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单词 As many
(1) Sixteen times as many men are colour-blind as women.
(2) He made ten mistakes in as many lines.
(3) I don't feel the cold as badly as many people.
(4) Durham had garnered three times as many votes as Carey.
(5) New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers.
(6) The master disk can be duplicated as many times as required.
(7) Last year they sold twice as many computers as their competitors.
(8) Nearly as many again died from pneumonia.
(9) There were three times as many girls as boys.
(10) I have books as many again as you.
(11) Take as many as you like.
(12) Take as many as you please.
(13) Make as many photocopies as you need.
(14) The band will play as many venues as possible.
(15) You've got just as many toys as your brother.
(16) In their heyday, they sold as many records as all the other groups in the country put together.
(17) There are as many brown-bag lunches eaten today as lunches in restaurants.
(18) I've always entered as many photo competitions as I can.
(19) If there were as many women as there are men in parliament, the situation would be very different.
(20) If she guessed wrong, it meant twice as many meetings the following week.
(21) Answer as many questions as possible in the time provided.
(22) Tom has beaned as many as three batters in one game.
(23) The storm is thought to be responsible for as many as four deaths.
(24) You have been healthy for so many years. I hope you have just as many more.
(25) At the moment I'm keeping my options open and applying for as many different jobs as possible.
(26) He didn't approve of the plan and said so in as many words.
(27) We have become very profitable. Not coincidentally, we have only half as many employees as we did in 1988.
(28) This figure represents only the tip of the iceberg, since as many as 90% of cases go unreported.
(29) United's new striker confounded the critics with his third goal in as many games.
(30) They say the people of Los Angeles speak 12 languages and teach just as many in the schools.
(1) Sixteen times as many men are colour-blind as women.
(2) He made ten mistakes in as many lines.
(3) Durham had garnered three times as many votes as Carey.
(4) New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers.
(5) Last year they sold twice as many computers as their competitors.
(6) Yet few world - class rivers anywhere have etched a more enduring impression on as many millions for as many years.
(31) There were as many as 200 people at the lecture.
(32) Let the child try on as many as she likes.
(33) Female badgers may give birth to as many as five offspring.
(33) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(34) They employ 90 people, twice as many as last year.
(35) The machines start to wear down, they don't make as many nuts and bolts as they used to.
(36) Prisons are having to pack in as many inmates as possible.
(37) Storms swept the country, closing roads, buffeting ferries and killing as many as 30 people.
(38) The first thing is to support as many shows as one can, not forgetting the small local ones.
(39) Grandfather claimed to have as many medals as the general.
(40) We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations.
(41) There aren't enough chairs for the meeting we need half as many again.
(42) They hope to sell as many computers on the home market as they export.
(43) We produced ten times as many tractors as the United States.
(44) The cinnamon roll has as many calories as a full meal .
(45) In business, it is important to network with as many people as possible on a face to face basis.
(46) Some ISPs are free and give you as many email addresses as you want.
(47) As many as four and a half million people watched today's parade.
(48) The taxi drivers' association is urging its members, who can work as many hours as they want, not to overdo it.
(49) She squeezed as many books onto the shelf as she could.
(50) As many as 10,000 civilians are thought to have fled the area.
(51) The Beatles, as many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.
(52) As many as 1 000 people were dead, entombed in collapsed buildings.
(53) He began the season in a blaze of glory , scoring seven goals in as many games.
(54) Try to involve as many children as possible in the game.
(55) A great trip! We visited five countries in as many days .
(56) She gets as many as eight thousand letters a month.
(57) There weren't as many people at the meeting as we had hoped.
(58) As many as fifty men took part in the massacre.
(59) Our ultimate objective is to have as many female members of parliament as there are male.
(60) The company now employs four times as many women as men.
(61) Russian banks rushed to buy as many dollars as they could.
(62) Aunt Fay was angry and said so in as many words.
(63) We love reading your letters and we try to publish as many as possible.
(64) The object of the exercise is to score as many points as possible.
(65) There are twice as many houses in this area as there used to be.
(66) Unfortunately, things cannot be as cut and dried as many people would like.
(67) As many as ten-million children will have been infected with the virus by the end of the decade.
(68) Recent studies suggest that as many as 5 in 1000 new mothers are likely to have this problem.
(69) Answer/Do as many questions as you can in the allotted time.
(70) Yet few world - class rivers anywhere have etched a more enduring impression on as many millions for as many years.
(71) There are as many theories as there are commentators.
(72) Upon the signal, the subjects were asked to recall as many consonants in their correct places as possible.
(73) Serious contenders for the prestigious individual all-around gold medal title could number as many as 10.
(74) When you write your paragraph, include as many descriptive details as possible.
(75) It is important, however, to ensure that you have left as many doors open as possible in terms of future requirements.
(76) Some previous studies had concluded that there are as many as 236, 000 firearm-related injuries in the United States yearly.
(77) You may apply for as many different courses as you wish.
(78) Look at that sports editor over there - he's had four marriages and as many heart attacks.
(79) Almost as many again would be returned to local authorities bitterly opposed to opting out.
(80) As many as 400,000 people participated in a peaceful demonstration in Srinagar on Feb. 23.
(81) Few heavy Democratic donors attended as many coffees as Azima, who is a registered Republican.
(82) Worse, he had to take a thirty percent pay cut for working twice as many hours.
(83) But in the teacher contest the electors can cast as many votes as they wish.
(84) Get as many intelligent citizens as you possibly can to write urgently upon this subject to their representatives and Senators in Congress.
(85) At the dome, as many as four pumps were running, pushing water out through 23-inch diameter hoses.
(86) Please, once again, remind all your present members to renew membership and try to enrol as many new members as possible.
(87) Verio currently operates nearly three times as many business Web sites as its closest competitor.
(88) Would that as many animal lovers were as quick to speak and defend dumb animals instead of staying silent as so many do.
(89) Almost as many thought that an independent audit committee should be legally required.
(90) One year I gave over fifty speeches to as many different groups.
(91) And needs change overnight, as many executives and senior managers have found to their dismay in the past several years.
(92) During 1992 twice as many new carriers or AIDS patients were diagnosed as in 1991.
(93) The city conservatively estimates as many as 30,(http://) 000 people from throughout the county will use the park each year.
(94) There seem to be about as many reasons as there are examples.
(95) As many as 60 enemy fighters flew abreast of the Group, then turned and attacked in formation, using saturation tactics.
(96) At Motown, electric guitars, sometimes as many as four, were locked in intricate patterns.
(97) This resulted in downward pressure on wages as many workers competed for scarce jobs.
(98) These are quite explicit in the Communist Manifesto as well as many other writings of many Marxist thinkers.
(99) Seventy-five words absolute maximum per entry, but you may submit as many entries as you like.
(100) He doubted whether half as many went to confession more than once or twice a year.
(101) Colleges can enter as many teams of two students as they wish, providing they meet all the entry requirements.
(102) As many as 20 percent of people over 80 may be suffering from dementia, but no accurate figures are available.
(103) Such expenditures create new barriers to competition and serve to concentrate service industries, just as many manufacturing sectors have experienced.
(104) As many as 300,000 new houses were needed to meet demand this year.
(105) The Khmer Rouge exterminated as many as two million Cambodiansa quarter of the population.
(106) Females give birth to as many as five offspring in late winter, after a gestation period of up to 10 months.
(107) The whole consignment, Carmichael says, must filter down into as many pairs of hands as possible.
(108) As many as 2 million students leave school with deficient basic skills.
(109) Indeed, no single episode combines as many combustible elements as this one.
(110) They become disillusioned when they realise that their parents have just as many faults as everyone else.
(111) This practice ensured as many bondholders as possible were reliable club members.
(112) Elongated bodies, the mitochondria, provide energy by burning oxygen in much the same way as many bacteria do.
(113) By some estimates, as many as 2 of every 5 Iowa Republican voters are religious conservatives.
(114) Rose Quinton looked at the extraordinary man and thought as many another had: what a pity!
(115) If successful it will mean gentler treatments for cancer sufferers as many drugs currently in use have toxic side effects.
(116) In 1881 as many as one in three girls aged between fifteen and twenty had entered domestic service.
(117) Case workers deal with as many as a dozen clients a day.
(118) This kind of compromise, we confess, raises as many questions as it answers.
(119) We need to examine each sheet of adjectives and rework as many of the negatives into positives as we can.
(120) Further, some one as competitive as Master James in as many fields puts additional strains on himself, particularly on his joints.
(121) In many Third World countries as many as three out of five children die before the age of five.
(122) This should provide evidence of interest and motivation in as many areas as possible of art, craft, design and architecture.
(123) What a pipe dream, we thought, as many children were getting no education at all.
(124) It has been shown that there are as many as 10 major regional dialect areas.
(125) This year he has endeavoured to compete in as many Challenge Tour events as he can.
(126) Where I lived was as far off as many a region viewed nightly by astronomers.
(127) You may have buzzed around like a maniac, squeezing in as many errands as time and traffic would allow.
(128) It is as stiff as many a leather boot, yet required but half an hour's breaking in.
(129) At least three caravans and sometimes as many as twelve have been there.
(130) One-off assignments, such as many bankruptcies, project evaluations and adhoc consultancy, are in fact often not continuous supplies of services.
(131) According to some baseball officials, as many as one-third of the players on teams are devout Christians.
(132) As many additional columns should be provided as may be demanded in accordance with the number of official approvals required.
(133) Make as many photocopies as you need and divide the class into four rocket teams.
(134) His main task was tastefully to accommodate as many wedding presents into their new homes as was practicable.
(135) As many as 44 military planes and helicopters had been badly damaged, he acknowledged.
(136) Shouldn't we bite the bullet now and legislate, as many are suggesting?
(137) And advances in computer screens mean many can display as many as 64 million shades of color.
(138) The truth is that gluttony has produced as many world champions and outstanding contenders.
(139) When he died there were only about half as many pupils in secondary schools as at his accession to the throne.
(140) Cooking for one person can be a dreary business, as many elderly people find.
(141) A fully equipped tipi had almost as many ropes, lines, pegs, and parts as an old-time sailing vessel.
(142) And then there were the free pop concerts which attracted as many as a quarter of a million hippies.
(143) As many teams already know, it is one of the kinder road stops in the league.
(144) We want as many readers as possible, and each and every one of you is cherished.
(145) As many as eleven thousand people have been killed because they refused to break their eggs at the smaller end.
(146) Part of the trick of managing such diversity, as many businesses have learnt, is global specialisation.
(147) As a result we operate a booking system which aims to give as many people as possible an opportunity to play.
(148) But before I clap eyes on his miserable face, I intend to down as many cups of sack as I can!
(149) Build in more hill work as it burns twice as many calories.
(150) Today there are about 35,000 species of crustacean - four times as many as there are of birds.
(151) The merits of these coalitions are that through direct discussions and active support they should raise as many questions as they pose.
(152) There was division among the Roman catholic episcopate as well and as many favoured the system as were against it.
(153) Participants under time pressure had to designate as many pairs as they could as either the same or different.
(154) On average, environmental factors caused about twice as many cancers as inborn genetic factors.
(155) K., and the numbers is expected to dwindle as many are taken over, merge or convert to banks.
(156) She had a confusing family background, as many children did in those days.
(157) Finding a niche is also important as many of the big electronics companies have frozen recruitment while they weather the recession.
(158) But his video may not find as many overseas buyers as his rivals think.
(159) Quite as many examples could be cited in which cutting-off and the decentralization of composition was avoided.
(160) Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it. Rene Descartes 
(161) In its concentrated form it is hazardous to handle especially as many commercial formulations are stabilised with caustic soda.
(162) It was not unusual for him, unaided, to drink two bottles of wine in as many hours.
(163) The physical conditions can present as many dangers to the agents as the criminals they chase through these mountains and deserts.
(164) She brings as many of these children to her home as she can and always remembers their birthdays.
(165) The public has purchased only half as many as needed to cover the bill.
(166) Nor need it be an exclusively female activity, as many people would have us believe.
(167) Spacewatch has been discovering as many as 20, 000 new belt asteroids per year.
(168) It drew enormous crowds, as many as fifty thousand on a free day.
(169) There are various calculations about how much land is potentially redundant: it could be as many as three million acres.
(170) This computer can store as much data as many larger models.
(171) Many people seem simply to grow out of heavy drug use, rather as many young drinkers mature out of heavy drinking.
(172) Her organization estimates that as many as 30 such firms are doing business.
(173) Could we produce to our normal high standards as many copies as possible of the enclosed 5 Naira banknote?
(174) Every shepherd had an interest in feeding as many cattle as possible.
(175) Suicide sometimes proceeds from cowardice, but not always; for cowardice sometimes prevents it; since as many live because they are afraid to die, as die because they are afraid to live. Charles Caleb Colton 
(176) Should we be proud that the loaf broken at the Last Supper is now feeding 5000 denominations in as many different ways?
(177) Intel finally conceded that its stampede of product announcements confounded at least as many people as it enlightened.
(178) Gone was the free and easy time of three meals a day and as many hot drinks as we liked.
(179) To elect as many legislative candidates as possible this fall who are sympathetic to both sides.
(180) The goal is to write a legally binding treaty that would be signed in December by as many countries as possible.
(181) This could help as many as 70 percent of state workers who reportedly change jobs before they are entitled to retirement benefits.
(182) By 1986 there were estimated to be about half as many people in informal work as are employed in the formal sector.
(183) The agreement came in the wake of a fourth attempt, in as many weeks, to reach a consensus among members.
(183) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(184) The ironwork has hearts, stars of David and crosses, covering as many bases as possible.
(185) Despite that perception, 69 percent of employers say they are hiring just as many teens as they did 10 years ago.
(186) First of all, as many people know, food can affect the rate at which alcohol enters the bloodstream.
(187) Our aim is to encourage as many as possible to attain various levels within the award scheme.
(188) There is no selection on females to copulate with as many males as possible.
(189) Companies that get together no longer need as many accountants or vice presidents of marketing as each had before the merger.
(190) The final product may have as many as 40 to 50 different components.
(191) The fights in Seattle were broken up with pepper spray when as many as 4,000 people crowded into the streets.
(192) If successful, gene therapy could eventually offer effective treatment for as many as 4,000 hereditary illnesses, including cystic fibrosis.
(193) The Ivrea-based company has reported four straight years of losses and two capital increases in as many years.
(194) In contrast, another survey found that as many as 75% of security breaches are perpetrated by insiders.
(195) They want to have babies, but only as many as they can care for.
(196) As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented, these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal mortality.
(197) The Survey was under constant pressure to cover as many square miles of ground as possible every year.
(198) Five years after reunification, twice as many women as men were unemployed in the five eastern states.
(199) Having sifted through the estate agents' details, arrange appointments to view as many properties as possible.
(200) There are almost as many varieties of holidays available for the disabled as for able-bodied people.
(201) A trader could buy or sell as many bonds as he thought appropriate without asking.
(202) The Bill relates to issues which are crucial to many people - perhaps as many as 60,000 adults in Croydon.
(203) Many factory closures are on the way, with perhaps as many as 600,000 jobs at risk.
(204) As many as three nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are expected to replace the two conventionally fueled carriers based here.
(205) Get the sport in front of as many eyeballs as possible.
(206) Last year, he claimed, as many as 70 girls were persuaded not to have abortions.
(207) He was educated at top school Ampleforth - not Eton as many believe.
(208) United Nations experts say as many as four million people are facing famine after a severe drought and crop failure.
(209) Knowledge is power and you need power in this world. You need as many advantages as you can get. Ellen Degeneres 
(210) Men have twice as many fatal accidents as women do for every mile they drive.
(211) Reflecting this practice, aviation magazines ran as many ads for pieces of planes as for whole ones.
(212) For example, he wanted to be a member of as many clubs - of any description - as possible.
(213) Materialism brings in its wake as many problems as it does blessings.
(214) Specimens of this anemone have been seen with as many two dozen clown anemonefish nestled among their tentacles.
(215) Batch processes are designed to cater for five times as many entries as are currently stored in tables.
(216) Round for round plastic bullets have killed over four times as many people as their rubber predecessors.
(217) It will also keep plans to continue its aggressive expansion,(Sentence dictionary) opening as many as 232 stores this year.
(218) With the need for international cooperation more urgent than ever, there were still as many frontiers as in any earlier age.
(219) Dennis Reimer, the Army chief of staff, who could lose as many as 40, 000 soldiers.
(220) There are as many varieties of all-purpose flour and again as many of pastry and cake flours.
(221) Police estimated the crowd at 35, 000, but some organizers said as many as 100, 000 attended the celebration.
(222) There is a general belief that police commit nearly as many crimes as they prevent or solve.
(223) Cheese can be a trickier ingredient for substitutions, as many fat-free cheese products do not melt as well as their fatty counterparts.
(224) So Rebecca, during her stay at Queen's Crawley , made as many friends of the mammon of unrighteousness as she could possibly bring under control.
(225) Chosen for the US astronaut programme in 1958, Jerrie Cobb had twice as many flight hours to her name as John Glenn, who became the first American to orbit the earth.
(226) By the early 18th century it was already a busy popular museum, although one sniffy German visitor of 1710 said "Herr Burgermeister Reimer in Luneberg has twice as many specimens".
(227) It described in detail many of the tactics this man used with me, as well as many of the feelings I had in response.
(228) For people to really understand an issue, Brase said perhaps the best approach is to present numerical information in as many ways as possible.
(229) Since day-to-day money management doesn't interest you, it may be in your interest to sign up for as many automatic bill-paying services as possible.
(230) Gun toting- On average, American soldiers fired seven times as many bullets as Australian soldiers during the Vietnam war.
(231) His early targets in the 1980s were tribes that had favored other resistance leaders; his forces slaughtered as many as 30,000 members of the Ndebele minority.
(232) The proposed method can generate simplified test patterns with high fault coverage, and can detect multiple faults as many as possible.
(233) Over the past two years, it has deployed at least one of a new type of nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarine called the Jin class and it may deploy as many as five more.
(234) More than 22,000 people are confirmed dead as many again are still missing.
(235) Select the view, remembering that, aside from the view showing the characteristic shape of the object, there should be as many additional views are necessary to complete the shape description.
(236) The scene is especially lively in April, when several million people come for Fiesta San Antonio, a ten-day festival with as many margaritas and mariachi bands as anyone could want.
(237) All subjects spent 20 minutes highlighting as many letter e's as they could find in a sample text.
(238) "We all know that cookstove smoke leads to twice as many deaths as malaria, " she said in an address to a meeting about the campaign earlier this year.
(239) Bloomberg warned that there are another 17 students from the school, St. Francis Preparatory School in Queens, and as many as 100 of the students have fallen ill and will be tested for the virus.
(240) Four times as many men would also stop taking their wife on nights out in order to save cash as those who would cut back on socialising with their mistress.
(241) Which features in the IR spectrum can be assigned to limonene? to carvone? Identify as many functional groups as you can in each sample.
(242) You can take the quiz as many times as you wish, but you must go all the way through before retaking any questions.
(243) The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible, and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also have a recreative aspect.
(244) Frankly speaking, personal Argand not think "Invincible Ugly" as a good friend of East cloud of praise so wonderful, but it will not have as many users spit it over.
(245) For search engine optimization, consider the bottom-up approach where you ensure that as many of your catalog pages are indexed as possible.
(246) The change choosing monochromatic change , speed as many as several tens kind lamp light pattern springing to flash , seven color allochroism , colour gradient, pursue code change waiting.
(247) I changed tactics and began saying "chicken" in as many languages as I could – "pollo", "poulet", "huhn", "tavuk" – in the hope that one might slightly resemble the relevant Georgian word.
(248) For all the condemnation of the jury of10 whites and2 blacks, the case was not as cut-and-dried as many people seem to believe it was.
(249) As many as 500 climbers are jostling to reach the summit by Thursday, largely using the southeast ridge that took Sir Edmund Hillary and a Sherpa, Tenzing Norgay, to the top on May 29(http:///as many.html), 1953.
(250) Some have even reported that there could be as many as 20 comings and goings over the close season as the Reds start to mould a team capable of competing for major trophies once again.
(251) Abnormality as a deconstruction of normality requires divergent thinking and a probe into as many forms as possible, which is the turning point of one's thinking style and aesth...
(252) During her busy season (March through June), she often completes as many as fifty paintings a week.




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