproof material , of the called the "cloth of stone".
113 It means that we need new threads and long-acting machine processed and deep-seated revolution of machine processed to solve this problem.
114 It's hard to program safely; programs that manipulate threads are prone to inconsistent data, deadlocks, unscalable locking, and inverted priorities.
115 Threads belonging to a user process run at user privilege level.
116 It is worth restating that this result does not apply in all cases, and that additional threads may give a higher message rate than extra execution groups for other workloads.
117 Lug body available with ISO flange dimensions and metric bolt hole threads.
118 The POWER5 chip has two hardware instruction threads that are both capable of issuing multiple instructions per cycle, which causes a boost in performance.
119 That is, so many messages were arriving and being dispatched to a new processing thread that the resource demand of the threads was exceeding available CPU resources and memory resources.
120 A key problem with this model is that increasing the number of worker threads increases the contention on the work queue (this is shown in Figure 3).
121 If coded incorrectly, it is possible for notifications to be lost, resulting in threads remaining in an idle state even though there is work in the queue to be processed.
122 Background knowledge of threads and their conventional representations, marks and look - up table method.
123 The material for the threads is spider web or quartz fibers.
124 By dispatching from a queue's head and placing expired threads at a queue's tail, execution happens in a round-robin fashion within a priority.
125 As long as you append to the front of the list, you won't even have to touch the existing list structure, allowing other threads to iterate through it freely.
126 Fiber Optic Cable A technology using glass or plastic threads ( fibers ) to transmit data.
127 The job dispatcher spawns multiple threads, each containing the code for a different subtask.
128 The Object Expander lets the user drill down into all the members of an object in the Parallel Watch Window, and compare the values across threads.
129 After the signal is sent, the waiting threads are moved to the ready queue.
130 The Parallel Watch Window allows developers to view objects and values across all the threads in an application.
131 In that case, tension is applied, and the threads slide by each other without turning when the explosive detonates.
132 Since PDQ priority uses more threads to process a query than the normal way, it will shorten data access time.
132 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
133 Calculating formulae for selecting gears in the gear box is provided for machining various threads of metric or British system.
134 It spawns various threads, each containing a subtask of the main task to be executed by the cluster.
135 The company supplies rayon embroidery threads, terylene profiled and - fixing embroidery threads, color threads and metallic yarn.
136 Because the threads execute identical code, they should have similar dynamic priority adjustments and execute in a round-robin fashion from the same run-queues.
137 This module is loaded onto a doubly linked list of all modules in the system, and any threads currently waiting for module state change are notified through the notifier list.
138 Clew is pestered each other, main threads affair is found in time very hard also.
139 This specification details the dimensions and gaging methods for tapered pipe threads.
140 Even while the muscles appear flaccid, some nerve threads may be functional.
141 b—The average number of kernel threads that are in the virtual memory waiting queue over your timing interval.
142 Longer actions, such as doing file access, require separate threads, but that is the subject of a future installment.
143 The number of threads in the group should be no larger than the depth of the deepest lock hierarchy possible in the system.
144 Userland threads are implemented entirely in an application program, with no explicIt'support from the kernel.
145 In DB2(), I/O Servers are threads or agents that perform prefetch I/O and asynchronous I/O on behalf of the database worker threads.
146 When the threads are in waIt'state, they consume little CPU time.
147 Therefore, at the end of it all, you now have two reader threads, both waiting on the condition variable, and the mutex is unlocked.
148 This in turn results in one thread per user on Tomcat, while the NIO server handles the same load with a constant number of threads.
149 Tasks such as recalculation and background printing are good examples of worker threads.
150 For joinable threads, the system allocates private storage to store thread termination status.
151 In the Maximum number of processing threads field, enter the number of simultaneous processing threads.
152 To make ( cloth ) by interlacing the threads of the weft and the warp on a loom.
153 The span will have a single, 525-foot tower, anchored to bedrock and supported by a single, enormous steel-wire cable that threads through the suspension bridge.
154 Briefly they are in order, Connection-Oriented Sockets, Connectionless Sockets, the Sockets Helper Classes, Asynchronous Sockets, Threads, and IP Multicasting.
155 Bevelled-face or tapered wheels used for grinding threads, gear teeth, and the like.
156 Java makes programming with threads much easier, by providing built-in language support for threads.
157 Non - rotating Stem with precision Acme threads and burnished finish . Valve suitable for horizontal installation.
158 Which processes and threads are using the most CPU time?
159 The "forward" face guard theory and "backward" pharynx sound theory, developed from the Italian traditional Bel Canto, are the core threads that run through all ideas in various vocal music schools.
160 This specification adapts the General Purpose American Pipe Thread Specification, ASME B1.20.1, to taper pipe threads for use on plastic pipe and fittings with machined or molded threads.
161 A single unit of execution within a process; threads run concurrently.
162 IOCP presents an efficient solution to the "one-thread-per-client" bottleneck problem (among others), using only a few processing threads and asynchronous input/output send/receive.
162 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
163 If response times are slow even though processor utilization is low, the server may not have enough threads to handle incoming requests.
164 While the target variable is guaranteed to be only assigned once, the delegate may be called by multiple concurrent threads unless a synchronization object is passed in.
165 Ruth then picked up the threads of life at home.
166 A race condition occurs when two or more threads manipulate a shared data item and the result depends upon timing of the execution.
167 To dress or finish ( cloth ) by removing knots, lumps, slubs, or loose threads.
168 New materials such as gilded cobber and silvery threads emerged.
169 Gossamer Threads is the earliest use of a set of books.
170 The SPEs are independent processor elements, each running their own individual application programs or threads.
171 When threading pipe, gauge pipe threads for size length to avoid jamming pipe against seat disc.
172 Leaks are possible at the valve threads where the valve screws into the cylinder; these are commonly referred to as "neck leakers."
173 While biod self-tunes the number of threads (the daemon process creates and kills threads as needed), the maximum number of biod threads can be tuned, depending on the overall load.
174 It is believed that the successful use of the designed wound pipes and the taper trapezium threads can certainly direct the similar design.
175 Event kernel object is a kind of kernel objects to synchronize threads.
176 A semaphore is a protected variable or abstract data type which constitutes the method for restricting the number of threads access to shared resources.
177 Context switching between threads involves saving and restoring the state of threads.
178 When used, the left-hand tap is put into a drill hole of a drilled broken bone, and then operated by a left hand to make left-hand internal threads.
179 Furthermore, true simultaneous execution of multiple threads is possible on a multiprocessor machine.
180 Because your COBOL programs can run as separate threads within a process, a language element can be interpreted in two different scopes: run-unit scope or program invocation instance scope.
181 Yun brocade, rich and grand, is jacquard weave and usually interwoven with gold or silver threads.
182 With the threads, I will make a ladder to climb down.
183 However, the steps' distribution pattern has not changed much, and servlet threads spend even more time in a waiting state.
184 Municipal town and rural parish gradually made fresh threads of connection.
185 Floating action compensates for mating hole misalignment, Available with locking or non-locking threads.
186 When analyzing a transaction trace, it is usually necessary to follow multiple threads, which adds some complexity to the trace analysis.
187 Image above: These antique silk threads under the cloche are some of the most beautiful things I have ever owned.
188 A much - trodden path threads a way up - river through the trees.
189 The screw head structure also comprises threads, which are located at lower end of the screw head.
190 If the encapsulate code uses a large stack area only the server thread have to allocate enough RAM, the client threads save RAM by just requesting the service to the server.
191 In a multiprocessing environment, the processing time for a thread is related to the availability of system resources and synchronization with other threads.
192 There is also a special process, the Kernel process, whose threads run at supervisor privilege level.
193 Fearful that it would remain entangled in the web, I selected a long-handled broom to assist him escaping the tangled threads.
194 The Ecoserial device is a digital economiser with differential pressure gauge able to pilot until 204 valves by connecting itself to a pneumatic driving module RPB with only two threads.
195 The wear mechanism of the tubing threads is analyzed surfaceapplying coats and surface induction quenching.
196 Finally, while the scheduling overhead of switching between threads is small, with many threads context switching can become a significant drag on your program's performance.
197 Frysk, an execution analysis technology for monitoring running processes or threads.
198 Many of today's Java applications take advantage of the language's ability to support concurrent programming through the use of threads.
199 When implementing a server or client that must handle thousands of connections, the only option is to have a smaller pool of worker threads consuming a large number of asynchronous I/O channels.
200 When they are real, they are not glass threads or frostwork, but the solidest thing we know.
201 This continues until all threads have been executed on the SPEs.
202 The cylindrical tube of the conical sleeve, which is provided with outer screw threads, is provided with at least one cushion ring and at least one screw nut.
203 And with Microsoft Word and Outlook Connectors, email threads are publishable and searchable by any involved users and from multiple sources.
204 Suitable for tapping threads in gray cast iron, nodular graphite cast iron, brass, brass castings, etc.
205 Replay events using multiple threads. This option optimizes performance and disables debugging.
206 Working group 2 may also consider whether it is practical to add new features to support networking, threads, internationalization, foreign-function interfaces, et cetera.
207 The compressed file contains threads of control, graphical interface programming java code!
208 Each CPU on a system has its own dedicated run queue, which is a list of runnable threads sorted by thread priority value.
209 The B-Tree Scanner threads remove deleted index entries and rebalance the index nodes.
210 An overhanging part, the apron of the carriage, may be engaged with the feed rod to give continuous feed motion, or with a lead screw for cutting of threads.
211 At either side the weft threads form a finished edge, which is called the selvage edge.
212 Long tie belt threads through double belt loops for a chic look.
213 The father of microscopy, Anton van Leeuwenhoek of Holland, started as an apprentice in a dry goods store where magnifying glasses were used to count the threads in cloth.
214 With the elimination of twiddling hempen threads by hand, Masidun is disappearing gradually because of aging and being destroyed.
215 Threads that block their execution on a completion port are released in last - in - first - out ( LIFO ) order.
216 For an electrophysiology study, your doctor threads a small, flexible wire from a blood vessel in your arm or leg to your heart.
217 Simultaneous multi-threading presented 16 concurrent execution threads or logical processors.
218 Y - straight 180 o installations using internal pipe threads and having double lead - thread stem control for rapid adjustment.
219 Threads can also involuntarily lose control because of page faults, changes in CPU affinity, or priority changes instigated by outside agents.
220 Each thread has associated data; so, as the number of threads increases, the memory consumption of the application also increases.
221 The business logic of the database arranges these documents into discussion threads, with a child-parent hierarchal structure.
222 Rotate slowly at first. If thread alternating happens, then screw off and examine the threads.
223 If multiple threads attempt to lock a semaphore after the initial call above, they block and their requests are queued until the pthread_mutex_unlock call is performed.
224 In order to distinguish worker threads from the UI thread, the main entry point for the sample application sets the Name property of the CurrentThread object to "UIThread."
225 In contrast, RT threads are not bound by time quanta, and the thread scheduler does not do any form of dynamic priority adjustments based on CPU usage.
226 The LPAR confirms the suspension by quiescing all its running threads.
227 All threads of a process share its virtual address space and system resources.
228 There are two threads: one assumes that in every time unit, a zombie eats the brains of a human, converting that number to zombies.
229 At this point, it's pretty much common knowledge that past a certain level of concurrency doing I/O asynchronously vastly outperforms synchronous I/O in separate threads.
230 Layers of dry carbon fabric satin weave G 803 - T 300 - 40 B stacked andthe thickness with high strength glass threads.
231 The adjusting nut and the anti - fake seal fixing body are arranged on locknut through screw threads.
232 Equipped with holder and unscrewer unlighted the threads, reduce labour strengthness, increase work efficiency.
233 The PPE itself provides significant thread scaling, but it is intended to provide control and workload management for the SPEs, which provide much greater speedup for threads.
234 The DSMT architecture, which integrates dynamic threads extracting and threads switching mechanism into SMT architecture, is more powerful in parallelism extracting.
235 To avoid unnecessarily allocating stack space for threads(), it creates new idle threads at intervals.
236 What we need to do is synchronise access to the block of code and make sure that only one of the two threads has access to it at any one time.
237 Tubing thread is available for API tubing threads and TM threads.
238 Client-side asynchrony enables the request and response messages to be processed in two different threads.
239 This paper introduces the measuring principle, calculating formula and measuring method of the taps for taper pipe threads through the universal tool microscope.
240 47 min: After something of a stramash in the Spurs box, Rooney threads the ball through to Young, who shoots from 12 yards, brining a fine save from Friedel.
241 When the application is more critical, and the sealing compound may fail due to high heat or pressure, NPTF Dryseal threads are used.
242 During function evaluation, all threads other than the function you are evaluating are frozen.
243 A lower priority thread might be forced to wait while higher priority threads complete their tasks.
244 She is much more interested in untangling the threads of control, danger and temptation that candy has carried since it became widely available in the 1880s.
245 simulate advanced control-flow constructs that aren't natively supported by JavaScript, such as threads and coroutines.
246 In some implementations, threads may occasionally wake up without a signal sent to their condition variable.
247 A batch repository is designed to redact many documents at one time by a configurable number of threads.
248 An inadequately torqued fastener can vibrate or work loose; conversely, if the tension is too high, the fastener can snap or strip its threads.
249 The effect is shown graphically in Figure 3: A traditional program would execute the loop sequentially, whereas the OpenMP implementation creates threads to parallelize the for block.
250 Binding wire yarn Gossamer Threads, flaxen thread, etrieve and etc.
251 The process context only needs switching if a reschedule is between threads in different processes.
252 Big Chinese parasol tree, the elderly clean leaves, left on the ground for all threads, but Rex.
252 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
253 Two-ply refers to materials that twist two threads together into a single thread, thus increasing the fabric's thread count and creating a stronger thread.
254 The first of them occurred on attempts to write data to the same address in global memory bydifferent threads, which results from an imperfection of the architecture for float type.
255 Many of our languages are dependent on fragile concurrency mechanisms, like threads with shared state, or possibly worse, a global lock that limits execution to a single thread on a single core.
256 The current base priority of this process. Threads within a process can raise and lower their own base priority relative to the process'base priority.
257 The Heat Map displays values on either a clustered, linear or logarithmic scale, to help spot uneven distribution of data across threads.
258 The drive chuck and top sub are threaded into the cylinder with right-hand threads. The drill must be alway operated with right-hand rotation.
259 These threads had not as yet been successfully woven together.
260 In President Colom's war room, Roberto Izurieta, the strategist, believed that he, too, had found threads of what one member of the government called a "finely woven conspiracy.
261 Like a thread pool, the TPL can perform load balancing across threads and processors.
262 And it is pointed out that, due to their inherent defect, casings with API round threads cannot meet the leakproof requirement of high-pressure oil wells and high-pressure gas wells, therefore c...
263 Color wheel with four applications, each color wheel has its own threads to run.
264 The child was standing with his back to the sun, which cast threads of gold in his hair and empurpled with its blood-red gleam the savage face of Jean Valjean.
265 The double-track type external fixed bracket mainly comprises a power connecting rod with threads, a sliding connecting rod without threads, 4-6 sliding bodies and an ear-shaped body.
266 The TPL also has a new set of features not seen in either threads or thread pools. For example, Tasks have a safe Cancel method.
267 There are lots of runnable threads and not enough CPU cycles to process what needs to be done.
268 Normally, dynamic allocation imposes a size overhead for each allocation to store bookkeeping information and a synchronization to protected concurrent allocation from different threads.
269 This striking sea nymph comes alive with metallic threads, beads and treasures.
270 Next we'll look at the memory architecture, background processes and threads, and will compare and contrast the way they are used in Oracle and DB2.
271 But of course, jeans that have been worn for years have denim fabric and threads that have become fragile.
272 He quicken his pace, and took up new threads of talk.
273 Non - rotating stem with precision Acme threads and burnished finish. Double Acme for faster operation.
274 The CPUs on the system are shared among all of the threads by giving each thread a certain slice of time to run.
275 But when it is stirred, the "water" turns out to be as sticky as molasses, clinging to a glass rod and forming long, hair-thin threads.
276 Method, threads that wait on the event handle proceed immediately without blocking. A manual reset event acts like the gate of a corral.
277 Instead you get entirely different concurrent programming models that include no mention of threads or locks.
278 Thread bodies consist of active running threads and dead joinable threads.
279 Threads do not start when created; instead, a co-routine is started after the fact, using coroutine.resume(t), where t is a thread.
280 Both of us were covered in ticks, Cho's boots were held together by threads, and I had a small botfly living in my head.
281 Let's start by reviewing POSIX threads, which can be either joinable threads or detached threads.
282 Since deleting an ACE_Task object doesn't shut down any active threads, the threads must therefore exit before the task object can be deleted.
282 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
283 It expands a fixed priority scheduling model and minimizes run-time costs by minimizing the number of threads in the implementation.
284 A new thread could be started as soon as a sublist is available for it to work on and it does not communicate with other threads.
285 Multi - threading implementation in this email extractor allows multiple email extraction threads.
286 The infection threads in Onobrychis viciaefolia root nodules were studied with transmission electron microscopy.
287 Several years ago, a company developed a soybean with some genetic threads borrowed from the Brazil nut in an attempt to boost the bean's amino-acid content.
288 The interface of choice is the C run time routines, as opposed to WIN32 APIs, and routines conforming to Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) threads for simplicity and clarity.
289 What's difficult about concurrent programming is thinking in terms of concurrency with threads.
290 The table below shows the results of running the message flow with a different number of threads and execution groups, in ascending order of message rate.
291 Threads and profiles are stronger, consistently accurate and there is no swarf.
292 These threads are lubricated and these lubricants can be an unwanted contaminant in high purity applications.
293 The main threads of it is the process of obsequies ceremony.
294 As demonstrated in Listing 1 and 2, joinable threads are produced, but they are never joined, so each terminated joinable thread still occupies the process space, leaking the process memory.
295 Apply pipe dope sparingly on pipe threads, never on valve threads.
296 Threaded Valve Dimensions apply to both Standard and SR Threads.
297 The movable sucking cover is composed of a connecting pipe (1) and the cover body (2), and the cover body (2) and the connecting pipe (1) are connected through threads of non air tightness.
298 The neighbours used to hint, sometimes, that such fine-spun threads were rather useless , and that it might be better if Arachne would help her mother more and spin less.




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