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单词 Eternally
1. I'll be eternally grateful to you for this.
2. Only Janet, eternally hopeful, thought it was worth trying again.
3. He's eternally telephoning me early in the morning.
4. I'll be eternally grateful to you.
5. She is eternally grateful to her family for their support.
6. I'm eternally grateful that we managed to go there before the war.
7. He's the sort of player who's eternally arguing with the referee.
8. We are eternally loved by God.
9. Summer lies eternally on Avelorn's enchanted glades.
10. I am eternally grateful for your encouragement.
11. For that we would be eternally grateful.
12. Roger seems eternally optimistic, but even he realized that the Giants couldn't win the championship.
13. In that case, since possibilities will always, eternally, exist, there never is absolutely nothing.
14. Gobbla, his hugely bloated and eternally hungry Cave Squig would feed well.
15. Still, even for the eternally optimistic Mullin, having a fourth straight season wrecked by injury has bothered him.
16. Roth, of course, remains eternally wedded to his one true love, his writing.
17. He engages with a sense of Being eternally present, not driven and limited by the demands of time.
18. How could time have eternally existed; how could there be a space without bounds?
19. A dangerous man, and a man who lived eternally in danger.
20. Freeing people from oppression and despair is eternally right.
21. Dionysus is eternally the fundamental archetype in western art.
22. In self-defeating organizations, poor performance comes to resemble this sort of eternally perpetuating cycle.
23. In Head, Nicholson had kindly provided them with a suicide note for which Mike Nesmith was eternally grateful.
24. Plato was positing an ideal body of irrefutable truth which stands eternally existent far beyond our mortal ken.
25. In return Televisa provided slanted news coverage that helped keep the Institutional Revolutionary Party eternally in power.
26. It's great to celebrate the birth of our lord, but greater still is the realization that he is born everyday within the temple of our heart and lives therein with us eternally. RVM 
27. But unsparing in his pressing of points he thought vital, and eternally urging the need for money.
28. Only two of the ten couples I interviewed made such a choice, and both feel eternally grateful.
29. Can the church really decide if I will be eternally damned or blessed?
30. Snakes are symbols of renewed life and fertility in the East ; because they shed their skins so they seem to be eternally young; and they're also phallic symbols.
1. I'll be eternally grateful to you for this.
2. Only Janet, eternally hopeful, thought it was worth trying again.
31. This too was in the Nature of Things wherein all works were wonders, and all things were known eternally and were poignant in their transience.
32. The fragrance in the night permeate through this clolourful yard in summer, which the scenery in my memory eternally remains.
33. I'm no longer the apparently eternally cheerful chappy he remembers.
34. From First to Last, Osiris was to the Egyptians "the god-man" who suffered, and died, and rose again, and reigned eternally in heaven.
35. One God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
36. But you, forsooth, who are eternally getting us to sleep with your diagrams and crotchets, must go and examing this wonderful piece of architecture.
37. The daughters of Danaus, who at their father's command murdered their bridegrooms on their wedding night and were condemned in Hades to pour water eternally into a leaky vessel.
38. The same as to your shyness of other selves, selfness as divided into infinite numbers of beings, or selfness as identified as one self existing eternally.
39. GoalFran Merida has insisted that he will be "eternally grateful" to Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger after the Spaniard was officially presented as an Atletico Madrid player on Friday afternoon.
40. It has a say in the running of two other regions, and looks set to take control of the populous, and almost eternally Socialist,(http:///eternally.html) region of Andalusia in March.
41. All things were known eternally and were poignant in their transiency.
42. American Bill Bramanti, 67, loves the beer Pabst Blue Ribbon so much that he recently got a custom-made beer-can coffin to lie in eternally.
43. When we gaze into a mirror, we are all of us Narcissus, tethered eternally to our doppelganger on the other side.
44. An anonymous person , to whom I shall eternally be in debt, mailed me an unsolicited copy.
45. Only at 32 years old, Azrael, the King of Terrors had summoned him and his pen was close down eternally against his original will.
46. Thank God that you are a spiritual being, and that you will live eternally with Him.
47. Everlastingly , with all the divine bliss within me, I eternally suffer for one and all – thus I am crucified eternally and continually for all.
48. Iguazu Falls, Argentina and Brazil – Legend has it that a god created these falls in order for some desperate lovers to plummet into them eternally.




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