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单词 Sit back
(1) Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!
(2) Don't just sit back and let it happen.
(3) Get on with life and don't sit back and mope.
(4) They didn't have to do anything except sit back and enjoy life.
(5) She's not the kind of person who can sit back and let others do all the work.
(6) Sit back and relax - I'll open a bottle of wine.
(7) Sit back and relax.
(8) You can't just sit back and wait for job offers to come to you.
(9) Are you going to sit back and let me do everything?
(10) Don't just sit back and wait for new business to come to you.
(11) Many people just sit back and do not get concerned about the world's difficulties.
(12) I like to sit back and rest in the evenings.
(13) Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the music.
(14) They just sit back and relax.
(15) You just sit back and look around.
(16) Order a frothy cappuccino and sit back and relax.
(17) Just sit back and relax(), and enjoy the music.
(18) Whatever some think, we don't sit back.
(19) So all concert-goers can sit back and enjoy plenty of Black magic this weekend.
(20) All they had to do was sit back and wait for it all to fall apart.
(21) We could just sit back and collect rents from an ever-decreasing number of tenants.
(22) Does this mean we should sit back and do nothing?
(23) Sit back as you go on a five billion year journey through the evolution of life - all in twelve minutes!
(24) Will they sit back and watch their dream be diluted?
(25) I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
(26) I don't know how the negotiations will go; what I can do is to sit back and hope for the best.
(27) It's been hard work, but now the business is running smoothly you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labours.
(28) Get on with the work — this is no time to sit back.
(29) Later when the video is finished they will all sit back and view each of the attempts and learn from the mistakes.
(30) Finally, he decides to unbuckle his belt, loosen his pants, sit back and relax.
(1) I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened move theater.
(31) To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will. Ronald Reagan 
(32) Take the time to sit back and listen and establish a routine for yourself.
(33) We started to sit back because we were up on the No. 1 team in the nation.
(34) That was precisely what women had done in the past - sit back and wait for men to make the running.
(35) Gordy commanded her to sit back down then bolted out the door.
(36) It is not smart politics to sit back and wait for presidential vetoes and proclamations to bail us out of every jam.
(37) You can not sit back in your little room writing a nice romantic story about loving couples.
(38) But he can not afford to sit back on the basis that Everton are too big a club to go down.
(39) Neither should be ignored-above all, not while we sit back and wait for the society to be transformed.
(40) He forced himself to sit back in his chair, to swallow more beer.
(41) I just sit back and let the Maine get the credit of it.
(42) City were content to sit back on their lead, and Newcastle lacked the pace or imagination to break them down.
(43) The Baggies people could not just sit back and watch all this happen.
(44) She ventured at last to sit back on her heels, let her hands lie in her lap, and listen.
(45) But no one can sit back in investment clubs and just listen.
(46) Best to sit back and cue him up for the one-liners.
(47) But at the Redgrave you sit back and watch an unarguable Macbeth unroll.
(47) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(48) You can just sit back and read the responses and decide the winner in your own sweet time.
(49) I suppose the latest thing is to sit back.
(50) Sit back and enjoy your flight.
(51) So must we sit back and twiddle our thumbs?
(52) They won't sit back and let you do it alone.
(53) Many of the best sushi-ya have no menus; the meal is closer to a degustation parade of what's best on the day -- so sit back and enjoy.
(54) Sit back for a minute and think about what you have done.
(55) Perhaps now they can sit back and rest on their oars.
(56) The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers.
(57) Like Bell, we can only sit back and watch the horror, not wishfully influence its outcome.
(58) When you sit back down , break your task into baby steps. Step by step it's easier.
(59) What I really want to do is make user acceptance testing a non-event -- I just want to issue one command, like ua-test, and sit back and wait for the results.
(60) In between your sightseeing tours in Belo Horizonte, this 3-star hotel invites you to work out in the gym, or to sit back and relax in the sauna or by the pool.
(61) Sit back in a comfortable chair, feet flat upon the ground and uncrossed.
(62) Victims would rather sit back passively and give their power away by placing blame on an external trigger.
(63) I will not sit back and watch my only son become a cocksucker!
(64) So sit back, log on, and save the workout for the gym.
(65) Does he think he can sit back quietly now that the inquiry is over?
(66) When we need you help, all you did was sit back and twiddle you thumbs.
(67) Sit back with a smile as you watch ashand - waving conversationalist provoke mirror reactions in another.
(68) So Chinese enterprise can do this plant sit back and wait Thespian destiny in oneself , repeat on body of person of the same trade?
(69) Are we going to sit back and do nothing until the cranes arrive?
(70) Victims refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and emotions. Victims would rather sit back passively and give their power away by placing blame on an external trigger.
(71) I refuse to sit back and let Jamie get used by another asshole!
(72) I had to sit back and just watch and just get nauseous.
(73) This is a laissez-faire government that believes government should sit back and watch as the "big society" takes care of itself.
(74) In addition to toy with the sound, the adults can sit back and relax, learn cat "meow woo" call, learn dog "bark" call so tantalize children, so he turned to the direction of the voice response.




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