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单词 mindless
释义 Word family  noun mind minder reminder adjective mindless minded mindful verb mind remind adverb mindlessly  mind·less /ˈmaɪndləs/ adjective  1  STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEcompletely stupid and without any purpose 愚笨的,无知的;毫无目标的 SYN senseless His drinking bouts often ended in acts of mindless violence. 他酒喝多了经常会有愚蠢的暴力行为。2  STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEif something is mindless, you can do it or watch it without thinking or using your mind 〔某事〕无需动脑筋的 Doug was watching something mindless on television. 道格在看一个愚蠢的电视节目。 the mindless routine of military discipline 老套机械的军纪► see thesaurus at easy3  mindless of something ATTENTION#not paying attention to something, especially something dangerous or unpleasant 不注意[不考虑]某事;不顾某事 After lunch we explored the city, mindless of the rain. 午饭后我们冒雨在城里游逛。 —mindlessly adverbExamples from the Corpusmindless• But the growth in consumer debt should not be simply seen and condemned as a complete descent into mindless consumerism.• The fate of the monastic libraries serves in popular imagination as a classic example of mindless iconoclasm.• Some mindless individual has again stripped all the hangers from Parrock.• Appearances of being vicious, mindless, or mediocre can be deceptive, and the deception is often studied and rehearsed.• They were simply swept up in a mindless terror campaign.• Sometimes I felt a mindless, uncontrollable rage, a consumption that ran through my chest to my hands.• The movie is full of mindless violence.• Stuffing envelopes is mindless work.mind·less adjectiveChineseSyllable  stupid and without completely any Corpus purpose




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